The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1535: I'll live up to you for the rest of my life-that... just sleep and don't do

Mu Mu thought that both men were also men, how could the father-in-law understand his feelings.

"Then don't say it!"

As long as it was something that made his daughter unhappy, Feng Yan would definitely stop it.

It doesn't matter how much he likes Mu Mu.

Yu Sheng looked at Mu Mu's small face and collapsed instantly, holding back without smiling.

Nana looked at Mu Mu with a smile, her smile was a bit dark.

Mu Mu raised her hand and touched her head, "Eat."

Yu Sheng looked at this act of touching his head and killing him, he was really loving.

I really hope that these two children can always be so happy.

The childhood sweetheart love affair, Liang Xiaowu Gu, really is the most beautiful love.

After dinner, Feng Yan called Feng Xi to the study.

Feng Xi thought it might be the result of the DNA comparison.

Sure enough, Feng Yan took out a report from the drawer and put it on the table.

"I don't look at it, just tell me the result..."

Feng Xi was very conflicted. He knew that Yu Sheng longed for his family, but Feng Xi didn't want anyone to share Yu Sheng with him.

He was selfish thinking that she was his alone.

Even if the child came out and occupied Yu Sheng in the future, he thought he would be jealous and upset.

Feng Yan lit a cigarette and nodded. The silent meaning is that Yu Sheng is really He Lianting's sister...

Feng Xi took a step back, his wife was really a princess?

"The data comparisons made in the three places are the same."

Feng Yan took a bit of a cigarette and pressed his lips, his complexion a little heavy.

"Brother, I don't want Shengsheng to find her family, I just think she belongs to me only..."

In Feng Xi's heart, this decision accounted for a relatively large proportion.

Feng Yan didn't say a word. It would be fine if the other party was an ordinary family, but if it was Helian's family, he felt that this matter must be cautious.

Ji Chenzhou relayed He Tingchen's words to him, that is, He Lianting should not know that there is a sister.

He also inquired, He Lianting's father, once got drunk and slept with a servant, and then the servant quietly left, no one knew where she went.

He Tingchen guessed that Yu Sheng was the daughter of that servant.

You must know that He Lianting's mother is a very powerful woman. If she knows that her husband's child is in the arms of a servant, she must find a way to deal with it.

However, this is only a guess, and it does not rule out that the maid has been secretly solved by Helianting's mother.

However, no matter what it is, Yu Sheng is indeed Helianting's younger sister. This is not wrong.

"You can test what Shengsheng means to see if she wants to find a real family member."

Feng Yan took a cigarette out of the third mouth, highlighting the smoke, and said.

"Isn't it nice now..."

After all, Feng Xi was unwilling to let Yu Sheng find his family.

"It's the same thing if we don't know, but now that we know the clue and find it, Shengsheng has the right to know, Xiaoxi, you can't be so selfish. As I said, no one can separate you."

Even if that person is Helianting.

Today, a few brothers discussed it, and he came back to talk to Feng Xi.

Everyone meant that Yu Sheng had the right to know.

And Brother Rao also meant that if Helianting had to ask Yu Sheng to go back, then he wouldn't mind starting a war.

It's just that you can't tell Feng Xi about this, if there are such serious consequences, he will definitely choose not to tell Sheng Sheng.

"Okay, I'll try to ask her..." Feng Xi reluctantly compromised.

He knew all the truth, but he just didn't want Yu Sheng to share it with anyone.

The living room at night is very lively. Nana likes to play somatosensory badminton, so Mu Mu plays with her.

And edamame wants to fight too, but after all, he is too small and always cannot fight well.

While he was in a hurry, Nana teased him and said, "Don't eat dried sweet potatoes anymore, the more you eat, the shorter you eat."

The edamame he made looked at the dried sweet potato reluctantly, reluctant to throw it away, and feared that he would not grow taller if he ate it.

The little tangled appearance really amused Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng feels very happy to live here. The family is so happy and lively, and the whole person is very relaxed.

However, I don't know why the more happy, the emptier my heart.

Yu Sheng told himself, "Yu Sheng, don't be hypocritical. Isn't this kind of life what you want most? Such a warm home, a loving family, such a simple and happy life... is what you want, and you still What's the lack of emptiness."

When Feng Xi walked over, Yu Sheng didn't even see him, but he saw the loneliness in her eyes.

There was also that faint longing, which looked a little uncomfortable in Feng Xi's eyes.

"Don't play with you two, go back to your room and sleep."

Feng Xi said to Mu Mu and Nana.

"Second Brother Feng, isn't this appropriate?" Mu Mu immediately turned around and looked at Feng Xi and asked.

Then they met Feng Yan's gloomy face, "Go back to the room and sleep on your own. If you dare to use your brain, don't come to my house in the future."

Feng Yan actually knew that the two children were children, so he didn't even think about that.

He is too nervous, and his daughter is different from his son.

"I won't sleep with him." Nana blushed and ran upstairs.

"I'm just correcting my second elder brother, I'm going to sleep."

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Mu Mu's face and ran away.

It was already the limit to let them pull their hands together. Feng Yan thought that if he reached adolescence, he would never let them meet.

Regarding this point, he was more enlightened than he was in those years, and she just said, "Mu Mu is a well-measured child and will not go crazy."

One sentence left Feng Yan speechless, because Mu Mu was indeed a reassuring child.

However, it looks like this now, who knows that in the future, his father will be a man of high means, or how could he **** Huo Qingge, his nephew...

"You two should go to bed too, then... just go to bed and don't do anything else."

Feng Yan unreasonably ordered.

Yu Sheng has adapted to each night, Feng Yan warns Feng Xi.

She now felt that Feng Yan was different from the legend.

Worrying about everything, unlike the ruthless young master of the door locker.

"You are not old yet, just be verbose one day, be careful to bother you year after year."

Feng Xi embraced Yu Sheng and walked towards the stairs.

"Fuck off." Feng Yan rubbed his temples, and nothing made him worry.

Back to the room, Yu Sheng's face was still slightly red.

When Feng Xi came out of the shower, Yu Sheng was reading a book again. Feng Xi walked over and took the book away again.

"It is said that you are not allowed to use your eyes, and you are not obedient."

Feng Xi squeezed Yu Sheng's face, pretending to be angry.

"Then I won't look at you anymore."

Yu Sheng closed his eyes and smiled.

"Looking at me, my eyes are not tired, I am seductive!"

Feng Xi scratched Yu Sheng's neck, and she opened her eyes to itchy, and looked at Feng Xi angrily.

"Narcissism!" Feng Xi is indeed eye-catching, because he is so handsome.

"Today, my brother asked me if I want to find you a family member, your real family member, I want to ask you what you mean."

Feng Xi looked at Yu Sheng, looking seriously, he didn't want to miss any trace of emotion in her eyes.

A look of expectation flashed in Yu Sheng's eyes, followed by loneliness, and the last thing that settled was confession.

With just such a change in eyes, Feng Xi knew that Yu Sheng still wanted to find it.

What would happen to her if she knew that her brother was the president of a neighboring country and that she herself was a princess?

Feng Xi thought that she would still be Shengsheng, without any change.

She will still be his Shengsheng, without any change.

"You don't need to look for it, you can't find it."

Yu Sheng lay, and Feng Xi took her in his arms.

Feng Xi didn't speak, the answer was already obvious, Yu Sheng wanted to find it, but he was afraid that he could not find it, Kong Huan was happy.

Feng Family Consortium

Regarding Yu Sheng's life experience, this matter has not been mentioned in recent days. Yu Sheng has returned to work. She said that she has really stayed for a long time and she has become particularly lazy.

Feng Xi forbade her to wear high heels, so Yu Sheng chose small heels.

The rumors that Yu Sheng came to work and Mr. Feng came to work spread within the company within a few minutes.

Yu Sheng didn't pay any attention either. She and Feng Xi were already married, so sooner or later they would make it public.

It is not to deliberately conceal, but there is no habit of telling the world.

Yu Sheng's white fingers were tapping on the keyboard, and she suddenly discovered that she and Feng Xi were married, but they had no rings yet...

Feng Xi should have forgotten, and Yu Sheng suddenly laughed.

This married...

A message was sent to Feng Xi, saying that he would eat with his colleagues at noon and let him eat by himself.

Feng Xi was unwilling, so Yu Sheng comforted him and went home to cook him some food at night.

Feng Xi reluctantly agreed.

In fact, Feng Xi was also a bit busy. He was reading the information about He Lianting that Ji Chenzhou had compiled for him.

Many of them were masked, and some were not, but they couldn't see the looks at all.

Why wear a mask, is it ugly?

This Helianting is really...

This temper is too explosive, a very vicious person.

Ji Chenzhou said that once He Tingchen annoyed him and was almost tortured to death by him.

He Tingchen's name was also given by him, and the slaves he bought had no names.

He and Helian have the same sound, while Ting and Helianting have the same sound, but they are suppressed, and Chen means treasure.

I have to say that He Lianting took some thought to name He Tingchen.

Helianting is married...

When he saw this, Feng Xi was surprised, doesn't he like men?

How can you get married? He Tingchen doesn't like it very much?

Ji Chenzhou also told him that He Tingchen was still with He Lianting and was arrested.

This brother-in-law is really interesting.

Yu Sheng did not go to dinner with her colleagues, but went to the mall. She wanted to buy a pair of rings.

Yu Sheng was embarrassed to be so impatient.

As soon as Yu Sheng got out of the taxi, a car honked her at the back.

Yu Sheng didn't care, and continued to leave, when the car horn behind him rang again.

Yu Sheng turned around and saw Gu Shaoting stopped the car.

"Yu Sheng, long time no see."

Because it is not possible to park here, Gu Shaoting did not get out of the car, but pointed his head and said to her.

"President Gu, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Since Feng Xi warned Gu Shaoting after the two of them had dinner together, they had not seen each other again.

"Get in the car! No parking here, I want to talk to you a few words."

Gu Shaoting directly opened the car door and signaled Yu Sheng to get into the car.

There was already a car behind it, so Yu Sheng had no choice but to get in the car.

She had a pretty good impression of Gu Shaoting. The two had a birthday meal together last time, and they had a pleasant chat.

After Yu Sheng got in the car, Gu Shaoting asked her, "Have you eaten at noon?"

Yu Sheng came directly without eating.

I wanted to say that I had eaten it, but when I thought about the timing, I said, "I haven't eaten, and I'm not too hungry, so I don't want to eat it anymore. Come over and buy something and return to the company later."

"Then shall we talk while we eat?"

Gu Shaoting's tone was questioning. .

"Mr Gu stopped in front, let's talk, I will go shopping here in a while."

Yu Sheng looked at the front of the car, the sun was a little dazzling.

"Do you still have contact with Du Xiaoyu?"

Gu Shaoting didn't say anything, and asked directly.

"No." I heard Du Xiaoyu's name again after a few months, as if he were a stranger.

It is hard for Yu Sheng to imagine that he was chased by him for two years, and they were in love for three months...

It turns out that time is really a good thing, it will make people forget many things.

Now she has adapted to the days of having nothing to do with the Yu family.

Now she feels uncomfortable when she **** her belly, but she is not so heart-piercing anymore.

Because I believe the child will come back here again, because she and Feng Xi are expecting it.

"After Qiwen went abroad, I have been taking care of the children. They are too young to be without their parents..."

When Gu Shaoting said this, there was a trace of fatigue on his face.

Even if he has no feelings towards this half-sister, the child is innocent after all.

When Gu Qiwen and Du Xiaoyu divorced, the child did not give him.

After divorce, she didn't care about the children, and she was extremely disgusted.

When I left, I didn't even look at it, so Gu Shaoting was always looking after the child.

Even if there is a nanny, Gu Shaoting will still feel uncomfortable when the child babbles instinctively to call his mother.

Even if he can give him material care, emotionally, the child needs the parents most.

"Does Gu Qiwen want children?"

Yu Sheng looked at Gu Shaoting in surprise. She couldn't understand how a mother would not want her own child.

Even if Gu Qiwen was arrogant and barbaric, she was born in October after her pregnancy.

As the old saying goes, that is the meat that fell from your body, how can you leave it so cruel.

It's only a few months old now...

"Because I hate Du Xiaoyu, I even hate bringing the child. I called her and said to send the child to her, but she said no and asked me to throw it away..."

Gu Shaoting also disliked Gu Qiwen's attitude.

No matter how much she hates Du Xiaoyu, how far their relationship is broken, the child is innocent, it is a life, how can you just throw it away.

Gu Shaoting froze all Gu Qiwen's cards, thinking of using this to force her to take care of the child, but she was determined not to.

Later, Gu Shaoting gave up and was also worried. Even if the child was sent over, Gu Qiwen's disgust might be thrown away.

"How can she be like this, that is her child, a living life."

Yu Sheng's voice was a little sad, because she had just lost her child, so it was inevitable that she was sentimental.

"Qiwen don’t want it, I can’t find Du Xiaoyu, so I want to ask you if he can find him. If he wants to, send the child to him. After all, he is a father, and the child will be better with him. I will Pay for living expenses. It’s not that I don’t want to take care of the children, but I just feel that the children are too young to be pitiful for their parents."

Gu Shaoting explained with a wry smile.

"I understand and understand. Let me try to contact. If there is news, I will contact Mr. Gu."

Du Xiaoyu sent her a message after changing her number. It was all words that missed her and loved her. At first, Yu Sheng saw it as a strange number. After clicking on it, he didn't read it afterwards.

I deleted it later, go back and see if I can find the number.

Du Xiaoyu's friend, she also knows one, should be able to find him.

After all, it was the child's problem, and Yu Sheng was still willing to help.

"Well, I heard from the company that you haven't been to work for a long time. Is there anything wrong?"

Gu Shaoting couldn't help asking in the end.

"After a period of rest, my body is not very good..."

Yu Sheng smiled and replied, no one knew about her pregnancy.

"What's wrong?" Gu Shaoting asked again.

"Mr Gu, I'll leave first, and I will tell you when I have news. I don't have much lunch break and I have something to buy."

Yu Sheng turned the subject away and replied.

"Okay, get in touch again!" Gu Shaoting handily took a box from the back seat.

"I made the cake, try it, I saw you eat a lot last time."

"You made the cake last time?" Yu Sheng looked at the cake box in front of her. The cake was good last time, and she thought Gu Shaoting bought it.

She also wondered how the cake looks very simple, without much decoration, it turned out that he made it.

"Well, I will do it when I am in a bad mood."

Gu Shaoting sent the box forward again, and Yu Sheng took it.

"Thank you Mr. Gu, I will eat it all."

Yu Sheng didn't shirk either, because Gu Shaoting would only do it when he said he was in a bad mood.

If she didn't accept it, she would look a little uncomfortable.

When Yu Sheng got off the car, Gu Shaoting stopped her.

"Is there any chance to eat together?"

"Of course." Yu Sheng understood that Gu Shaoting asked this because he was concerned about Feng Xi.

This is really embarrassing, but Feng Xi's temperament is like that, and she can't help it.

However, it is hard to say that it is impossible to embarrass Gu Shaoting.

Such concerns are also related to Yu Sheng's career as a secretary.

Always coordinate the relationship between various departments and people of all colors.

When Yu Sheng turned around, it suddenly occurred to her that she didn't know how big a ring Feng Xi's finger was.

"President Gu, stretch your hand over."

Yu Sheng smiled shyly and said to Gu Shaoting.

Gu Shaoting stretched out his hand blankly.

Yu Sheng glanced at it, which was similar to Feng Xi's hand.

"Mr Gu, can you do me a favor?"

Of course Gu Shaoting was willing to help Yu Sheng, but when he followed Yu Sheng all the way to the jewelry store, he didn't react. What did Yu Sheng want him to do.

"I want a pair of wedding rings, the simpler the better."

Yu Sheng said to the lady at the counter.

Gu Shaoting was only able to react at this time. Yu Sheng wanted to buy a wedding ring...

She and Feng Xi are getting married?

He never thought that the two of them would eventually come together.

Even if Feng Xi had money, he still felt that he was not worthy of Yu Sheng.

Besides, Feng Xi is so rich, why should Yu Sheng buy the wedding ring?

And is it to come to such a mall to buy, rather than a private custom unique?

The lady at the counter took out three simple rings, and Yu Sheng chose one.

"Mr Gu, please try it."

Yu Sheng smiled sideways at Gu Shaoting.

"Willing to help, are you going to marry Feng Zong?"

Gu Shaoting stretched out his hand to Yu Sheng, not the counter lady.

Yu Sheng was taken aback, but still took the male ring and put it on Gu Shaoting.

At that moment, Gu Shaoting's eyes couldn't move away from Yu Sheng's face, and his heart was rippling slightly.

"We are already married, and I only found out today that there was no wedding ring."

When Yu Sheng talked about the back, he spit out his tongue playfully, a bit shy and cute like that.

Gu Shaoting looked at this side that Yu Sheng had never had before, and he was even a little jealous of Feng Xi, how could he be so lucky to have a woman like Yu Sheng.

This woman, any man would want to put her on the cusp of love!

"Isn't this something that Mr. Feng prepared?" Gu Shaoting's words were a bit unfair to Yu Sheng.

"He should have forgotten, mainly because I want to prepare. I haven't done anything for him yet."

After the two were together, Feng Xi had always been taking care of her, giving her so much affection, making her so happy every day.

However, thinking about it, I didn't seem to surprise Feng Xi or do anything for him.

She wanted to give Feng Xi a surprise to see how he would react.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng would feel his heart beating fast, the tension is very subtle.

"President Feng is really a lucky man..."

Gu Shaoting said these words bitterly, with obvious envy and jealousy.

"It's a bit tight..." Gu Shaoting moved the ring and said.

The lady at the counter changed the size and handed it to Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng put it on Gu Shaoting again.

"This is suitable."

Gu Shaoting looked at the ring in his hand and smiled.

"let me try."

Yu Sheng said that she was about to pick up the female ring, but Gu Shaoting took a step ahead of her and took the ring.

"I haven't heard that women can't wear rings by themselves? No one hurts..."

As he said, he took the slightly stunned Yu Sheng's hand and put on her a ring, the size just right...

"Really..." Yu Sheng looked at the ring in his hand. Although it looked simple, it looked very nice.

"I want this for me, please wrap it up for me!"

Yu Sheng glanced at the time and said to the lady at the counter.

"The man's ring is changed to a new one with the same number. I have worn this one before, so I don't want to give it to the general manager."

Gu Shaoting said with a smile.

Yu Sheng didn't say anything, and felt something bad in his heart.

When Yu Sheng came back after paying the money, Gu Shaoting was still there waiting for her, saying that it was to send her back to the company, it is not easy to take a taxi here.

After the two left, the lady at the counter and the colleague who changed shift behind said, "I will sell two sets of rings at once..."

What Yu Sheng didn't expect was that the scenes just now were all filmed.

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