The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1536: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-Yu Sheng, what's so boring?

After work, when Yu Sheng got in the car, he carried the cake that Gu Shaoting gave her in his hand.

"What?" Feng Xi looked at the white box, because there was nothing on it, and it looked like a cake.

"The cake I bought." Yu Sheng didn't say that Gu Shaoting gave it to her, and he made it by himself.

If she had said that, she would have expected that Feng Xi would have thrown the box out when he opened the window of the car.

"If you want to eat, I will cook it for you, your husband is omnipotent."

Feng Xi kissed Yu Sheng on the cheek, and forgot about the cake.

"Well, you are the best."

Yu Sheng was hiding from Feng Xi while Jiang Yu was driving, which is not good.

Jiang Yu automatically shielded his sight.

"Which aspect is the best, eh?"

What men like to hear most is women say he is great, especially in that respect.

"no kidding……"

The word "um" in Feng Xi's words slapped people's hearts like feathers, making your heartbeat pound and pound, as if you were about to jump out.

And his lazy eyes, making the atmosphere instantly ambiguous.

"If you don't say it, just make trouble." As soon as Feng Xi came up, you may stop making trouble if you say no.

"You are good at everything, alright!"

Yu Sheng's body was pulled into his arms by Feng Xi, and he was about to be held on his lap.

Feng Xi didn't care whether Jiangyu was driving or not, he would just do whatever he wanted.

"Wife, can we do sports at night?"

In fact, it was completely okay, but Feng Yan would still call every day to tell him not to mess around. The doctor had already said that it was okay and could do it.

"Good..." Yu Sheng said shyly.

In fact, her plan tonight is to let Feng Xi go out first. She returns home to make a dinner, and then puts the ring on Feng Xi in a romantic atmosphere.

However, Feng Xi didn't go anywhere. Now whoever asks him to go out, he won't go and stick to her.

Therefore, when Feng Xi said that he was going to exercise, Yu Sheng wanted it to be that time. It was a good idea to put the ring on Feng Xi.

Yu Sheng felt nervous at the thought of giving the ring.

However, what you think is often what you think, and reality will always give you an accident.

Yu Sheng didn't expect Gu Shaoting to give her the cake this time with words on it.

And it's not the simple cake with no decoration last time.

The fiery red rose decoration on it is really beautiful, and the most terrible thing is that it says, "Shengsheng, I wish you all the best!"

The following signature is Shao Ting...

Feng Xi looked at the cake in front of him, smiled, and then sneered, "Didn't you say it was a cake you bought?"

Shaoting...Gu Shaoting...

He really doesn't have a long memory.

"Sorry, I just don't want you to think about it, I didn't expect it to be like this..."

Yu Sheng's mind is a bit messy. She and Gu Shaoting only ran into each other by accident, so this cake was not prepared in advance.

Then I can only say that when Gu Shaoting was in a bad mood, he made this cake and happened to meet her and gave it to her.

When he made this cake, he thought about himself...

There is nothing wrong with such a wishful sentence.

What was wrong was that she shouldn't have misunderstood Feng Xi, saying that this cake was bought.

On the contrary, the explanation is not clear.

"You ate with Gu Shaoting again at noon? Lie to me that you ate with your colleagues..."

With a wave of his hand, Feng Xi overturned the cake from the table and smashed it directly on the wall.

The cream slid down the wall, leaving a trail.

Yu Sheng was taken aback. She looked at Feng Xi, "You promised that I won't throw anything."

Yu Sheng and Feng Xi said that no matter what happens in the future, don't throw things again, he also promised well.

However, when his temper came up, he would still lose his temper uncontrollably and throw things away.

"I also warned you, don't meet Gu Shaoting, don't meet any men!"

The anger in Feng Xi's heart gathered together, and it quickly expanded, becoming uncontrollable.

Yu Sheng felt wronged and uncomfortable for Feng Xi to get angry with herself, she just didn't want Feng Xi to misunderstand it.

She had nothing to do with Gu Shaoting, but he would get upset and lose his temper every time. Couldn't she talk to any man in the future?

Yu Sheng felt a little unreasonable for Feng Xi's possessiveness.

The previous time, he warned Gu Shaoting and terminated the contract. She didn't say anything in the end, even if he thought his actions were naive.

However, things always have to be settled. She apologized just now. Shouldn't he listen to her continue to say why he was afraid of his misunderstanding.

Why do you have to get angry, can't you talk if you don't lose your temper or lose your temper?

"Feng Xi, I don't want to fight with you, it's boring!"

Yu Sheng looked at the mess on the wall, turned and left.

Yu Sheng knows deeply that when people are emotionally up, the more quarreling, the more hurt the feelings, and there will be no results.

"What is boring? Yu Sheng, what is boring in particular?"

Feng Xi grabbed Yu Sheng by the arm and pulled her back.

People's emotions will explode if they are backlogged for too long. Ever since the child is gone, Feng Xi's heart has been suppressed and uncomfortable.

Later, it was Helianting's business, and there was no outlet for all his emotions.

Once it broke out, it would be out of control.

Yu Sheng drew his arm, but couldn't get it back.

"Naive!" Yu Sheng felt that Feng Xi's unreasonable making trouble was naive.

The origin of this naivety is distrust. What can she and Gu Shaoting do to make him lose his temper with such suspicion?

"Who is not naive, Gu Shaoting? I am naive. You are with me. He is not naive. Marry him!"

All people who have quarreled often regret what they said in anger.

However, when they said this, they didn't feel that there was something wrong with what they said.

Still feel that it is the same thing, this is a common problem of all people.

Yu Sheng was very wronged, and she felt very uncomfortable with what Feng Xi said, even if she knew it was Feng Xi's angry words.

However, often the people who can hurt you are the people you care about most. Even a casual sentence will hurt you completely.

Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi like that, his eyes turned red and he did not cry.

Then when he couldn't help it, he exhausted his strength and pulled out his arm.

At this time, Yu Sheng still missed the days when he lived with his sister-in-law, and it was so lively.

Yu Sheng went upstairs and lay on the bed after washing.

But she couldn't sleep because she was a little hungry, so she didn't eat at noon.

In the afternoon, I drank a carton of milk. When I was pregnant, I ate every meal on time. Now, if I don’t eat it, I feel hungry.

However, I was just hungry, but I had no appetite to eat.

Feng Xi didn't return to the room, and Yu Sheng didn't know when he fell asleep.

When I got up the next day, I didn't see Feng Xi, nor did I see Feng Xi when I went to the company.

I came back from get off work at night and didn't see him...

It has been three days, and Feng Xi has not returned...

Yu Sheng took out the wedding ring you bought that day from his bag, and put both on his hand.

The man's ring was so big that she dropped her finger when she moved it.

Inappropriate size will not work.

Yu Sheng even wondered if she and Feng Xi were right.

Perhaps this is a problem for many couples... No, it is a question that couples think about when they quarrel with the cold war.

This time, Feng Yan didn't look for her at the first time as before.

Maybe she didn't know that she had quarreled with Feng Xi, after all, he was married, so he didn't need to worry about his brother.

Putting the two rings away, Yu Sheng thought about it, and put the female ring on his hand.

Looking at the ring on the ring finger, Yu Sheng smiled.

Today the company just re-registered employee information. Yu Sheng smiled when she saw the word married in the column of marital status.

In the past, no matter what I did, my marital status was unmarried. This feeling was amazing.

Although she was still in a cold war with Feng Xi, it did not affect the fact that she was married.

When the short message sounded, Yu Sheng glanced at it turned out to be Du Xiaoyu.

She called back, and the phone was quickly connected. When Du Xiaoyu said "Shengsheng", her voice was trembling. It seemed that she didn't expect Yu Sheng to call him.

Yu Sheng didn't even read the information, just thinking of Gu Shaoting's request, so he wanted to contact Du Xiaoyu and ask him to find Gu Shaoting. Anyway, it was his child after all.

Whether his relationship with Gu Qiwen broke down or divorced, it couldn't change the fact that he was the father of the child.

"Are you okay?" Yu Sheng just asked politely, as if between friends.

Such greetings can be regarded as a tolerance for those things Du Xiaoyu did.

"It's okay. For a company in my hometown, I'm still in charge of the marketing department. Of course, the scale is not comparable to Gu's."

Du Xiaoyu said excitedly, "How are you Shengsheng?"

"Well, I'm fine. Well, two days ago, Gu Shaoting found me, probably because he wanted to ask you if he wanted a child."

Yu Sheng briefly talked about the problem.

There was silence on the phone, Yu Sheng did not rush to ask, just looked out the window and waited.

"Shengsheng, that's not my child..."

It took about two minutes before Du Xiaoyu spoke.

"I had a checkup some time ago. I have a disease in that area, so the child is not mine..."

Du Xiaoyu was embarrassed to say this, but after experiencing these things, he didn't want to hide from Shengsheng anymore.

Yu Sheng did not expect such a result, Du Xiaoyu was sterile...

Then this child belongs to Gu Qiwen and other men.

"Now that the medicine is so advanced, it will be cured, so let's talk to Gu Shaoting about the reason! Then do this first, I'll die."

Yu Sheng said that he was about to hang up, but he was stopped by Du Xiaoyu, "Sheng Sheng, wait a minute, I miss you very much. After I stabilize, I will go to you?

"I am married, I hope you will find your happiness too!"

When Yu Sheng said this, he looked at the ring in his hand and said with a smile.

Feng Xi still didn't come back this night...

Yu Sheng couldn't sleep while lying on the bed.

She and Feng Xi had quarreled before, but Feng Xichao couldn't stand it in just one day.

However, it has been four days this time, and he has not yet returned.

Yu Sheng couldn't help thinking, is this the gap between before and after marriage?

Yu Sheng held the phone, and finally couldn't help but send a message to Feng Xi.

"Shall we talk?"

Yu Sheng stared at the phone, waiting for Feng Xi to reply her message, ten minutes and twenty minutes passed...

She didn't wait for Feng Xi's text message until Yu Sheng's eyelids darkened.

After Yu Sheng woke up, he took a look at his mobile phone, but there was no reply from Feng Xi.

There was a bit of congestion in my heart, and the breath that couldn't get up, when Yu Sheng was washing, he almost used toothpaste as a cleanser.

When Jiang Yu saw Yu Sheng walking out, he immediately opened the car door with a smile.

"Good morning Sister Yu." Jiang Yu greeted Yu Sheng with a smile.

When the car was halfway through, Yu Sheng still spoke, "Where is your young master these days?"

"I don't know. When the young master was angry, he disappeared, and he returned when he was angry."

Jiang Yu said it lightly, as if Feng Xi had always done such things before.

Yu Sheng exhaled, what kind of thing is this? Generally, a couple quarrels when a woman runs away from home, but their home is good, and it takes several days for a man to leave.

"Sister Yu, you don't have to worry about Master, he often does this, we are all used to it."

Jiang Yu smiled, but the hand holding the steering wheel was tight and tight, as if nervous.

Yu Sheng looked at the car window, breathed on it, and wrote two words "childish"

This time Feng Xi didn't take Gu's operation, terminate the contract or cease cooperation.

But Gu Shaoting was beaten hard.

So when Yu Sheng saw him, he almost didn't recognize him.

"I shouldn't be scary like this."

Gu Shaoting smiled apologetically, but after twitching the corner of his mouth, he withdrew his smile.

"This is..." Yu Sheng looked at Gu Shaoting and asked.

"I accidentally fell." Gu Shaoting wanted but didn't dare, for fear that the corner of his mouth would hurt.

"It was beaten for no reason."

The secretary following Gu Shaoting said dissatisfiedly.

Now Yu Sheng understood that Feng Xi asked someone to beat this.

"Sorry, Mr. Gu!" Yu Sheng's expression was a bit bad. She was really angry at Feng Xi's willful and childish behavior, no matter what.

"Don't listen to what he said, don't think too much about it. I'm here this time to talk to Mr. Feng. The part that was fixed and revised before, the better we can last week."

Gu Shaoting's mouth hurt when he spoke.

"Sorry, Mr. Gu, we have not been to the company in the past few days, Mr. Feng, the person in the secretary's office has neglected his duty and did not notify you in time. I am really sorry!"

Yu Sheng said apologetically, for Gu Shaoting's generosity, she felt even more guilty.

Last time it was also because the two had a meal, Feng Xi terminated the contract, this time it was even more straightforward and beat him.

Is it true that as long as there is a man next to her in the future, he will use all means to teach others?

Yu Sheng felt terrible after thinking about it, and he would get tired if he couldn't help it.

"It doesn't matter, Du Xiaoyu contacted me, I didn't expect the child... Forget it, thank you, help me find him."

When Gu Shaoting talked about the child, a tired look appeared on his face.

"President Gu is polite." After all, it is in the company, and there is nothing to talk about on such topics.

"The last time I remembered the cake after I went there, it is easy to cause misunderstandings. You also know that I don't have any friends. You can talk about it, so I just wrote it down that day..."

Gu Shaoting explained the cake that day, apologetic.

This further confirmed Yu Sheng's guess that Feng Xi was the one who hit.

"No, the cake is delicious."

Yu Sheng said politely, and couldn't say anything else at this time.

After Gu Shaoting left, Yu Sheng called Feng Xi, but the prompt was to shut down.

In the end, there was no way, Yu Sheng called Feng Yan.

"Brother, do you know where Feng Xi went?"

After the call was connected, Yu Sheng did not say any polite words, but asked directly.

After a few seconds on the phone, Feng Yan asked, "You quarreled again?"

After hearing Feng Yan's words, Yu Sheng knew that he didn't know where Feng Xi had gone or what had happened these days.

"Well, a little misunderstanding, he has been away from home for several days...I can't find him."

When Yu Sheng said this, his nose was sour, and the grievances of forbearance these days seemed to be rushed out, and he had to vent it before he would give up.

"After work, let Jiang Yu take you over, and have dinner together tonight. I will send someone to find him."

When Feng Yan said this, his tone was obviously softer than usual.

"Okay." Yu Sheng hung up and cried.

Very wronged, I questioned again and again in my heart, "Feng Xi, how can you treat me like this..."

On the other side of the phone, Feng Yan hung up and walked into the ward. Feng Xi was still asleep.

Li Beichen stood up, took the cigarette in his hand, walked to Feng Yan, patted him on the shoulder, and walked out.

Feng Yan followed behind him.

Li Beichen handed a cigarette to Feng Yan. Feng Yan shook his head and pointed to his throat.

"It's uncomfortable to smoke too much in these two days."

"Is Shengsheng?" Li Beichen asked after lighting a cigarette.

"Well, I thought it was Feng Xi's temper that didn't see her, and he almost cried on the phone."

Feng Yan unbuttoned his shirt, his voice filled with anger.

"It's not a way to hide it like this. A few days will be fine. After a long time, Yu Sheng is not a fool, so how can he not find a clue.

"Tell her tonight, I let her go home!"

"The car was found. It is a scrapped car. Obviously the other party had premeditated it."

Li Beichen took a bit of a cigarette and said.

Feng Xi came out of the house that night, and halfway through his car, he was hit by a big car coming from behind. Because it was a Huanshan Road, there was no surveillance.

"Fuck..." Feng Yan cursed. The people who closed the door, the people of Gu Jue, and the people of Xiuye ​​were all investigating, but because that section was not monitored, it was still at night, so no clues could be found.

The main thing is that Feng Xi wouldn't offend anyone, isn't it a lunatic who dared to attack him in Beicheng?

People of certain identities all know their relationship.

Even if he dared to attack Feng Xi, he still had a premeditated plan, and it was absolutely fatal.

The reason why he didn't tell Yu Sheng was that Feng Xi had not been awake.

Feng Yan and the others were worried that Yu Sheng had just taken care of his body, and they would collapse after experiencing such grief.

"There will always be results. It takes time. Now we will start to investigate the relationship between Feng Xi's surroundings."

Li Beichen received a call from Huo Zhongrao just now, and he also meant that, starting from the people around him to investigate, there may be people who may have complaints against Feng Xi.

"I am more worried about whether Shengsheng will stand it. She is not as strong as before."

People are like this, no matter how strong you were before, once you have relied on, your protective ability will be greatly reduced.

Facing Feng Xi's current situation, Feng Yan didn't know if Yu Sheng could bear it.

"That's true, when I was a secretary before, I didn't cry."

Li Beichen smiled slightly, but his eyes were still sad.

When Yu Sheng got off work, Jiang Yu sent her to Feng Yan's house.

When she arrived, she was cooking all the time.

Nana and Mu Mu were playing somatosensory, but Edamame unexpectedly did not eat snacks today, but was playing tablet and word-learning games.

After Yu Sheng washed his hands, he went to the kitchen to help.

"Your brother said you are coming to eat at night, so I will prepare quickly, where is Feng Xi?"

When asked with a smile, she also didn't know that Feng Xi had an accident.

"Fighting with me, haven't come back for days."

Yu Sheng lowered his head and said, telling others might be laughed at, but his sister-in-law doesn't matter.

"This Feng Xi, how come he gets married like this..."

"In the past, if the eldest brother and the third brother talked about him, he would disappear, and no one would find him. Then, I don't know which day he would come out again."

Thinking of Feng Xi from before, he couldn't help but said.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that both of them were married to Yu Sheng, and they were still acting like this, how could they disappear and disappear.

"Well, Shengsheng, don't be uncomfortable. He will be back soon. He's just playing tricks. He's really spoiled."

Those years put down the dishes in his hand to comfort Yu Sheng.

"How long does he usually disappear?" Yu Sheng raised his head to look at Shi Nian, his eyes flushed and his lips were biting.

"One month and two months, once more than half a year...this time it will definitely not be that long..."

I didn't know what to say for years, thinking in my heart that if Feng Xi came back this time, she would beat him.

Why don't you think about Yu Sheng's mood?

He is a person with a wife now, so how can he be so casual and do whatever he wants.

"So long..." After only a few days, Yu Sheng was about to collapse.

It turns out that this is the consequence of relying on one person. If she knew it would be so uncomfortable, she wouldn't rely on it in the first place. She would rather be alone.

She has not been loved or cared for, so she will not feel so painful.

It feels like being addicted, but not getting medicine.

"Shengsheng, don't cry..."

Seeing Yu Sheng crying, he was a little confused over the years, and he scolded Feng Xi hundreds of times.

"Sister-in-law, I feel uncomfortable, I feel uncomfortable for other things..." Yu Sheng couldn't bear it anymore, and still cried, and she couldn't make a sound.

"Shengsheng doesn't cry, my sister-in-law is here, I know you are uncomfortable, we don't care about him anymore."

Shi Young's eyes were red as he stroked Yu Sheng's back.

"Shengsheng, don't cry, come to the study, I have something to tell you!" Feng Yan stood at the door of the kitchen for a while, not seeing the two of them crying together.

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