The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1537: I'll live up to you for the rest of my life-it's crazy, write a novel? (Ten

When Yu Sheng turned around, he saw Feng Yan standing there.

She washed her nose and didn't know why, but she had a bad feeling.

I knew too well what the gloomy expression on Feng Yan's face meant.

Something must have happened, otherwise he would normally not be like this.

Feng Yan couldn't stand the expressions of these two women, so he turned and walked out.

Yu Sheng wiped his tears and followed immediately.

I didn't know how I lost the emotion of wanting to cook.

However, it has to be done, and the children also have to eat.

I don't know if I think too much, why I still feel my eyelids jump.


Feng Yanshun picked up the cigarette, and he was about to throw up the cigarette these days.

Seeing Yu Sheng following up, he put down the cigarette.

Looking at her reddened and swollen eyes, Feng Yan actually felt that if she told him that Feng Xi was lying in the hospital at this time and had not been awake, with several fractures on her body, she would definitely collapse.

"Feng Xi... don't want to come back, do you?"

Yu Sheng spoke first. This was what she could think of. Feng Xi was still angry and didn't want to come back.

Feng Yan put his hand on the table, slowly making a fist, slightly narrowed eyes with thought.

He had never found it so difficult to say something, Yu Sheng stood in front of him, he was still hesitant to tell her the truth.

When Yu Sheng saw that Feng Yan was not talking, water mist had already gathered in her eyes. She would never do this before. She would cry when she said crying, because crying could not solve any problems.

However, now she is completely unable to control herself.

It's as if it has become fragile and will break at any time.

"He was spoiled by us. He was like this before. He was headstrong. He will come back by himself in two days..."

Feng Yan just saw Yu Sheng crying in front of him, and he felt uncomfortable.

If Feng Xi was awake, she would definitely not let Shengsheng know, lest she be sad and worried.

This made Yu Sheng mistakenly think that Feng Xi was naive and self-willed, and she would not be so uncomfortable, that is, she would be angry and wronged.

To make her busy, she wouldn't think so much, holding her breath in her heart, just waiting for Feng Xi to come back to clean up him.

Yu Sheng bit his lip, saying that it is false if he is not angry, and saying that he is not wronged is impossible.

Very angry, very annoyed and wronged.

Even if a woman and a man quarrel, it wouldn't be as excessive as Feng Xi.

"Let him never come back!"

What Yu Sheng said was obviously angry.

"From tomorrow, you will be fully responsible for the company's affairs! If you freeze all his cards, we will not give him money, let him starve to death."

It is rare for Feng Yan to make a joke, but it is still in this situation.

Yu Sheng laughed loudly, angry and funny, really uncomfortable.

Yu Sheng thought to himself, if you were so cruel to him before, he wouldn't be used to this way.

Yu Sheng smiled, Feng Yan's mental arithmetic was quite stable.

I can conceal that a day is a day. I hope that during this period, Feng Xi will wake up, so that everything will be easier.

Yu Sheng didn't go back after dinner, because it was too deserted to return home and she didn't want to stay alone.

Nana was very obedient and said that she wanted Yu Sheng to sleep with her at night, but she was actually there to accompany Yu Sheng.

Next day

In the morning of the Feng's consortium, various departments received a notice saying that it was the new president who took office.

Suddenly everyone exploded. What about the new president, Feng?

Feng's consortium, there will be no company that has the strength to acquire it, so why is there a new president?

Yu Sheng is wearing a white suit cover today, very simple and capable, and her black high heels set off her slender and well-proportioned legs.

"Secretary Yu, do you know that the new president is sleeping?"

"how old?"

"handsome or not?"

"How can there be a handsomer man than our Chief Feng..."

"It's strange, who is it?"

"That's right, why did you change the president for a good job? It's incredible..."

"Will we be unemployed?"

"No way?"

"Why do I feel that things have come so suddenly, so scared!"

"Although Mr. Feng doesn't always come to work, he feels at ease, doesn't he, Secretary Yu?"

"Secretary Yu, have you met the new president?"

Because Yu Sheng is the person most likely to know the inside story, after all, they are telling her and Feng Zong have another kick.

Yu Sheng just smiled and didn't say a word. She thought about it for a while. If everyone knew she was the new president, they didn't know what would happen...

What if she knew that she and Feng Xi were already married?

Will anyone go crazy...

After all, this is a very scary thing that no one would think of.

Yu Sheng looked at the chair behind him, and remembered Feng Xi sitting lazily here and giving orders to her. The bad appearance was really irritating.

Yu Sheng sat on the chair lightly, closing his eyes slightly.

The meeting was held in the conference room on the ninth floor.

When she appeared on stage, everyone thought she was experimenting with the microphone for the new president.

Yu Sheng stood on the stage, looking around, it was all people.

Yu Sheng tried the microphone, then smiled and opened his mouth, his tone soft and gentle, but still domineering.

"Hello, all the employees of the Fengshi Consortium, I am Yu Sheng. I believe everyone should know me, and I will succeed him as the president of the Fengshi Consortium in the future."

If you really stay with someone for a long time, you will be affected by him.

Yu Sheng's faint domineering comes from Feng Xi...

Sure enough, as soon as Yu Sheng said, the people below exploded, and they all looked at each other with completely incredible expressions.

"The new president is Secretary Yu?"

"Isn't she the secretary of Chief Feng?"

"Today is not April Fool's Day, right?"

"Is she kidding?"

"This is too incredible..."

After all, before everyone has figured out the situation, they will only murmur quietly, and will not say anything bad.

After all, it is difficult to find a job now, and it is even more impossible to find a company with such good treatment as the Feng Family Consortium.

"I will answer your questions."

Yu Sheng's words made the conference room quiet down instantly.

Everyone looked at Yu Sheng curiously, and wanted to know how a secretary became a president.

"I and Mr. Feng are already married. Before the marriage, all his movable and real estate were placed under my name, including the Feng family consortium of course!"

As soon as Yu Sheng finished speaking, everyone took a breath, how could such a thing happen.

This is crazy, how about writing novels?

It's too unrealistic...

"I think my employees will work well in the company. Don't gossip about me and Mr. Feng. If you are really curious, I will tell you that it was him who chased me with scorn, and this is the end of today's meeting!"

It's not that Yu Sheng didn't give Feng Xi face, she thought she said these things herself, he knew if he would come back angrily and ask her to settle the account.

Yu Sheng hopes that he will run back to find her immediately...

After the meeting, when everyone returned to their seats, they all received a beautiful gift. Then the group notice was that this was Feng Zong and Yu Zong’s wedding gift.

When you opened it, it turned out to be a cartoon-shaped chocolate made by Feng Zong and Yu registered photos.

It’s so beautiful and beautiful, it makes people want to fall in love.

Although Yu Sheng said not to gossip about her and Feng Xi's affairs, how can curious employees not talk or gossip.

The most obvious conclusion is that Yu Sheng is a good method.

Yu Sheng didn't know that the wedding gifts given to employees were cartoon chocolates from her and Feng Xi. She just asked Jiang Yu to help prepare them.

Who knew Jiang Yu would do this ingeniously.


Feng Xi still didn't wake up, and Feng Yan became haggard a lot. The brothers had been taking turns to take care of Feng Xi.

Actually, I can't talk about what kind of care it is, but I am here to stay with him, so I feel at ease.

When Master Xiu came, Naren and Ji Chenzhou were preparing to leave.

"When the matter is found, you should listen to it together."

Master Xiu said to them both.

Ji Chenzhou is now very conflicted when he sees Master Xiu. It stands to reason that he is like a father to Naren.

However, his attitude towards Qin Nan now makes him feel that they seem to have become peers.

He asked their family Naren, and Naren said he didn't feel that way.

"Is there a clue?" Feng Yan asked, squinting. As long as there is a clue, he is not afraid of finding no one.

As long as he finds the person who harmed his brother, he wants to let him survive and die...

"It's a woman, Gu Qiwen, Gu Shaoting's sister. Yu Sheng had a boyfriend before, who was Gu Qiwen's husband. Gu Qiwen had humiliated Yu Sheng before. Later, Feng Xi taught her a lesson...that's probably the process."

Master Xiu, who has always been reluctant to speak, rarely explained the process clearly.

"Fuck, it's hard to say a woman is cruel, how about people?"

Ji Chenzhou asked coldly.

There was killing in Feng Yan's eyes, whether it was a man or a woman, he would make her pay the price.

"I have caught it. Fortunately, I have caught it. This woman is vying to do something against Yu Sheng."

Master Xiu looked at Feng Xi who was lying on the bed, and that arrogant and handsome young master was lying here.

"She thought that without Feng Xi's protection, Yu Sheng would be able to torture Yu Sheng slowly, so she would act on Feng Xi first."

"This woman is looking for death." Even Naren, who has never liked to fight and kill, said such words.

"One more thing, she didn't know her brother Gu Shaoting, so if she died, no one in Gu's family would call the police."

Master Xiu’s favorite way to solve problems is simply to "kill"

Especially people who want to die like Gu Qiwen, absolutely cannot tolerate it.

"Even if you let her die, you can't let her die happy."

Looking at Feng Xi, Feng Yan said softly.

Yu Sheng has been living in Feng Yan's house these days.

When Jiang Yu opened the door for her when she was off work, she sniffed.

"How can you always smell the disinfectant on your body recently, you went to the hospital?"

Yu Sheng's nose is quite sensitive, so he should not smell it wrong.

"Ah...Yes, a friend is in the hospital. Sister Yu, your nose is really good."

Jiang Yu was fairly quick to respond, and showed no flaws.

Yu Sheng has lost a lot of weight in the past few days. Had it not been supported by work, she would have collapsed long ago.

I don't know if it's because the days are a little longer, and for more than ten days, she feels more and more uncomfortable.

Feeling flustered, she thought that she probably missed Feng Xi too much so that she became wildly thinking, always wondering if something happened to him.

But it was impossible to think about it, because everyone was used to his disappearance like this.

It's just that she is not used to it yet, doesn't he always run away from home.

It's really irritating, very irritating, how can you treat her like this, don't know that she will be uncomfortable, will she worry?

Yu Sheng was very afraid of letting her mind idle. When she wasn't busy, she would think wildly. Her mind was full of Feng Xi, and she was about to collapse.

"What's wrong with your friend?" Yu Sheng just asked casually.

"Ah... a car accident." Jiang Yu drove the car and exhaled. It seemed that he went to the hospital and came back and needed to change his clothes.

Lest Sister Yu smell it again, and be suspicious.

Yu Sheng didn't say anything, after all, he was also someone he didn't know.

When I arrived home, Feng Yan came back just in time.

When the two walked inside together, Yu Sheng suddenly felt that the smell of disinfectant was coming again.

Smelling that there was no smell on her body, she looked at Feng Yan who was walking in front of her.

The ghost came forward and smelled it on Feng Yan's body, it was the smell of disinfectant water, and it was a bit heavier than that of Jiangyu.

"What's the matter?" Feng Yan took a step back and looked at Yu Sheng.

Because he stayed in the ward for a long time, he couldn't smell himself.

Usually he will take a bath and change clothes when he comes home.

Therefore, he didn't know why Yu Sheng suddenly approached.

He is now avoiding Yu Sheng as much as possible, for fear of colliding with her eyes and letting her see the concealment in his eyes.

He didn't even tell him in those years, because he was afraid that she was worried and worried that she would show flaws in front of Yu Sheng.

He said that he has been very busy these days, and usually in the evening, Gu Jue and Ji Chenzhou are all in a different place.

He is usually in the hospital during the day.

I came back earlier today to deal with Gu Qiwen at night. He wouldn't let that woman die.

The doctors all said that Feng Xi was fateful. Otherwise, he would be killed directly with the impact speed and strength of the big truck, and he would survive, and he had only broken a few bones and was in a coma.

However, it was this kind of lucky that made Feng Yan even more afraid.

What if Xi is dead, what should he do, what should Yu Sheng do, let these people do.

"Brother, did you go to the hospital?" Feng Xi already had some doubts, how could it smell like disinfectant.

"Oh, a friend was hospitalized, I went to have a look."

Feng Yan instantly understood that Yu Sheng was smelling his body just now.

"What's wrong, why are you hospitalized?"

Yu Sheng kept looking at Feng Yan, his breathing became a little short.

Some messy thoughts passed through her mind. She thought it was impossible, but she thought it was so, it must be like this.

"Ah, car accident, no big problem."

Feng Yan turned around and left after saying that, for fear that Yu Sheng would see the panic in his eyes.

"Feng Xi had a car accident, right?" Yu Sheng asked, looking at Feng Yan's back.

Although it was a questioning tone, it was affirmative.

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