The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1539: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-from this moment on, your name is He Li

The man was wearing a silver mask and standing there with his hands held down, making people afraid to approach.

On one side, Ji Shenzhou looked at He Lianting and asked He Tingchen beside him, "Are you okay?"

He Tingchen's beautiful eyes were covered in a mist, and he squinted slightly. He leaned against the wall and looked lazy, but Ji Chenzhou saw his fatigue.

With a man like Helianting, who can not be tired.

You have to be careful all day, for fear that you will annoy him. In the end, it's still yourself that will be upset.

"It's okay, sorry." He Tingchen's voice was faint, even if he has spoken now, but he doesn't say long, he doesn't like talking...

If he could, he would like to live in his own world without speaking forever.

"What are you talking about? I didn't think about it well before. I shouldn't let you help this. Knowing that you are under his supervision, everything will be dangerous."

Ji Chenzhou felt even more apologetic. Although He Tingchen said it was okay, how could it be really okay.

A man like Helianting would never allow anyone to do things behind his back under his nose.

He Tingchen's things were given away by He Lianting.

Even if He Tingchen didn't say what to do with his hair, He Lianting was able to find out.

That's how I knew Yu Sheng's existence.

At that time, He Tingchen was put under house arrest by He Lianting, so he had no way to tell Ji Chenzhou and them that He Lianting already knew about Yu Sheng's existence.

So that when He Lianting and He Tingchen appeared here, everyone was caught off guard.

"I think this matter is still needed. Huo Zhongrao communicated with He Lianting. He came this time... to take Yu Sheng away!"

He Tingchen looked at the opposite wall. It was really white. He had longed for white most, because Helianting's world was black, and everything he used was black...

Such depression makes people breathless, but Helian Tingming knows that he likes white, but he only gives him black.

He is such a person, with a strong desire for control, He Tingchen is absolutely not allowed to have his own ideas and preferences.

"He can't take it away!" Ji Chenzhou gave the answer directly. Feng Xi is now in a coma, how could these people allow He Lianting to take the people away.

"Shen Zhou, don't say such angry words, even Huo Zhongrao, he doesn't dare to head-on with Helianting, you people have weaknesses, but he doesn't!"

Someone once put a wall on He Tingchen's head and asked He Lianting to give them a way to survive.

Everyone knows that He Lianting loves He Tingchen, thinking that this will force him to commit, but they are wrong, and all they get is He Lianting's cry, "If you want to kill anything, I don't need a male pet! "

Outsiders think that He Tingchen has a deep family background, or he can live a life of spending money like earth.

But, who knows, he is just one of his many male favorites, humble as grass.

Ji Chenzhou didn't speak anymore, because of Huo Zhongrao's identity, people like them should avoid doing things.

Obviously, what He Tingchen said is reasonable, He Lianting has no weakness, and he has no intentions.

When Huo Zhongrao came, he did not bring a guard, but only Mo Chen alone.

This kind of private meeting does not require so much etiquette, and neither of them is a rule-abiding person.

"Mr. Helian might as well go in and take a look." Huo Zhongrao had already visited Yu Sheng before.

Bone and blood is really amazing. Yu Sheng has such a plan and courage, probably because of the blood of the Helian family running through her.

"No, just take it away."

He Lianting's speech has always been simple and clear. For him, it doesn't matter whether the person lying in it is a male or a female. As long as she is from the Helian family, she must return to the place where she should go back.

"Yu Sheng and Feng Xi are already married, they are legal couples."

Huo Zhongrao's eyes were faintly angry, and he was tolerating He Lianting's strong attitude.

For nothing else, before Feng Xi wakes up, he will guard Yu Sheng for him.

"Heliansheng, that is the law of your country, which cannot restrict my Helian family."

The silver mask showed a cool dark glow under the lights of the corridor, like a sharp knife.

Yu Sheng became Helian Sheng directly, obviously her current identity has been accepted by the Helian family.

What He Lianting said is right, and the laws of their country are beyond the limits.

In other words, her marriage certificate with Feng Xi is invalid...

When he walked out, he was startled by Helianting who was standing at the door.

Wearing a mask...

"In time, you go next door first!" Huo Zhongrao said softly to Shi Nian.

I felt a shiver all over my body during the years, how could there be such a cold person.

Master Xiu is cold enough, but this man wearing a mask is obviously much colder than him.

Years' intuition told her that this man appeared here and had something to do with Shengsheng.

Feng Yan also said before, to find a family member for Shengsheng, is this man her family?

"Big Brother, Sheng Sheng is awake, I..." She just stood at the door when she didn't want to leave.

"Years, obedient, go next door, eldest brother is here."

Huo Zhongrao interrupted her without finishing her words.

"Okay..." Even though she didn't want to, she still leaned on her side and walked to the next room next to the wall.

"Everyone here treats Yu Sheng very well, and she cannot do without these people."

Huo Zhongrao closed the door of the ward. In fact, he couldn't hide this for a few minutes. As soon as He Lianting's people arrived, Yu Sheng would be forcibly taken away.

"It's He Liansheng." He Lianting said again, only emphasizing Yu Sheng's name.

"Regardless of her surname, she is Feng Jia's daughter-in-law, and she lives very well here."

Feng Yan's voice was cold, he really didn't put He Lianting in his eyes.

The reason why he didn't show up was that he listened to Huo Zhongrao's words and told him not to conflict with He Lianting.

However, Helianting didn't talk about anything as soon as he came, and he wanted people.

He doesn't regret checking Shengsheng's life experience, because she came to this world without any relatives. Even if she is happy, she will eventually have regrets.

"Very good? This is very good? Huh?" Helianting's voice suddenly added a hint of coldness. He Lianting used three questions in a row, and most of them ended with a question with a positive word.

He Tingchen came over there because he knew this was a sign that He Lianting was going to get angry.

"If you have something to say!"

He Tingchen pulled He Lianting's sleeve and whispered.

The voice was soft and soft, with a pleasing taste.

"For these people, would you talk to me in this begging tone?"

Helian Ting suddenly buckled He Tingchen's shoulder and asked.

No one knows how many injuries He Tingchen has on his body under this handmade suit. No one knows, but He Lianting knows it very well because he gave him all the injuries.

He Tingchen endured the pain, but couldn't control his increasingly pale face.

To please and beg...

"Don't dare!" He Tingchen smiled and said these two words. Sometimes he always forgets his identity and always forgets.

Ji Chenzhou squinted his eyes and looked at He Lianting. He took a knife to solve him if he wanted it or not, which was so annoying.

"This is because we didn't take good care of her, we confessed to her, but, no matter what, you can't take it away."

Feng Yan was busy taking care of Feng Xi these days, and caught up with Sheng Sheng's injury. He was in very bad condition.

"Then you see if I can take people away!"

Helianting is talking about you.

Such words came out of Helianting's mouth, and no one would ever think he was joking.

Feng Yan wanted to speak, but Huo Zhongrao grabbed his arm.

"Go in and see Shengsheng."

Huo Zhongrao opened the door first and walked in.

After Feng Yan glanced at He Lianting angrily, he followed in.

He Lianting didn't put anyone in his eyes, but after taking a deep look at He Tingchen, he let go of his hand on his shoulder.

Ji Chenzhou was surprised by the fact that he also followed in.

Yu Sheng saw Huo Zhongrao coming in and wanted to get up, but he stopped him.

"Lie down well, don't do such dangerous things anymore. If Feng Xi knows, he should feel more distressed."

Huo Zhongrao looked at Yu Sheng lying there with a pale face, a little self-blaming, the group of men did not take care of her.

If Feng Xi wakes up, he will definitely make trouble and make trouble with them, how could he hurt his wife.

"Brother, I'm fine, it's fine, I know it in my heart, and I won't hurt myself very badly."

What Yu Sheng said is true, she never does things that are uncertain.

At this time, Yu Sheng also saw He Lianting who walked in. The silver mask always attracted people's attention for the first time.

The mysterious and noble mask always makes people want to see what kind of face is under the mask.

He Lianting didn't speak when he came in, just glanced at the environment in the room, and finally fell on Yu Sheng's face.

Yu Sheng felt the man looking at herself, she looked at Feng Yan, her eyes were asking him, who is this man?

Feng Yan glanced at Huo Zhongrao, as if asking him if he wanted to tell Yu Sheng the truth.

Huo Zhongrao turned his head to look at He Lianting, his eyes were asking, we said it was you.

He Lianting didn't respond at all. Huo Zhongrao made a calm face and told himself to endure, after all, that was Yu Sheng's maiden family, it is best not to tear his face.

He also has a sister, and sometimes he understands that feeling.

When he knew that Qing Ge was his sister, he also had the idea of ​​bringing her back to him, even if the person she was following was Beichen, he still had a strong idea of ​​bringing her home.

But then it gradually became clear that she was going to be with her lover after all, and the one who could accompany her to the end of her life was always the man she loved and loved her.

It's not very good now. I will see her whenever I want to. The main reason is that she is happy. This is enough.

"Shengsheng, I didn't tell Feng Xi that I wanted to find your family. Now... I found it. He is He Lianting, your brother..."

Feng Yan used the simplest words to explain this matter clearly.

Yu Sheng's clear eyes kept staring at Helianting. Is this her brother?

All of this happened too suddenly. Without her preparation, her brother stood in front of her, with such a gesture...

Yu Sheng's hand on her side was shaking, she has family...

She has a family and is still alive...

Judging by his clothes, he is definitely not a poor man...

So why did you throw her in the alley in the first place? Why did you throw her away?

If there is something unspeakable, why have I never looked for her for so many years?


Yu Sheng had many questions about why she had to ask, but she couldn't ask a word, and she couldn't say anything.

It's not that she is not resentful, no matter what the reason, she should be brought up no matter what, right?

Just threw her away, like throwing garbage.

Yu Sheng was trembling all over now, her eyes were red like rabbits, but she did not cry.

"Sheng Sheng, don't be like this, cry if you want..."

When she walked in at this time of the year, she had been fidgeting next door. After all, she was uneasy and came over.

Just now at the door, she heard what Feng Yan said, confirming her guess that this man is really Shengsheng's family.

Who is he? Why does the eldest brother give him three points politely.

When she walked into the next door just now and saw Feng Yan's angry face, she knew that this masked man was not easy to provoke, or how could Feng Yan suppress her temper and not attack.

He Lianting, why does this name feel so familiar? It seems that I heard a few of them discuss it during dinner.

Yu Sheng leaned against Shi Nian's arms, closed his eyes, and did not cry.

She has a family, and she has fantasized about reunion with her family more than once.

No one in the picture shows an older brother, an older brother wearing a mask...

She had thought that even if someone came to her, it would be her mother or father, but she never thought it would be her brother...

Yu Sheng is still a little lucky, but fortunately, this so-called brother is still wearing a mask. If he sees his face, Yu Sheng still doesn't know how to face him.

Do they look alike? Are they the same father and mother, half-parent, or half-parent?

Yu Sheng found that he was thinking about it now.

"You always have to make her adjust, don't you force her?"

The previous word "you" refers to everyone, but the latter sentence is for Helianting.

"I am Helianting, your half-brother. From this moment on, your name is Heliansheng. I will give you time to digest this fact. I will take you home tomorrow!"

Unexpectedly, a sentence of the time made Helianting step back, which was an unexpected result for everyone.

Including He Tingchen standing at the door, because no one can influence Helianting's decision.

Perhaps it can only be said that he cares about sister Yu Sheng.

After He Lianting said this, he turned and left before Yu Sheng could answer him.

When he walked to the door, he opened his mouth with a smile.

"You may not have seen your friends for a long time, get together!"

This was spoken to He Tingchen, but it was Ji Chenzhou.

Helianting has never been able to guess his intentions.

Even He Tingchen is sometimes unsure of his intentions.

"Bubble baths are also good!" But then He Lianting let He Tingchen know what he meant.

Such a threatening sentence...

Ji Chenzhou knew how He Lianting allowed other men to look at his body.

However, he told Ji Chenzhou that he would take him to the bath. Didn't that tell him clearly, is there something...

What a smart person Ji Chenzhou is, he will definitely think of his injuries.

He Lianting wanted Ji Chenzhou to be guilty and blame himself. He just wanted all the friends around him to gradually get away from him.

Guilty, fearful...

Helianting said, "I give you freedom, you can do whatever you want."

However, in the end he will not return to him obediently and let him be at his mercy.

He couldn't escape Helianting's confinement in his life.

Can never...

Ji Chenzhou had already straightened up at this time, if he had a grab in his hand, he would definitely shoot He Lianting without hesitation, and would give him a warning if he didn't kill him.

Don't deceive people too much...

"No, stay with you, nothing to get together!"

He Tingchen opened his mouth lightly and became numb. No matter how much injury or grace he suffered over the years, he was numb...

Before, he had hoped for a relief, but now, he didn't even dare to have such a luxury.

He Lianting's slender fingers ran across He Tingchen's face lightly, like a knife, with the cold tip of the knife walking across the face, as if a blood mark would be drawn at any time...

"Good." He Lianting finally rewarded He Tingchen for this word.

This shows that he is very satisfied with He Tingchen's words.

Ji Shenzhou watched He Lianting take He Tingchen away so arrogantly.

There was anger in his chest. At this moment, Naren walked out of the room.

"Don't get angry, I believe Shao He can handle it by himself! I don't know why, I think there is a reason He Lianting treats him is that kind of feeling, that is, he will not really hurt Shao He... "

Naren didn't know what to say, in short, it was just a feeling.

"You don't have a fever, right?" Ji Chenzhou touched Naren's head irritably.

Naren sighed, now it's really a mess.

Huo Zhongrao answered a call and walked out, leaving Feng Yan Shinian and Yu Sheng in the ward.

"Does Feng Xi know about this?" Yu Sheng asked Feng Yan.

Obviously they should have known about this a long time ago, but they didn't tell her.

"I know, he doesn't want to tell you, he just thinks you are his alone."

Sitting on the sofa, Feng Yan wanted to get a cigarette, only to remember that this was a ward.

"Then I don't recognize him, it belongs to Feng Xi alone..."

Yu Sheng didn't even think about it, and said directly, his voice was very low and there was no ups and downs.

For Yu Sheng's answer, Feng Yan and Shi Nian were quite surprised. After all, they all knew that Yu Sheng longed for his family.

And now the family is in front of her, but she doesn't recognize...

Yu Sheng's hand was tightly clenched. She still remembered what the man said just now. They are half-brothers and sisters. He said he is her brother...

It's brother...

When I think about it now, my heart seems to be scalded. The pain makes Yu Sheng dare not think about it or ask, are his parents still there?

She is afraid that the answer is no longer, then she will be sad.

She was also afraid that the answer was still there, so she was even more sad and still, why didn't she look for her for so many years?

Why would you abandon her?

These questions are all turned back...

It was wrapped in Yu Sheng's blood like a vine.

Feng Yan looked at Yu Sheng, her words were firm, but her eyes were confused.

Feng Yan knew that she just couldn't accept it for a while, after all, whoever got into this situation would feel at a loss.

"Shengsheng, you may not know your brother yet. He is Helianting, the president of our neighboring country. You are...the princess!"

After Feng Yan said this, he was deeply shocked every year...

She finally remembered that when they were eating, they said Helianting, the president of a neighboring country, a very mysterious man...

So it was him...

And Sheng Sheng is a princess, which is simply too surprising.

What his adoptive mother had said in Yu Sheng's mind, "Sheng Sheng, don't feel inferior, you are noble than anyone else, because you are a princess."

Her adoptive mother had said this to her, and she had never cared about it.

Because the princess is the princess who wears a princess dress, this is what everyone thinks.

Why would you think that one day she really became a princess?

This is incredible, she thought she was humble as grass, but she didn't want to, she turned out to be a princess...

"Now it's not whether you want to recognize the brother Helianting, but he must take away your sister."

Feng Yan was quite dissatisfied with Helianting's tough attitude.

If it weren't for their DNA testing, how would he know there is such a sister?

Now that he knew, he didn't say anything, he was going to take people away, what did he think.

He felt that sometimes he was unreasonable enough, and he didn't expect to compare with Helianting, it was simply too much.

"Why? If they want to abandon me, they will discard it, if they want to take me back, I will go back? How can there be such a reason in the world, no, I will not go back..."

Yu Sheng, who had always been calm, broke out at this moment, hysterical like never before.

This is a backlog of emotions for more than two decades, and at this moment, it is completely vented.

She cried silently, and who knew how she came alive from childhood.

No one will know what kind of conditions they are living in.

Sometimes the adoptive mother can't protect herself, so how can she protect her.

No one knows how much she was beaten and scolded, and how much wrong she suffered.

It's not that she has never hated, hated...

But what's the use of hate, it will only make her pitiful.

Now that she has so many people who love her and love her, she abandoned her family at the beginning, but they showed up to take her away, how ridiculous.

She doesn't go back, she will never go back, she has no family, and will live well.

No, she has a family now, she has a lot of family...

These people are very good to her, no one has ever treated her so well.

She thought that no one would treat her so kindly in the future, even the so-called relatives of the bones and blood would not...

Because Yu Sheng's painful voice was so loud, the door of the ward was not closed, and he could hear it next door.

Then, Gu Jue’s voice came, and he yelled "Doctor"

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