The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1540: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-I have so many years of experience, the

If anyone knew about Gu Jue, they should know that his screams only appeared when Chu Baiqing had an accident.

Feng Yan ran out immediately...

Yu Sheng wanted to get out of bed anxiously, but was stopped by Shi Nian, "You just finished the surgery, you can't get out of bed."

In fact, if you were anxious in those years, I didn't know what was going on at Feng Xi's side, whether he was awake or the situation worsened.

"Sister-in-law, he will be fine, he will be fine!"

This is what I said to Shi Nian, as well as myself.

She believes that God will not torture them like this again, and will let them live happily.

"Of course, it will be fine."

With a smile every year, she also prayed in her heart that she would be okay. In this situation, Feng Xi can no longer have any accidents.

What Yu Sheng needs most now is him.

No one’s words of comfort, there is no embrace of Feng Xi, and a cry, "I am"

Yu Sheng should feel at ease when he comes.

With the doctor's permission, Yu Sheng forcibly got out of bed. She wanted to see Feng Xi.

Feng Xi was completely awake this time, as if he had fallen asleep deeply.

Then I woke up...

The first thing he saw was Feng Yan, he held his hand, "Brother, where is Shengsheng? I heard her cry..."

This is the person who loves each other, and their minds are clear. Even if Feng Xi was sleeping, he heard Yu Sheng's cry just now, the heart-piercing sound that awakened Feng Xi.

They are really a couple who share adversity, and they can be hospitalized together.

When Yu Sheng walked in, what he heard was Feng Xiwen Feng Yan's words.

He heard his cry, he heard it, so he woke up...

Yu Sheng smiled and cried. With the help of the years, she walked to the bed step by step.

Her Feng Xi really woke up, she was not dreaming.

"If you knew I was crying like this, you would wake up, I would have cried long ago..."

In Yu Sheng's crying voice, there are endless misses and worries. Her heart has been hanging over the past few days.

She even thought about it, if Feng Xi really couldn't wake up at this point, or if something bad really happened, she thought she wouldn't live alone anymore.

She really had such thoughts.

However, at this moment, when Feng Xi woke up, she thought, she must protect him well in the future and don't let him get hurt again. She didn't want to experience such a moment again, didn't want to...

If Feng Xi were to know that what Yu Sheng wanted to protect him at this time was to protect him in the future, he would definitely fall asleep again.

"Sheng Sheng..." Feng Xi looked at Yu Sheng, stretched out his hand, and Yu Sheng put his hand in his palm.

"I really heard you cry, and it was so sad..."

Feng Xi still struggled to speak now, after all, if his rib was broken, it would hurt to speak and pant.

"Well, when you wake up, I won't be sad..."

As long as Feng Xi is there, Yu Sheng feels particularly at ease. She used to think that Feng Xi is three years younger than her, and how can she feel safe with him...

Sometimes, everything a man can give you really has nothing to do with age.

"How to wear a sick gown..." Feng Xi only saw that Yu Sheng was wearing a sick gown at this time.

What's wrong with her...

"I'm fine, just a little injury."

Yu Sheng thought that her injury was indeed a minor injury, and it was not a major incident. However, where did she know that she just scratched a small cut, and Feng Xi would feel distressed.

"Where is it hurt?"

Feng Xi said that he was about to get up, but he pulled the wound and cursed in anger.

"Don't move, I'm really fine. It's just a little injury. If you don't believe me, ask your brother-in-law."

Yu Sheng smiled and calmed Feng Xi, the tears in her eyes were wiped off by her, they were tears of joy, because Feng Xi woke up.

She had forgotten about He Lianting now, her eyes filled with Feng Xi.

"It's really okay, now the main thing is, you get better soon!"

Yu Sheng was indeed fine, the wound was not deep, and there was nothing serious about it.

"Did you catch the person who hit me?" Feng Xi asked in relief.

He still believed what he said in those years.

"Already arrested, it is Gu Qiwen."

Feng Yan said after taking a look at Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng's eyes told him not to tell Feng Xi about this.

"Fuck, it turned out that it was this crazy woman who sent me the photo, so I just said..."

"No, Yu Sheng, what's the matter with Gu Shaoting, why are you wearing rings for each other?"

Feng Xi didn't care about other things now, what hit him or not.

He was annoyed when he thought of those photos now.

Yu Sheng felt guilty when he thought of those things, because she hadn't considered it well.

Actually let this matter become the fuse of Feng Xi being injured.

"Sorry, I didn't think about it well. I just wanted to buy us a pair of wedding rings. I happened to run into Gu Shaoting and asked him to try them on. I think your fingers are almost..."

It seems that it is too late to talk about this. This is the one thing Yu Sheng has done most regrettably.

She shouldn't have been happy that day, her mind stopped working, and she forgot what she should avoid.

"Wedding ring? Buy it for me? You buy it for me?"

Where did Feng Xi care about his wife and wearing rings with other men.

Now all the focus is on, his wife said, buy him a wedding ring.

It's not that he hasn't prepared the wedding ring, it's just that he hasn't made it yet. He designed and made it himself.

The unique wedding ring in this world, the ring of him and Yu Sheng.

Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng would take the initiative to buy him a wedding ring.

This is how she loves him, she has such a temperament to do such a thing.

Feng Yan and Shi Nian looked at each other, this is Feng Xi, the key point he grasped, will never be on the same channel with you.

Yu Sheng smiled, looking at Feng Xi who was begging for sweets, she slowly leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

"Well, my wedding ring with you, our wedding ring!"

Yu Sheng couldn't help crying again. She thought she really loved Feng Xi miserably, or all her strength would fall apart when she was in front of him.

"I'm prepared, fool!" Feng Xi squeezed Yu Sheng's hand and smiled.

Yu Sheng's face blushed. It turned out that he was prepared, but he was impatient...

The doctor performed a comprehensive examination on Feng Xi, and there was nothing serious, as long as he kept it well.

Huo Qingge cooked the soup and brought it over, and Feng Xi ate a lot.

Now that the dark clouds have disappeared, everyone began to discuss Yu Sheng's affairs.

After all, Helianting said that he will come and take people away tomorrow.

"Why should he take it away? Tell him that if it is taken away, it is not impossible. Take me away together. We will not be separated."

Before Feng Xi awoke, everyone was stunned.

Feng Xi actually said something like this...

Take him away?

Others might not understand whether Feng Xi was talking angry, or he really planned to do so.

However, Yu Sheng knew that Feng Xi was because of himself, and he knew that he longed for family affection.

If he didn't know, he could still selfishly want to monopolize her.

However, now that she knew she had a family, he couldn't force her like Helianting to let her stay.

They just assumed it was a trip, and went to live for a while, and then came back when they were familiar.

He didn't believe that when they had children, Helianting could still force them.

"If he doesn't let us come back then, I won't let our children call him uncle."

Feng Xi thought this was good, very good, so let's do it.

Feng Xi's words made Yu Sheng blush, and everyone was amused by him.

Feng Xi's thinking about problems is different from that of them. They are not so complicated. They always think very simple, but they will make you think that this method is really good.

Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi and smiled. This man would always consider her calmly.

She should also think about whether or not this brother...

Yu Sheng moved to Feng Xi from her ward. Because the double bed was large, although both of them were injured, they were still lying down.

Now there were only two of them left, and Feng Xi held Yu Sheng's hand.

"Can you tell me now, how did this injury come from?"

During the day, Feng Xi never asked how Yu Sheng was injured, because he knew that everyone wanted to conceal him and didn't want him to know.

The more so he will feel that it is related to himself.

Yu Sheng thought Feng Xi hadn't asked during the day, and would not ask anymore.

But he didn't expect that at this time when the two were alone, Feng Xi's first sentence was to ask how her wound came.

Feng Xi looked careless, but sometimes his heart was thinner than anyone else's.

"Don't try to hide it from me!" Yu Sheng said without speaking, Feng Xi squeezed her hand.

"In fact, it's nothing. It just used some means to keep Gu Qiwen in jail for the rest of her life."

Yu Sheng didn't want Feng Xi to know about this very much, because his temper would definitely get angry.

However, since he asked, if he doesn't say it today, he will also say it tomorrow.

Can't hide, it's better to speak while both of them are injured.

Looking at her injury in this way, Feng Xi was not willing to be angry with her.

Even if he wanted any punishment, he couldn't do it if he was injured.

So after weighing, Yu Sheng told the truth.

"What kind of means?" Feng Xi's expression was tense when he asked this.

He didn't dare to think about the method Yu Sheng used was to hurt himself and put Gu Qiwen in jail.

If she dared to do this, he would definitely want to beat her, he would really beat her.

"Just what you think..." From Feng Xi's tone, Yu Sheng knew that he was so smart, and he must have thought of what means she used.

"Yu Sheng, how dare you hurt yourself? Feng Yan and the others have a way to make her worse than to die, let her sit in prison, and ask a man to do something like this, do you have to do such a dangerous thing?"

Feng Xi was really angry. If something happened to Yu Sheng, what would he do?

"I know it in my heart. I have a sense of measure and will not let myself be troubled. Really, don't you think I am fine now? It's just a little hurt."

Yu Sheng paused, "You know, I have practiced this stabbing action many times."

"Yu Qiang wanted to meddle with me more than once. I thought about sending Yu Qiang to prison in this way. However, I can't let him really hurt me. At least he won't want me. Life."

"So, I really practiced for a long time, and it really won't happen..."

Yu Sheng didn't want to say this to Feng Xi, and didn't want him to regret it. Why didn't he meet her earlier and stay with her, so that she wouldn't suffer this.

Because I can't bear that kind of life, I want to hurt myself and punish someone.

Sure enough, after Feng Xi listened, his eyes were scarlet, and he blamed himself.

As a man, he wants his wife to use this way to solve problems.

Yu Qiang is dead, if he is not dead, he will kill him at this time.

He actually caused his wife to suffer such psychological trauma.

"Seeing you lying here, I thought, I will definitely not make Gu Qiwen feel better. I don't want these brothers' hands to get dirty. The knife I stabbed Gu Qiwen was much deeper than the one she stabbed me."

"I'm not a cruel person, but she wants you to hurt, I will definitely not make her feel better."

"I didn't understand before. Why do I have such a cruel heart. Does it feel terrifying for a woman to do such things calmly?"

"Until today I saw Helianting, at that moment, I understood, because the blood of the Helian family is flowing in my body, I will be so cruel."

In other words, anyone would wonder if Yu Sheng had a mental problem, and how could he think of such a way of handling the problem.

However, after knowing that she was a member of the Helian family, no one would question her approach, perhaps even saying that the handling was lighter.

"Don't do anything like this in the future. I don't hurt. I'm glad that I was injured. Otherwise, it will be you."

It was because Feng Xi had an accident that Gu Qiwen was found. He heard from his brother that when the mad woman was arrested, she was planning to hurt Yu Sheng.

It doesn't matter if he is injured, just let Yu Sheng be fine.

However, she was hurt in the end. Feng Xi blamed himself for this.

"I would rather hurt myself than you!"

This is the person who loves each other, they can all give their lives for each other, just because they don't want to hurt the other a little bit.

Only those who love to the extreme will have such a recognition.

"It's forbidden to say such things and do such dangerous things in the future, you know?"

Feng Xi wanted to sit up, pulled the wound, grinned, and said angrily.

Thinking of Yu Sheng repeatedly practicing the bayonet action, his heart felt as if he had been stabbed with countless knives.

"Okay, I won't do it or say it in the future, I will only say I love you in the future, okay?"

Yu Sheng knew how to divert Feng Xi's attention from self-harm.

Sure enough, when Feng Xi heard Yu Sheng's words, he was immediately beautiful, "This is ok, I have to say it every day, I can't be less for a day, I have to say it for a lifetime."

Feng Xi is like this, as long as one thing attracts his attention, then he will immediately forget another thing.

Just like now, just now I was angry and wanted to yell at people, this would be a hippy smile and talk to Yu Sheng.

In fact, having been with Yu Sheng for a long time, Feng Xi was able to figure out her thoughts.

It was as if he knew Yu Sheng's mind at this moment.

Who said Feng Xi was immature, he was just mature and quiet.

Next day

When He Lianting appeared, it was the same time as when he left yesterday.

Feng Xi and Yu Sheng were both sitting on the bed, and they were really a couple in distress.

In fact, Gu Qiwen didn't live in vain, and she actually hurt their couple.

"Hello, elder brother, elder brother, when you came yesterday, I was asleep and couldn't meet, it really shouldn't be, I hope you forgive me!"

As soon as Feng Xi spoke, everyone was angry and wanted to laugh. This was really to please Brother Uncle. If he could get out of bed, he would have nodded and bowed.

Yu Sheng pulled Feng Xi's sleeve. She hadn't said to recognize He Lianting, so why did Feng Xi call first...

This is the one called by the eldest brother.

As if she was anxious to recognize this brother.

Feng Xi was about to speak again, Yu Sheng tugged at his sleeve, frowning and not speaking.

However, her expression is clearly saying, "You are not allowed to speak any more, I will ignore you if you speak any more."

Feng Xi patted Yu Sheng's hand lightly, and wanted to speak again.

"Uncle..." Feng Xi just yelled, but brother hasn't come out yet.

Yu Sheng was interrupted.

"I haven't said to recognize him." Yu Sheng was a little anxious, but actually didn't think about how to face Helianting.

Feng Xi said last night, "Since your brother is here to pick you up, it is a gift from God. We can't hide it from you. Isn't it okay to have one more person love you!"

"Also, based on my so many years of experience, the more the better."

This is what Feng Xi said to her, and also how the eldest brother loved Sansao back then.

To be honest, after having a big brother like Yu Qiang, Yu Sheng is very disgusted with the term "brother".

It was after contacting Feng Xi's brothers that she knew how happy it was to have a brother.

"Whether you recognize me or not, you are from the Helian family, and I am your brother!"

Helianting was standing at the window, the silver mask with a cool dark glow, coated with a layer of golden sunlight, making it even more mysterious.

Yu Sheng bit his lip without speaking, just looking at He Lianting.

She didn't know what her brother under this mask looked like, she wanted to know in her heart, but she didn't want to say it.

"Um, brother, if you take off the mask, Sheng Sheng also wants to know what you look like, right?"

Feng Xi actually smiled and talked and pulled the wound on his body, which would hurt, but he still smiled and said to He Lianting.

After all, this is the eldest uncle, and this eldest uncle is difficult to get along with, it must be a good relationship.

Helianting looked at the other people, which meant that I could take off the mask when you go out.

No one moved, even Huo Zhongrao wanted to see what Helianting looked like under the mask.

"That, none of them are outsiders, they are all a family..." Feng Xi said with a smile again.

Yu Sheng didn't say a word, she felt that Feng Xi was right. They were all a family.

And to say that she is more familiar with these talents, although Helianting is her brother, but if he takes off his mask and walks on the street, she will not recognize him as her brother.

He Lianting turned around and looked out the window, his upright posture filled with oppression.

He can show it to Yu Sheng, but others can't.

No one knows why Helianting wears a mask.

Even Ji Shenzhou asked He Tingchen, but he never mentioned it.

This is how people are, the more curious they are, the more they want to know, and it itches when they don’t know.

Just like all the people here now, they have agreed on the issue of remaining.

Feng Xi was willing to go back to Helian's house with Yu Sheng, and they respected their opinions.

If Helianting dared to say that he only brought Yu Sheng and not Feng Xi, they would not let him go.

Feng Xi went over and said it was not good, and he was regarded as a son-in-law.

They had no objection. If Helianting did not regress, then no one would think about it.

Therefore, the atmosphere is not so tense now.

Instead, he became interested in Helianting's looks.

He Lianting's figure is very good, with the upright and perseverance of a Westerner, so it will make people wonder what he looks like under his mask.

He Lianting made it clear that he didn't want everyone to watch, Feng Xi pulled Yu Sheng's hand and shook his head.

The action was acting like a baby, meaning, "You talk to your brother, take the mask off and let everyone see, so that no one in the family will know the family."

Yu Sheng looked at He Lianting's back, she bit her lip.

"Where is my... mother?" This is what Yu Sheng wants to know. Since he is a half-parent, he is not a mother.

Yu Sheng wants to know if her mother is still alive.

"Dead, I investigated after knowing you were there."

He Lianting said coldly with his back to Yu Sheng.

In fact, no one here knows He Lianting, if anyone knows him, they should know that he is special to Yu Sheng.

At least he would say a few more words to her, otherwise it would be a waste of time for him to say one more word.


This is expected, is it uncomfortable? Yu Sheng didn't know, he didn't seem to feel anything special.

I expected it, but she never thought that one day she would find her parents.

"Then she...what kind of person is she?"

What kind of woman was she, after giving birth to her, she was thrown away.

Obviously the Helian family did not know her existence.

"I don't know, she is the servant of the Helian family."

For a servant, no one pays too much attention.

It's just that the owner drank too much, accidentally fell asleep with her, gave birth to a child, and left...

As for why I was pregnant, I didn't say, and I was leaving again.

Then he discarded the children he gave birth, and now I don't know what happened.

However, Yu Sheng is indeed a child of the Helian family. This is not wrong.

Helianting only cares about the blood of the Helian family in her blood.

As for who her mother is, it has nothing to do with him.

A servant who knew nothing but these, then died...

For a woman, this is not considered a tragic fate.

What Yu Sheng didn't know was that she had more than that about her mother.

There is nothing to ask, and there is nothing to ask.

I can't ask anything again. He Lianting won't know her mother's last name and where she lives...

"You take off the mask and let me see if we look like we look like, so I can decide whether to call your brother!"

Is this the feeling of having a brother? Yu Sheng felt that she wanted to act like a baby, and she would not make such a request if she changed her role.

What's more, he was facing the strange and terrifying Helianting.

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