The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1541: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-your Helian family members are bloodthi

Everyone's eyes converged on Helianting again.

Especially Ji Chenzhou's dissatisfied eyes, it seemed that he wanted to eat He Lianting.

He Lianting put his slender fingers on the mask, and even Yu Sheng waited to see without blinking.

However, to everyone's disappointment, Helianting's hand finally put down again.

"You can follow, but it won't be easy if you want to come back again. I'll send someone to pick it up if you recover!"

He Lianting left after saying this.

Everyone whose appetites had been stubbed out looked at him from behind.

"The more this person is like this, the more curious it is!"

Naren was really curious about Helianting under the mask.

He thinks Yu Sheng is so beautiful, and Helianting should not be ugly.

Then why wear a mask?

"Indeed, I rarely have such interest in anyone!"

Chu Baiqing sat next to Naren and followed his words.

"Why are you interested in him?" Gu Jue and Ji Chenzhou said in unison.

They both had a faint glow, but after Naren and Chu Baiqing only glanced at them, they began to discuss Helianting again.

Thousands of people don’t put them in their eyes...

After the "father and son" looked at each other, they both lowered their heads angrily, and stopped talking, so as not to be ignorant and embarrassed. These two guys are simply owed.

Huo Zhongrao and Li Beichen looked at Feng Yan and knew in their hearts that he must be reluctant to leave Feng Xi and Yu Sheng.

It will not be three days or two days to go, just like Helianting said, it is easy to go, but not to come back.

Especially when Feng Xi went like this, he was regarded as a son-in-law, and Feng Yan naturally felt uncomfortable.

He was just such a younger brother, but since it was Feng Xi's own decision, no one could say anything.

That's how he spoils his wife and is willing to do everything for her. Everyone should rest assured.

Feng Xi has grown up, matured, and knows how to take care of others. This is really rare.

Yu Sheng was a little disappointed. For this brother, she always felt that he was very cold towards herself.

Do you really want to recognize him?

Yu Sheng didn't care at all about the status of the princess.

What she wants is the warmth of a real loved one.

Before, she had imagined that in the poorest and hardest days, she watched others eat and wear warmth.

She thought how good she would be if she had a magic wand to become an enviable princess, but the most beautiful food, wearing a beautiful dress...

However, when she was really a princess now, she felt that this was the case.

Yu Sheng was better than Feng Xi, and was discharged after more than ten days, but Feng Xi stayed in the hospital for two months before being discharged...

During this period, He Lianting never found Yu Sheng again. She even thought whether such a brother had ever appeared in her life.

Is it a dream I had when I was in a coma?

Close the door

Because Feng Xi was also discharged from the hospital, everyone gathered for a while.

This time, Ji Chenzhou brought He Tingchen. As for why He Lianting would allow him to come out, no one knew.

This is also the first time Yu Sheng has seen He Tingchen. She has only heard of him because there are Sir Alex and Young Master Chu, as well as Shen Zhou and Naren...

Yu Sheng also knows a little about male-to-male love, and expresses his support.

However, facing her brother, a male favorite, she felt a little awkward.

It is difficult for her to imagine that a man like Helianting would be a person who likes men.

However, I have to say that He Tingchen is really charming. If it were placed in ancient times, it would definitely be a "fashionable beauty" that caused the emperor to reign soon.

Feng Xi had been pestered by these children, and Yu Sheng sat there watching.

In fact, all her injuries have healed, but everyone still allows her to be raised, and she is not allowed to do anything.

"Can you talk?"

When He Tingchen sat beside her, Yu Sheng was a little surprised.

"of course can."

I have to say that when you look at He Tingchen up close, his eyes are really attractive, like a deep pool, not bottomless, but it allows you to vaguely see what is inside, what attracts you.

It may even make you have an urge to reach out and grab it.

Such a man is really invisible, the closer he gets, the deeper he is.

No wonder he has been with Helianting for so long.

Both of them have a curious and fascinating temperament, especially He Tingchen is particularly prominent.

Yu Sheng didn't know what He Tingchen was going to talk to her, her instinct told her.

Apart from Helianting, there seemed to be nothing to discuss between them.

"He Lianting has a mother, a cruel woman. He Lianting's father used to have many women, but she was the only one who survived in the end. You say this woman is not amazing."

He Tingchen smiled at Yu Sheng, like a small chat between friends, rather than meeting and chatting for the first time.

Yu Sheng looked at He Tingchen, not about He Lianting, but about his mother.

What is He Tingchen conveying to her?

Is this telling her that her mother's death is related to Helianting's mother?

Or telling her that the place she is going to is dangerous.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Yu Sheng looked at the crazy Feng Xi who was playing with the child not far away.

There will always be a childlike smile on his face, no matter how old he is, he has a childlike innocence.

This is the most rare thing in the world.

"I don't want you to die unclearly!"

He Tingchen is like a person who has experienced countless lives and deaths. When he said this, his eyes were calm.

Yu Sheng could see that He Tingchen seemed to have suffered some harm, or he almost died in the hands of He Lianting's mother.

Although this is just a guess, Yu Sheng is very sure that there must have been such a thing.

"Does Helianting do not care?"

Yu Sheng didn't think Helianting was a mindless person.

"Well? You don't know his mother's woman too much..."

When He Tingchen said this, his smile was especially desperate.

Yes, despair...

What kind of woman was she who was so cruel and murdered so many people? It is even possible that her mother was killed by her.

However, such a woman is still alive, it seems Helianting still respects her very much.

Yu Sheng was interested in what kind of person he was.

The people around Helianting are really interesting.

"If you can, I really hope you don't return to Helian's house, but you are not in control of your fate, and you will return there eventually."

Feng Xi had already looked here several times, while He Tingchen blinked at him and waved his hand.

Feng Xi's face turned red immediately, and he said over and over in his heart, "He Tingchen, it's really a monster."

Perhaps it was really because the blood of the Helian family was flowing in her body, so Yu Sheng was not afraid of Helianting's mother.

What she was thinking now was that if her mother was killed by Helianting's mother, she would be abandoned and had a destiny later.

Then it was not her mother who took the initiative to abandon her, but was forced to be helpless. As long as she was thrown away, she would not be killed together.

Then Yu Sheng would definitely not let He Lianting's mother go.

Definitely not...

"I see hatred in your eyes, and the same cruelty as Helianting. Your Helian family members are bloodthirsty in their bones, even if you never grew up in such an environment."

When He Tingchen spoke, he always had a smile. The smile actually seemed to exist, but it would make people think he was laughing.

It seems to be far away, always unpredictable.

"Do you want to leave there? Leave Helianting?"

Yu Sheng looked at He Tingchen, and when she heard them talking, she said that He Tingchen was a slave bought by Helianting. He had escaped many times, but every time he was captured by Helianting.

Sometimes, Helianting even punishes him, like a hunter chasing prey.

Let He Tingchen escape, and then catch him back when he is comfortable enjoying freedom.

Time and time again, until He Tingchen resigned himself to despair and knew that he could not do without He Lianting in his life.

"I can't live without it, he won't let me go!"

He Tingchen used to yearn for freedom so much, but now, he is numb.

As for why you are still alive, it is because you cannot afford to die!

He died alone, and many people would be buried.

"I am not familiar with Helian's house, you help me, and then I will help you leave Helianting!"

Yu Sheng wanted to find out if her mother's death was caused by Helianting's mother.

However, the Helian family was completely unfamiliar to her. She thought the whole family should be like Helianting, wearing a mask.

And He Tingchen has been living in such an environment for many years, and he should be aware of many things.

Therefore, it shouldn't be difficult for him to help himself.

"Actually, I have selfish intentions when I tell you these things. The deal!"

He Tingchen made no secret of his original intention of saying these words with Yu Sheng.

Because after he knew why Yu Sheng was injured and hospitalized, he knew clearly that her style of work was worthy of a partner.

It is rare for a woman to have courage and strategy.

Another important point is that He Lianting cares about Yu Sheng's sister.

Because he always wanted to have a younger sister, but no matter how many women his father had, none of these women had ever given birth to any children.

Therefore, when he learned of the existence of Yu Sheng, He Lianting immediately tested his DNA, which was enough to show how much he attached to Yu Sheng.

"I hope we all achieve what we want."

Yu Sheng didn't mind that He Tingchen's chat with him was purposeful.

"Consider whether or not to tell Feng Xi about this matter. He is too simple to hide the word acting in his eyes."

This is why He Tingchen wants to talk to Yu Sheng alone.

Naturally, the less people know about this, the better.

Feng Xi and He Tingchen can also be regarded as understanding, really can be said to be a big person in a honeypot, completely without contact with the cunning of people's hearts.

"Don’t let him know. I thought that if there was a man I could rely on, I wouldn’t be so tired, but after Feng Xi was injured last time, I knew that I would rather be tired by myself, and I would not want him to be hurt. , Because I can't bear such a result, I don't want to experience it again."

"In fact, to put it bluntly, I can't afford to lose him!"

What Yu Sheng was most afraid of was that Feng Xi would leave her, so she wouldn't be able to live.

As long as this man is by her side, she is extremely at ease.

That kind of inner peace is something no one can give her.

Seeing Feng Xi's smile, she would feel that she was the happiest.

She would like to be a little woman in the sun, she didn't want Feng Xi to touch all the gloom.

She seemed to be able to predict how many dirty things would exist in Helian's house.

She didn't want Feng Xi to be dirty.


Feng Xi looked here again and again, the degree of tension with Yu Sheng was envious.

"He's just like that, no one can approach me."

Yu Sheng also saw that Feng Xi had been looking here, she said so.

However, my heart is sweet, because I am cared about, so I am very happy.

"He cares about you, it's rare!"

Among the wealthy, it is not easy to be treated so wholeheartedly, so loving each other.

He doesn't believe in any real feelings between people.

However, the feelings between Ji Chenzhou and Naren made him believe that there is such a steadfast love in the world, but he has not encountered it.

He has no chance to have love anymore in his life.

He used to be so disgusting and treated like Helianting, but now he can also smile and please to please him.

Now he didn't even feel the nausea anymore, and Helianting also made him completely insensitive to women.

Yu Sheng looked at the wounded loneliness in He Tingchen's eyes.

She thought, if He Tingchen hadn't met He Lianting, what kind of life would he have.

It's really hard to say whether it's bad or bad, because He Tingchen's long-term looks are too attractive.

And his seductiveness has only fatal attraction to men.

When a woman sees his looks, it really leaves only envy and hatred.

Therefore, his fate is really hard to say, unless he is strong enough that no man can put him under him, otherwise he may only be this fate.

Because he can really bend a man every minute, as long as he wants.

Finally, Feng Xi couldn't help it. He dropped a group of happy children and walked over.

"What are you talking about, talking for so long!"

It’s not a question, but a positive tone, just to tell you that I’ve been watching it for a long time.

I have also seen that you have been talking here for a long time, don't want to deny it.

"I asked He Shao about Helianting!"

Yu Sheng handed Feng Xi the water glass in his hand, watching the sweat on his forehead.

Some worry about his body, is it okay to play so crazy just after leaving the hospital?

"Didn't my elder brother come with you?"

Feng Xi's elder brother's name is getting more and more smooth.

Yu Sheng smiled, she liked Feng Xi like this.

"No, it's not that the baby and the knight are celebrating their birthday, so I'll come and have a look!"

This is also one of the reasons, and the other important thing is that Helianting just let him come when he said that.

This surprised him a bit, but he couldn't figure it out.

No one can guess Helianting's work.

Anyway, he wouldn't run anymore now, nor was he afraid of any temptations from Helianting.

"Yeah, it's birthdays for the knight and baby, how can I forget about it."

Feng Xi also remembered that the knight and baby are indeed celebrating their birthdays.

Ji Chenzhou and Naren did not mention this.

Now that there are more children, birthdays can be celebrated several times a year. Fortunately, there are more twins, which is average. Otherwise, they would have birthdays a year.

Feng Xi now also hopes that he and Yu Sheng can have twins, both sons and daughters now.

As long as he is twins, he will be happy...

Because after Yu Sheng had a small childbirth, the doctor's suggestion is to have a baby after six months to one year, which is most appropriate.

So when they did it last night, he still did something wrong, and he couldn't let her get pregnant again now, which is not good for the body and the child.

Yu Sheng could see the love for the children in Feng Xi's eyes. Watching him play with these children, one can see how much he likes children.

Yu Sheng thought of her own child and her adoptive mother. Since that push, she has never seen her and the Yu family again.

I haven't called again, how can I not think about it, for her, it is better than life.

However, Feng Xi also said, and the adoptive mother said that she didn't want to see her again.

Then let the world fade some things, maybe after some time, the adoptive mother will also want to understand.

Perhaps at that time, she could also let go of being pushed.

Leave everything to time!

In fact, some things are already destined, just like, you would never think that one day when you go out, you will see a pregnant woman standing in front of you and telling you that she is pregnant with your husband's child...

When something like this happens, you will understand what life is and what is destined...

Feng Xi had a drink, and Yu Sheng didn't stop him either.

But Feng Xi didn't drink very well, and he got a little drunk after drinking.

"I have something to say today, you guys, I'm so disappointed..." Feng Xi stood up, holding a wine glass in his hand.

His face was a little reddish, even though he said such words, his mouth was smiling.

Yu Sheng took Feng Xi's hand, as if already knew what he was going to say.

Why this matter is endless.

"When I fell asleep, you didn't take care of our family Shengsheng...especially you, Feng Yan...the brain was flooded..."

Feng Xi pointed towards Feng Yan with his wine glass.

The tone seemed to be coquettish, but in fact, there was a lingering fear in my heart, and I was always afraid.

If something happened to his Shengsheng, Feng Xi would think about it when it was all right.

During the period of recuperating from the injury, he always thought about it, and his thoughts got together.

He thought about how painful she was when the knife pierced Yu Sheng's body.

When the two of them were doing it last night, Feng Xi touched the scar on Yu Sheng’s abdomen.

This kind of feeling tortured him, he complained that he didn't protect Yu Sheng, and caused her to suffer such injuries because of himself. He is still a man.

Feng Xi thought that he was asleep at the time, but these brothers were all awake, how could they make his wife suffer such harm.

I don't even think so, so I get angry.

Feng Yan stood up slowly with a heavy face. In fact, since Yu Sheng was injured, Feng Yan was the one who blamed himself most.

Recently, he has also lost a lot of weight. Not only is Feng Xi scared, but he is also scared. If the knife stabbed deeper, Yu Sheng would have an accident, how would he explain to Feng Xi.

Feng Yan pursed his lips lightly. Just as he was about to speak, Yu Sheng stood up.

"Brother, don't listen to Feng Xi. In fact, I want to say that complaining is my own opinion. I just want to solve the problem in my own way. I didn't take your position into consideration. After all, I blamed me. Feng Xi said this. It’s just being afraid, there is nowhere to vent in my heart, and there is no meaning to blame you, we are all a family, don’t blame each other for this, everyone is uncomfortable."

Yu Sheng said this in a hurry, and she has been carefully taken care of these days.

Especially when his sister-in-law came to the hospital, Feng Yan always seemed to not know how to face her.

This made Yu Sheng very uncomfortable.

"You should say it too, but they should say it too!"

Feng Xi was still reluctant and unforgiving. It stands to reason that the youngest didn't talk about his brothers.

However, in this big family, Feng Xi has always been like this, and he can't bear any wrongdoing.

Now that his daughter-in-law was injured, how could he not make trouble.

"Okay, this thing is over. We can't do it right now. After all, I blamed me!"

Yu Sheng knew that if she didn't use her own way, there would be no such things.

In the end, no one blamed her, but they all blamed them for not taking care of her.

This has made her uncomfortable.

"Well, don't say it, anyway, you just pay attention to it in the future, you must take good care of us!"

Feng Xi looked at his wife's eyes red, and hurriedly stopped talking.

Everyone sitting here is a person of status, but only Feng Xi dare to do this to them.

Feng Yan had already stood up, so he didn't sit down directly.

"Anyway, my brother didn’t take good care of you. Feng Xi said that this is also right. It was my negligence to put you in danger, Sheng Sheng, you married our Fengjia, protect you and take care of you are us. However, you have to be obedient in the future, and don’t do such dangerous things again..."

When Feng Yan talked about the back, he pulled his hand all the time. Why was it good at the front, and then became Yu Sheng again.

Feng Xi also stared at Feng Yan, why did he start talking about his wife again.

Didn’t you see her crying and blamed herself, and said...

"Okay, this is over, well, before you leave, you should have the wedding!"

Huo Zhongrao said a very important question.

He Tingchen smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, "He Lianting has already made people prepare for the wedding, so you don't have much time..."

"The wedding must be held here. This involves the issue of face. If the wedding is held there, the sixth brother will really become the son-in-law!"

The little demon smiled charmingly, and cast a wink at Feng Xi, and smiled.

Huo Zhongrao's hand clasped the little demon's head, then pushed it down, "Eat yours!"

For his little wife, Huo Zhongrao sometimes really wants to beat her, not worrying.

"The little demon is right, it must be done here!" Ji Chenzhou slapped the table angrily.

He is very annoyed at Helianting now.

Why is it angry? That's because Helianting actually gave Naren a camera he wanted for a long time...

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