The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1546: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-take whatever you want, except him!

When Feng Xi looked at his wife, he knew she had a way.

He just couldn't bear to let his wife face these tit-for-tat men.

He was someone who had experienced it just now, and it was simply too annoying.

Rock, scissors and cloth are not good, and he is said to be naive, and I don't know who is naive.

Very simple question, do you have to be so responsible?

"I have used the rock paper scissors method, so don't use it..."

Feng Xi squeezed his wife's face again, and said with a smile.

"I still need to use this..." He Liansheng returned him with a double pinch.

"I said it all, it doesn't work."

When Feng Xi heard that, just now he thought his wife had a good way. It turned out to be rock paper scissors...

"Yours doesn't work, mine must work, you wait!"

He Liansheng smiled and kissed Feng Xi on the cheek before walking towards the living room.

At this time the children also completed their tasks and all ran back to the toy room to play.

When He Liansheng walked over, he was sitting where Feng Xi was sitting earlier, and Feng Xi stood behind her.

I thought that if you bully my wife, I will throw a stool with you.

"As for the wedding, I have my own ideas, so that my brothers can stop arguing. If you think it is feasible, we can do it according to this method. If it doesn't work, we won't do the wedding, lest everyone hurts peace. "

He Liansheng spoke plainly, her usual tone.

She said she would not have the wedding, and He Lianting could not speak, unlike when Feng Xi said, he still had something to teach him.

However, his sister said so, he could only look at her coldly to see what the way she said it.

Heliansheng did not wait for her brothers to answer her.

She said directly, "My method is the easiest, and it is also the most naive and boring you say, rock, paper, scissors, whoever wins the wedding will be held at that site. Suddenly, the party who loses will have to pay for the wedding."

After He Liansheng said this, Feng Xi bent down and kissed her on the cheek.

Her daughter-in-law is still smart, so that both sides can be satisfied and balanced...

It was really a good way. He also thought of rock, paper, scissors, but he didn't think of doing something for the losing party.

Feng Yan looked at Huo Zhongrao and nodded when he saw him. It seemed that this method was feasible.

No way, no way, Sheng Sheng said, if you think her way is not good, then you won't get married.

He Liansheng's temper is much harder than Feng Xi's. Everyone dared to use means to make Gu Qiwen stabbing her with a knife. What else could she not do?

Helianting felt that whether it was winning or losing, it was fine for him.

If the wedding is held here, then he will pay for them and still suppress them.

If they have a wedding in their country, then they are considered guests, and he is the master, and they are just as pressured.

He was satisfied no matter what the calculation, so he nodded directly.

He Liansheng said such a method because he knew their hearts.

In fact, Helianting thought so, and her husband's family also thought so.

"Since the brothers all agree, then you should rock paper scissors!"

He Liansheng blinked at Feng Xi and smiled, and gave him one, "I'll just say my rock, paper, scissors" usual look.

Feng Xi touched He Liansheng's head indulgently, acting like a reward for a puppy.

Rock-paper-scissors is a duel between He Lianting and Feng Yan.

Although this way, both men are somewhat unacceptable.

But in order to decide the result, both of them reached out.

In fact, it is okay for them to win and lose. Therefore, this duel has no technical content, let alone a battle.

In the end, Helianting lost, and he was very happy when he lost.

"The first time I saw someone who was so happy besides money, my eldest brother was unusual."

The matter was resolved satisfactorily, and Feng Xi became active and started the "Diligence" mode again.

It was no longer the second master who shouted "Mu Mu, help!"

Feng Xi's words immediately aroused dissatisfaction among the people in her husband's family.

Cold knives shot at him with all eyes.

He Lianting's last meaning was that after the wedding was done here, He Liansheng and Feng Xi would directly follow him back to Helian's house.

He Liansheng didn't say whether to agree or not, but Feng Xi happily agreed.

As a result, he was disgusted by his brothers again.

When Feng Xi was wronged, he really wanted to say, "I can be considered a shameless courage."

It's just that you can't understand my difficulties.

The Cavaliers gave Helen Ting a model of his favorite Hornet.

The baby gave Helianting a picture she painted.

He Lianting was quite surprised. He had received many gifts, but it was the first time he received a gift from a child.

He frowned slightly, took it, and said nothing.

He Tingchen, who was beside him, said, "Thank you."

If you want Helianting to understand the world, it is too difficult.

He Lianting glanced at He Tingchen, and the corners of his mouth were faintly curved, as if he was smiling satisfied, but also as if not smiling.

Because Helianting can't laugh...

He Liansheng was aggrieved again at this time, it was obviously a gift she prepared.

But let him use it to buy people's hearts...

Feng Xi just said to He Lianting politely, "Uncle, why don't you come to our house! Haven't been to our house yet!"

Feng Xi swears that he just said to be polite, and definitely didn't mean to be "hospitalized".

Who knows that his elder brother is really rude and nodded directly, that means he is going?

He Liansheng looked at Feng Xi, and barely said, "Why do you owe you so much?"

Feng Xi also wanted to say why he owed his mouth so much, why he said such things.

Besides, this cold eldest brother is too invisible. Why should he be polite with him and he is going?

He Liansheng and Feng Xi got into their own car, and He Lianting's car followed them.

Such a big and luxurious RV can't be ignored.

"The eldest brother will not stay in our house until our wedding, and then take us away directly?"

Feng Xi asked He Liansheng with a wry smile.

"Then you stare at home with him! Anyway, I go to work during the day."

He Liansheng smiled badly, just thinking about such a scene, she would find it very funny.

"Don't, I'll go to work with you! Wife."

Feng Xi felt very painful when he thought of facing his eldest brother all day long.

Besides, he prefers to spend time with his wife instead of staring at him with big eyes.

"Besides, you didn't mean that people in the company thought I was confused by you. You took me to work and let them see how thoroughly you confused me."

Feng Xi smiled so cheaply, He Liansheng wondered how he would behave, and confused him...

Feng Xi is doing things now, you can't use normal thinking to guess.

Because of normal thinking, you can never guess.

If nothing else, just his attitude towards Helianting made Heliansheng feel wrong.

However, she resisted asking him why he did this, so she gave him a chance to show off in front of her.

Feng Xi didn't tell her, probably that was what he meant.

Therefore, Heliansheng didn't want to let him go.

When they got home, Helianting's car also arrived.

Feng Xi saw He Lianting get off the car and put on the mask again.

He thought, if you wear it well, it's just such a criminal face, and those eye-catching souls, if you don't cover it, it's really going to happen.

Although there are no young girls in his family, the maids are also in the same group, so don't be confused.

"Brother, please come inside!" Feng Xi had no choice but to start the "Diligence" mode again.

A little bit dogged to lead Helianting the way.

Heliansheng shouted in his heart, "I really can't stand it."

He Tingchen is at the end. As long as He Lianting doesn't tell him, you can do whatever you want, and he must follow him.

To be honest, he felt very uncomfortable to come here, after all, he was not familiar with Feng Xi, and he had only talked with He Liansheng once.

Although it is an alliance, it is not very familiar.

Just living in like this, he couldn't do it for granted like Helianting.

Don't treat yourself as an outsider at all.

And he also felt that his identity was rather embarrassing.

He is just a slave of Helianting...

Even friends are not counted, such an existence will bring inconvenience to others.

Fortunately, Feng Xi and He Liansheng were there. Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing, Ji Chenzhou and Naren would not feel weird or disgusted by his existence.

However, he and He Lianting are not like Ji Chenzhou and Naren.

Totally different...

In fact, sometimes He Tingchen is thinking that if he is Tukhlian Ting's money or status, it will do.

No matter what kind of treatment he received, he also had a plan.

However, he didn't want anything, but he was trapped like this, and he couldn't see tomorrow or hope.

Seeing other male pets being driven away before, he wondered if he would be driven away if he made a mistake.

However, he deliberately made mistakes and suffered a lot of punishment, and he was not driven away.

He thought Helianting would let him go if he got tired?

However, after so many years, he has long been not the young boy back then, but Helianting still owes him something extraordinary.

Addicted to him, Helianting said that he should be killed, and sooner or later he would be destroyed in his hands.

However, other people couldn't hurt him with a finger, and he had the anger of destroying the nine races.

However, Helianting could hurt him arbitrarily.

again and again……

Just when He Tingchen thought about this, He Liansheng stopped him.

"What do you think?" He Liansheng and He Tingchen walked side by side.

"I feel a little embarrassed to disturb this."

He Tingchen said with a smile.

"Compared to my brother, I prefer you to live in."

This is the truth, not Heliansheng comforting He Tingchen.

She felt that she and He Lianting just had a mismatch, and she would definitely be angry when they met.

However, Helianting didn't say anything today, so he ate her bowl of small mountain dishes.

She was still quite surprised, how to say it, but also very moved...

"Don't let your brother hear this, his man... has a bad temper."

When He Tingchen said this, he was actually weighing it. He Lianting was still very patient with He Liansheng.

At least he was trying to please this sister, something that had never happened before.

Therefore, Helianting may not have a temper with Heliansheng.

Compared to temper, he is not the favorite to use means.

"It's okay for him to hear it, it's a fact, you are welcome to live in."

The reason He Liansheng said this to He Tingchen was to dispel his uncomfortable heart.

"Feng Xi's temperament is a little childish, very interesting."

He Liansheng then said again.

"I can see that he is also very favored."

Except for Ji Chenzhou and Naren, Feng Xi is the youngest, so he has always been the most favored.

Such people have always lived in love, so they have such sunshine.

"That's true, all treat him as a child pet."

Feng Xi was petted by everyone, but he petted himself alone...

The two talked and laughed and walked in.

He Lianting saw his sister talking and laughing with He Tingchen, but he didn't say anything.

However, He Tingchen knew that because he didn't say anything, he was waiting to settle accounts with him in private.

With a few people sitting in the living room, Feng Xi wanted to say that he should fight a landlord.

I also thought that my eldest brother might not be good at fighting landlords in their country.

Just sit and chat like this?

Obviously there is nothing to talk about...

This is embarrassing. It's just past eight o'clock and I can't go to bed so early.

He and his wife usually go to bed at half past nine.

I also don't know when Brother He and He Tingchen go to bed.

"Four hundred and eighty yuan!" He Liansheng suddenly spoke to He Lianting.

Feng Xi looked at his daughter-in-law, and then at his elder brother. What is 480 yuan?

He Tingchen probably knew what Heliansheng said, what the 480 yuan was.

But He Lianting, who had no idea about money, didn't understand what his sister meant by saying this to him.

"Dinosaur fossil chocolate, music box and candy money!"

Heliansheng knew he didn't understand, so he explained it again.

"Are you asking me for money?" Helianting said in an incredible tone.

It seemed that he was very shocked by Heliansheng's behavior.

Helianting was even thinking about what could be done with four hundred and eighty yuan?

However, his sister just said that she can buy so many things.

And the children still like it very much, this is the money spent on the right place.

"Well, I didn't ask for more, and I didn't care if I had money for running errands."

He Liansheng felt wronged when he thought of the gifts he had prepared carefully.

He was also angry and annoyed at Helianting.

"I am your brother, you are my sister, your things are mine, and my things are yours. Isn't that true?"

He Lianting asked He Liansheng unhappily, he didn't like her and himself so clearly, he didn't like it very much.

Feng Xi understood it at this time. It turned out that the gift his elder brother prepared for the knight and the treasure today was bought by his wife?

But originally it was his wife who wanted to give it to the children, but he let his elder brother take it halfway, and then gave it to the children...

He also said that his elder brother is great and knows what the children like.

But he robbed his wife...

He couldn't bear this.

If his wife took out those gifts today, then those brothers and sisters would envy him much.

Married such a wife who would buy gifts.

The children will also like this sixth aunt.

But all of this was robbed by his elder brother, and he was angry just thinking about it.

"Uncle, you shouldn't say this, you should say that, yours belongs to my daughter-in-law, and my daughter-in-law belongs to her. Men and women cannot be considered equal."

Feng Xi immediately sat beside He Lianting and said to him with a smile.

He Lianting looked at He Liansheng, "Is that right?"

Where does He Liansheng want the four hundred and eighty yuan, just to remind He Lianting about this problem.

Why did he take her things for granted without saying anything.

Even if they are brothers and sisters, that won't work.

Besides, they are still unfamiliar siblings...

"I want 480." He Liansheng felt that talking to He Lianting was quite difficult.

It's simply not on the same screen.

When He Lianting heard that He Liansheng held onto these four hundred and eighty-eight, he was also a little annoyed.

Is his worth not equal to such a 480?

"Give it to her!" He Lianting said this to He Tingchen.

How could he bring money...

"I do not have!"

He Tingchen did not bring cash, nor did he have any money.

He Lianting's people followed him, and they would be responsible for spending money.

He Lianting probably forgot that he would give himself the best and most luxurious life.

However, he will not give himself money, because he is a slave, he is a male favorite, and the quality of his life depends entirely on the happiness of his master.

He Lianting did this, nothing more than to completely break his wings, so that he could only live under his wings.

Even if he ran away one day, he would not be able to survive...

He Lianting once said that he raised him so meticulously, but if he runs out of food one day, He Tingchen would have to starve to death because his mouth was raised.

He Lianting's words were not just casual talk, because all the food He Tingchen ate was the best in the world.

Even the water he drinks is the most expensive.

The clothes you wear are not to mention, they are all handmade, even if you have money, you can't buy them.

Wearing such clothes, his skin becomes delicate and tender, and wearing coarse linen clothes again does not mean suicide.

Regarding everything He Tingchen had, He Lianting was like playing a game, setting everything up for him.

If you leave him, you can only die...

He Tingchen's tone was very light, but he didn't seem to ridicule himself.

Neither He Liansheng nor Feng Xi understood the reason, but He Lianting definitely knew.

"Actually, Shengsheng doesn't want the 480, what she wants is that you have to give her an explanation!"

Feng Xi thought that the emotional quotient of his elder brother was really inconsistent with the IQ.

Regardless of He Tingchen's asking for four hundred and eight, judging from his childish appearance, he really took it seriously.

"I'm his brother, what's wrong with me taking her things?"

He Lianting said it for granted, and he didn't take other people's things.

She gave it, he gave it, don't both of them give it the same thing?

Why must I care about him?

"Is that right? I want what I want from you or take what I want, without your permission, whatever I want?"

After He Liansheng glanced at He Tingchen, he asked He Lianting.

"Of course." At this moment, can He Lianting still say no? Isn't that slap in the face?

Moreover, when he recognized Heliansheng back, he had thought that letting her come back would let her own everything about the Helian family.

"Okay, I'll take these words down, don't let me move your things then, you will get angry with me again, and then ask again."

He Liansheng felt that there was still something to be gained from making such a fuss tonight.

At least when she moved He Tingchen, He Lianting would have nothing to say.

He Tingchen looked at Heliansheng. He knew that she meant him by "things that move you"...

"No, take whatever you want, except him!"

He Lianting pointed his slender finger to He Tingchen, and said in a deep voice.

It was such a lazy movement that directly gave Heliansheng a blow.

She didn't want anything else, she just wanted to help He Tingchen.

He Tingchen lowered his head slightly, He Lianting said this because he found something?

Or is it because he cares about himself?

No matter what it is, He Tingchen doesn't want it.

If He Lianting guessed that the thing He Liansheng was going to move was himself, then both he and He Liansheng were in danger. He was so called because he was used to it.

But Heliansheng couldn't do it. He didn't want her to be hurt, because she was a rare good woman, smart, loyal and kind.

"Uncle brother, you are too strong in possession of Gu Qian, what Shengsheng wants He Shao to do..."

The corners of Feng Xi's mouth twitched, and he believed his wife.

However, the scene where the two of them had a very happy conversation that day is still in his mind.

Is it possible that the elder brother also noticed that they were too close, so that's why he said that?

"I have always been like this, he is mine, no one can move!"

He Lianting hugged He Tingchen's shoulders, feeling the stiffness of his body.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He Tingchen slowly relaxes his body, because if he keeps stiff, He Lianting's hand on his shoulder will keep exerting force.

When he leaned softly on his body, he would release his strength.

This is not the first time he has said this, but if you want to treat this as love, then you are wrong.

Because no one can imagine Helianting's domineering possession.

Feng Xi didn't notice the change in He Tingchen's expression, but He Liansheng did.

She felt sorry for him more and more, how he survived these years.

If she had been forced to become mentally ill a long time ago, under such compulsory oppression, the individual would collapse.

He Tingchen was born to be loved and loved by others.

However, being confined and suppressed by He Lianting, he is like a painting that has lost its color.

But He Lianting didn't care about this at all, he wouldn't care whether He Tingchen could bear it.

He will only blindly oppress and impose...

"Then what if I move him?" When He Liansheng asked this, his tone was arrogant, like a half-joking.

At least Feng Xi thought she was joking, but He Tingchen knew she was not.

She was testing to see what answer Helianting would give.

He Lianting squinted slightly, there was a dangerous message.

He Liansheng greeted her without fear, with firm eyes, waiting for He Lianting to give her an answer, which was very important.

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