The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1547: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-I am from head to toe from the inside o

Feng Xi looked at his daughter-in-law's provocative look, what is this going to do?

Oh, when he doesn’t exist?

Has this started to openly look for men?

Sure enough, women become bad when they have money...

He Tingchen lowered his head, he knew that this issue had touched the bottom line of He Lianting and his siblings.

This is probably the first time someone has asked him so arrogantly after He Lianting said the affirmative answer.

This person is Heliansheng, and Helianting has already been angry for another person, and might even be killed.

"If you move him, I will move him!"

He Lianting's slender finger pointed at Feng Xi who was aggrieved...

Nani? Uncle, your words are very problematic?

You move me? How to move? Don't scare me?

Although I am not opposed to male-to-male love, I swear to death only love our family Shengsheng...

I won't take another look at other women, let alone you a big man!

Who are you the young master? Or someone you dare to make ideas?

Feng Xi stared at He Lianting angrily.

He Tingchen closed his eyes slightly, this is Helianting's usual method, touching...

Because he has that capital, he can move whoever he wants!

He Liansheng looked at He Lianting and cursed in his heart that did not fit the image.

"I'm nothing more than that in your heart. It's not as important as an outsider! Also, try touching my husband!"

Heliansheng got up and walked up the stairs.

Feng Xi was moved by the words his wife said, "Also, try touching my husband!"

Why is this feeling of being protected so good? His wife is domineering.

At the same time, He Tingchen smiled faintly on the corners of his lips, the feeling of being protected is really good.

He knew in his heart that He Liansheng said so, on the surface that he was an insignificant outsider, but in fact, she was disassociating herself.

It was also for the sake of a gamble to see if Helianting would drive him away because of his sister's words.

After all, He Liansheng was right, he was just an outsider, and if He Lianting cared enough about his sister, he would disappear.

He Tingchen had to say that He Liansheng was a calm and smart woman.

"Uncle brother, our family Shengsheng is very difficult to coax!"

Feng Xi also got up, and said proudly to He Lianting.

Sheng Sheng, a "our family" who looked kind and enthusiastic, was also telling He Lianting that we are a family, so don't make me think.

Then, Feng Xi seemed to have thought of something again. He turned around and said to He Lianting, "And that elder brother, I only love our family Shengsheng!"

He Lianting looked at Feng Xi's back, uncomfortable?

How difficult it was to coax, he actually had some expectations, because he had never coaxed his sister.

Only He Lianting and He Tingchen were left in the living room.

"Is my sister interesting?"

He Lianting's remark was obviously asking He Tingchen, but he did not answer.

Because He Tingchen knew that all answers were wrong.

The answer is, Helianting doubts, the answer is boring, you are denying what he said.

He Lianting was not upset that He Tingchen didn't answer his own question.

"Do you also think you are an outsider?" This time he directly squeezed He Tingchen's jaw, forcing him to look up at him.

The hand strength is not small, but He Tingchen is used to it.

"I only know that I am your person..."

He Tingchen looked at He Lianting with blurred eyes.

He Lianting's favorite is He Tingchen's charming smile, which makes him crazy.

A man will have a pair of eyes that are even more seductive than a woman.

"What I want is not only your people, but also your heart!"

When He Lianting said this, he was full of vigor.

Because he always knew that no matter how much He Tingchen listened to him, his heart was not with him, it was never with him.

He Tingchen encircled He Lianting's neck and leaned against his arms, obediently like a child.

He would use this trick every time he didn't want to answer.

Only then will he willingly approach Helianting on the initiative...

"Give it or not?" But this time, to the surprise of He Tingchen, He Lianting didn't directly pick him up and threw him to bed to toss him, but it was the first time he asked such a thing.

He Tingchen's hand around He Lianting's neck slid down suddenly.

"Helianting, you are too greedy." He Tingchen can only say this in his heart, how dare to say it.

He has nothing, can he still have his own heart?

If he can't even control his own heart, he really is a doll.

He Tingchen, what are you insisting on? What is the difference between you and a doll now?

He wants it, just give it to him, but it's just a lip-synching word that violates your heart, do you say too little?

"I'm from head to toe from the inside to the outside, where is not your Helianting."

This is light and calm, but only He Tingchen knows it.

Acknowledging that even the heart belongs to him He Lianting, for him, it was like swallowing a needle into his body, stinging extremely.

Next day

When He Liansheng had breakfast, she ignored He Lianting, and after the meal, she went straight to work.

"Actually, I should also go to work at the company, but to accompany my uncle, I won't go."

Feng Xi actually didn't want to stay at home, after all, he really didn't have much communication with his elder brother.

Because the eldest uncle is too unpleasant, especially since he might "move" himself in the future, he wants to stay away from him.

"I don't need you to accompany me!"

He Lianting said very shamelessly.

"Uncle brother doesn't need it, I have to accompany it."

Regarding the thick-skinned face, Feng Xi had never been afraid of anyone.

He Lianting directly ignored Feng Xi and continued to drink soup.

He Tingchen looked at Feng Xi, and if he could be like him, he would face He Lianting indifferently, would he be bored with himself.

"Is this dish still to my appetite, brother?"

He Lianting ignored himself, and Feng Xi asked for something to say, just to put a warm face on your cold ass.

"Yeah." Helianting replied lightly, because the soup was really good.

"I made this, and our family Shengsheng likes to eat my dishes."

The corner of Feng Xi's mouth twitched, and said proudly.

By the way, besides the eldest brother, his elder brothers can't do cooking skills. The third and fourth elder brothers are all okay. The fifth elder who can fight with him is the fifth brother.

However, it is only able to fight, and it is not an opponent. Recently, Ji Shenzhou is a latecomer, but it is still a little worse.

Therefore, his cooking skills are absolutely confident.

His daughter-in-law said that Xiao Jiangnan's cooks are no match for him.

Such affirmation, that is his talent and ability.

He Lianting raised his head at this time and looked at Feng Xi. He really did not expect that these dishes were made by Feng Xi.

He thought he was just a young master who could play tricks, but he could still cook.

"Our family, Shengsheng, look at her with a smile. In fact, she has a bad temper. If I get angry, I will cook for her and make sure to coax her. This is how the cooking skills are practiced."

Feng Xi's jet-black eyes rolled around and said with a smile.

He Tingchen understood at this time, what Feng Xi was going to do in such a big circle, he understood, but He Lianting would not understand.

Because his focus must be on "If I get angry, I will cook for her and make sure to coax it."

He made Heliansheng angry last night, and she left after only a few bites of food just now.

I talked to Feng Xi and myself, but just ignored her brother.

Obviously, I was telling you that I was angry, so Helianting must be thinking about how to coax Heliansheng.

It happened that Feng Xi also mentioned "accidentally" that how to coax He Liansheng is most useful, He Lianting naturally needs to pay attention.

He Tingchen realized that Feng Xi was indirectly venting his anger for his wife, as long as He Lianting was fooled.

Sure enough, Helianting frowned slightly, as if thinking deeply.

"What does she like to eat?" He Lianting ate the dishes that He Liansheng gave to He Liansheng last night, but she really didn't know what she likes to eat.

It seems to be not picky eaters, eat everything...

"She likes to eat the most, there are quite a few, but it seems to be fried small balls, which she likes better, hey, but it is a bit troublesome to make, and you have to chop stuffing and deep-fry..."

"You can do it?"

He Lianting has almost eaten, and seems to be more interested in this topic.

"I can do it, but it doesn't taste good. Last time our family Shengsheng said that it was too difficult for the fire to be fried..."

Feng Xi squinted his eyes and knew in his heart that He Lianting was about to take the bait.

To make you annoy my daughter-in-law, you have to suffer a bit.

Let you drag and let you cross, let you fight with our brothers.

Brother brother, I'm sorry, I'm going to take revenge today, hehehe...

He Tingchen lowered his head to eat his own, and pretended not to see the little pride in Feng Xi's eyes.

He also had to feel that Helianting should suffer a bit, because he had never tasted it.

Helianting thought about the difficulty of a croquettes, but he didn't believe it...

In one day, can he still learn croquettes?

If this makes that girl not angry, he can do it.

It's not too difficult.

Who made him like this sister, more and more tempered towards him.

Before he is willing to do anything for anyone, he can't say that he didn't...

Seeing He Tingchen who bowed his head to eat elegantly, he did it for him, but it seemed that someone didn't appreciate it and didn't care at all.

Although He Lianting didn't speak, Feng Xi knew that he was eager to try.

My dear brother, I hope you will be more and more courageous and able to stay in the kitchen.

He Lianting probably has never been in the kitchen, and he might not be able to distinguish clearly.

Feng Xi was really right. He Lianting had never been in the kitchen, and he didn't know how to divide oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

Feng Family Consortium

He Liansheng sat in the office and looked at the man sitting opposite. Gu Shaoting lost a lot of weight after not seeing him for many days.

"Feng Shao sent someone to send me the photo, and also told me the general course of the matter. I am really sorry, although it is useless to say it now."

Gu Shaoting's voice was a little hoarse. Recently, their Gu family was completely suppressed, and he was already in a bad shape.

There was really no way to come to see Heliansheng.

"Those things were done by Gu Qiwen. It has nothing to do with you, so there is no need to apologize."

He Liansheng still didn't know that Gu Shaoting's company was on the verge of bankruptcy, because it was Li's work to suppress his company.

There was no plan to let her know about this.

He Liansheng still had a good impression of Gu Shaoting. There was nothing annoying about this man.

If it weren't for Gu Qiwen and Du Xiaoyu's affairs, she would feel that they could even become better friends, because they were really quite talkative.

"Sheng Sheng, thank you for your understanding, thank you..." Gu Shaoting was a little uncomfortable about his company being suppressed.

However, he has his family members and employees who are responsible, and he can't watch Gu collapse like this in his hands.

"Didn't Gu always have something to say?" He Liansheng is a person who knows how to think of others.

"Gu, now... the Li family is about to go bankrupt, so I came..."

Gu Shaoting looked at He Liansheng and finally said it.

Sometimes the face is really undesirable.

He was actually quite surprised. The Feng Family Consortium is now Master Sheng Sheng.

Feng Xi actually gave her everything.

Just ask which man can do this, he can't do it himself, no matter how much he loves that woman, he may not be able to let go of everything he has.

If Feng Xi can do it, it shows that he really loves Heliansheng.

He has nothing to regret losing to such a person.

"I really don't know about this. Gu President, don't worry, I will let Feng Xi stop. After all, Gu Qiwen's matter has nothing to do with you and the Gu family."

Feng Xi must have asked Third Brother to do this, but she ignored it.

She looked at the embarrassment on Gu Shaoting's face, and knew that he was forced to look for herself.

"Thank you Shengsheng, thank you very much..." Gu Shaoting said, looking at the capable and beautiful woman in front of him.

"Mr. Gu, how is Gu Qiwen's child?"

The most innocent is the child. No matter what mistakes her mother commits, she is an innocent life.

"It's okay, I usually take care of her, now I can climb very quickly..."

Talking about the child, Gu Shaoting smiled, although he didn't like the half-sister.

However, the child is not wrong, he will still take care of it with all his heart.

"She is also a blessed child, to have a good uncle like you!"

It is also good for a child without a father or mother to grow up under the care of his uncle.

"By the way, I heard from the company that Du Xiaoyu came back to Beicheng, have you seen it?"

Gu Shaoting thought of what the company's employees had said, and asked He Liansheng.

"I haven't seen it, and there is no need to see it."

If Gu Shaoting hadn't mentioned Du Xiaoyu, Heliansheng would have forgotten this person.

People are like this. As time goes by, the things that once appeared in your life will gradually fade away, but as long as you don’t think about it, you will really forget...

Gu Shaoting didn't say anything, he said everything that should be said.

What shouldn't be said can't be said, for example, he really likes Heliansheng, so he thinks he will keep it in his heart for a lifetime.

A woman like this, a man who likes him, can only look at her from a distance.

Because I really don’t deserve her, except for the man she loves deeply...

Feng Xijia

Helianting looked at the clock on the wall, half past one...

If you start learning now, isn't it, that girl will be able to eat croquettes when she comes back from get off work?

Looking at Feng Xi who was about to fall asleep again, he frowned slightly.

"Teach me how to make that croquettes!" Helianting's voice was not embarrassing.

It's still that cool and unbelievable, so high.

"What?" Feng Xi asked in a daze.

Had it not been for the eldest brother to speak, he would have gone to sleep in the room long ago.

But when the elder brother spoke, he was confused again and couldn't remember why he was staying here.

"I said go to the kitchen for croquettes." The last thing Helianting wanted was to repeat the question.

"Oh, well, brother, you have to learn, I will teach you, but it is difficult, you may not be able to do it!"

Feng Xi immediately became energetic, and it was almost half past one. How long would it take him to toss him.

He thought his brother would learn how to make croquettes with him after breakfast.

It’s cool to think about it in a day to torture him.

However, after lunch, the eldest brother still sat on the sofa, not talking about what to learn.

Feng Xiu had to wonder if he was too confident that his elder brother had actually spoken at the meeting.

It’s really exciting. Fortunately, he asked the housekeeper to record videos in several corners of the kitchen in advance, so that he could record the whole movement of his elder brother in the kitchen and show it to his brothers. Lest they always say that they are traitors...

No, it should be ugly...

"So much nonsense!" He Lianting had already got up and headed towards the kitchen.

"Go to bed!" After two steps, he said to He Tingchen.

He Tingchen responded. He didn't have much interest in watching, but he was happy to let him go to sleep.

However, he also knew that he couldn't sleep because Helianting didn't have the patience to make croquettes.

Presumably, what he would think is very simple, maybe he thinks that just throw the **** in the oil pan.

It is estimated that after entering the kitchen, he will come out.

Even if I fell asleep, I would be awakened by him and let his breath go.

Because when he is angry, he is his best vent tool.

In the kitchen

Feng Xi looked at He Lianting, then at the chopped carrots on the chopping board.

Feng Xi wanted to rectify He Lianting, so he asked him to cut the shreds with a knife.

And did not tell him that there are actually tools for shaving.

But looking at some carrot slices and carrot sticks on the chopping board, there is no carrot shreds...

"I said, brother, where did the carrot shreds go?"

Feng Xi felt that this apprentice had no understanding at all.

"What is silk?" He Lianting's tone was angry, and he asked Feng Xi looking at the knife in his hand.

Looking at the pile of things on the chopping board, what is this?

Feng Xi took a knife, then another carrot, sliced ​​and shredded.

The movements are neat, and the carrots are very well-proportioned.

"This is silk, brother, look at yours again, this is a piece, this is a piece..."

Feng Xi picked up a carrot slice in his hand and said with another carrot stick.

He Lianting looked at the carrot shreds that Feng Xi had cut out, and the icy blue eyes showed surprise.

It's even unbelievable, Feng Xi can actually do this?

"Uncle, you still have to practice. You can't make croquettes. I said this is very difficult. Why don't we stop learning?"

Feng Xi sighed, "I wasted so many carrots. If we let our family Shengsheng know about it, she will get angry, and it will not be easy for her to make money..."

Helianting dumped the carrots on the chopping board into the trash can, then took a few more and continued cutting.

Feng Xi stood by, holding back a smile while watching.

He was still thinking that after cutting so many carrots, his elder brother hasn't cut it yet. This is really...

However, just as Feng Xi thought this way, He Lianting snorted.

"Hiss..." Helianting accidentally cut his finger, and bright red blood stained the carrot...

Feng Xi covered his mouth slightly depressed, could he think of it?

When I thought about it here, my eldest brother cut his finger?

Don't be too inch, okay?

Whoops, after bleeding so much, my elder brother is going to hurt to death...

"He Tingchen..."

Helianting shouted angrily.

Sitting on the sofa, He Tingchen, who never returned to the room, heard Helianting's roar.

After Wei Wei hesitated, she finally went to the kitchen.

When I arrived in the kitchen, I saw him standing there with his fingers.

The icy blue eyes were filled with irritability.

"Second Young Master, where is the medicine box?" He Tingchen walked over and asked Feng Xi.

"I'll get it!"

Feng Xi was shocked by the roar of his elder brother, didn't he just cut his finger, as for?

Feng Xi hurried out to get the medicine kit.

He Tingchen walked in front of He Lianting, pulled his hand under the faucet, and washed it. The wound was not shallow, and the blood kept flowing out.

"Hold it." He Lianting moved his finger away from the faucet and placed it to He Tingchen's mouth and ordered.

He Tingchen's jaw floated faintly before opening his mouth.

He put Helianting's bleeding fingers in his mouth...

At this time Feng Xi also brought the medicine kit.

Seeing that He Tingchen was being bullied again, in his elder brother's heart, he completely treated He Tingchen as a woman.

"Shao He, give you the medicine kit and wrap my elder brother's fingers on it."

Feng Xi said loudly, with eagerness in his voice.

He Tingchen blushed and opened his mouth at this time. He Lianting was not embarrassing him, allowing He Tingchen to put band-aids on him.

"Brother, come on, let's continue!"

When the fingers are wrapped, it's fine, and there is no delay in cutting the carrot.

When cooking in the kitchen, cutting fingers often happens, and Feng Xi doesn't bother it.

Helianting shook his finger. Although he didn't speak, he meant, "Do you think I can cut it again like this?"

"Uncle brother, it doesn't matter. You said to let our family Shengsheng know that you are injured and make her croquettes. Then I can get angry with you again? I have to cry..."

How could Feng Xi miss such a good opportunity to rectify his elder brother?

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