The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1550: I'll live up to you for the rest of my life-either stand here and let people wat

He Liansheng glanced at the number again and pressed the record.

"I do not want to know!"

He Liansheng leaned on the edge of the marble with one hand, his eyes cold.

She wondered who might call her this, and would use it in this way.

She is so mysterious, she doesn't think there will be any shocking secrets.

What is the purpose of this person?

The person on the phone paused for a few seconds. Obviously, he didn't expect that He Liansheng would say that she didn't want to know.

Most people would be curious when they heard the word secret, but she didn't want to know it.

"This happened many years ago. Since you don't want to know, don't regret it!"

The person over there said again.

Because this person talked about many years ago, this made Yu Sheng wonder if it was related to her mother.

This is the only possibility, then this person must know her current identity...

So this person is in the dark, what does he want to do?

"Oh, I know who you are, adoptive father? Pretending to be a fool, I don't have to ask for money!"

He Liansheng knew that the other party could not be her adoptive father, and he didn't have the brain, so he would use this way.

She is just testing each other, she doesn't want to be passive, she wants to know what the other's purpose is.

"You won't guess who I am, I can tell you, if you don't want to go crazy and regret it in the future, leave Feng Xi now, otherwise you will regret it...want to die."

Then the person over there hung up.

He Liansheng's hand holding the phone trembled, because he had mentioned Feng Xi's name.

It wasn't related to her mother's affairs. She was still thinking about whether it was Heliansheng's mother who made a call from Xuxu in order to prevent her from returning to Helian's house.

However, he said just now that he would regret it. Why would he regret it when he was with Feng Xi?

What happened many years ago, what would it be...

I don't know why, He Liansheng felt particularly uneasy in his heart.

The little bit of cold from the bottom of her heart spread to her limbs, and the tips of her fingers were cold.

He Liansheng told himself that that person must be nonsense, and that she and Feng Xi would be well together.

There will never be anything...

He Liansheng just adjusted his emotions when Feng Xi came in.

He exhaled, not wanting Feng Xi to see that there was something wrong with her.

"Wife, they really started fighting, and the fight is still messy."

Feng Xi was angry and funny. These big men were actually fighting the landlords. Whose idea was this?

Who mentioned it? Some people actually agree, and some people fight together?

He Liansheng smiled and looked at Feng Xi. Seeing his appearance, he knew that they would not fight.

"Why are you laughing? Don't worry about your uncle?" Feng Xi looked at his wife, his face calm and not worried at all.

"Aren't they fighting the landlords?"

He Liansheng asked with a smile.

"Wife, you tell me the truth, didn't you hold back just now and watched it secretly, how else would you know that they are fighting the landlord?"

Feng Xi pinched his daughter-in-law's small face and smiled stupidly.

"Well, I just took a peek!"

He Liansheng followed Feng Xi's words and replied.

Although she looks the same, but her heart is full of ups and downs.

She told herself not to believe what the person said, but since she had listened to what was in her ears, she would naturally stay in her heart and disturb her peace.

"I said you couldn't help it!"

Feng Xi kissed Yu Sheng on the cheek, then rolled up his sleeves, "They won't fight, then I can cook with peace of mind."

He Liansheng watched Feng Xi's sharply cutting vegetables, and his heart warmed, temporarily driving away the uneasy cold.

Next day

He Liansheng let Jiang Yu miss this number. It was a temporary number, and the identity could not be found.

In fact, Heliansheng also guessed that since that person used the voice changer, naturally she would not let her find him by following the number.

And she also believed that that person would call again.

He took the initiative to look for her, it must be purposeful, otherwise, he would not make such a bend.

All morning, Heliansheng couldn't do a good job.

She has never been a person who will affect her work because of personal matters, but now she really has no way to calm down.

When the secretary walked in, she called Heliansheng several times before she recovered.

"Ms. Yu, a Miss Su said that she wanted to see you. She came several times, because there was no appointment, there was no report. However, today she said she would not leave because she is a pregnant woman and the security guards did not dare to take her out. So let me ask for instructions!"

The people in the company still don't know whether Heliansheng has changed her name or call her Manager Yu.

Heliansheng didn't emphasize it deliberately.

Sue? Pregnant woman? She did not remember that she knew such a person.

He Liansheng remembered the call, but there were so many things suddenly.

"Please come in!" He Liansheng also wanted to see the pregnant woman, to see if the person who wanted to see her at this time had any purpose, and whether it was related to the call.

A few minutes later, the secretary walked in with a pregnant woman.

Although she was pregnant, she still couldn't stop her beauty. It was obvious that she was not too old, but she looked like a college student.

"Please sit down, what are you looking for?"

He Liansheng was sure that she did not know the young pregnant woman in front of her.

The pregnant woman looked at the secretary, but did not speak.

He Liansheng gave the secretary a look, and she backed out.

"Hello... my name is Su Jin!"

Su Jin looked at He Liansheng and said nervously.

Then, sitting on the sofa, his belly looked five or six months old.

If the child in her belly is still there, it will be bigger than her belly.

Heliansheng had never heard of this name.

There are some things that she would never have thought of, just like this pregnant woman named Su Jin appeared in front of her.

He Liansheng did not speak any more, but waited for her to continue.

The pregnant woman bit her lip and touched her belly, "I broke Feng Shao's child..."

After hesitating again and again, Su Jin spoke to He Liansheng.

What is a bolt from the blue, He Liansheng only realized this time.

The feeling of being stabbed abruptly by someone is really uncomfortable.

When a strange woman appears in front of you and says she is pregnant with your husband's child, what do you do?

If there is a third woman in this room, Heliansheng will definitely ask her what will happen to her?

He Liansheng held the pen in the hand, glowing blue and white, Su Jin...

Female college student...

That night a few months ago, the night Feng Xi did not come back.

Now I hear this voice really familiar...

She answered Feng Xi's call...

Heliansheng's ears seemed to be stuffed with high-decibel noise, and the harsh sound made his heart, liver, spleen and lungs hurt.

"That night, it was the first time... But, Mr. Feng warned me not to destroy Feng Shao's family. I was afraid that I went back to my hometown. However, after returning home, I found out that I was pregnant..."

Su Jin cried as he said, "My mother forced me to let me knock the child out, saying that I had read all my books for nothing, which would shame the family. However, the doctor said that if I had the child knocked out, it would be very likely to happen again in the future. I can't have a baby..."

He Liansheng was sitting there, listening to Su Jin's words, like listening to other people's stories.

"Later I ran out of my house and kept hiding. I didn't dare to go to school..."

"Mrs. Feng, please help me. The doctor said that the child in my stomach is not getting enough nutrition and I don't have money to buy delicious food... Please have mercy on me."

Su Jin said that he would kneel down for Heliansheng.

"Don't kneel!" He Liansheng said in a dumb voice, she knew Su Jin was going to kneel her.

Su Jin bent her knees like that, looking at He Liansheng crying.

Heliansheng slowly got up and walked over...

He helped Su Jin and let her sit on the sofa.

"Why are you looking for me?" Mrs. Feng made He Liansheng feel confused.

"I'm not a local, I can't go home, nor can I let my classmates know that I'm pregnant...I'm even more afraid of being known by Mr. Feng, I'm afraid..."

"That night, I didn’t want to sleep with Feng Shao. He forced me... I didn’t want to. I didn’t expect that I would get pregnant. I didn’t want to ruin your family. I just want my child to be healthy. When he is born, I will raise him alone, and I will never let Feng Shao know the existence of the child..."

"That's what I thought originally, but the doctor said that the child is not nutritious, even if he is born, he will be weak and sickly. I have no choice but to come to you... Mrs. Feng, please help me..."

Su Jin cried as she talked, and her pitiful look was indeed painful.

Seeing her, Heliansheng thought of when he was in college.

I have to say that Su Jinchang is somewhat similar to himself. That night, Feng Xi also had an illusion.

Feng Xi said that he hadn't done it before, and that incident passed.

Later, He Liansheng would occasionally think of this incident, but she told herself that Feng Xi said that she had never done it before, she believed.

However, now this woman is right in front of her with a big belly, can she still say faith?

"Mrs. Feng, if you don't believe that the child is Feng Shao, you can do amniocentesis and verify the DNA. I will not lie to you. If it weren't for really no money, I would not let anyone know the existence of this child..."

Su Jin made a gesture of swearing.

He Liansheng looked at her, unexpectedly a little stunned. Was her mother like this back then?

I was pregnant with her and ran out, just to keep people from knowing her existence, and to protect her...

Now this woman named Su Jin also wants to give birth to the child alone, and then just hide and raise him so that he won’t let him know who his father is...

When he realized what he was thinking, Heliansheng came back to his senses.

She looked at Su Jin's belly...

There was Feng Xi's child, and his heart was extremely sour.

Feng Xi loves children so much, what would he do if he let him know about it?

Among the wealthy, there are too many such things, and they usually let the child be born and then give the mother a sum of money...

Will Feng Xi do this? Heliansheng didn't know, she didn't dare to think about it.

She was afraid that Feng Xi would say to her, "The child is innocent, let her be born..."

"Anyway, that's my child, I have to take him, and I hope you can raise him as your own child."

In this case, He Liansheng didn't want to hear from Feng Xi's mouth.

Even if it were, she would let the child be born, but she was afraid to hear such words from Feng Xi.

Just thinking about it, I feel uncomfortable all over.

"You tell me this, are you afraid that I will let you knock the child out?"

He Liansheng looked at Su Jin who couldn't help crying, and handed her a tissue.

She is not a saint, can hug her to comfort her.

After all, she was a woman who slept with her husband one night, and most importantly, she still had her husband's child in her belly.

"You won't, Mrs. Feng, your face is kind, not a bad person, otherwise I won't come to you..."

Su Jin sobbed.

What she said made He Liansheng smile, and she was kind...

Anyone who listens to this kind of dialogue will find it funny, right?

As Su Jin said, Heliansheng is kind, and she is also kind.

She arranged Su Jin in the house she rented before, gave her some money, and gave her grandma Li some money to make her make some nutritious food for Su Jin.

She told Grandma Li that this was her cousin, and she didn't say too much.

"If you have anything, you can call me again. As for other things, we'll talk about it later."

He Liansheng felt a headache. Her current mental state was not suitable for making any decisions.

She needs to think carefully about this matter and how to deal with it.

One thing is certain, that is, the child is innocent and must be born.

The problem is that when the child is born, the question of who is going to belong to her does not know what to do.

Giving Su Jin money and leaving the children is too cruel for a mother.

She couldn't let Su Jin take the child away, and let Feng Xi be separated from her own flesh and blood.

After all, he is the father of the child, so you can't hide it from him...

Do you want her to divorce Feng Xi and let Hou Chengquan their family of three?

When He Liansheng thought about this possibility, she laughed, her smile extremely sour.

She thought she couldn't do it either. She loved Feng Xi so much, how could she be separated from him...

Therefore, these problems caused Heliansheng's headache to explode.

For the first time, He Liansheng didn't want to go home, and didn't want to face Feng Xi.

When she came out, she let Jiang Yu do other things, and couldn't let Jiang Yu know about Su Jin's affairs. He knew, and Feng Xi knew too.

She didn't want to let Feng Xi know before she had figured out how to deal with this matter.

It doesn't matter if she is evading or playing tricks, in short, she wants to be alone.

He Liansheng took a taxi to the place where she used to go to school. After five o'clock, the street behind the school was already very lively.

Many college students will buy some goods and sell them at a stall here.

There are also a lot of food here, in short it is very lively.

I think that I once sold scarves at a stall here. At that time, if I could sell a scarf, she would be happy.

One day is not too much, twenty or thirty yuan can be earned, and one day’s food can be paid out, which is quite good.

Looking at the hustle and bustle of the crowd, those sweet lovers hugging each other, and talking and laughing girlfriends, you push me and I hit your brother...

He Liansheng envied these college students at school. They still don't know what kind of suffering life awaits them when they enter society.

Many things have to be faced by them. They are still thinking about getting rid of school, independence, work...

When they really work independently, they will miss school life immensely.

He Liansheng walked slowly, and when he saw something he used to eat, he bought a little and tasted it. It was a taste of nostalgia.

Probably the brain was emptied, and the whole person became better.

Because there are several universities nearby, it is extremely lively here.

As soon as He Liansheng took a bite of the cake, his left shoulder was hit by someone, his body leaned forward inertially, and he was about to pounce on the ground, his arm was pulled by force.

Then, she crashed into the arms of a boy.

"Thank you..." If it hadn't been for the boy to pull himself, she would have kissed the ground.

"You're welcome, I just ran into you just now!" The boy said coolly, his voice was deep and very nice.

The long one is also very handsome and very sunny.

It turns out that he just hit his own person, and only then did He Liansheng see a skateboard under his feet.

"There are so many people here, you can easily bump into people when you play this!"

He Liansheng withdrew from the boy's arms and said to him in the tone of an elder.

Then he rubbed his shoulders, a little pain, enough to see how fast the boy hit him just now.

The boy smiled when he looked at Heliansheng, with a nasty yuppie in that smile.

"Are you a teacher?" He Liansheng didn't look like a student at first glance.

He Liansheng didn't speak to him, turned around and left.

But the boy grabbed his arm, "You haven't answered me yet?"

The posture is obviously that you don't want to leave unless you answer my question.

He Liansheng looked at the hand holding his arm, the blue veins on the back of his hand bulged, full of vigor.

Strong arms, you can see that they exercise regularly.

However, this is not the point. The point is that he hurt her...

This kid does not control his power when arresting people.

"I'm not a teacher, just come over to eat after get off work, can I let go now?"

He Liansheng could see that the boy's personality should be relatively strong, belonging to the bully type.

I thought if I didn't answer his question, I was afraid it would be endless.

"My name is Lux, I didn't eat either, let's get together!"

Saying that Lux put away his skateboard, grabbed Heliansheng's arm and walked forward.

Heliansheng couldn't break free, Lux's hand was not weak.

"Stop, I don't know, why should I eat with you?"

Heliansheng finds it funny. Are all the children so familiar now?

"Sister, I told you my name just now, wouldn't it be considered as acquaintance?"

Lux looked at Heliansheng and thought his sister was strange.

"Don't call my sister, we don't know each other!"

He Liansheng said that he would draw his arm again, but he obviously failed again.

The two pulled and pulled in the middle of the road, and everyone who passed by was watching them.

He Liansheng felt a little embarrassed. It is easy to misunderstand that he is a married woman and a child of eighteen to nineteen dragging him here.

"Either we are standing here for people to watch, or you obediently eat with me, choose one of the two!"

Lux was obviously more domineering than Heliansheng thought.

pick one of two……

Seeing his posture, if she chooses one, she will be ashamed here today.

You can only choose two, at least leave here first.


Heliansheng was so inexplicable, he was pulled by Lux and walked forward.

"Sister, like spicy food?" Lux saw Heliansheng's hand cake that fell on the ground just now and brushed a lot of spicy.

"It's okay!" He Liansheng looked at the usual street, could it be true that he wanted to eat with this guy named Lux?

One bite, one sister, the name is quite sweet.

Are children so fearless now?

"There is a spicy skewers in front of you, it tastes really good, go eat that!"

Lux pointed to a roadside stall not far ahead.

There were already many people sitting around the small round table and started eating.

Lux directly took Heliansheng and walked over, without asking her if she wanted to eat.

Most of the students are eating.

He was forced to sit on a round stool by Lux, and Heliansheng looked at him, "I don't want to eat, I'm full too, it's time to go home!"

In fact, Heliansheng really wanted to eat it. I haven't eaten this for a long time.

"You want to eat, I just saw you swallow!"

Lux said in a very affirmative tone.

He Liansheng was choked by this upright child and didn't know what to say.

Did she swallow just now?

Although she had eaten something just now, everything was just a little bit.

This will smell the spicy taste, it will be greedy...

"Sister, you swallowed again just now!" Lux asked for a very spicy pot.

Heliansheng clenched his fist and made a gesture to Lux, which meant he was to shut up.

Lux got up to pick the string, just walked two steps, then folded back, grabbed the bag in Heliansheng's hand, and carried it on his back.

Then I can rest assured to pick the string...

Is this afraid of her leaving?

This child, who didn't even know her name, had to take her to eat together. What was in his mind?

Lux took a lot of skewers, and Heliansheng took a look at it. Most of them are what she likes to eat.

So, she didn't get up, she wanted to eat anyway.

Multiple strangers are not bad, or it would be strange to sit here and eat alone.

Heliansheng found that many girls would secretly watch Lux, and some had boyfriends by their side.

Lux is really liked by girls, if he is a few years younger, maybe he will like him so handsome.

However, no one has their Feng Xishuai...

He Liansheng felt panic again when he thought of Feng Xi.

"Beer? Or juice?" Lux asked Heliansheng.

The whole service was very good. He even wiped the small dishes for Heliansheng. He looked like a bad boy and a warm man in his bones.

"Beer, can you drink as a student?"

He Liansheng suddenly wanted to drink some wine and felt too bored.

"Wonderful." Lux got up to get a beer.

"Go and adjust the dipping sauce yourself!" Lux said to Heliansheng when he took the beer back.

He Liansheng took the dish to the condiment area to make dipping sauce. Although it was a roadside stall, it was very clean.

Lux heard the phone ring in Heliansheng’s bag and took it out...

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