The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1551: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-isn't my eldest brother looking do

Lux saw the word "XI" on Heliansheng's phone screen.

Then, he wanted to call Heliansheng, but because there were too many people and too noisy, he threw the phone back into his bag.

Who knew that the answer button was accidentally slid, and he didn't see it either.

Feng Xi on the other side of the phone kept talking, but only heard the messy voices here.

When he thought something was wrong with his wife, he heard her voice.

"What are you doing?" Heliansheng asked as he watched Lux ​​pass his plate to himself.

"Make me a dip," Lux said of course.

At this time, the bottom of the pot had already started to boil, and the smell of hemp had an attractive aroma.

"How do I know what taste you have?" He Liansheng couldn't wait to see the bright red bottom of the pot.

She didn't have a meal at noon, which would be tempted by this gluttonous taste.

In the past, when He Liansheng felt uncomfortable and suffering, he would comfort himself with food, and if he had some delicious food, he would feel that his life is very good and his food is satisfying.

So, now she's feeling bored, she wants to eat and drink, without thinking about anything.

"The same as yours!"

Lux glanced at Heliansheng's small plate, which was the same as he usually ate.

Not bad at all, it's rare to meet such a person who feels comfortable at a glance.

Finally, I don’t have to eat alone.

Heliansheng wanted to let Lux go by himself, but when he saw that the pot was open, he should finish it quickly and come back to eat. Stop the ink and waste time.

"Hurry up and get it for me, I'll make a string!"

Lux urged Heliansheng, and the string had already begun.

Heliansheng pursed his lips, he was really drooling when he saw it.

"Don't steal it!" Heliansheng said to Lux when he turned around.

Why can you rest assured to have dinner with such a boy who met for the first time?

He Liansheng saw the clean color in his eyes, it was simple and translucent, without any worldly sophistication.

Heliansheng adjusted the dip for Lux at the fastest speed, and then ran back.

Because some skewers need to be eaten in a few seconds, otherwise they will not taste good.

Therefore, Heliansheng is more anxious.

"Seeing you are in a hurry, I can't really eat it!"

Lux watched Heliansheng quickly take the string and smiled heartily.

It is a kind of laughter that only young people have, without thinking.

"I didn't eat at noon, and you knocked off the hand-caught cake just now!"

Satisfied with a bite of spicy beef, I immediately felt refreshed.

This taste is indeed as Luxe said, it is great.

Spicy but not spicy, the beef is also very tender, and the taste is particularly good.

"Did it hurt just now?" Lux asked with a sip of his beer.

"Why it doesn't hurt, you really don't want to play like this in the future!"

Fortunately, I hit her, what should I do if I hit the child, so fast.

"You are wordy, eat!"

Although the tone on Lux's mouth was impatient, there was a bright smile on the corners of his mouth.

It seems that I still prefer this kind of preaching.

"Why do I care about you so much!" He Liansheng was also drunk after being talked about one after another.

Children nowadays are so patient, and just talk long-winded.

Couldn't it be said by parents at home?

"No, I like you to take care of me, I just said that, you see you are still in a hurry!"

Lux thought Heliansheng was angry, so he stopped eating and said.

He brought a bunch of ribs to Heliansheng and put it on her plate.

"If you drink this beer that is not cold, you will have diarrhea if you drink it cold and spicy."

Seeing Heliansheng wanted to drink beer, Lux quickly pushed the cool bottle in front of her.

He Liansheng did want to drink cold just now, and was depressed and angry.

But, as Lux said, drinking and eating like this can cause diarrhea.

Finally, I chose a beer at room temperature.

"You cow!" Looking at Heliansheng's noodles and eating the spicy pot bottom, Lux gave a thumbs up.

He Liansheng gave him a triumphant look, she was really spicy.

And this is hot and not spicy, looking at the red bottom of the pot, but it's not that hot and spicy.

"Do you want to eat corn?" Lux asked Heliansheng looking at the new corn from the boss over there.

Heliansheng nodded quickly, the spicy corn tasted the best.

Corn is not to be sweet, but spicy is actually better.

"Match!" Lux got up, and they both had the same food and taste.

"Get a few more!" Huang Cancan's corn looks fresh, not the kind of quick-frozen.

This kind of fresh corn that can be directly rinsed is very tender and tastes good.

On the other side of the phone, Feng Xi kept listening to the two people talking.

His eyes were dull, judging from the man's voice and the tone of his speech, he should be young, definitely younger than his wife.

Obviously it was not her daughter-in-law who got on the phone and deliberately let him hear this.

Then this little white face deliberately let him listen.

Feng Xi's temper has improved a lot, but without a watch, he can accept his daughter-in-law and other men to eat out without telling him.

Feng Xi hung up directly, not wanting to listen any more.

He was afraid that he would hear something he didn't want to hear, so he kept telling himself in his heart that he should trust Heliansheng.

His wife will not betray him...

When He Lianting walked over, he saw Feng Xi meditating there, exhaling non-stop.

It seems to be calming my emotions...

"I'm hungry!" He Lianting sat opposite Feng Xi and said lazily.

Feng Xi opened his eyes and looked at his elder brother.

Looking at the time on the wall again, it was past six o'clock...

His wife did not come back for dinner, nor did he have a phone call.

Generally, his wife will come back after work, even if she comes back late, she will call in advance.

There has never been a situation like today.

"I'm in a bad mood, I don't want to cook!" Although there is no chef at home, in order to behave well in front of my elder brother, Feng Xi has been cooking these days.

He is also willing to cook, mainly because his wife likes to eat.

Since you want to be the man behind her, you should take good care of his wife in all aspects.

"You two quarreled?" Helianting was also waiting for his sister to come back.

Today seems to be back later than usual.

"We never quarrel!" There was indeed no quarrel.

"Then you are not going to cook?" He Lianting is indeed hungry. If people are too bored, they will be hungry easily. If people don't move, their mouths will move.

"Uncle, I have said everything, I am in a bad mood and don't want to do it!"

Feng Xi emphasized once again that the two of them sat face to face.

One is lying on the sofa with a lazy posture, and the other is sitting upright and regulating luck.

"But I'm hungry!" When He Lianting said this, he obviously raised his voice.

He doesn't have much patience, and he is discussing with Feng Xi what mood is good or not.

"Butler, let the chef cook, my elder brother is hungry!"

Feng Xi shouted with his throat.

The butler who was waiting over there immediately responded and quickly went down to prepare.

He Lianting opened his mouth, and finally did not say it. In fact, he was willing to eat Feng Xi's meal.

I have to say that Feng Xi's food is really delicious.

Not everyone can have this kind of talent, or say it, people who have never cooked before can make dishes when they enter the kitchen, and they taste good.

Feng Xi is such a person. After eating the food he made, no matter how delicious the food is made by others, it won't be delicious.

He Liansheng's cooking skills are also quite good, but since she had eaten Feng Xi's meals, she knew deeply that she was always self-righteous.

Compared with Feng Xi, it was nothing short of a witch.

"Uncle, if your sister makes a mistake, should I punish her?"

Feng Xi jumped off the sofa, then jumped to He Lianting's side, sat down and asked.

"Dare you!" He Lianting squinted slightly. Who would dare to punish his sister He Lianting?

"No, eldest brother, we can't protect the calf like this. I mean, if she commits a very serious problem, should she be punished and taught, so that she will have a long memory in the future."

Now the daughter-in-law has a natal family, and the elder brother is not easy to mess with, so Feng Xi thought that he had to take the elder brother first.

Lest her own daughter-in-law really find a little white face and get angry at that time, she will go directly to the arms of her elder brother and find a shelter. At that time, he was much aggrieved.

"My sister won't make mistakes, but you, if you dare to do anything to sorry my sister, then, don't blame me, just take people away, so that you will never see her in your life."

He Lianting didn't scare Feng Xi, he was just such a guardian. He Lianting's sister, no one could bully or give her wrong.

If it weren't for seeing that Feng Xi's sister-in-law treats his sister very well, and they are also married.

He won't let his sister marry Feng Xi, who is three years older, what should he do when he gets old?

If you want to find someone who is a little older, you don’t know that it hurts, and there won’t be so many intestines.

But after getting along, He Lianting was also very satisfied with Feng Xi, and all the conditions were still able to meet his requirements.

At least it is really good to his sister.

Like him, there are indeed not many men who can give everything they have to his sister, and honestly cook.

That's good, he can stay at home if he has children in the future, so that his sister is not tired, which is pretty good.

Men mainly don't commit any principled issues, and there is nothing messy with women, so that's fine.

"Uncle, I'm wronged for what you said. I will never use it before, nor will I do it now, and I will never do anything I am sorry for our family, Shengsheng. Don't talk nonsense about this. Sheng will never be separated in this life."

Feng Xi said this very seriously, but fate is often like this, and it will always catch you by surprise.

Many times, we all think we will live such a stable and happy life.

However, there are always winds and waves that disturb this tranquility and make you miserable.

This is life, good or bad, but it always makes you helpless.

"It's best to be like this. If you make my sister wronged, I will definitely make you regret it."

In fact, He Lianting said that, he also believed that Feng Xi would not dare to mess around.

But there must be warnings that should be given, lest he think he has a good temper.

Feng Xi rolled his eyes helplessly. This was talking about his daughter-in-law's problem, how could it have been on him again.

As for the little white face, he hasn't figured it out yet, and he can't complain to his elder brother for the time being.

In case, after finishing talking here, the eldest uncle will tell her that if there is nothing wrong with the daughter-in-law over there, the daughter-in-law should not feel wronged.

If anything happens, the daughter-in-law is relying on the elder brother to show off with him, he will not live anymore.

One of the two people in the family is depressed, the other is hungry and irritable.

And Heliansheng and Lux ​​ate very well over there.

"How is it, how enjoyable?"

Looking at the increasing number of bamboo sticks, Lux asked.

After eating this portion, the two of them were basically unable to eat, because it was too supportive.

"Well, it's really delicious, and it didn't make you hit it for nothing."

If he hadn't been hit by Lux, Heliansheng would not sit down and eat even if he passed by here.

Because it's so weird to sit here and eat this thing alone.

It won’t be so good to eat or drink so good.

"You drink well!"

Heliansheng drank three bottles of beer, basically like drinking water.

And Lux ​​drank four bottles, and the two were almost...

"Today is considered extraordinary performance."

Heliansheng does drink well, but she usually doesn't drink, because a woman is out and drinking is prone to trouble.

She didn't drink alcohol last time, and it was not calculated.

But the calculation is good, if it weren't for this, she and Feng Xi wouldn't be together.

He Liansheng felt bored again when he thought of Feng Xi.

The feeling of blocking is coming again...

"Sister gets up and walks around to digest, eat too much!"

Lux said he pulled up Heliansheng.

He Liansheng looked at such a new brother who had come out for no reason, and he thought it was pretty good.

Brother has, and now has a younger brother, she is also considered Consummation.

"Okay, let's go!"

Heliansheng regarded Lux ​​as his younger brother, because she could not see any impurities in his eyes, and her clean eyes made people look comfortable.

So I am not disgusted. When I feel uncomfortable, it is good to have such a younger brother by my side.

Everywhere Lux walked, there would be girls whispering. It can be seen that they all liked him.

Moreover, these girls are also guessing about the relationship between Heliansheng and Lux.

After all, the two are quite seductive to walk together, and now they have a lot of siblings.

And Helensheng also looked a few years older than Lux, just right.

"It seems that you are very popular. The eyes they look at me are all knives."

He Liansheng said jokingly.

As I walked, I recalled the scene when I was in school.

After thinking about it, I found that it was so boring and boring. Every day I work and study, without a trace, day after day.

"Just get used to it, don't look at them, you don't know what's good."

Lux is also a little annoying, and people will see it everywhere he goes, but he just can't understand what's there to see.

"Because you are handsome, so long as you see a beautiful girl, you will look at it more."

Women are willing to look at long and handsome men, and men are willing to look at long and beautiful women. The same is true.

"I haven't seen it. If so, you will be the one who has seen the most!"

Of course, except for the teacher in class, what Lux said was true.

When he was speaking today, he kept looking at Heliansheng, and he felt very comfortable looking at her.

"You kid..." Heliansheng smiled because Lux was serious.

That posture is like, if you don't believe me, I will prove it to you immediately, and I just see you the most.

Heliansheng also believed that he would do this.

Although it was just a meal, Heliansheng discovered during the conversation that Lux was a handsome, sunny and upright boy.

He speaks to you, his eyes are always sincere, making you feel that there is no pressure.

Even, they can tell him their secrets without reservation.

Because you know that if you talk to him, you will only be one more listener, and he will keep a secret for you and won't tell anyone.

Heliansheng had this feeling for Lux.

Heliansheng did not expect that this accident appeared in Luxe in her life.

It will become the pain that cannot be erased in her life, the imprint on the bottom of her heart, the one she can't forget, the one who hurts when she thinks of it...

"Sister, I'm serious." Without Heliansheng's response, Lux emphasized again.

"I believe, you kid."

He Liansheng smiled helplessly, this child was really true.

"I am not a child, I am nineteen, an adult, and can be called a man."

When Lux laughed, he looked very good.

"Okay, man, I should go home!" He Liansheng saw a street corner where he could take a taxi.

No matter how to escape, always go back.

"Okay, leave the phone number, I will meet you frequently in the future."

Lux took out his cell phone when he spoke, and Heliansheng asked for the phone number.

If it were someone else, Heliansheng would not give it to him, but Lux she still gave it.

Lux happily took down Heliansheng's call.

When He Liansheng saw him save his name, he saved "Sister"

I feel warm in my heart.

"I'll call it, you remember to save mine."

Heliansheng nodded.

Lux called the car for her, and the car drove away. Heliansheng also saw him and stood there waving.

Then put down the skateboard and slid away handsomely.

It was Lux's treat tonight. Heliansheng looked at him with a dull face, and finally did not rush to pay him.

Lux thinks that for dinner with a woman, the man must pay for it. This is the most basic etiquette.

From his domineering and powerful attitude, it can be seen that this child is actually a male chauvinist.

Sitting in the car, Heliansheng slowly closed his eyes and was very tired. When he left the busy street, he felt that his heart was also empty.

A woman, faced with such a situation, cannot directly question her husband.

Because Feng Xi drank too much that night, he didn't even know what he did.

And Su Jin dared to say to do amniotic fluid puncture. This also shows that the child in her belly must be Feng Xi's. Otherwise, she would not dare to say such words vowedly.

To know that if the results come out and prove that the child is not Feng Xi's, then she should know the consequences.

One more thing, Su Jin is looking for her instead of Feng Xi. Don't have any status or money, just ask her to take care of her, and want to have a healthier child...

However, Heliansheng felt that there was something she didn't understand.

In short, her mind is chaotic, and her heart is chaotic.

She didn't even know how to face Feng Xi, how to hide her emotions.

She is not a person who can conceal her emotions. She may wear a mask in front of people she doesn't know. However, in front of people she cares about, her emotions have nowhere to escape.

Two men in the family sat there with big eyes and small eyes.

Feng Xi is getting more and more irritable because his wife is not coming back.

He Lianting was in a bad mood because he had an unappetizing meal tonight.

"Why doesn't she come back, you don't call to ask."

He Lianting has now entered the fault finding mode.

Feng Xi was aggrieved. Why didn't he make a phone call? He heard such a conversation.

At first glance, the relationship is unusual, and his heart is as uncomfortable as a needle pierced.

The suffering in his heart, who did he talk to?

When Feng Xi didn't speak, He Lianting decided that the two must have quarreled.

Otherwise, Feng Xi would look like Pidian Pidian, and his sister would not come back at this time, so how could he sit still on Taishan and not call her.

Moreover, not only did he not cook tonight, he has not eaten yet.

"I'll ask you again, did you quarrel?"

He Lianting asked more seriously this time. If they quarreled, he would send someone out to find his sister.

After being wronged, he needs his comfort, and then he will give Feng Xi a lesson.

Actually dared to fight with his sister, bully his sister, and simply didn't want to live.

"We don't quarrel, but Brother, if you are bored, you can go to your house He Tingchen."

Couldn't Feng Xi still see that the eldest brother was looking for trouble, and his idleness hurts.

Feng Xi's words simply touched He Lianting's inverse scale.

You know, he was irritated for several days because of He Tingchen.

Although he let him go, he was in Ji Chenzhou's house, and he could catch him back at any time.

Why didn't he arrest anyone this time, but just wanted him to live in fear all day, making him frightened and nervous all day long.

Worrying about being caught back at any time and accepting punishment, Helianting wanted this kind of process.

However, in the process, he was not feeling well, and he became more and more irritable.

"Are you looking for death?" He Lianting asked, squinting at Feng Xi.

"Did I be wrong? Isn't the eldest brother sullen to pick He Tingchen back?" Feng Xi was also unhappy, and his words were provocative.

He Lianting got up and ran towards Feng Xi, "I think you really don't want to live anymore!"

It's a joke that he can't hold his face down.

He Lianting walked over, then lifted Feng Xi from the sofa, clutching his collar.

To talk about Feng Xi's most shocking thing, it was fighting, because he was really bad at fighting, and he couldn't fight.

These brothers are letting him, and no one will really do anything with him, even when the relationship with his brother is the worst, they have not been beaten.

However, the eldest brother will not get used to him...

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