The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1555: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-if Helianting dares to say that his bro

Feng Xi looked at He Liansheng wetly with a pair of eyes, like an abandoned child, suffering a great grievance.

He Liansheng Yu Guang had actually seen Feng Xi and wanted to feel the look in his eyes, but did not look at him.

Because He Liansheng was still very conflicted, although she knew that the child in Su Jin's stomach was not Feng Xi's, and Feng Xi had never had any relationship with her.

This made her think very pleased.

However, in the words Feng Xi said in the morning, he thought that Su Jin was pregnant with his child and wanted to live with him. Such a thought made He Liansheng unable to accept.

This will not look at him, she will focus on the Oolong incident.

He Lianting looked at his sister, and then at Feng Xi, who was about to "cry out".

Then he looked at Feng Yan, watching him look good at the show...

Cleared his throat, "I slept with him last night!"

He Lianting pointed his finger at Feng Xidao, who was standing not far away.

He Liansheng blinked and slept together. What's wrong?

Although I didn't ask this question, the expression in his eyes meant that.

"The eldest brother said he put me to sleep, so I will kneel for you..."

Feng Xi took He Lianting's words and spoke aggrievedly, and did not say anything about Su Jin.

He Liansheng's eyes were filled with surprise and absurdity.

This is really... an oolong, and it's such a coincidence.

It turns out that Feng Xi didn't know about Su Jin, and he admitted that he was wrong with himself because he slept with her brother...

"I just slept with him and didn't do anything to him. He was stupid."

He Lianting once again said that Feng Xi was stupid, and Feng Yan's face became even more gloomy.

Things are repeated and not repeated. If Helianting dares to say that his brother is stupid, he will scold him.

Feng Xi looked at He Lianting with sad eyes, brother, you really hate...

"It was he who said he put me to sleep...Daughter-in-law, I am wronged and uncomfortable..."

Feng Xi opened his arms, rushed to Heliansheng and left, as if he was about to cry, he was really aggrieved.

He Liansheng looked at Feng Xi like that, and couldn't help but smile. This is really a big oolong...

There would be such a thing...

A joke made by her brother caused such a big collision between them two mornings.

This is simply...

This day is simply more exciting than some people's lives.

Feng Xi walked in front of He Liansheng with arms so long, and looked at her with a smile.

Heliansheng smiled and cried...

"Sorry Feng Xi, it's because I didn't trust you, it's because I'm not good...I don't know why I care so much, it's my fault..."

He Liansheng hugged Feng Xi. Why didn't she firmly believe in Feng Xi and wouldn't have **** with other women, even if he was drunk.

He said that he hadn't done things before, why couldn't he believe him firmly.

When Feng Xi misunderstood what was going on between her and Gu Shaoting, she herself said that the most important thing between husband and wife is trust.

However, why did I forget this trust when I encountered something?

Heliansheng, where is your maturity and stability, how can you be so emotional, even self-willed...

"Don't cry, cry, this is an experience. Fortunately, we have not experienced it for a long time, and the day has not passed."

In fact, Feng Xi felt that the day that had not yet passed was about the same as a year, because it was too tormenting.

Seeing his wife crying, he stroked her back and comforted her.

"It's not that you don't trust me, but you all think that I drank too much, don't remember anything, and most likely did it."

"If you didn't drink, you would have believed in me and definitely didn't do that. This is all causal. It is because we are human beings that we are influenced by emotions. If there is no emotional fluctuation, it is a machine. "

Feng Xi was aggrieved just now like a child, but he held He Liansheng in his arms and comforted him softly.

Because he knew that this seemingly strong woman needed his comfort at this time.

He Liansheng cried more fiercely after hearing Feng Xi's words.

"I am also wrong. I shouldn't guess what's wrong with that college student, and conclude that you are empathizing and betraying our marriage."

“I’m not affected by emotions. It’s a normal thing. Maybe in the future we will still have such distrust of each other, and when we misunderstand many parties, we will quarrel, lose our temper with each other, or even get cold. These things will happen because this is life."

Feng Xi's soothing action gradually calmed down He Liansheng.

Feng Yan's eyes were red when he heard what his brother said.

In his heart, he always thought Feng Xi was a child.

Because I didn't like him and hated him before, I didn't have any feelings for him.

However, after all the suspicions were lifted, he wanted to make up for Feng Xi's family affection that had been missing in these years.

Therefore, although he always talks about him, it is more to love him and spoil him.

Feng Xi likes to send sports cars. Every year, he buys him a limited edition sports car.

In his heart, Feng Xi will always be a child...

However, at this moment, when he heard these words, he realized that his Feng Xi had really grown up.

He can shelter a woman from wind and rain, and he can become a woman's support.

You must have some insight to speak these words.

He Lianting narrowed his eyes and looked at Feng Xi. If he said that he was fairly satisfied with Feng Xi before, what Feng Xi said just now made him particularly satisfied with him.

He always thought that Feng Xi was a spoiled young master, not worthy of his lifelong entrusted by Helianting's sister.

However, his younger sister likes it, so he should take care of his brother. If Feng Xi dared to make his younger sister feel wronged, he would not allow it.

Anyway, if he is alive for one day, he will show Feng Xi to death, preventing him from bullying his sister.

Now it seems that he doesn't need to look so tightly, it seems that he can rest assured.

No wonder his sister likes him so much. Feng Xi is a man. You look at him as a rich young master, but, sometimes, like now, he will stand in front of you as a mature man.

To comfort you, no matter how strong a woman you are, in front of him, you will become a little woman, just want to lean in his arms.

This is probably the reason you hear their stories and feel that they don’t match, but the person you meet them only needs a glance to determine that they are the most suitable people for each other.

Heliansheng can usually say, but he can't say anything in this meeting.

After experiencing such a change, she has deeply realized that any mature person will become irrational in the face of emotions.

However, she felt that what happened this time was not necessarily a bad thing for them.

This will make them more mature in love, and they will be able to deal with problems more calmly whether they are the same or similar.

Because they have experienced...

Fortunately, they did not torture each other for long.

But only such a short day...

However, the experience of this day is something they will never forget in their lifetime.

"Well, now let's talk about the woman who was pregnant."

He Lianting would never let go of the woman who dared to ruin the happiness of his sister's marriage.

Feng Xi took Heliansheng and sat on the sofa. He knew best what he did to his wife in the morning.

Regardless of that, I guess his wife must be uncomfortable.

It's all right to say that impulse is the devil.

Helianting is used to being in a dominant position and he has to listen to everything.

It is not that he wants to fight, but that he is used to it.

Only then did he remember that Feng Yan was also there.

"Feng Shao is also sitting, standing and doing what."

He Lianting's attitude is to completely regard himself as the master here.

Feng Yan looked at He Lianting, then looked around, who is this?

Feng Xi was used to it, and the older brother didn't regard himself as an outsider.

Who made his elder brother shameless!

"Shengsheng, it stands to reason that Su Jin has a child, so he should find Feng Xi first. Why should I find you?"

Feng Yan frowned and asked Xiang He Liansheng.

"When she found me yesterday, she said that the child was malnourished and she had no money. Then she wanted me to help her, but she didn't want Feng Xi to know the existence of the child, and didn't want to destroy our marriage."

He Liansheng said roughly what Su Jin meant.

"It's so disgusting."

Feng Xi really felt sick. He felt sick when he thought about his name being uttered from other women's mouths, and the child was still involved.

Only their family Shengsheng can give birth to him.

"I was not in good shape yesterday. I was thinking about settling her down first, and then thinking about this matter..."

"As a result, Feng Xi and I admitted wrong this morning. I thought he also knew about Su Jin..."

He Liansheng felt funny when he thought that Feng Xiyuan said that everyone was a family, a close relative of blood, and her brother.

How could such a coincidence happen...

"That was a misunderstanding... I blame Brother Uncle."

Feng Xi would again become the second master of grievances.

He Lianting glared at Feng Xi, ignored him, and continued to listen to his sister.

"However, Su Jin asked me today and said that the child cannot be left without a father. I doubted that the child in her belly might not belong to Feng Xi, because she was too contradictory yesterday and today."

"As a result, I tried her and found that her eyes were dodging, and then I said to do amniocentesis, she said yes, but then said that her stomach hurts, I knew she was lying."

"I just thought of a mysterious call I received yesterday morning. I wonder if there will be any connection between these two things?"

He Liansheng told the truth about what happened yesterday and today.

"What mysterious call?" Helian Ting Feng Xi Feng Yan asked together.

"One person said he knew a shocking secret, he was using a voice changer..."

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