The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1556: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-He Tingchen is my person, how should I

Feng Xi looked at He Liansheng, "Why didn't you tell me as soon as you received the call?"

He Liansheng has always been an independent person. The more she gets to solve any problem, she prefers to solve it by herself, and doesn't like to trouble others.

Feng Xi said this in a more or less reproachful tone.

Because he was worried that if it weren't for such an oolong incident, Heliansheng would continue to conceal Su Jin and this mysterious call.

She will solve it by herself, because she does not want to cause trouble to others, even if he is her husband, she is not willing to trouble.

This bad problem must be corrected, and sometimes it is really impossible to make her too independent or to indulge her too much.

Otherwise, she wants to solve everything herself.

What do you want his husband to do.

He Liansheng lowered his head and said nothing. Why didn't he tell Feng Xi the first time...

That's because of the words the mysterious man said.

"If you don't want to go crazy and regret it in the future, leave Feng Xi now, otherwise you will regret it...want to die."

Just because that person said these words, Heliansheng was flustered, her intuition was very bad, and she vaguely felt that something was happening.

And it's definitely not a trivial matter, it must be a major matter that neither of them can accept.

It's not that Heliansheng frightened herself, nor did she think it was a prank by some boring people.

In short, she was very flustered.

"This kind of thing, you should tell me, what if you encounter danger?"

Seeing He Liansheng not speaking, Feng Xi sighed and said, "Don't say anything, I don't want me to worry, I will only worry even more after you do this."

How could Feng Xi not know the character of his wife? If he didn't tell him, he was afraid that he would be worried.

However, how could she forget that he is a man, a woman, and when appropriate, she should rely on a man.

For this, he must criticize her.

"Do you hate me?" He Liansheng suddenly felt a little disgusted with herself.

This unpleasant feeling came suddenly, making her feel that she was able to perform such a behavior.

Although this term may not be appropriate, Heliansheng feels regretful.

Before, she would not think that she did something wrong, she would not think that she wanted to solve the problem independently, and that there was something wrong.

Because no one had solved her problems before, she had to deal with all the things she encountered.

Over time, this has become a habit.

Don't rely on...

"How can I hate you fool, I'm just worried, do you know what happened to Gu Qiwen last time, how scared I am!"

At that time, he was in a coma, and he learned afterwards that she did that. Although he didn't say anything, he was really scared.

He couldn't bear the consequences of losing her, he was really scared to think about it.

Therefore, just now He Liansheng said that when someone called her, he still used the voice changer, and his heart shook.

"I will do this from now on, and I won't hide it from you again..."

He Liansheng didn't want to cry before, but after Feng Xi, she found that she would always cry.

That kind of crying is uncontrollable, and when the eyes are red, the tears will fall.

I couldn't bear it, and then it was out of control.

"Remember what you have said. If you have something in the future, tell me as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will keep you at home and not let you go anywhere. I don't want to be afraid all day."

It is rare for Feng Xi to speak to He Liansheng seriously.

He loves this woman, loves her toughness, and loves her shyness and innocence.

Heliansheng shook his head, "No, no..."

He Lianting looked at his sister who was crying into tears.

"In the future, you just can't tell him, but also tell me, this time I really want to criticize you, punish you, and stop eating dinner."

As soon as He Lianting finished speaking, Feng Xi was annoyed.

"Uncle, do you have to go against me?"

I just finished talking with my wife, and I have to tell myself everything in the future. The eldest brother over there will tell her. If you can't tell him, just tell him.

This is not to leave a way for his daughter-in-law.

Now I really want to strangle my eldest brother in minutes.

"Also, this is my daughter-in-law, my daughter-in-law, eldest uncle, why are you punishing her? Still not letting her eat, I think the eldest brother should not eat."

The thought of being tricked by him made him angry and sad for so long.

I really want to step on him, step on the villain...

"Uncle brother, do you often punish He Tingchen for not giving him food? No wonder he is so thin..."

Feng Xi was deliberately poking his brother's pain badly.

Because he knew that He Tingchen was absent these few days, and his elder brother was extremely irritable and extremely bored.

He saw this symptom that he was suffering from lovesickness.

The purpose of saying this is to make He Tingchen nervous all day, afraid of being caught back at any time.

However, he must be unable to hold back his face and face He Tingchen.

He Tingchen must have been beaten that day, and the five fingerprints on his face are clearly visible.

He can't see if there is any injury on the body.

Why did the two quarrel and fight that day, no one knew.

However, he believes that He Tingchen will definitely not be the reason, and it must be the elder brother bullying.

He has always been like this, never caring about He Tingchen's feelings.

Feng Xi's words were indeed quite ruthless, and He Lianting's face changed at that time.

Because he talked about the person he was most annoying.

He often does things to punish He Tingchen, because he has never been soft on people who are disobedient.

"She is my sister and I punish her, who dares to speak?"

This is for Feng Xi, meaning you can't say anything.

"Also, He Tingchen is my person. I can treat it as I want. Do you have an opinion?"

He Lianting's tone was the same as usual, all in that low, cold tone.

However, at the end, the ending sound will rise.

Not angry...

Feng Yan, who was sitting on the side, looked at his younger brother, trying to stab the hornet's nest, but now he was stung again.

He knew that Feng Xi could not tear his face with his elder brother, and how could he not embarrass his wife.

Who made his elder brother speak so tugging, so irritating...

Just as Feng Yan was about to speak, He Liansheng spoke first over there.

"Brother, you can't say that to my husband."

He Liansheng rarely voluntarily called Feng Xi's husband, especially in front of everyone. This was the first time.

In private, she was very shy.

But not like Feng Xi, who opened his mouth and closed his mouth was his wife and wife...

He Lianting looked at He Liansheng, it was really the water thrown out by his married sister, who actually talked to him like this for Feng Xi.

He Lianting actually felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart, it was a...

Something that seems to be uncomfortable, I felt this way for the first time...

"I am... uncomfortable here!"

He Lianting pointed to the position of his heart and said blankly.

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