The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1559: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-brother, I'm terrible

I have to say that the eldest brother smiled rarely, and when he laughed, it was really evil enough.

There was a playful little Mars in those ice blue eyes.

"Suck it with your mouth..." Feng Xi seemed to be put on his neck with a knife.

Wronged Baba said unwillingly.

"Don't drink it backwards?" He Lianting looked at Feng Xi's bowl again, there was not much soup left, but he ate and drank cleanly.

"Ouuuuu, I was joking with you, brother, the soup should be sucked and cannot be drunk backwards..."

Threatened again, Feng Xi really wanted to buckle the bowl on his elder brother's head.

"After eating, go out and do some activities. You can't just go to sleep, or the three of us fighting landlords?"

He Liansheng really couldn't stand his husband, because she was so threatened by her brother.

Talking in time to divert their attention...

"Uncle, I'm terrible at playing!"

Feng Xi nodded immediately, fighting the landlord was the best player, and the opportunity for revenge came.

My eldest brother is just learning, and his playing is not very good, then I can kill the eldest brother in anger.

Of course, Feng Xi didn't show it. His elder brother was going to be a monkey now.

He Lianting squinted at Feng Xi, a joking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, He Lianting felt that this landlord could play.

Maybe ordinary people don't think there is anything playing every day, but for him, it's still quite new.

Especially, if you can play with your sister, it will be more interesting.

What He Liansheng was thinking about was to let these two men stay away from their swords.

who knows……

"Let's just entertain, what do you do with money?"

He Liansheng had a headache, looking at the two people who complemented each other.

I'm really speechless, my family, what money is it for...

"Are you rich?" The eldest uncle spoke of Feng Xi's pain very shamelessly.

He is really penniless now...

Feng Xi looked at his daughter-in-law pitifully, with his eyes saying, "Look, your brother bullied me like this and specifically picked out my weakness..."

He Liansheng wanted to say to Feng Xi very rudely, "Who told you to have nothing to do with money..."

But after thinking about it, forget it. It is estimated that he is still unwilling to give up and wants to bully her brother.

"Let's not play money, let's play painting and Dadao!"

When He Liansheng spoke, he gestured on his face.

This can not only reflect the win or lose, but also entertain.

She didn't care anyway, and she didn't play well.

"This is good, this is good... just play with this painting."

When Feng Xi thought about painting all over his brother's face, he felt extremely excited.

This is not much faster than winning the big brother.

Uncle brother, don’t you want to wear a mask, then I will paint your face...

Is his wife's cleverness a joke?

It really suits him...

"If any of us loses, we can't wash our faces after painting, and we won't be able to wash tomorrow, except for my wife, of course!"

Feng Xi said this with great confidence, because he was so sure that he painted his elder brother a big face.

You know, what he plays is very good.

The one who can't wash his face in the end must be the older brother...

He Lianting looked at Feng Xi's undisguised excitement, and the corner of his lips twitched.

Nodded, which means he agreed to Heliansheng's gameplay.

How did Feng Xi know that his eldest brother was playing Fighting Landlords in these sleepless nights...

The pen that draws the lines is Heliansheng’s eyeliner...

Feng Xi looked at the eyeliner in his elder brother's hand. It was really a disadvantage...

He was the landlord in the first game. He was killed so miserably, his wife did not release the water...

The elder brother hooked his fingers at Feng Xi, motioning him to move forward.

Feng Xi leaned forward reluctantly...

He obediently moved his face over, "Uncle, say yes, draw one at a time..."

Feng Xi worried that his elder brother would paint him a big face, and said quickly.

"Don't worry, just one!" He Lianting calmly drew a circle clockwise on Feng Xi's face, using the center of his eyebrows as a point...

Finally back to the eyebrow...

"A stroke is a stroke!" He said with a smile after turning the eyeliner on Helianting's fingers a few times.

Why laugh, because it is so funny.

A circle was drawn on Feng Xi's handsome face.

The thin eyeliner makes very fine traces.

The key is that the circle spoken by Uncle Brother can only be called a circle, because it is not round enough.

It looks like a winding mountain road, it looks really funny...

He Liansheng held back his smile, his pretty face turned red.

However, she was afraid that if she laughed out, Feng Xi would be crazy...

She didn't expect that when he came up, he was the landlord, and he would be fought so badly by her brother.

Just now Feng Xi made it clear that he wanted to tease her brother, but he didn't expect to be taken down by her brother first.

Feng Xi lowered his head, he could feel the trajectory drawn by Brother Qiancai, now he must be ugly...

What is this called? It is simply a disadvantage.

However, he didn't believe that his elder brother could still win.

"Uncle, fat first is not fat, then fat overwhelms the Kang, have you heard that?"

Feng Xi made a move to wipe his neck, but he didn't believe it, he could still lose.

Helianting didn't pay attention to him at all, and quickly shuffled the cards with his slender hands.

The action is simply pleasing to the eye, and the hands are really beautiful.

At first glance, I am used to being pampered and well maintained.

There is also a saying that when people order their backs, they will have their teeth stuck in drinking water.

In the second game, Feng Xi lost again, even with Heliansheng, and Helianting was the landlord.

This time Feng Xi saw what discrimination is.

He Lianting drew another circle on his face, again twists and turns...

Such two circles overlap each other, and it really becomes a big face.

But the eldest brother just clicked symbolically on his sister's face...

If you don’t look closely, you won’t be able to tell...

Seeing Feng Xi's face this time, He Liansheng couldn't hold back anymore, and smiled directly.

Because it's so funny...

I can't help it, I have to laugh...

Her brother’s stroke is really long enough. If he continues to draw like this, as long as it keeps on, wouldn’t it always be a stroke...

However, her brother is still very particular. Both times he returned to the starting point. It was a circle, but it was just a little twisty...

Feng Xi really wanted to put his eldest brother in the dye vat. He didn't just play Doudizhu once, so how could he be able to play so well...

Uuuuu, he is really dissatisfied, he must be at odds with the eldest uncle, or he will encounter him so the skills will disappear...

And will be completely abused...

He Lianting looked at Feng Xi with a look in his eyes as if asking him, "Just say you are not convinced?"

Feng Xi looked at Big Uncle proudly, then gritted his teeth and said, "Come again."

Helianting once again skillfully shuffled the cards...

Then there is another circle on Feng Xi's face...

Helianting shuffles again...

The more you wash, the more skilled...

Feng Xi's face is no longer round, it's messy, like a totem...

Heliansheng couldn't laugh anymore, because it was past the funniest time.

He Lianting was boring, and he painted more casually.

Heliansheng was a little sleepy, and he breathed while playing cards.

Later, Feng Xi directly dropped the card...

"Stop playing, my wife is sleepy..." Feng Xi got up annoyed, and said with a big painted face.

"You are not allowed to wash your face, just sleep like this, and we will go to Ji Shenzhou's house tomorrow!"

When He Lianting got up, he said to Feng Xi.

He really lifted a rock and hit himself in the foot. Feng Xi couldn't cry anymore.

Why has he forgotten that he can't wash his face yet...

Oh, why do you treat him like this, he doesn’t want it...

Why should I go to Shen Zhou's house?

Should he be embarrassed or pick up He Tingchen, he doesn't want anything...

Too embarrassing, it is too detrimental to his image as the world's most handsome.

"Daughter-in-law..." Feng Xi could only hope his daughter-in-law at this time.

"I wish to accept the bet!" Before He Liansheng could speak, He Lianting left these four words and turned and left.

"Anyway, it's my own family. Otherwise, we won't go and let my brother go by himself."

He Liansheng did not expect that Feng Xi would be apostate to this degree, and he did not win once...

It's not that he played badly, but her brother played too well.

"Daughter-in-law, you are the smartest. You will stay at home tomorrow and not go anywhere."

Feng Xi squeezed his wife's face and smiled immediately.

He Liansheng looked at Feng Xi's big painted face and couldn't help but smile.

Hey, she really wants to take a picture of Feng Xi...

When He Liansheng thought so, behind her came the sound of a camera taking pictures.

"Uncle, you are so annoying!" Then Feng Xi roared furiously.

When He Liansheng turned around, her brother had already taken a calm step upstairs.

Her brother just took a picture of Feng Xi's big painted face...

"Don't play if you can't lose. If you feel embarrassed tomorrow, don't go. If you feel wronged, you can ask your brothers to complain. I've been very idle lately!"

Helianting's low voice echoed in the huge living room.

After hearing what the elder brother said, Feng Xi was almost angry all over.

"Ahhhhh..." Feng Xi was really angry.

Ever since I was a child, I have never been bullied so much, and I am simply angry and wronged.

"Well, who made you want to tease him first, he is revenge, and... it's pretty..." He Liansheng looked at Feng Xi's big painted face and could only comfort him like this.

"I want to take revenge. He thought he took my picture and asked me to make a fool of myself tomorrow. This young man, I will let him know what it means to be a mantis catching a cicada or oriole."

Feng Xi thought that since his elder brother treated him this way, if he didn't take advantage of the present to fight back, then he might not have a chance to stand up in his life.

Therefore, tomorrow he intends to show his killer skill.

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