The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1560: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-you look at him shy, but in fact he is

He Liansheng looked at Feng Xi, touched it with his hand, and couldn't wipe it off...

"I said, stop doing things like lifting a rock and hitting myself in the foot. I think my brother seems to be on the hook recently, everything is going well."

He Liansheng still felt distressed for Feng Xi, but he still provokes every time, and in the end he is still abused.

"What does it mean to hang up? It's a frustration in love, and then the casino is proud!"

"I'm proud of love, and the casino will be disappointed!"

Feng Xi thought this statement was too good.

After all, he would rather be the casino frustrated, he would always be happy in love.

"Puff..." He Liansheng smiled, and she found that now Feng Xi was more and more willing to make tactics.

Especially in front of her brother, she was more willing to say something like this.

"This young man is handsome, even if he is drawn in circles!"

It is rare that Feng Xi still has this confidence.

He Liansheng was a little worried, and I was afraid that this kind of life would have to pass every day.

Feng Xi always wants to provoke when he refuses to accept it, but her brother is tyrannical refuse to accept.

Anyone who doesn't accept anyone will just keep fighting like this.

She added in the middle like a heart in a sandwich biscuit, squeezed out of various shapes.

Next day

Feng Xi looked meaningless when he got in his elder brother's luxurious RV.

Just sitting there steadily against his big painted face.

Heliansheng didn't work with the two of them because of something in the company.

When Feng Xi woke up this morning, this was how Feng Xi appeared at home, and the servants were shocked when they saw it.

Feng Xi also joked with the housekeeper that this was the tattoo he had on his face last night, scaring the old housekeeper, and said, "What can I do about this, it's so ugly..."

Then I called and asked if there is any technique that can remove the tattoo without leaving a trace. It doesn't matter how much it costs.

Then I told others that it was just on the face, and the answer I got was impossible.

Seeing that the old housekeeper was about to cry, Feng Xi quickly told him the truth.

Later, the butler cried and laughed...

"Uncle, where's your mask?" Feng Xi suddenly thought of his uncle, as if he hadn't worn a mask for a long time.

In other words, it's better to wear a mask before, at least you don't need to see his face, which is quite pleasing to the eye.

Now this face is so annoying.

Especially his icy blue eyes, as if they were standing icebergs.

Always give people an overwhelming momentum.

It made him look very upset...

"Why do you want to wear it?"

He Lianting closed his eyes slightly, he was going to catch his pet now.

It is said that his life is very good these days, which is very bad.

Why is his life good, but he can't sleep every night, life is not good at all.

"I want to try, what does it feel!"

Feng Xi directly sat next to his uncle and said with a smile.

Then he started to roll over in his car.

This RV is simply a home, with everything in the cabinet.

Feng Xi turned a few times but couldn't find it...

"Uncle, just show me, I'm curious."

Feng Xi took He Lianting's arm and acted like a baby.

He Lianting frowned when he looked at Feng Xi like this. The man is also very cute and comfortable.

I just didn't know that if He Tingchen acted like Feng Xi, he wouldn't be so cute and natural.

With this in mind, He Lianting made a decision to let He Tingchen act like a baby to show him.

Pulled the drawer on the left side of his seat, took out a mask from it, and handed it to Feng Xi.

Feng Xi looked at the mask and asked with a smile, "Uncle, is this the size of your face?"

He Lianting squinted slightly and looked at Feng Xi, "Then is your face big enough?"

The elder brother once again saw through Feng Xi's intentions, and he asked that, just indirectly trying to say that he was big face.

The eldest brother hit back successfully, if you say it is big enough, you can wear it, which means your face is big.

If you say it is not big enough, then don't wear it...

Anyway, I was talking about Feng Xi's face being big and small.

Feng Xi squatted once again, it was really God's death.

But it doesn't matter, the eldest brother is frustrated in love now.

When I see He Tingchen later, he will be proud of his love scene, and his uncle will be unlucky then.

Ji Chenzhou is very lively today because the children did not go to kindergarten.

Now the baby is getting crazy, making a lot of sounds anytime and anywhere.

She likes to play the piano and everything related to sound.

As long as it makes a sound, she likes...

And today, one of Naren's apprentices who studied photography also came.

And this person is not someone else, it is Lux.

Ji Chenzhou watched Naren and Lux ​​talk about photography there, and he was eating apples with his teeth.

He Tingchen, who was reading a book, sat next to him, "As for, Naren is not a temperament to provoke flowers."

For Ji Chenzhou's moments like this, he must pay close attention to his family's behavior.

He Tingchen thought it was funny, like a puppy looking at the flesh and bones.

The eyes are shining wolves all the time, staring hard, for fear of being snatched away.

He Tingchen can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. In the past few days at Ji Chenzhou's house, he has had a particularly happy life.

Especially with the knight and the baby, it is really very happy.

He Tingchen was even thinking that having such a happy and free time these few days, he would have no regrets even if he died.

That's fine, and he is satisfied.

He never thought that there would be such a leisure time in his life.

Even if he didn't stay away, he breathed free air.

It's good, it's really good, that's enough.

He once wanted to die as a kind of relief for him, but now, he is a little greedy, this happy time.

Especially when he closed his eyes and heard the children's laughter, he thought, it was fake to say that there was no regret.

He wants to have a child...

He once thought that if one day he was free, he would adopt a child, exhaust all the people, and slowly raise him, and then he would grow old slowly, and just live without sadness or joy. Just don’t think about Helianting...

But now, he knows that freedom is a luxury for him.

Even if he adopts a child, it will not give him happiness, nor will he grow up with him.

Because that day, He Lianting said, "Even if He Tingchen is dead, I will have your body preserved. After I die, we will be buried together!"

Thinking of Helianting's words, He Tingchen slowly closed his eyes.

These words were like a cane tightening his neck severely.

He couldn't breathe, Helianting was so cruel!

Even if He Tingchen is dead, he will not let him go and keep him peaceful.

Did they have enemies in their previous life? Why do you want to torture him so much in this life.

He Tingchen broke out that night, he refused Helianting's Suo Huan...

Annoyed Helianting, he raised his hand and slapped him twice.

He Tingchen touched his face, and those two slaps disappeared in three days.

This is due to Helian Ting who usually raises him too delicately and his skin is not tender.

"Naren, you look at him shy, but in fact, it's so unpleasant, and it's especially attractive."

Ji Chenzhou's voice exchanged He Tingchen's thoughts, and he exhaled.

If Ji Chenzhou doesn't care about his family, he doesn't know how many people will be thinking about it.

Fortunately, Naren doesn't go out very much, that is, when there is photography, he goes out.

If you want to spend the night outside, Ji Chenzhou must follow.

Ji Chenzhou used to like photography more, but since his family Naren became addicted to photography, he didn't like it very much.

They also quarreled several times because of photography.

Once there was a quarrel, he almost dropped all the cameras Naren had collected.

Fortunately, his son stopped him in time, otherwise, Naren might be separated from him.

Because his son said, "You destroyed the cameras of Dad 4, he will definitely not pay attention to you again. Believe me, Dad’s temperament looks good, but he is actually very stubborn."

Why didn't I know that benevolent temperament, but fortunately I held it back in time, and finally did not cause disaster.

"You can be regarded as old husbands, so what else is there to worry about? You are too eager to find things for yourself."

When He Tingchen was smiling, those deep eyes were really attractive.

It flashes like stars, so bright.

Who can believe that a person with such a pair of beautiful eyes would be so sad and heartache.

People like He Tingchen should live a posture of not eating the fireworks, and that is the most suitable state for him...

However, it happened to be the canary who was kept in a cage.

Completely lost freedom, no right of autonomy.

"The more the old man is, the more nervous he cares. He is not nervous at all. Binzi asks me to go out for a drink and dinner, he never cares."

"You can see that we are sitting together like this, he didn't even take a look. I was in his heart, and it was not as important as the camera in his hand."

When Ji Chenzhou talked about the camera, his tone was like chewing the words camera on his teeth, and he was very disgusted.

"Look at what you said, Naren is trusting you, so I won't interfere with you. Besides, I'm chatting with you, and I'm not doing anything else."

He Tingchen was wearing loose home clothes, and the sunlight hit him, covering him with a layer of golden light.

Very dazzling...

"Fuck, don't you believe it, look at it!"

Ji Chenzhou sat directly beside He Tingchen, and then deliberately kicked off the glass on the coffee table.

Just when the cup fell, he pinched He Tingchen's chin and kissed his cheek.

Then Naren, who was talking to Lux on the opposite sofa, heard the sound of the glass falling.

I raised my head and looked here...

Then I saw the scene where Ji Shenzhou kissed He Tingchen.

He Tingchen did not react, and Ji Chenzhou would do it.

Immediately he smiled, and then squinted at Ji Chenzhou, while his lips were still on He Tingchen's face.

And He Tingchen squinted and saw He Lianting standing in the hallway...

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