The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1561: I'll live up to you for the rest of my life-there are outsiders here, don't

The smile at the corner of He Tingchen's mouth was so stiff on his face.

Then when He Lianting walked over with a cold face and anger, he slowly closed his eyes.

Naren smiled and said naively, then lowered his head to continue playing with the camera.

Because he turned his back to Helianting's direction, he didn't see Helianting walking by either.

Ji Chenzhou was leaning on his side, naturally he didn't see He Lianting.

Hearing the naive word Naren, he let go of He Tingchen.

"It just doesn't care about me so much!"

Ji Chenzhou was still talking helplessly, completely unaware of He Tingchen's increasingly pale face.

Feng Xi reacted and ran over quickly.

Because he had a hunch, if his elder brother walked to He Tingchen's side, he would definitely hit him.

And his instinct is to hit the face...

The eldest brother will be angry, so irrational, he will do everything.

However, he couldn't just watch He Tingchen being beaten.

To say that He Tingchen is really pitiful enough, but he just ran into the man like his elder brother.

He has gotten mad when he gets along with his elder brother these days.

The feeling of aggrieved and angry is simply too aggrieved.

He Tingchen has been with him for so many years, how he endured it is really incredible.

How strong a person can bear to face such a man for so many years.

"Uncle, uncle, why don't you wait for me!"

Feng Xi hugged He Lianting's waist directly from behind and said with a smile.

He thinks that it is so cute, he also has to contain his eldest brother and suppress his anger.

In front of so many people, if he really hit He Tingchen, it would be really too much.

And he was sure that the eldest brother wouldn't care if anyone was there.

He would only want to do what he wanted to do, and he would not even estimate He Tingchen's face.

He Lianting didn't say a word, but directly started to tear Feng Xi off.

As soon as Feng Xi spoke, Ji Chenzhou and Na Rencai looked back together, only then saw them coming.

Because the code for Ji Shenzhou’s house is 520520, everyone knows it, so Feng Xi brought his eldest brother in...

Who knew that he would see the scene where Ji Chenzhou kissed He Tingchen.

Feng Xi believed that the two of them must be playing around, and Ji Chenzhou and He Tingchen were good buddies.

It was impossible for anything to happen at all. Besides, Naren was sitting across from him. It must be a joke.

However, the eldest brother will not care if this is a joke, he will only care about what he sees.

What I saw was that He Tingchen was kissed by Ji Shenzhou.

And He Tingchen smiled at Ji Shenzhou, smiling so charmingly.

Perhaps the term charming is inappropriate for men, but it is absolutely appropriate for He Tingchen, because he is such an existence.

One of his eyes, as long as you look at it, you will be stuck in it.

Because it is really too deep, like a deep spring.

Mysterious and full of temptation...

"Feng Xi, let go!" By these words, it is not difficult to hear that He Lianting was already giving the final letter to Feng Xi.

He was telling Feng Xi that he was extremely unhappy and very annoyed.

But since Feng Xi had made up his mind to save He Tingchen, how could he let go.

"No, eldest uncle, I have such a beautiful face, you can block me so that no one can see it, it's shameful!"

Feng Xi tightly bound He Lianting's waist and buried his face on his back.

If he were shorter, he would definitely be like a koala, and he would hang on his elder brother.

Who makes his legs so long, can't encircle his brother's waist.

So Feng Xi had to use all his strength to hug his elder brother.

Anyway, my face is on your back, you can't hit me, as long as you don't hit me in the face.

I am not afraid of anything. I just hug you tightly to see how you move and walk over.

However, Feng Xi had forgotten that it was useless for him to entangle He Lianting in this way. He didn't walk over, but he could order He Tingchen to come over.

"Come here!" He Lianting's icy blue eyes burst out with a flash of flame.

He Tingchen did not dare to disobey Helianting's order because he did not want to hurt the people here, especially Ji Chenzhou.

He Tingchen stood up slowly, and when he stood up, Ji Chenzhou also stood up and directly stood in front of He Tingchen.

"We are just joking, Ting Chen and I are buddies!"

Ji Chenzhou's tone was cold, and when He Tingchen appeared in front of him in embarrassment that night, he was angry.

He wanted to kill Helianting, but he was the president of a country, if something happened in their country.

Then Huo Ge is in trouble, he believes that the person enduring Helianting is definitely not him.

If He Tingchen suffered something bad because of his joke just now, he would definitely not forgive himself.

Today this is at their home, and he can't let He Tingchen be bullied.

He Lianting didn't pay attention to Ji Chenzhou, but squinted slightly to look at He Tingchen. Those icy blue eyes showed a dangerous dark light.

He Tingchen put his hand on the side of his leg, but he did not dare to make a fist. After bending and stretching a few times, he ended up hanging there.

Take a step to the left, then cross Ji Chenzhou, stepping away...

Ji Chenzhou grabbed him by the arm and said, "What are you doing? He told you to go there, then you go, He Tingchen, these years are enough!"

Ji Chenzhou was really angry. He once jokingly said to He Tingchen that the only man in this world who can stand you is He Lianting. Because he has no heart, he can bear it. He Tingchen’s charm and He Tingchen’s existence, Whether it is for men or women, it is a fatal temptation. People who are not strong enough can never stand it.

However, right now, the only person who can bear He Lianting is He Tingchen.

Although he was Helianting's slave, he had been by Helianting's side over the years, and he was obedient and servile.

He had told him more than once to leave, but he always smiled and shook his head, and then said nothing.

Ji Chenzhou didn't understand why he didn't leave. These people have the ability to let him go to a free place, a place not found by Helianting.

The uninhabited island of Master Xiu is fine, Helianting can't find him, but He Tingchen just refuses...

A bitter smile appeared at the corner of He Tingchen's mouth. He also felt that enough and enough to live, but now that he wanted to die, he couldn't get free.

What is the difference between death and alive...

Before, he still placed hope on Heliansheng, after all, Helianting cares about her.

Even after he left, he would not embarrass her, but what Helianting said that day...

"He Tingchen, don't want to use Shengsheng's kindness. If you really dare to use her to escape, I guarantee that the people you care about will not end well."

That's it, what He Tingchen cares about is his best weapon for Helianting to threaten him.

Hit his heart directly, making him unable to resist.

It's not that He Tingchen didn't want to die, but he couldn't die because he committed suicide and everyone he cared about would be implicated.

It's not that he hadn't tried, he had cut his wrist and was saved.

And the person who was in charge of guarding him that day was directly broken off. If he hadn't pleaded hard for Helianting, that person would probably be dead...

This was the most direct punishment He Lianting gave him, and told him that if there is another time, it will be his friends, Fan Bin, Ji Chenzhou...

Later, He Tingchen didn't dare to make friends again, because there was one more caring person around him, and Helianting had one more bargaining chip to threaten him.

He just made him live in this panic...

For a while, he even prayed, let him get a terminal illness, so that he died, Helianting had no reason to anger others.

However, Helianting raised him to a perverted point.

At most a month, a full-body checkup is required. Sometimes, if he feels a little uncomfortable, Helianting will also ask someone to do the checkup.

He didn't even have a chance to get sick. He thought he would live for a long, long time, so he was tortured by Helianting for a long, long time...

"Shen Zhou, I will solve my problem by myself, okay?"

How about He Tingchen's sentence, with a pleading tone, he really didn't want these people to be implicated by himself.

He Lianting is not an ordinary person, it can also be said that he is not a human being, and he does things too hard.

In this way, walking towards He Lianting step by step, Feng Xi tilted his head to him and shook his head straight.

But He Tingchen did not stop, because this was He Lianting's order. If he didn't implement it today, he didn't know what he would do.

They may not know He Lianting well. He doesn't care about what time and place or who is there. He doesn't care about these things.

If the fire in his heart can't come out, in the end, he will only get worse.

It’s me who suffers...

When He Tingchen was about to walk in front of He Lianting, Feng Xi opened his mouth to He Lianting.

"Uncle brother, we have something to say, can't you do it?"

"There are outsiders here, don't hit him, it was definitely a misunderstanding just now, really, you see, it was just a kiss..."

As Feng Xi said, he kissed He Lianting on the cheek in a gesture of lightning speed.

Then he wiped his mouth, "Look at Big Brother, it's just a kiss. Could it be that I kissed you, and something will happen to us?"

Feng Xi really gave up, he really felt sorry for He Tingchen.

A man is treated like this by another man, it is conceivable that he will feel embarrassed to read in his heart, even these people have never looked down on him.

He Lianting touched his face, "Feng Xi, you are becoming more and more presumptuous!"

He Lianting is really angry, and his face can actually be kissed casually?

How dare Feng Xi kiss him so casually?

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