The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1562: I'll live up to you for the rest of my life——Uncle, if you fight, it's best

His behavior is no different than looking for death.

He Lianting, who was already angry, would care about his brother-in-law or not.

"Our family Shengsheng said I am getting cuter and cuter!"

Feng Xi started playing rogue, anyway, as long as he doesn't embarrass He Tingchen, he can do anything.

At this time, Naren quietly retreated.

Ji Chenzhou stood there with his fists clenched.

He wanted Helianting to do it, he didn't care what he was today, he had to hit him.

Over the years, Mo Shen has been training him less, and it is not always possible to win or not, but it is ugly to not lose.

Besides, this is their home, with so many people here, can't you beat Helianting alone?

"Let go!" Helianting originally wanted to say, you are getting more and more beating.

However, irritated did not want to talk to him.

He wants to solve He Tingchen now.

"Don't let go, unless you call me cute!" If Feng Xi is shameless and plays a rogue, then there is really no one else.

It will make you subvert your life and even wonder if you are sick.

"Feng Xi!" This is the first time He Lianting has seen Feng Xi look so shameless.

Obviously it was intentional, but he put it on him like a dogskin plaster, and he couldn't be handsome.

His **** was still outside and had no idea what was happening inside.

He Lianting tried a few times, but didn't get rid of Feng Xi.

He Tingchen stepped forward, knowing that Feng Xi was undoubtedly helping himself by doing this.

"Feng Shao, let go, don't hurt yourself!"

He Tingchen said softly.

In fact, what he said didn't mean anything else, but he didn't want Feng Xi to be injured.

Because Helianting would really hit Feng Xi, if he didn't let go.

"Shut up!" He Lianting was quite annoyed that He Tingchen cared about other men's injuries.

After being released for a few days, there are no rules.

When He Lianting said to He Tingchen, he almost shouted, because he was too angry.

Because he was so close, Feng Xi could obviously see He Tingchen's body shrinking.

That is an instinctive reaction, or a habit for a long time.

It is hard to imagine that He Tingchen, who is usually so indifferent and not stained with dust, would have such a side.

This is a kind of instinctive reaction that will be formed after undergoing what kind of treatment.

For the first time, Feng Xi felt that he wanted to help someone, but he felt so powerless.

It feels like you saw a person lying on the ground who was about to freeze to death.

You walked over and covered him with a quilt, but for a while, you covered him from the wind and cold, but his heart was already frozen, cold, and hopeless...

The quilt can only be temporarily prevented from being invaded by the cold, but it cannot cure the frostbitten organs in his body...

"Uncle, if you don't call me cute today, I will rely on you!"

This time, Feng Xi used all his strength to eat milk, and vigorously circled He Lianting's waist.

The words spoken are like a disobedient child with the smell of anger, just want to rely on you.

You can't get rid of me life and death unless you meet my requirements.

It's like I'm going to eat candy, if you don't take the candy wrapper to me, it won't work if you put it in my mouth.

No, it won’t work either, I have to taste it right and the sweetness is enough.

Anyway, toss you to your heart's content, and toss until I am happy.

"Don't think I won't beat you up."

When He Lianting spoke, he already raised his hand, and He Tingchen over there was ready to come over to stop him.

But I heard Feng Xi shouting, "You hit, you hit, if I hit, I will tell my daughter-in-law, and see if she will care about you, brother, if you hit it, hit it to death, it's best to let your sister Widowhood!"

What Feng Xi said was really ruthless, so he focused on He Lianting's weakness.

These words really worked. He Lianting put down his hand so abruptly, and then said in a very depressed voice, "You are so cute!"

These four words came out of He Lianting's mouth, gritted his teeth.

But I can hear it very reluctantly.

Moreover, it was the first time Helianting told others that you were cute, so he felt so disgusting.

Before, I thought that Feng Xi's act of acting like a baby was cute, and he even wanted to let He Tingchen learn it, but now, he just feels like a cute fart.

"Uncle, you mean I'm cute? You said it reluctantly, so I'll repeat it."

Feng Xi considered it to be safe today, and had to toss his brother to death.

Anyway, the elder brother took care of his daughter-in-law and didn't dare to beat him.

As long as you don't hit him, it doesn't matter if you scold him.

It doesn't matter who makes him thick-skinned, just don't slap him in the face, he has to be handsome.

He Tingchen's jaw floated faintly, and he knew Feng Xi did it for him.

It is to divert Helianting's attention from himself, to prevent him from hurting himself.

He Tingchen's heart was agitated, why would Feng Xi, who had only met a few times, wanted to protect himself.

And he has been around Helianting for so many years, but he will only get used to hurting himself blindly.

How could He Lianting agree to Feng Xi's request?

Just now that he was cute, he has already endured to the limit.

How could I say it again, but also say it willingly and dream.

"Hurry up and get me off!" He Lianting couldn't get rid of Feng Xi now, and he was about to cut his waist.

Looking at his usual weak and unrelenting appearance, I didn't expect that his strength was not weak at this time.

It's really annoying and annoying.

"No, elder brother, if you don't say I'm cute, I won't come down, let's stay with my wife."

Feng Xi was actually very tired, so he tried so hard to pester his elder brother, and his arm became numb.

Brother's waist is too strong.

In fact, Feng Xi didn't usually do as much exercise as these brothers.

He just stays in shape, he doesn't do too much exercise, so he doesn't have much strength.

It's not that he is lazy, but that he doesn't like sweating, which is really uncomfortable.

He is a person who loves cleanliness and loves cleanliness very much.

What Lux, who was standing there, was watching.

He never knew that there was such a group of people around him, so rich and powerful.

These are not important, the most important thing is that they are so handsome.

One is more handsome than the other, and you can't compare it like that. They are all handsome and each has a taste.

Others say he is handsome, but he doesn't think he is handsome.

Only after seeing these people did I know what handsome is.

He is still different from his master.

Lux's master is Naren, and the relationship between master and disciple is very good.

Usually, I usually meet when I go out for photography or exhibitions.

Today is for satisfaction, Lux. I wanted to see the cameras in his master's collection before I met at home.

It was also because Naren thought Lux got along well, that he brought him home.

If he changes to someone he is not familiar with, he will not take it home.

He also didn't want people to know his relationship with Ji Chenzhou.

Especially, Ji Chenzhou is still the son of the former president. In this regard, although Brother Huo is now the president, many people still know Ji Chenzhou.

So in order to avoid trouble, Naren will pay attention.

Especially the baby and the knight, he and Ji Chenzhou are also very well protected.

I don't want them to live in the eyes of others.

Ji Chenzhou's mouth twitched, and he knew best about his sixth brother's troublesome skills.

I'm afraid Helianting will go crazy in a while.

Be entangled by his sixth brother, and suffered some sins.

In fact, where did Ji Chenzhou know, his sixth brother is also very uncomfortable.

He Tingchen could also see that Feng Xi couldn't hold on anymore.

Helianting was standing there, just irritated and angry.

However, Feng Xi hugged him whole body, requiring physical strength to hang on.

Therefore, even Helian Ting refused to let him speak, and told him to shut up.

He still opened his mouth, "Feng Shao, come down! I was wasted my energy!"

No matter what He Tingchen said, he would be treated like Helianting.

It doesn't matter anymore, he feels satisfied with the care and love of so many people.

He is very grateful for a humble person like him, with so many people, willing to fight Helianting for him.

That kind of gratitude comes from the bottom of my heart, slowly spreads into the blood, and merges into one.

He Lianting looked at He Tingchen with gloomy eyes, and he was obviously angry to the extreme for the increasingly disobedient.

"Forget your own strength, what do you think you are!"

For He Lianting, He Tingchen is just a thing, an object, but a slave he bought back with money.

But it is long and beautiful, and it caught his eyes, but it was more addictive to him, so the playing time was longer.

However, even for the reasons mentioned above, the fact that he is a pet and a slave cannot be changed.

Who gave him the courage to not listen to his orders.

Repeatedly resisting him, really can't get used to it, shameless.

Pets can't be too petted, otherwise he will think that the owner is really obligatory and will always love him extremely.

"Pet!" He Tingchen resignedly said his identity.

These two words have become more and more numb to him.

Now he can speak out with his mouth open. In the past, he would rather say that he was a slave than that he was Helianting's pet.

He would rather be a lowly slave than a pet in his captivity.

However, after being punished again and again, He Tingchen gradually got used to the fact that he was a pet.

Then, when He Lianting asked him what it was, he could open his mouth and say the word "pet".

He did not hesitate at all, and would no longer feel ashamed, because he had no dignity to speak of, and he was trampled by Helianting.

"You are just a slave, and you deserve to talk to my brother-in-law!"

However, this time He Lianting spoke and slapped He Tingchen severely.

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