The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1563: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-no matter which one, he doesn't li

He Lianting was forcing He Tingchen to admit his pet status, but today, in front of these people, he told He Tingchen that he was a slave.

It was the slave that He Lianting bought with money, and he was a slave in his life.

Not worthy to talk to his brother-in-law...

In fact, he didn't say that he, a slave, is not worthy to talk to anyone and recognize his identity.

Even if he wears the best clothes, eats the finest food, and is cared for by the most people, he is still a slave.

He He Lianting was able to train him He Tingchen from a slave to the most mysterious He Shao.

You can tell him in one sentence, you are just a slave.

It's just a change of person. He Lianting spends so much money to raise it.

The same will raise him into a noble son.

He Tingchen pursed his lips slightly. He wished that God would kill him with a thunder.

Let him die and stop torturing him like this.

He felt like he had cancer, and his whole body was so painful that he was not given pain medicine, and he kept stabbing a knife in his body.

Then give him a little stitch...

Keep him with the best medicine, just not let him die.

He just lived a life where he could not live but die.

The heart was hollowed out, and finally, because of living here, I got short-term happiness and joy, and some greed in this world.

He Helianting gave him such a stab again.


Feng Xi saw all the emotional changes in He Tingchen's eyes, his eyes flushed, watching his pain, his despair, and he was helpless...

Couldn't these older brothers see it? Is he blind?

"Uncle brother, you are really too much... but you can't kill someone. If you treat him like this, one day you will regret it. On that day, no one will pity you, because it is your responsibility."

Feng Xi let go of the hand that encircled the elder brother's waist, suddenly as if losing strength.

I don’t know why I feel so empty and sore...

This feeling is like being stabbed with a needle.

However, there is no bleeding after the prick. You hurt, but others can't see the wound.

Feng Xi took He Tingchen's arm and left.

He Tingchen struggled, and what Feng Xi said already angered He Lianting.

If he was following him, even if Heliansheng came, he might not be able to keep Feng Xi.

He didn't want anyone to be hurt because of him.

I don't want to not want to...

"I'll take you away, don't let him humiliate you anymore, He Tingchen, you shouldn't be treated like this."

Feng Xi shouted at He Tingchen.

He knew why He Tingchen dared not go with him, because he was afraid of implicating him.

Just like he didn't let Shenzhou protect him just now, he didn't want anyone to be implicated and hurt because of him.

"What can he do to me? Can he kill me? Impossible, my elder brother is reluctant to let my daughter-in-law be sad, so you can safely follow me, I don't want you to die!

If a person's heart dies, he really won't live long.

Because he was depressed and became ill, he would eventually fall ill. Once there is suffocation in the body, he will really not live long.

Feng Xi was afraid that a good person like He Tingchen would die in such a frustrated manner.

That is really regrettable.

Therefore, he can't let his uncle ruin him like this.

"Feng Shao, thank you..."

He Tingchen's eyes were red, and his words choked with sobs.

He really thanked Feng Xi for being able to say these things to him...

He watched He Tingchen withdraw his hand little by little, then walked to He Lianting's side step by step, and stood quietly beside him.

Like a prisoner awaiting trial.

Feng Xi once again felt what failure was.

His eldest brother really has the ability to make so many people feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

It's really depressing, and I really want to shout a few times.

Now Feng Xi was like a flat ball, just sitting on the ground.

Also waiting for his elder brother's trial.

After all, I was very rude to him just now and didn't respect the elders...

Fuck him, why do you want to beat him so much, no, just kick him...

It's really too hot.

He Lianting had a calm face, and those words Feng Xi said lingered in his ears, making him extremely irritable.

As if flying into a lot of villains in his heart, he stood on his heart to fight.

It was not a real fight, but a quarrel, which made him irritable.

At the moment when the living room fell into abnormal silence.

Think of the melodious tune of the violin.

The baby was wearing a beautiful princess dress and came here with a violin.

There was an immature smile on its face, so sweet.

A child’s laughter is the most beautiful thing in the world. It will let you forget your worries and will let you get inner peace...

It will also gradually calm your irritability and extinguish the flame of anger.

Naren followed the baby, and beside him was a knight, holding a tambourine, and slapped with the baby.

All the tension was relieved because of the appearance of the baby and the knight.

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren and knew that this was arranged by him.

This is good, although he really wants to fight.

It is estimated that the sixth brother also wants to fight, but also takes care of it.

They have all passed the age of impulsiveness, so it is still reasonable to encounter such a thing.

He Tingchen reached out and grabbed He Lianting's sleeve.

As soon as he got involved, he threw it away, and then He Tingchen endured all the embarrassment and grabbed He Lianting's hand again. This time he used all his strength.

He Tingchen would never do such a proactive gesture.

At this time, he is like a pet to be abandoned by the owner, begging for mercy, hoping that the owner can keep him and not drive him away...

However, He Lianting knew that He Tingchen did this only to bend down to him, but to not involve Feng Xi and Ji Chenzhou.

After all, there was a child, even if He Lianting wanted to vent on He Tingchen's body, he still resisted it.

Especially the baby is there, he really likes this baby.

He was so cute. He also thought about wanting a child of his own. At that time, when he thought of having a child, he thought of He Tingchen...

Although he knew that he couldn't give birth to him like a woman, he still felt that He Lianting's child should be half of He Tingchen's.

This feeling was instantaneous, and after that, he didn't think about it again.

He didn't know why he had such an idea, and now that he thought of it, he didn't know why.

This time, He Tingchen squeezed He Lianting's hand and pulled him to sit on the sofa.

Then he took his arm so quietly.

The posture didn't seem to mean to snuggle in his arms, but to hug him, lest he would suddenly get up and fight.

If it weren't for the baby and the knight playing, He Tingchen would definitely pull Helianting away.

Leaving here, Helianting did what he wanted to do to him.

He can fight as he wants, he can bear it.

However, just don't hurt these people anymore. He has already sorry for them and can no longer let them be implicated.

Feng Xi was still sitting on the ground, maybe the performance of the baby and the knight was so good.

Fortunately, Feng Xi lay down...

Very casual posture, as if to completely empty yourself.

He really felt uncomfortable and heartache for He Tingchen.

Naren walked to Ji Chenzhou's side and took his arm to make him sit down.

In the huge living room, you can only hear the melodious music of the knight and the baby.

It seemed that the violent confrontation and roar just now had never happened.

The music is melodious, but everyone's heart is stirring.

All have their own ups and downs...

When Ji Chenzhou watched He Tingchen's humble attitude by He Lianting's side, he felt unusual heartache.

It turns out that this is his real life state.

It turns out that what he said to himself before was a lie to him.

What kind of man their family loves him, how good they are to him...

What is pain? It was just the pain and humiliation that Helianting gave him.

It was the first time Lux saw such a scene. It really opened his eyes. He never knew that he would be so nervous.

He thought they would really fight, but in the end they sat down and listened to music like this.

It's like watching a movie, the final ending is such a tune, very harmonious.

He Lianting could feel that He Tingchen's body was tight.

What he likes most is the flexibility of his body, no matter what kind of posture and posture, he can adapt.

Is he afraid or is it because he hates the touch of his body...

No matter which one, he doesn't like...

He thought that he had already trained He Tingchen, but today it seems that he still needs to be disciplined.

Otherwise, next time he will still make himself angry.

He hasn't played enough with him yet, and doesn't want to kill him so early.

He Lianting knew that he was a little addicted to He Tingchen, and he had not been tired of him for so many years.

He doesn't know why, looking at him owes something.

Once I get to work with him, I don't want to come out. If I ask him again and again, it won't be enough.

He Lianting even wondered if He Tingchen had any magic skills.

Otherwise, he can have this addictive ability.

He Tingchen looked at a point on the ground without focusing.

His mind was completely empty, he told himself, just be an obedient pet!

He Lianting said what he said, he would do whatever he asked him to do, so that he would be happy and satisfied, and would not torture him.

In this way, others will not be implicated. Is this the best choice?

When the performance of Babe and Knight was over, He Tingchen spoke to He Lianting.

"Shall we go home? All right?"

He Tingchen's eyes seemed to be filled with mist, and he looked at He Lianting blankly and said.

His eyes were like elk, so pitiful and pure, but he lit a fire in Helianting's heart.

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