The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1564: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-Helianting is so special that he is not

He Lianting looked at He Tingchen like that, his eyes were as deep as the sea, capable of absorbing you in an instant.

Helianting has always been a strategist, and nothing can be out of his control.

He Tingchen is even more unacceptable, he will never want to leave himself in his life.

"Aren't you happy to live here?" He Lianting turned his head to look at He Tingchen, with a mocking tone, but he had a sour taste that he didn't even notice.

He Tingchen knew that when Ji Chenzhou kissed him just now, He Lianting would never just leave it alone.

Whether it is him or Ji Chenzhou, he will not let it go.

If there were no treasures and knights, Helianting would not restrain himself from sitting here.

In fact, he was also quite surprised, he thought Helianting would not like children, after all, what he hated most was noise.

He likes absolute quietness and absolute cleanliness.

However, he seems to like baby very much.

If Helianting had a daughter, what would she be like?

He Tingchen found that he was always thinking about unrealistic things recently.

Whether Helianting has children has nothing to do with him.

How does he spoil the child and what does it have to do with him...

He can't give him children...

"Aren't you here to pick me up?"

How can you be unhappy here? This is his happiest time in these years, because he is accompanied by children and comforted by good brothers.

He thought there would be no more happy time in the days when he was alive.

He Tingchen knew that he had asked this, and he was overwhelmed.

He Lianting's temperament, and how ugly things he has to say, he always did.

Even if he came today for him, but he would never say "accept"

Because He Tingchen was not qualified, he asked He Lianting to pick him up in person.

"who do you think You Are!"

Sure enough, He Lianting said with a sneer, his tone gloomy and terrifying.

Sometimes hurting words are more painful than hitting the face.

And this seems to have no end, nor will it be numb, endless, and will be bruised when touched.

When He Tingchen wanted to say, "I am your slave", Helianting unexpectedly said another sentence.

"I came to see Naren!"

But as soon as he said this, Ji Chenzhou stood up, "He Lianting, come and fight!"

Ji Chenzhou really wanted to endure it.

Why do you have to bear him? Helianting is so special that he is not his son, so why bother to bear him.

He has been thinking about their family's benevolence time and time again, so if he still tolerates him, it is not a man.

"I agree, you fight with me first!"

Feng Xi was also angry after his elder brother hurt He Tingchen again verbally.

How can I hurt a person so naturally?

Just open your mouth and come without a second of consideration.

Feng Xi has never felt so distressed for anyone. He Tingchen is the first one!

Of course, he was talking about men...

Even at that time, when Chu Baiqing left, Gu Jue was going to die.

He was just worried and uncomfortable, but for He Tingchen, he was distressed and angry.

He Tingchen asked him if he was here to pick him up, and the eldest uncle was able to say so naturally, who you think you are.

If this is not done, he still has to sprinkle a handful of salt on the cut open wound. He is here to see Naren.

Everyone who has to be disturbed must not be quiet.

Before the brothers also said that he is simply the most naive man in the world.

However, now he wants a loud speaker to tell the world that the most naive and most ardent man is his Helianting...

"Shen Zhou, don't be like this!" He Tingchen looked at Ji Shenzhou and shook his head at him.

Now they all add up in the living room, and none of them can beat Helianting.

Why do you need to hurt yourself, because it is not worth it to hurt everyone.

What's more, Ji Shenzhou kissed himself just now, and He Lianting will never start lightly.

"Fight or not?" Ji Shenzhou ignored He Tingchen, but directly asked He Lianting.

"Fight, you must fight!" Feng Xi lay on the floor and said again.

The calm posture seemed like how well he could fight.

He Lianting stood up and directly shook He Tingchen's hand holding his arm.

"Come!" He Lianting turned and walked out.

He still considers the presence of a child and cannot play in the living room.

Instead, go out.

Ji Chenzhou followed directly.

Naren didn't stop, because he also felt that Helianting should fight, not because he said he was visiting him just now, but because of his attitude towards He Tingchen, which made him very angry.

Although he has a good fist, he also wants to fight. Even if he is beaten, he can make a profit by hitting Helianting.

How could I want to speak out for He Tingchen, how could I treat him so casually and cruelly?

In the past, Naren thought that the best-looking man who laughed was Chu Shao.

Later, I met He Tingchen. He thought his smile was more charming, because there was a bit of ethereal illusion, which always makes people feel that this smile is right in front of your eyes.

However, you can't catch it.

After watching it, it will make people feel a sense of loss and uncomfortable. To be precise, if you see such a smile, you will think that it makes you feel bad.

This kind of pain will make you deeply sucked in.

He Tingchen took Ji Shenzhou's arm and said, "Shen Zhou, can't beat him. I'll die. I admit it. Really, there is nothing wrong with it. I'm used to it!"

In the eyes of others, he may be envious of He Tingchen, who can live such a luxurious life in this lifetime.

The best to live, the best to eat, the best to use, and nothing to do, there will be endless money. This is a life that many people will envy.

Doesn’t it mean that there is no freedom, no ego, and the mentality is right.

He Tingchen used to hypnotize himself like this, and kept brainwashing himself like this.

Think about his life from another angle, but others are envious but can't ask for it.

There are many ways in which people want to live, and not all of them are alive.

"He Tingchen, don't say anything like this, don't say anything..."

Ji Shenzhou shouted at He Tingchen.

This is his good brother, although he did not grow up together like Fan Bin.

However, it was a fateful friendship, and he couldn't watch him go on like this.

I used to think that he had a good life, that was an illusion he created for himself.

I have witnessed it with my own eyes now that he was treated like this by Helianting, how could he leave him alone.

He Tingchen has no relatives, but these friends. If they don't care about him, what can he hope for?

"He Shao, if he doesn't fight, he will be crazy, and he won't be killed anyway!"

Naren never advocated fighting, because Ji Chenzhou loved fighting before.

However, not only did he not stop him, but he also wanted to go up and fight. It was enough to see that what He Lianting did to He Tingchen made everyone angry.

This can be considered a group attack...

When Ji Chenzhou turned around, "You must be good, I don't see you behave like this."

He Tingchen should be the most precious son, and he should be cared for by others carefully, so spoiled and hurt.

Instead of being humiliated like a slave.

He Tingchen looked at Ji Chenzhou's back and smiled.

It's enough to have such brothers. Really, in this era, it is a happy thing to have someone who can help you.

Although men say this is a bit hypocritical, but He Tingchen can feel the warmth.

"That kid, will you fight?"

Feng Xi tilted his head and asked Lux ​​who was sitting there.

Lux pointed to himself, "Are you asking?"

Lux felt that he was not watching one movie, but many.

It is simply wonderful, this is a scene completely different from his life.

"Well, will you fight?"

Feng Xi asked again...

This kid is handsome...

"Good!" Lux was considered to have saved his strength, because he was afraid that he could fight. If this brother asked him to help fight, he would be beaten if he went up.

Wouldn't it be shameful...

"You will come with me in a while!"

Feng Xi let out a breath, and he could say that if you let him hit, he didn't know where to start.

For the first time, he felt that he should learn how to fight.

When you want to fight now, you say you can't fight, so you are so anxious.

If he had the kung fu like Mo Chen Hanbing, he must be eagerly going to the elder brother to single out.

This is not about filming TV, just grab a bottle of props and smash it on the head, at least with passion and momentum.

Brother brother can't just smash it...

He thought if he could have the courage to give his elder brother a bottle of wine.

His elder brother can take a knife to cut off his head.

"Why should I go with you?"

Lux felt that it was not impossible to help everyone. He could see that this was his master's friend.

However, he didn't like the way the older brother spoke, so why call him a kid and use that kind of commanding tone.

What he hates most is that someone orders him to do something.

If you want to help, you must have an attitude of asking for help. Moreover, the guy named Helianting seems to be very good at fighting. If he helps him, he has to take risks, okay?

Lux this child is also a straight-tempered person. Although he thinks these people should be unattainable, he can't wrong himself.

"Lux..." Naren called Lux, shook his head at him, and motioned him not to speak to Feng Xi in such an impolite tone.

In Naren's heart, Lux was still a child.

In just a few years, he has changed from being a child in the mouth of Master Xiu to a person who treats others as children.

At this time, Feng Xi slowly sat up from the floor...


This name is not very common, is this Lux is the little white face who ate with his wife?

"Are you skateboarding?" Feng Xi asked while looking at Lux.

Lux nodded, with a puzzled look on his handsome face.

The corner of Feng Xi's lips clicked, and it was almost impossible to leave. The people under his staff said that Lux was going to skateboard, and that day they ate super spicy skewers...

Although Feng Xi hadn't eaten it before, he should have imagined what the spicy skewers were.

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