The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1565: He will live up to you for the rest of his life-he really feels distressed for Ji Che

How small is this world, so I just met Xiao Bai's face.

In order not to admit the wrong person, Feng Xi asked again, "Do you like spicy skewers?"

Lux nodded again, this brother asked him what he did?

This time Feng Xi could confirm that this Lux is the Lux who ate with his wife.

Feng Xi thought, the world is really too small, he was still thinking about how to get this little white face, but he didn't expect to run into it like this...

"Fight with me in a while!"

The smile drawn at the corner of Feng Xi's mouth became deeper.

Boy, I want you to look good in a while!

Lux didn't say anything this time, because he was completely overwhelmed by Feng Xi.

Because Lux would never think that Feng Xi would be Heliansheng's husband.

And he never thought that Heliansheng was already married...

He was taken out by Feng Xi inexplicably.

In the courtyard

He Lianting punched Ji Chenzhou to the ground.

The slightest bit of mercy...

Ji Chenzhou's face was already colored, and the injury was not light.

After being knocked to the ground, none of them got up.

Helianting also had injuries on his face, but the corners of his mouth were broken.

Compared with Ji Chenzhou, it is much better.

Ji Chenzhou hissed, it was so painful.

When did Ji Chenzhou suffer such an injury, and who would dare to beat him like this?

Fortunately, he knew he couldn't beat Helianting before he played.

But if you can hit it once, you don't want to bear him.

"Ji Chenzhou, in the future, don't approach He Tingchen anymore."

Why did He Lianting make a heavy move? It was because Ji Chenzhou kissed He Tingchen.

In fact, it is a bit inappropriate to say heavy hands, after all, compared to the previous methods of Helianting.

Just a few punches and a few kicks are already the lightest.

"You said you don't get close, you don't get close, who do you think you are? Helianting, you will regret it, I will wait to see the day you regret it..."

Ji Chenzhou endured the pain in the corner of his mouth and said to He Lianting.

The eyes are congested, and the corners of the mouth are full of blood...

He Lianting raised his leg and kicked Ji Chenzhou in the stomach.

The painful Ji Chenzhou shrank, it really hurts.

The shoes Helianting wears are made of special iron, right?

When He Tingchen came out, what he saw was Ji Chenzhou who was knocked to the ground.

He was about to rush over, but was pulled by Naren and Feng Xi each arm.

"You will get hurt if you go up!" Naren's eyes were red.

When did Ji Chenzhou receive such a kick?

Even when Master Xiu asked Awen to teach him, he had never been beaten like this, instead he was stabbed directly.

This is the first time that someone who can't resist being kicked on the ground...

He Tingchen's injury happened just right, and when he came that night, he was injured.

The past few days have been raised. If Helianting beats him again, he doesn't know when he will be raised.

"You guys let me go! He Lianting is ruthless, and Ji Chenzhou can't stand it if he fights like this!"

He Tingchen felt that he was really sinful, or he would let people around him be treated like this because of him.

"There are so many of us, we can't beat my elder brother if we don't believe it!"

Seeing Ji Chenzhou being beaten, Feng Xi felt uncomfortable and angry.

Then just when everyone thought he was going to fight, he said to Lux behind him.

"Lux, come on!"

Feng Xi's tone was like facing his own puppy.

Although Lux was very dissatisfied with his tone, the person who was beaten on the ground was his master's lover, and he couldn't look at it that way.

Just when Naren wanted to say "Lux, without you..." Before he finished speaking, Lux had already rushed up.

Sure enough, he was a young man, with such a brutal force, he ran directly to Helianting and left.

Because Helianting turned his back to Lux, and Lux ​​started so fast that he directly threw Helianting down...

Let him lie on the grass gorgeously.

Feng Xi saw what a great opportunity this was.

The eldest brother was actually thrown down, so he quickly released He Tingchen and rushed forward.

Pounced directly on Lux's body.

In this way, he became Luohan Die, and the eldest brother was embarrassed underneath.

Lux was almost out of breath without being pressured by Feng Xi.

Because he didn't expect Feng Xi would suddenly rush up and press him down.

Is this fighting or playing?

How can there be such...

"Naren, come here quickly and hold it down!" Feng Xi felt that his older brother was trying to turn over.

Called Naren quickly, and then used all his strength to press Lux.

"I said, brother, you are going to crush me..."

Lux is speechless and dying. Will this brother fight?

He threw someone down just now to start a fight. At this moment, his whole person was suppressed, completely unable to move...

And he also felt the man under him, he was angry, he was about to...

As soon as Lux screamed badly in his heart, his hand was grabbed by the man.

Then it's a break...

Lux said "Ah" and his hand was cut off abruptly.

Lux's face turned pale...

Feng Xi also heard Lux's scream.

"Smelly boy, what's wrong with you?" Feng Xi hadn't gotten up yet, and he didn't expect that his elder brother would break off Lukes' wrist.

This is the instinctive reaction of human beings. When dealing with enemies and being restrained by others, they will rescue themselves.

What's more, it is a person like Helianting, he will naturally not take lightly to someone who dared to throw him down.

And he didn't know who Lux was. If Feng Xi pressed him like this, he wouldn't start like this.

"Brother, it's broken..." Lux said all with tremors, not his hypocrisy, but really painful.

"I fuck..." Feng Xi quickly got off Lux.

Before he could lift up Lux's body.

Lux was overturned by his brother...

Lux fell heavily to the ground, holding his wrist, tears from the corners of his painful eyes.

"Uncle, you are also a handsome guy anyway, you can't be gentle, why do you start so hard!"

Feng Xi was still wondering, did the eldest brother just take a hand to break it, or did he know it in his heart?

Knowing whose hand he broke...

If this is caught casually, now it is also possible that his wrist has been broken...

He Lianting stood up with a calm face, anger that he had never felt before, and he was thrown over from behind, lying on the ground in such embarrassment.

He Lianting looked at the sorely crying boy on the ground.

The long one is pretty handsome...

Even though he was crying, he stared at him angrily, which was quite interesting!

When He Tingchen walked over, he saw anger in He Lianting's eyes.

He squatted down and looked at Lux's wrist. Lux screamed in pain when he touched him.

"It should be broken, Naren, drive!"

Ji Chenzhou was still lying on the ground, and he definitely couldn't drive.

Because of him, these people are injured...

because of him……

Naren glanced at He Lianting, this person was really cruel.

Then ran back to the villa to get the car keys.

When Feng Xi heard Lux's scream, he knew it was broken.

Either the elder brother is really ruthless.

He Tingchen was about to go to Fulux, but He Lianting was pulled up by the collar.

"Don't touch other men!"

He Lianting narrowed his eyes and said to He Tingchen.

He Tingchen's eyes were full of forbearance.

He was restraining, and his uncontrollable anger was burning in his heart.

However, he couldn't resist, why, because he angered Helianting, it would only hurt more people.

And it's much more cruel damage than punching and kicking the wrist.

Seeing Ji Chenzhou still lying on the ground, He Tingchen was motionless...

Just looking at Lux, who was injured because of him, this child should not be too old.

It must hurt...

Feng Xi bent down and helped Lux, "Hold it up, you are hospitalized, I'll make good food for you!"

Feng Xi did want Brother Brother to teach this little white face by the way.

Just a few punches and kicks. Who knew that my uncle broke his wrist when he came up so hard.

This would make Feng Xi feel very apologetic and uncomfortable.

He was also a wounded person, and of course he knew how painful it was.

"I have an exam tomorrow..."

Lux injured his right hand, so he must not be able to take the exam.

"It's okay, brother will take the test for you!"

Feng Xi just said casually, right to coax the child.

Lux glanced at Feng Xi, and was speechless again...

When Feng Xi helped Lux ​​to walk to Ji Chenzhou's side, he said, "I think you should go to the hospital too! Don't be interrupted anywhere!"

Just talking to the elder brother just now can break the wrist.

Just this time I punched and kicked Ji Chenzhou like that, maybe my ribs have been broken.

"Fuck, curse me!"

Ji Chenzhou grinned as soon as he spoke, and the person who was beaten could no longer see his original handsome face.

He Tingchen closed his eyes as he listened to Ji Chenzhou's vague tone.

The hatred for Helianting has deepened again...

Naren ran out, and they quickly helped Ji Chenzhou and Lux ​​into the car.

Suddenly, He Lianting and He Tingchen were left in the courtyard.

He Tingchen's eyes were out of focus. When Ji Chenzhou was helped up, he coughed up blood...

He would rather be beaten to death by Helianting than he would have the slightest harm to the people he cares about because of him.

"Why do you feel bad?" He Lianting asked He Tingchen's jaw.

Because he saw He Tingchen's eyes red, he was about to cry...

He dares to cry for other men...

He Tingchen did not speak, but closed his eyes slightly. He really felt distressed for Ji Chenzhou, and was dying of distress...

He doesn't want to say against his will, he doesn't feel bad...No!

Ji Chenzhou must be in pain...

He Lianting shook He Tingchen's chin, raised his hand and slapped him.

"I'm asking you something!" The slap was not light, it was very loud.

He Tingchen's ears buzzed, and he couldn't see He Lianting in front of him...

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