There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 819 Strange Mission? Form an own alliance?

Obviously, Wang Mang is too clear in analyzing the pros and cons of the trade-offs.

Now it can be said that he wants the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain, when he is proud of his life.

Even if the opponent has the means to force Ascension's strength?

Even if the enemy is capable of Ascension, he can only Ascension his combat power to the peak of God Emperor Ninth Stage!

Moreover, this is only temporary, and the painful price of Realm's fall still needs to be paid.

Right now, this Tianjiao was in the same situation as Wang Mang when he was hunted by the Peak Alliance.

There is indeed the strength to protect itself, but the price is a bit heavy!

Moreover, the opponent's Ascension was strong, and he couldn't kill himself.

This is embarrassing!

The price is paid!

The enemy is erected!

The difficulty is over!

The trouble is coming again!

What Wang Mang wanted to target him afterwards.

This kid doesn't need to be mixed at all.

If it was targeted by Wang Mang for a long time.

He ended up not much better than Zu Long.

This is also the reason why Wang Mang didn't choose the strength of Ascension.

Because, when he was hunted by the Peak Alliance, even his Ascension strength was useless.

At that time, his Ascension strength, if the opponent also has a physical pseudo sixth-order magical power.

Wang Mang's losses will be very heavy, and even if he offends the Pinnacle Alliance, it will be even more unprofitable to be targeted.

But now it's different. Now Wang Mang is not afraid that the other party will target it.

In the same level of combat power.

Wang Mang possesses the supernatural power to force Ascension's strength.

And the top pseudo sixth-order supernatural powers of the flesh.

There are also rare primordial attacks like magical powers.

It can be said that Wang Mang's background is too strong.

The means to force Ascension's strength should be a pseudo sixth-order magical power.

Yuanshen attack-like magical powers, it is estimated that they are also pseudo sixth-order magical powers.

The physical supernatural powers are probably also pseudo sixth-order supernatural powers.

It can be said.

Wang Mang is worthy of being called, and possesses the resources of the mythical Tianjiao!

Closer to home.

The current Tianjiao, faced with Wang Mang's questioning, fell into entanglement.

Yes! What benefits can he bring to Wang Mang?

Moreover, Wang Mang's analysis of weighing the pros and cons is very clear.

It is invincible!

This is like the original Pinnacle Alliance, invincible.

Therefore, this dared to hunt unscrupulously, the god emperor Eighth Stage, the peak of combat power, Tianjiao!

Right now, Wang Mang was like that, unscrupulous and full of confidence.

As for the opponent's forced Ascension strength?

That's Ascension!

His big deal is to let the other party escape the catastrophe, no loss!

But if it makes Wang Mang upset, he can still target the opponent.

It can be said.

On the road to conquer the heavens and all realms, the god emperor Ninth Stage Heavenly Peak Battle Power Tianjiao.

They can be described as crushing the officials to death at the first-level, and they show their full play!

After a long silence.

Hua Yunfei slowly asked:

"How can fellow daoist be willing to let me go?"

Obviously, he didn't think of how to convince Wang Mang.

Simply put Wang Mang on him directly.

at the same time.

Upon seeing this, the rest of the Tianjiao all spoke with different expressions:

"Fellow daoist, we are also willing to pay a price other than life, and I beg the fellow daoist to let us go."

"Yes! As long as the fellow daoist is willing to let me go, I will be the head of the fellow daoist, and I am willing to do the same thing!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang's expression was indifferent and he didn't pay any attention at all.

It was the Hua Yun Fei Tian Jiao headed by this respect that gave Wang Mang some ideas.

If you can't kill, how can you maximize your profits?

At this moment.

Then the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! The current status of the host is detected! Give the host the following task choices! 】

[Task first: form an alliance! There is no less than one member of the alliance! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 10 billion energy value! Fairy King Treasure Box X1! Random lottery chance X1! 】


[Task 2: Form an alliance that belongs to! There are no less than three members in a hurry! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 30 billion energy value! Fairy King Treasure Box X1! Fairy King Class Blind Box X1! 】


[Task 3: Form an alliance! There are no fewer than four members of the alliance! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 30 billion energy value! Fairy King Treasure Box X1! Fairy King Class Blind Box X1! Random lottery chance X1! 】


After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was stunned immediately.

He never expected that the system would let him form an alliance at this time?

Damn it?

The problem is, he has become accustomed to fighting alone!

Fighting if you can't beat, and running if you can't beat, this has always been Wang Mang's aim.

As for teamwork, Wang Mang actually didn't think about it.

But in the face of life and death, Wang Mang could not shed his blood on his teammates!

In the face of absolute interests, Wang Mang couldn't share the interests with his team members.

Wang Mang understands own as a man too.

He often improperly manipulated for profit.

He simply touched it, and he didn't feel guilty.

If he really builds an alliance.

How long can the players who are in alliance with him live?

To be honest, Wang Mang didn't even know.

After all, it's a matter of selling teammates at critical moments.

He has practiced making perfect, and he is familiar with the road.

Therefore, Wang Mang once evaluated own as:

A hypocrite is definitely not.

But definitely a real villain.

As for the bottom line of discipline.

Isn't it used to refresh the record?

Fortunately, the task is just to let him form an alliance.

Once the alliance is built, it should be over.

At this point, Wang Mang had a choice in his heart.

The next moment, Wang Mang said silently in his heart:

"System! I choose the third task!"

Then, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully selected task! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get rewards! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang nodded secretly.

Later, Wang Mang came back to his senses.

Put his gaze on Hua Yunfei.

Right now this guy is looking at him eagerly.

At this time, Wang Mang suddenly rolled his eyes, looked at Hua Yunfei with indifference, and said, "Let's do it!"

"This seat is going to form an alliance, and your qualifications and strength are good, just join the alliance of this seat."

"Go and kill these guys, and send them over and let me swallow them, so that I can see your sincerity!"

After speaking, Wang Mang ignored the other Tianjiao whose expressions had changed drastically, and looked at Hua Yunfei indifferently.

Hearing this, Hua Yunfei's expression kept changing, and he was immediately entangled:

"Fellow daoist, this is to make me fall into injustice!"

Because there are two members in it, who are his combat partners.

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded indifferently, and said indifferently:

"Okay! I see, since you have chosen to be your enemy."

"Why do you have to be ready to be your enemy and pay the price."

After that, the killing intent gradually condensed in Wang Mang's eyes, and he was ready to do it.

At this time, these arrogances looked at Hua Yunfei with moving eyes.

None of them expected that in such a moment of crisis.

Hua Yunfei refused Wang Mang's solicitation for them!

This is the true love for adversity!

Just when all the arrogances were extremely moved.

Hua Yunfei hurriedly waved his hand and explained:

"Fellow daoist, don't get me wrong."

"Although I have a good relationship with them."

"But not to live and die with them..."

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