There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 821: The Charm From The God Emperor Ninth Stage's Peak Battle Power! alliance

Hearing this, Wang Mang thought for a while and slowly said:

"This alliance is called the Butcher Dog Alliance!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Hua Yunfei almost couldn't help vomiting blood.

What's this name?

Sounds not domineering at all, okay?

Now outside the second city, there are several powerful alliances.

Such as the Pinnacle Alliance!

Such as the Alliance of Killing Gods!

Such as the Four Seas Alliance!

No matter how bad it is, take a cruel one, right?

The Native Dog Alliance?

This is so embarrassing!

Is it to tell the world that the people in their alliance are all territories?

Suddenly, Hua Yunfei had a weird face and looked at Wang Mang with a weird face.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly felt a little puzzled and touched his nose, and asked:

"What's the matter? Isn't the Dog Slaughter League good?"

"In the eyes of this seat, these arrogances are all pigs and dogs!"

"When I wait, I will raise the butcher knife and chop melons and vegetables one by one and slaughter the past!"

Speaking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help being energetic, this was indeed his thought!

Even Wang Mang couldn't wait to set off now.

Because, Wang Mang admitted that his current strength was already very strong.

The god emperor Ninth Stage who can compete with him is very rare!

Unless the god emperor Ninth Stage, who also possesses the physical body and top supernatural powers, is the talent of heaven and power!

If there is no Tianjiao with physical supernatural powers, even if it is the same as Ninth Stage Heavenly Power.

These guys can be hunted and slaughtered in Wang Mang's eyes!

At this time, Hua Yunfei couldn't help but whispered: "Fellow daoist, why not change the name!"

"If this name is spread out and falls into the ears of other Tianjiao, I am afraid it will only add to the jokes."

"People who don't know may still think that we are all native dogs in Tianjiao!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned for a long time, and he couldn't help but nodded after thinking for a long time.

This dog slaughterer did sound a bit unpleasant, and not at all domineering.

At this point, Wang Mang slowly said: "Where is the name Hunter Alliance!"

After hearing this, Li Yunfei nodded helplessly after thinking about it:

"As the fellow daoist said, call it the Hunting League!"

"The name of this alliance is much better than the native dog alliance."

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang nodded slightly, and then spoke:

"Let's go! With this seat, we are recruiting three princes to join our alliance."

Obviously, Wang Mang was going to finish this task first.

It just so happened that he formed an alliance to complete the task at the same time.

He can also look at the specific strength of these Tianjiao outside the gate of the second city.

If the strength is too weak, Wang Mang can no matter what the rules are, and he is ready to directly open the killing ring.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Hua Yunfei nodded and said, "Okay! Fellow daoist please!"

Wang Mang didn't talk nonsense, raising his hand was a giant palm shot out of the law of palm, smashing the entire space barrier to pieces.

Afterwards, Wang Mang flew towards the direction of the city, followed by Hua Yunfei.

Soon, Wang Mang came outside the second city gate.

When Wang Mang stopped flying and stepped into the second city gate.

He found that among the huge crowd of Tianjiao, many Tianjiao were looking at him at the seats of the inn on both sides.

Wang Mang saw it almost at first sight. The six players in one of the tables were the former Pinnacle Alliance.

Among the six, Lupao Tianjiao looked at Wang Mang with a little surprise.

Obviously, he didn't expect this guy who he didn't deal with in the past.

Only a few days later, the strength has reached the Ninth Stage of the god emperor.

Moreover, seeing Wang Mang strolling leisurely in the courtyard was obviously not forcing the strength of Ascension.

This also means that outside the second city gate, there is one more Tianjiao of the god emperor Ninth Stage.

Moreover, this green-robed Tianjiao knew that Wang Mang, the god emperor's Ninth Stage, was not weak at the peak of heaven.

Today, there are two types of people who have the highest strength of the god emperor Ninth Stage.

One has supernatural powers of the flesh.

One has no physical magical powers.

Although the two are the same as the god emperor Ninth Stage, the strength of each other is huge.

Because, the god emperor Ninth Stage Heavenly Peak Battle Power Tianjiao with physical supernatural powers has the ability to hunt down the god emperor Ninth Stage Heavenly Battle Power Tianjiao.

Anyone who has no physical supernatural powers, Ninth Stage, is the peak of heaven, Tianjiao.

With the god emperor Ninth Stage, who has a flesh body, Tianjiao Tianjiao.

Both hit to the end.

All Tianjiao with physical supernatural powers triumphed.

Of course, those without physical supernatural powers are indeed worse.

But the opponent is not a fool, but it is impossible to stand and let the opponent hunt.

As the god emperor Ninth Stage, the peak combat power, if you want to go, even the Tianjiao with physical supernatural powers can't stop it at all.

Now in the Tianjiao outside the entire second city gate.

After Wang Mang's scan, he found out about it.

Among them, the light is the powerhouse of the god emperor Ninth Stage.

Wang Mang discovered that there were as many as forty statues!

In addition, there are more than two hundred gods in the Eighth Stage.

The rest of Tianjiao's strength is also in the middle stage of the god emperor, and wandering in the late stage of the god emperor.

This also made Wang Mang who had to see Tianjiao's strength clearly.

I have to say that the Tianjiao powerhouse here is simply too powerful.

Even, Wang Mang felt that these god emperors Ninth Stage were the arrogant talents of the peak combat power.

They can definitely get through the first level.

Even entering the second level is definitely not difficult.

As for why it stopped.

Wang Mang didn't know.

After all, he didn't even enter the second city.

There are five hurdles to conquer the heavens and all realms.

And, every level has three cities.

He didn't even pass the first level.

At this time, Wang Mang saw that Lupa Tianjiao, who was not far away, nodded slightly to him, which was considered approval.

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang didn't pay any attention. This guy had tried to kill him before.

Although the strength has always been respected.

But Wang Mang couldn't do it to please him.

Therefore, he naturally turned a blind eye.

Upon seeing this, Lupao Tianjiao smiled indifferently.

At this time, Wang Mang said indifferently to Hua Yunfei:

"You go find three nice guys and join our hunting league!"

Hearing this, Hua Yun froze and nodded.

Later, Wang Mang saw Hua Yunfei enter the crowd of Tianjiao.

Many Tianjiao looked sideways at Hua Yunfei, and some even greeted him.

This also proves that Hua Yunfei has not been here for a short time.

He is able to live to the present, indeed he has extraordinary ability.

Of course.

Wang Mang also found a problem.

With his strength Ascension, these arrogants are obviously in awe of him.

Basically, wherever Wang Mang's gaze swept across, those who met Wang Mang's gaze basically nodded and smiled at him.

Even if it didn't help, the opposing side was expressionless and did not show the slightest maliciousness to meet the Tianjiao of the same level of combat power.

These people seemed harmless to humans and animals, but Wang Mang knew these guys, but none of them were good.

Similarly, Wang Mang is naturally not easy to provoke.

After half an hour.

Wang Mang saw that Hua Yunfei was carrying, and the three god emperors Tianjiao at the Eighth Stage Heaven Peak came up.

Later, Hua Yunfei introduced to Wang Mang with a smile:

"Fellow daoist, what do you think of these three brothers? They are all willing to join our hunting league!"

Upon hearing this, the eyes of the three fellow daoist God Emperor Eighth Stage Heavenly Peak Battle Power Tianjiao also brightened one after another.

After they glanced at each other, they smiled at Wang Mang's warm cupped hands and said, "I've seen fellow daoist."

Obviously, Emperor Wang Mang's Ninth Stage's peak combat power successfully attracted the three of them to join.

More importantly, Wang Mang still possesses physical supernatural powers, the god emperor Ninth Stage's heavenly combat power.

This kind of arrogance here means that the strength is the strongest group of top arrogances!

Otherwise, they will look down on this newly formed hunting alliance!

Hearing this, Wang Mang's eyes lit up immediately, and these guys were not weak in strength.

When the god emperor Eighth Stage had the power of heaven, Wang Mang would not be confident that he would be able to kill them.

Because, Wang Mang felt in them the breath of god-tier top-notch flesh.

These guys definitely have very good qualifications, and they can attack the mythical Tianjiao.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was also very satisfied with these players, and immediately nodded and said:

"Okay! Are you all willing to join my hunting league?"

Hearing this, the three Tianjiao glanced at each other, and smiled at Wang Mang's cupped hands:

"Well, we will be allies with fellow daoist from now on, so please take care of fellow daoist!"

"Yeah! Please also fellow daoist please take care of~!"

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction, and was about to speak.

Then the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the mission! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 30 billion energy value! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the Xianwang blind box X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the Xianwang level treasure chest X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully win a random lottery chance X1! 】

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