There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 828: Obtaining the King's Order? Massive Tianjiao chase down! Falsely claim that Wang L

to be honest.

When I saw Wang Lingchao flying over to him.

Wang Mang was stunned.

Although he also wanted to be king.

But Wang Mang didn't think he could get it.

After all, there are not 20 or more than 10 of the Tianjiao among all of you here.

What's more, it is conceivable that just the heavenly peak combat power of the god emperor Ninth Stage is enough to have nearly a hundred statues!

Therefore, even if it was Wang Mang, he did not actually have much advantage when he was vying for the title of Wang Ling.

the most important is.

Wang Mang really never thought about it.

This is what Wang Ling will fly over by himself!

All of a sudden!

It's not just Wang Mang who forced it.

The rest of Tianjiao also watched this scene with stunned mouths.

Obviously, they didn't expect it, as if they had the wisdom to be the king.

He flew directly towards Wang Mang!

What does this mean?

Isn't everyone in this room comparable to Wang Mang?

Is he also worthy of Wang Mang?

It can be said that Tianjiao with such thoughts is not rare.

Therefore, after regaining consciousness, these arrogant groups furiously said:

"Boy! Put down the king order, otherwise we will kill you on the spot!"

"You are also worthy to compete with us for the king's order? If you don't want to die, immediately put down the king's order!"

"Kill this son! Is it possible that you can get involved in calling Wang Ling?"

Suddenly, the princes who led the god emperor Ninth Stage's peak combat power screamed and killed.

At the same time, Wang Mang, who was in a daze, immediately grasped the Wang Ling and put it in the storage space.

After all, it was said that Wang Ling had been delivered to the door, and if he had not collected it, it would be too shameful.

But when Wang Mang saw this group of Tianjiao angrily killed.

Even Wang Mang couldn't help but numb his scalp.

Because there are too many Tianjiao killed!

Nearly a hundred god emperors, Ninth Stage, the peak combat power, Tianjiao!


A thousand or two thousand Tianjiao were killed behind him!

Although this group of ordinary Tianjiao Wang Mang is not To put in one’s eyes.

But nearly a hundred god emperors, Ninth Stage, the peak of combat power, Tianjiao.

Wang Mang didn't think he could resist it!

Invincible at the same level refers to a single challenge.

But he really wanted to let hundreds of Tianjiao with the same level of combat power surround him.

Wang Mang felt that his fate was definitely not much better.

Therefore, Wang Mang almost didn't hesitate, and immediately turned around and ran away!

Although he also wanted to stay and hunt the arrogant, but he didn't want to be surrounded and beaten!

Because of this, Wang Mang decisively chose to escape into the wild jungle.

These guys, it would be nice if they had been gathering to chase him.

If it were scattered, he would naturally be chased by him.

So even if it was to escape, Wang Mang was very calm.

After all, the real strength is not inferior to him, it is only the number 20.

If the remaining god emperor Ninth Stage, Tianpin, Tianjiao, is truly alone, he will definitely not be able to beat him.

As for the rest of the god emperor Eighth Stage, the Heavenly Fighting Power Tianjiao.

To Wang Mang, these were completely the generation of ants.

If you dare to chase him, you can kill them all easily!

at the same time.

Seeing Wang Mang seized Wang Ling, he fled to the depths of the wild jungle.

All the arrogances were furious, stepping on the wind and the clouds, all chasing after them.

It is a pity that Wang Mang's escape speed is really not slow.

It only took a while.

He distanced himself from most Tianjiao.

The one who can still catch up with Wang Mang, only has nearly a hundred god emperors, Ninth Stage, and Tianjiao.

Their speed is not much different from that of Wang Mang, or there is a gap, but they have not reached the point of crushing.

Therefore, it is really very difficult for Wang Mang to get rid of them!

Several days passed in a blink of an eye after this chase.

But as time went by, the god emperor Ninth Stage, who was chasing Wang Mang, became less and less powerful.

Because Wang Mang is definitely a tough and tyrannical existence in the God Emperor Ninth Stage Tianjiao.

Because, the ordinary god emperor Ninth Stage's Tianjiao, whose strength is at the peak of the sky, is not Wang Mang's opponent at all.

You must have the same level of supernatural powers and physical supernatural powers in order to compete head-on with Wang Mang!

But after chasing for so long, Wang Mang was also a little annoyed.

If these guys keep chasing them down.

How can he continue to hunt Tianjiao!

Therefore, in desperation, Wang Mang had to ask in his heart:

"System, is there a way to make a fake king order?"

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Can make false claims! Need to pay 5 billion energy value! Is the host made? 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

The corners of Wang Mang's mouth twitched suddenly.

Fortunately, he had already planned to be slaughtered by the system.

Therefore, Wang Mang still endured the pain and gritted his teeth and said, "Made!"

The next moment, the sound of the system sounded again:

【Ding! Falsely claim that Wang Ling made a success! 】

【Ding! The backpack has been issued to the host, please pay attention to check it! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang's heart suddenly moved, and the generally unique false title Wang Ling appeared in his hands out of thin air.

After making sure that he was right, Wang Mang deliberately slowed down, so as to wait for these guys to catch up.

After all, Wang Mang wanted to send these guys away.

He must let the Tianjiao see with their own eyes that he has already handed over the kingship order.

Sure enough, all the arrogances, who were not slow, quickly narrowed the distance.

Moreover, he continued to roar and roar towards Wang Mang:

"Boy! Even if you escape to the end of the world, we will never let it go!"

"That's right! For the ants, hand over the king order, and we will let you make a living!"

"It's just a pipe dream that I want to swallow the king's order by myself! Hand it over!"

While this group of Tianjiao roared, they also used various god-tier skills on Wang Mang.

Suddenly, Wang Mang deliberately released the water.

This overwhelming magical powers successfully blocked Wang Mang's future!

Desperate, Wang Mang was full of anger:

"Damn it! Here you are!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Mang called Wang Ling and threw it in the direction of no one.

Afterwards, this false name Wang Ling, as if spiritually, flees away.

Seeing this scene, the crowds of Tianjiao all showed joy.

They immediately gave up chasing Wang Mang.

He chased up in the direction of Cheng Wang Ling.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang's face showed a sneer.

If this group of guys can't catch up, this fake name Wang Ling won't say.

Even if they catch up, it's just a fake king order.

Of course, Wang Mang still hoped that they could not catch up and could not get the false title of Wang Ling.

In this way, no one would doubt that this claim to Wang Ling is false.

However, now that these annoying guys have been sent away.

Then Wang Mang would naturally start, hunting down the group of arrogances behind him.

He happened to take advantage of these guys, chasing the false title Wang Ling, and hunting down more arrogances.

What made Wang Mang happy was that this group of arrogants did not let him wait for too long.

Two hours later.

Wang Mang saw it.

There are more than a thousand appearances of a group of arrogances.

From a distance in the sky, it flew like a locust crossing the border.

After seeing Wang Mang, this group of Tianjiao couldn't help being taken aback, and then they shouted in excitement:

"Hand over the king's order, otherwise we will join forces to kill you!"

"Quickly hand over the king's order! Otherwise, you will die without a place to be buried!"

"I don't have any eyesight to see, hand it over, daddy is talking to you!"

"What nonsense with him, even if the god emperor Ninth Stage's heavenly combat power?"

"Yes, we can easily kill him on the spot with our joint hands!"

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