There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 829: Arrange the Space Enchantment! Wang Mang blocked thousands of Tianjiao! The myth can be

"Boy obediently hand over Wang Ling! Don't force us to do it."

"That's not right? If this kid is still holding the king's order, how can those god emperors Ninth Stage Heavenly Fighting Power Tianjiao easily let him go?"

At this time, a Tianjiao who sensed something was wrong, suddenly frowned and said.

Hearing that, the rest of the excited crowds were taken aback for a moment, and then their faces were difficult to look at.

They are not fools, but if you think about it carefully, you can find the problem.

Obviously, this is called the king token, and it is likely to be handed over by Wang Mang.

Otherwise, why does this guy get rid of nearly a hundred god emperors Ninth Stage from chasing after him?

Thinking of this, all the arrogances present, their faces are hard to look.

Many Tianjiao were even more angry, and yelled at Wang Mang on the spot.

Especially seeing Wang Mang smiling at the corners of his mouth, these arrogances can be said to be ridicule and humiliation.

"I thought how hard your bones are, so you handed over the title of king so persuaded?"

"It's really useless, it made us happy for nothing, it's useless!"

"Trash! If Daddy gets the kingship order, it will never be handed over."

"Everyone, be careful, this guy is not easy to mess with, don't be deceived by him on the surface."

"Haha, it's not easy to mess with? I think it's a fancy! It's so vulnerable!"

All of a sudden, the Tianjiao present unscrupulously confronted Wang Mang, and Yin & Yang ridiculed.

But there are also a small number of Tianjiao who are still very unwilling.

They were pursuing, the direction of the god emperor Ninth Stage's Heavenly Fighting Power and Tianjiao departed.

at the same time.

Hear the ridicule of all the arrogances present.

Wang Mang always smiled.

The next moment, Wang Mang’s hand seals with both hands, instantly condensed into a space barrier,

The reason why he was patient before was to accumulate the power of the law and arrange the enchantment!

Therefore, under the power of his plan to accumulate the vast laws, the arrangement was successful in an instant.

Even this group of Tianjiao reacted after the enchantment was successfully arranged.

Seeing Wang Mang alone, setting up the barrier, Tianjiao first panicked.

After calming down, this group of Tianjiao laughed anxiously.

They think Wang Mang is really self-defeating!

There are a total of 1,500 Tianjiao in their presence!

There are as many as half of the Tianjiao in the late stage of the god emperor.

But Wang Mang still wants to arrange a barrier to kill them?

It's ridiculous!

Suddenly, many Tianjiao laughed unscrupulously:

"This child also wants to set up a barrier and hunt us down?"

"Haha! Really ridiculous, we have nearly 1,500 Tianjiao here!"

"Even if we stand and let you kill, can you finish it?"

"With our joint efforts, we can easily kill you!"

It's a pity that Wang Mang just smiled on his face, letting them ridicule him, but he didn't say a word.

But the movements of his hands kept on, and the endless power of the law gushed from his body to bless the space barrier.

Moreover, as time went by, the enchantment set by Wang Mang became more and more condensed.

I saw that the space barrier that was visible to the naked eye was already thick enough as a city wall.

This is almost equivalent to the joint arrangement of several god emperors Ninth Stage Tianjiao.

After feeling that the layout of the space barrier was almost the same, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction:

"Very good! You ants, you really are very confident!"

"I really thought, why can't I help you? Can't even kill you?"

"Today I will let you know that the difference of the smallest amount is the difference between the cloud and the mud!"

As soon as he finished speaking, under the stunned eyes of all Tianjiao.

Wang Mang once again transformed into a giant body of a giant python!

At the same time, Wang Mang also displayed supernatural powers, the ancient demon body!

Afterwards, he unscrupulously swept away toward this group of Tianjiao.

Seeing this scene, all the Tianjiao shouted angrily:

"Be careful, everyone, this giant python is somewhat capable! Don't let him break one by one!"

"Yes! It was this guy before, and he killed a lot of Tianjiao!"

"Haha, what about that? Even if it's the god emperor Ninth Stage, Tianjiao, under our teamwork, it is nothing more than an ant!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the arrogances present, hand seals with both hands to display their magical powers, all rushed towards Wang Mang.

boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by loud noises.

Covering the sky and the sun, the overwhelming magical powers swept over.

This terrifying magical power, even if Wang Mang saw it, his scalp tingled.

But Wang Mang didn't think that these guys could hurt him!

Therefore, Wang Mang still chose, with thousands of arrogances in front of him!



Supernatural powers like rain!

Superb power!

Even Wang Mang was still submerged in supernatural powers.

And, under the bombardment of this massive supernatural power.

Wang Mang found that he was unable to move an inch!

Every magical power bombarded him.

All stopped him from moving forward.

Under the accumulation of massive supernatural powers.

Although Wang Mang was not injured, his body was blown away by Yu Wei.


Afterwards, Wang Mang's body smashed onto the barrier uncontrollably.

Suddenly, Wang Mang, who had turned into a giant python, was almost embarrassed.

It is worth mentioning that.

But these supernatural powers still did not harm Wang Mang.

But it made him feel severe pain!

His whole body seemed to burst open!

This kind of physical pain is completely immune to it.

After all, he is immune to attacks of the same level.

But the pain in the flesh is not immune!

In other words, I didn't feel the pain at all before.

But now Wang Mang felt pain.

This proves that even the supernatural powers of the top physical body.

Once the load is reached, pain will also occur.

This also made Wang Mang unable to help but open his mouth wide and let out an angry roar.

Afterwards, Wang Mang rushed up again.

Moreover, this time he didn't choose to head iron.

At all, he didn't hard-wire all the supernatural powers of Tianjiao.

Instead, he easily twisted his body to avoid supernatural powers.

Afterwards, he opened his blood basin and rushed into the Tianjiao group.

The next moment, a series of miserable voices followed.

It turns out that there are too many Tianjiao buried in the blood basin.

Under Wang Mang's mouth, he couldn't swallow less than 50 Tianjiao!

Seeing this scene, many arrogant people have their scalp numb.

This is simply a unilateral slaughter!

However, this was not over yet, but Wang Mang was like a wolf entering a flock.

He opened his blood basin and mouth, constantly devouring whales and swallowing Tianjiao.

Every time you open your blood basin and mouth, you can always swallow dozens of Tianjiao!

At the same time, the sound of the system is like raindrops.

After it sounded in Wang Mang's mind, it never stopped.

Because Wang Mang has only been working for a while.

He swallowed hundreds of arrogances!

Even all Tianjiao can't imagine.

If you continue to let Wang Mang kill and swallow it.

How many tianjiaos are there.

Will eventually die in his mouth?

All of a sudden.

All Tianjiao in the enchantment.

They were all terrified and horrified.

They fled in all directions, not daring to gather in groups.

Because they dare to gather together.

This bloody and hideous black python.

They will open their blood basin and kill them!

at the same time.

Crazy Slaughter Bodhisattva killed Wang Mang of the Tianjiao group.

He was completely mad with killing excitement.

Cool! This is what the fuck is called massacre!

This is the coolest moment for him to hunt!

There are a large number of Tianjiao within this enchantment.

Once he can swallow more than half!

He will be able to board the mythical Tianjiao!

Once he can swallow it all!

He will definitely be able to compete for supremacy in the future!

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