There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 846 A blind box of the fairy king level opened more than 100 billion? Just a routine operati

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully won 100 billion US dollars! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained a one-time Tier 5 top luck card X1! 】


After listening to the system's lottery.

Wang Mang was stupid.

Good guys are 100 billion at every turn!

Daddy's blood boiled with enthusiasm.

As a result, he gave him so much money, how could he spend it!

We are not Hunshenhao system stream.

Really want to mix Shenhao system flow.

Getting so much money is crazy.

Fortunately, Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, a good thing came out in the end.

One-time Tier 5 Top Good Luck Card!

This stuff...

How powerful is it?

Wang Mang has a deep understanding!

Moreover, he still has two blind boxes unopened.

This wave says without boasting that 200 billion have already been seen.

Don't ask why Wang Mang is confident, because the top five good luck card is cowhide.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's depressed mood was wiped out.

Afterwards, Wang Mang did not hesitate to say silently in his heart:

"System! Use a one-time Tier 5 top good luck card!"

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully used the one-time Tier 5 Top Good Luck Card! 】

【Ding! After use, the host will be lucky in the next 24 hours! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang waited happily now.

After waiting for an hour, he can start to open the blind box of the fairy king class.

At that time, with the power of the Immortal King-class blind box, it is absolutely easy to obtain massive energy values!

It is absolutely possible to evolve once, which Wang Mang firmly believes.

after an hour.

Wang Mang felt almost after.

Without hesitation, he said silently in his heart:

"System! Open the fairy king class blind box!"

The next moment, the sound of the system sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully opened the fairy king class blind box! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 10 billion energy value! 】

good! good!

It's a good sign!

Sure enough, using a Tier 5 top good luck card is different!

After hearing the system's lottery draw, Wang Mang was in a very good mood.

One minute later.

The sound of the system sounded for the second time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 20 billion energy value! 】

Can! Very strong!

Wang Mang nodded secretly.

Afterwards, continue to open and look forward to the next draw.

Another minute later.

The system felt the sound beep for the third time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 25 billion energy value! 】

Damn it? Who insulted?

If you have the ability, the next lottery will be drawn, and all will come with 25 billion energy points!

Wang Mang said silently.

One minute later.

The system's voice sounded for the fourth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 30 billion energy value! 】

Not bad!

This yields 85 billion energy values.

Sure enough, there are five-tier top-level good luck cards, and no, they are two concepts!

This feels like opening a blind bronze box, which is so different from a blind diamond box!

Under Wang Mang's joyful mood, one minute passed quickly.

The sound of the system sounded for the fifth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 35 billion energy value! 】

Cowhide cowhide!

Because, accumulated so far.

A blind box of the fairy king level with five draws.

120 billion energy value has been opened!

Compared with the previous two Immortal King level treasure chests, less than 30 billion energy values ​​were opened.

The gap can be said to be clear at a glance!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly began to look forward to the next draw.

Soon, another minute passed.

The sound of the system sounded for the sixth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 100 original underwear of Lixiandi-level Elf Queen! 】

Good guys!

With the blessing of Tier 5 Top Air Luck Card!

The underwear series starts at 100 pieces!

This is so damn generous!

The problem is that this is not what he needs!

Under Wang Mang's helpless complaints.

One minute passed quickly.

The sound of the system sounded for the sixth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained an original underwear from the goddess of luck! 】

[Note: After wearing it, you can get a certain luck blessing from the goddess of luck! 】

Good guys!

Is this for us to wear women's clothing?

Women's clothing will bless luck?

This is too terrible!

All of a sudden.

Wang Mang was stupid.

Don't even know what to say.

Of course, women's clothing is impossible for women's clothing.

Moreover, he is now blessed with a Tier 5 top starting card.

No need to worry at all!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang continued to wait for the draw.

Another minute later.

The sound of the system sounded for the seventh time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained a Tier 5 top tracking symbol! 】

This tracer...not bad.

When Wang Mang wanted to buy this stuff.

The system slaughtered him severely and sold him 5 billion directly!

Otherwise, he really couldn't find the hiding place of Wuhou breakthrough Realm.

Although he obtained a Tier 5 top tracking symbol, Wang Mang was not happy.

Because, in the final analysis, what he needs is energy value!

Is it the limit for a blind box of the Immortal King level to produce 120 billion energy values?

Obviously, Wang Mang was greedy in his heart and did not satisfy the 120 billion energy value.

Just as Wang Mang was depressed.

The voice of the system sounded for the eighth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained a jar of fourth-order senior fairy fruit wine! 】

After listening to the system's lottery.

Suddenly Wang Mang just wanted to hit someone!


It really stopped at 120 billion.

Count his current energy value.

Wang Mang's accumulated energy field is only 270 billion!

There is still 30 billion energy points short of evolution!

I hope that the last Blind King Box can break new heights!

Wang Mang muttered in his heart.

Afterwards, Wang Mang immediately set his mind and said silently in his heart:

"System! Keep opening the blind box of the fairy king class!"

The next moment, the voice of the system also sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully opened the fairy king class blind box! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 100 million energy points! 】

Damn it? Me TM? ?

Did I hear it right?

Dage! Don't mess with me!

I'm lucky now!

How can you offer an unprecedented 100 million energy value?

to be honest.

At this moment, Wang Mang doubts his life!

He had never encountered such a situation.

This cliff is to refresh his knowledge.

Because even if there is no luck card blessing.

It is impossible for him to drive out such a small energy value!

Just as Wang Mang and Wang Mang rushed out.

The sound of the system sounded for the second time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 50 million energy value! 】

? ? ?

I'm going to your sister.

50 million energy value is here!

This figure Wang Mang is absolutely unprecedented.

Definitely never had such a small energy value!

This time the lottery.

He refreshed his cognition again!

The fluke in Wang Mang's heart completely disappeared.

All of a sudden.

Wang Mang even began to doubt, this fairy king-level blind box.

Wouldn't he even miss the energy value of his evolution, right?

Just when Wang Mang doubted his life.

Another minute passed.

The sound of the system sounded for the third time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Acquired 99.9 billion...]

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