There Are Really No Pythons In My Reservoir

Chapter 847 Fighting power reaches the extreme first stage days! Can Ascension? All are piglets! Kil

The sound of the system sounded for the third time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 99.9 billion energy value! 】

Damn it!

Damn it?

I thought it was 9.99 million energy value!

Unexpectedly, the energy value of hundreds of billions of energy was actually used?

All of a sudden.

Wang Mang was completely stunned.

See you for the first time this kind of lottery quotes are true!

Is this the first to suppress and then to rise?

Can! Very ok!

Cowhide! Very cowhide!

At this moment, Wang Mang's mood changed from overcast to clear, with a smile on his face.

It seems that the person who was swearing and swearing was not him at all.

"Not bad! Very good!"

"Three draws are as high as hundreds of billions of energy values!"

"System! Should there be another 99.8 billion energy value to round up?"

Under Wang Mang's joy.

The system's voice sounded for the fourth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 99.8 billion energy value! 】

? ? ?

Damn it?

Really come to 99.8 billion energy value?

What a feeling...

Like a dream...

Suddenly, Wang Mang's whole body was dumbfounded.

He actually just thought about it before.

But I never thought I would really satisfy him this time!

Suddenly, Wang Mang couldn't help being happy.

At the same time, the mood becomes more pleasant.

"System! You can give me another 99.8 billion, or 99.9 billion!"

Wang Mang immediately muttered again.

Obviously, the last draw was fulfilled.

Wang Mang couldn't help but talk more.

What if the system dad heard it, and satisfied him?

Just as Wang Mang was looking forward to it.

One minute passed.

The sound of the system sounded for the fifth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 99.8 billion Q coins! 】

Good guys!

I call the connotation directly!

It really came to 99.8 billion!

It’s just that 99.8 billion is a bit special!

It turned out to be the virtual currency of the previous earth world.

All in all, there is an egg use!

For a while, Wang Mang was depressed and speechless.

It must be because he didn't add the words energy value unit before.

The system understands it wrong!

It must be so!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang immediately shouted in his heart:

"System Dad! What I want is energy value! Give me energy value!"

Another minute later.

The sound of the system sounded for the fifth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 999 billion Happy Beans! 】

? ? ?

Happy beans?

What is this, let us fight the landlord?

I'm going to your uncle!

Don't bring people like this!

At this moment, Wang Mang's mentality exploded a bit.

There is no other reason.

The quantity is the same quantity.

That is, the units at the back are different.

If the units behind are all energy values.

Then Wang Mang will be able to make a huge profit!

The problem is that these units are not!

Even the special joy beans are here!

Just when Wang Mang was speechless.

The sound of the system sounded for the sixth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 99.8 billion tons of silver! 】

Damn it! Here again?

Wang Mang began to doubt life again.

Last time 99.9 billion, this time 99.8 billion!

Did he really get it right?

All of a sudden.

Wang Mang felt that the system was full of maliciousness towards him!

The system is absolutely deliberate!

Just as Wang Mang was frantically complaining.

The sound of the system sounded for the seventh time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 9.8 billion energy value! 】

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was finally relieved.

It's finally normal!

Although the energy value is a bit less.

But it's normal!

This gives him 100 billion at every turn.

Wang Mang really can't stand it!

If it's all energy values, it's okay.

The key is not the energy value!

Just when Wang Mang was depressed.

The voice of the system sounded for the eighth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 8,888.88 million soft sister coins! 】

After listening to the system's lottery.

Wang Mang was really helpless.

This blind box only gave him 110 billion energy values.

Count the accumulated energy value of 270 billion!

Add up to only 380 billion energy value!

Now Wang Mang's accumulated energy value is indeed enough to evolve.

But after evolution, the remaining energy value is definitely not much.

For Wang Mang, this was only a little relief.

As for how happy I am.

If there is no one-time Tier 5 top good luck card.

With so many energy points, Wang Mang flew up absolutely happily.

The problem is that there is a Tier 5 top-level good luck card, and this energy value is issued.

To be honest, it's only quite satisfactory.

After adjusting my mood for a while.

Wang Mangcai said silently in his heart:

"System! Let's start evolving!"

"System! Use free evolution opportunities!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Mang took it out of the storage space.

Liuwei Di Huangwan is round like a Gold Core.

Subsequently, Wang Mang swallowed Medicine Pill without hesitation.

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Successfully deducted 250 billion energy value! Starting to evolve...]

【Ding! Use the free evolution opportunity successfully! Starting to evolve...]

【Ding! Succeeded in taking Liuwei Dihuang Pills! Starting to evolve...]

Afterwards, Wang Mang lost consciousness completely in the process of evolution.

Moreover, Wang Mang's evolution time was very long this time.

Because he can't wait to hit the extreme combat power!

Therefore, this time of evolution, he is ready to use all the resources.

Including free evolution opportunities and Liuwei Emperor Wan Medicine Pill!

It is to impact the extreme combat power!


In the process of Wang Mang's evolution.

After half a month.

Outside the fourth city.

A big event happened.

Tianjiao is outside the fourth city.

In the wild jungle, found an invincible supreme cemetery!

At this moment, the Tianjiao outside the Fourth City went completely crazy.

Even many Tianjiao people, madness poured into it one after another.

There is no other reason.

These people want to find the secret to becoming the supreme.

Because the supreme is not for everyone.

Even if it has enough talent value.

They still cannot become supreme.

Because, to become a supreme one needs to meet certain conditions!

This is why.

After the birth of a tomb of Invincible Supreme.

Will attract so many Tianjiao people swarming.

Of course, Wang Mang didn't know all this.

In a blink of an eye.

Half a month passed.

In the cave.

Wang Mang slowly awakened from evolution.

At the same time, if someone observes carefully, they will find it.

Wang Mang's breath became even more terrifying.

The power of laws around him is even stronger!

This power surpassed the heavenly combat power of the God Emperor Ninth Stage!

This force has reached the legendary extreme!

Yes, Wang Mang successfully broke through the heavenly power of the God Emperor Ninth Stage!

Now, he has reached the first stage of extreme combat power!

At this moment, he can feel his unprecedented strength!

This force is almost 10 times stronger than the heavenly combat power of the God Emperor Ninth Stage!

However, this is not over yet!

Now his combat power has reached the extreme First Stage days!

Don't forget.

He can advance to the level of the mythical Tianjiao!

By then.

His combat power will reach the extreme Second Stage world!

Carefully feel the huge and terrifying power in the body.

Wang Mang's face was full of joy and excitement.

Such a powerful and invincible feeling.

It is simply better than ever!

Even Wang Mang didn't even know about it now.

Now, who else is his opponent?

And can compete with him! ?


Three thousand gods?

They count as a fart!

All are piglets!

Kill them all!

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