There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 899: The machine of the soul

Correspondingly, the chief master Bai seemed to be a different person, and suddenly became interested in mundane things.

Pulling Junior Sister Ziyan back to the small courtyard of the Bai family, chatted with the father for a while, helped Auntie cook, and read a few poems to Xiao Ziwen...

This change immediately surprised my father and my mother.

Especially when she saw her son and Ziyan holding hands and walking naturally, A Niang was overjoyed immediately, the thing she was most worried about before seemed to have finally turned around.

While Da'er was chatting with his father, he hurriedly dragged Zi Yan to question him.

Knowing the changes in Yunlou, A Niang was even more gratified. Although she didn't know the magic of the fairy family very well, it was a great joy for her eldest son to recover slowly.

Afterwards, the two returned to Qingyun Sect together. Master Bai called all the disciples in the sect according to the derived idea, checked their cultivation, and taught them one by one, which immediately made Qingyun Sect boil up and down.

After some lectures, a lively dinner was inevitable. Excited, all the disciples of the Qing Yun Sect came up with their own unique skills to make various delicacies for the brothers in charge to taste.

Everything seemed as if it was yesterday, and Luo Yu and the fat guys started bragging about it through the wine.

In the past six months, almost every disciple has experienced it in the illusion of the senior brother. In private, everyone is even more proud of being able to last a few rounds under the senior brother's hands.

Because in the illusion, the cultivation base of each disciple is almost the same, the only difference is their respective methods.

This also urges every Qingyunmen disciple to strive for perfection in their respective cultivation ways.

Forge ahead knowing the insufficiency, looking forward to the mountains.

Under the drunkenness, Luo Yu and the others let go of their words, saying that if they entered the illusion of the master brother next time, they would definitely be able to receive the Mountain Breaking Sword Intent, or hold on for a few more breaths.

Anyway, the senior brother who is in charge of the sect seems to be a little bit drunk, and the few of them blowing the conch are extremely enjoyable.

I went back to the small courtyard of the Bai Family, stayed in Qingyun Gate for one night, then went to Xinlu Academy, and then walked casually in Jiangnan Mansion, feeling the prosperity of the world, which is considered to have traveled the mortal world.

In the end, Baiyun Tower returned to the fairyland of Yaochi, looking at the fairy lotus that had fallen into a deep sleep, he couldn't help but secretly sighed.

The branches of the tree were full, only the few branches on Junior Sister Chaoyang's side were still gray.

On a whim, Junior Sister Chaoyang chose the idea of ​​intimacy first, but this time it was a good thing, and she fell into a deep sleep.

The few remaining ideas that could have been easily completed are still hanging alone on the branches, very conspicuous in the glazed fairy lights full of trees.

Not perfect...

Junior Sister Ziyan is right, next time I can't let Junior Sister Chaoyang's temper...

While thinking, the wonderful tree in Baiyunlou's consciousness suddenly trembled, and with a soft "bang", it turned into chaotic clouds.

As the mist and fairy light converged, it once again condensed into a crystal-clear heart mirror. In the mist that manifested within it, a shimmering god-seed faintly appeared.

Three days have passed, and the wonderful tree returned to the chaos, turned into a **** seed, and was bred again.

As the mind mirror gradually retreated into the void, the deep sea of ​​memory appeared empty again, but it seemed to have changed.

After closing his eyes and concentrating for a moment, Baiyunlou opened his eyes and looked at a void through the fairyland barrier.

"Immortal World, Immortal Garden..." The ethereal voice echoed in the fairyland.

"Brother, let's go after the Soul Convergence Realm, Ziyan can explore first."

Bai Yunlou shook his head lightly and replied: "It's okay, it should be quite useful to have a supernatural power in Mo Dao."

After saying that, his figure flickered, his spirit trembled violently, and a phantom of a split soul was born.

This soul-splitting soul is not a soul-splitting body condensed in the god-splitting state, nor does it have a corresponding soul core. Although it borrows the magic power, it doesn't have the slightest magic energy.

The avenues are interlinked, and Baiyun Tower has already comprehended the essence of the magic way clone technique.

After a little thought, Dao Dao's sword slashed down on the phantom of the split soul, and the falling sword intent began to temper it.

A divided soul without a soul core is quite vain. If you don't temper it, it is estimated that Fang will be crushed by the powerful rules of the immortal way as soon as he enters the immortal gate.

After tempering the phantom sub-soul for quite a while, although it became much more solidified, Baiyunlou was still dissatisfied, and simply tempered the three sword gangs into this sub-soul.

Seeing that the senior brother spared no effort to spend the soul and sword gang to condense the sub-soul, Zi Yan's eyes lit up, and she suddenly realized something, and then she didn't say any more, she concentrated her attention and formed a sub-soul.

After waiting for their soul-dividing mechanism to gradually stabilize, they escaped from Yaochi Wonderland at the same time. Guided by the Kunlun Order, they came directly to a void in Kunlun Wonderland.

Inspired by the Kunlun Order, Dengxiantai appeared.

Ziyan took out the decree and sent an air machine into it by running the Kunlun order, and Baiyunlou also sent an air machine into the decree in the same way.

Immortal decree then vibrated slightly under Ziyan's envoy, and the space on the immortal platform in front of the two fluctuated endlessly, gradually revealing a time-space gate resplendent with immortal light.

The fairy gate is wide open!

Baiyun Tower had also activated the Immortal Gate before killing the demons, but because of its limited strength, the sword or spiritual thoughts that penetrated were crushed by the power of rules in the Immortal Gate in an instant.

Therefore, most of the Baiyun Tower just comprehended the laws of immortality overflowing from the immortal gate. Unexpectedly, Junior Sister Ziyan first cultivated the soul to the state of harmony, and explored the broken fairyland in advance.

In the past few days, it may be due to the influence of Miaoshu, or it may be that there are more words in the depths of the memory, and the thoughts of Baiyunlou that have been stagnant for a long time have also started to work.

Junior Sister Chaoyang fell into a deep sleep to rest her mind, and Junior Sister Ziyan felt anxious, and her mind and soul were exhausted...

And the reason why the soul is so consumed is precisely because of exploring the fairy world, and those intermittent and broken pictures in Junior Sister Zi Yan's spiritual thoughts are the scenes of the fairy world.

In these scenes, the laws of immortality are In fact, it is an excellent place for enlightenment.

Now the progress of the soul union seems to be about to be completed, but the last half is extremely difficult, and this broken fairy world seems dangerous, but it is also an opportunity.

These mundane matters did not stay in the mind of Master Bai for a moment at all before, but now that the mind is working, everything can be seen clearly, and he has also found a chance to unite his soul.

Not only that, in the past few days, fragments of the fairy world sometimes pierced through the boundary wall and fell into the human world. Baiyun Tower made several shots and gained a lot.

There are traces of immortal laws left on these fairy world fragments, and when they fall, they are mixed with the heavenly rules of the human world. The laws of the two worlds have similarities and subtle differences, but it makes Baiyunlou a little more curious about the fairy world. .

With this in mind, Baiyun Tower decided not to wait any longer, and condensed a soul to go to the fairyland to investigate.

Not only that, Baiyunlou simply handed over Rijinlun to the soul-dividing envoy.

Most of the samadhi real fire in the Rijin Wheel remained in the sea of ​​body consciousness, and a small half of it was integrated into the soul-dividing body, and finally settled down between its eyebrows, which has the function of a soul core.

With the support of a small half of the Samadhi real fire, Rijinlun is extremely free to be controlled by the soul-splitting soul, and the protective power of the soul-splitting soul is also doubled, and the real fire of Samadhi is very suitable for the immortal way, so there must be a few more chances to escape into the fairy gate.


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