There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 900: Huafan Immortal Pond

Seeing this, Zi Yan at the side immediately handed the Moon Golden Wheel to the soul without any hesitation.

This time, Zi Yan condensed the ice crystals of the divided souls, and the Royal Envoy Moon Golden Wheel was also agile and free.

The two sub-souls lean on at the same time, the sun, the moon and the golden wheel merge into one, and as the Qi machines of the two Kunlun Orders in the east and west submerge into the two sub-souls respectively, this is considered to be the end of the preparation.

Under the thought, the two souls held hands and walked towards the gate of heaven with the sun, moon and golden wheel protecting them.

This step fell, as if stepping through the endless void, powerful space tearing force came from all directions.

Zi Yan's sub-soul was supported by the sun-moon-golden wheel this time, but it didn't wear out too much. It fluctuated violently for a while, and then gradually stabilized.

However, due to the lack of realm, the sub-soul of Baiyun Tower persisted in the void for a few breaths, and cracks appeared in the body of the sub-soul. It seemed that it was still difficult to withstand the continuous and powerful tearing force.

When it was about to collapse, the split soul instantly restrained and escaped directly into the true fire of samadhi.

The fire escape supernatural power, which was close to the perfect state, immediately exerted extraordinary magical effects, and the tearing force lost its target, and then dispersed.

"Om..." Accompanied by the light in front of his eyes, the soft-sounding sound resounded loudly in Baiyun Tower's soul-dividing thoughts.

The scene in my eyes is illusory and broken. In the misty fog, broken fragments are floating around, and everything I see has dazzling double images, revealing an extremely unreal feeling.

This is fairyland...

Inside the sun-moon golden wheel, the vain soul-splitting body escaped from the real fire, and looked around in a very uncomfortable manner.

"It should be that the laws of the realm are different. When you first enter, there are overlapping images. It's hard to see the real face. Just get used to it for a while."

Ziyan's soft and ethereal voice came from the divine sense, and the divine sense transmission in the fairy world seems to be quite different from the human world.

Before Baiyunlou got used to it, Ziyan dragged her to the side.

As soon as the two of them moved away, a gust of wind drifted past where they were, blowing a piece of floating and broken fairy stone and rolling it forward.

The seemingly harmless wind caused Bai Yunlou's eyes to freeze, and it turned out to be the same as the wind in the ninth heaven of the human world.

Such a powerful Gangfeng is like a breeze in the fairy world. Of course, his own soul is not even as good as a breeze.

Judging from the floating figure of Junior Sister Cai Ziyan just now, she is extremely gentle, and it seems that she has accumulated a lot of survival experience here.

"There are many strong winds hidden in this mist. If you escape at will, accidents are very easy to happen... But senior brother Tianyan has already cultivated to the state of Dzogchen, so I must be able to see a thing or two." Halfway through the conversation, Zi Yan suddenly remembered the magic power of senior brother .

Hearing Ziyan's words, Baiyunlou nodded lightly, Dzogchen's celestial eye is extraordinary, not only the traces of the nine-day gang wind, but under the concentration and induction, some unknown rules of the immortal way are also gradually perceived.

Tianyantong is not just Dharma Eyesight, but also good at sensing different kinds of energy.

Looking around for a while, although I haven't gotten used to the double shadows and chaos, I have a rough idea of ​​the situation within a radius of more than ten feet.

As expected of the Upper Realm, the Celestial Eye, which can penetrate thousands of miles with a thought in the human world, is extremely suppressed here, and can only see the aura within a radius of more than ten feet.

Of course, this has something to do with the fairy mist covering the surroundings, and it may also be related to the realm of the soul. After breaking into the realm of the soul, it should not be such a predicament.

Most of the Immortal Dao rules around here are ethereal and flexible, but there are also many Immortal Dao rules that seem to be a bit incomplete, revealing a tyrannical atmosphere.

These incomplete rules of the immortal way are extremely dangerous. According to Chuan Nian, Junior Sister Ziyan, if they accidentally touch the power of these rules, most of them will end up with their souls dissipated.

Recalling the words of the Heavenly Demon, Baiyunlou vaguely guessed the reason for these incomplete rules of the immortal way.

Karma backlash!

At the beginning, in order to slay the demon, the lord of the fairy court had no fear of karma to add to his body, and chopped the body of the demon to pieces.

It should be that there were too many true immortals who were enchanted at the beginning, and under the backlash of karma, the fairy world began to collapse, and the rules of the fairy way broke.

For some reason, the shattered fairyland did not collapse completely, and it remained stable for thousands of years.

It wasn't until more than a year ago that Junior Sister Chaoyang made a speech, and spent half of her luck in her life, predicting the end of the Heavenly Demon.

Perhaps it was that prophecy that broke the stability of the fairy world, and it may also awaken some unknown existence.

But what made the fairy world start to collapse and shatter again was the sword that cut off the body of the demon.

The body of the Heavenly Demon is so powerful, Baiyunlou planned at that time that if he failed in one blow, he would use all his strength to use his sword intent to kill all thoughts.

Unexpectedly, along with that sword intent, a more powerful Sword Light of Severing Mortal Thought fell from the sky filled with immortal light, which directly chopped off the body of the Heavenly Demon.

It was after that sword strike that Junior Sister Chaoyang's luck began to shatter, and her spiritual consciousness began to tremble violently, so much so that she was now sleeping for most of the day.

That sword seemed to exhaust the essence of the fairy world, and the entire fairy world began to collapse, and even affected the human world.

Now in the mind of Baiyun Tower, although the principle of reincarnation still exists, thoughts of gains and losses are also born.

The fairy world collapsed, and the scattered fragments fell into the human world, causing void fluctuations that seriously affected the tranquility of Master Bai.

If the fairy world collapses completely, the boundaries of the human world will also be in chaos. At that time, Junior Sister Chaoyang will fall into a deep sleep, and Junior Sister Ziyan will definitely be busy all day to deal with the disasters in the world...

At that time, what will happen to the wonderful tree derived from the spiritual consciousness...

Not perfect!

Too incomplete!

This fairy world cannot be allowed to continue to collapse...

Gathering his thoughts back to his senses, the real fire between the brows of Baiyun Tower trembled slightly, gradually matching the spirit of the immortal way here, the double shadow in front of him slowly dissipated, and the dilapidated environment around him finally became clear.

The hiding place that Junior Sister Zi Yan found is in an excellent It is a broken groove, where few damaged powers of the rules of the immortal way wandered here.

"This is... Huafan Immortal Pond?" Baiyunlou Guan looked at the fragment several feet in size, and vaguely recognized some of its appearance.

"Exactly, the fragments of this pool are scattered in this fairy mist. In the past few months, I have found most of them, Junior Sister, and managed to transport nearly half of them, but I can't refine them and restore them."

Hearing this, Baiyunlou nodded slightly.

Junior Sister Zi Yan's Celestial Eye is only a great achievement, at most she can only sense the breath of the Nine Heavens Stellar Wind, and those broken rules of the Immortal Dao are difficult to penetrate.

The realm of the soul body is limited, and in the fairy world, it is impossible to display the magical powers of the mortal world.

One can imagine how difficult it is to transport hundreds of fragments of different sizes from hundreds of feet away to within a hundred feet, at the risk of being approached by the invisible law of immortality in the gap between these strong winds.

The gentle floating movement technique just now should be comprehended by Junior Sister Zi Yan in countless life and death wanderings.

Thoughts of emotion flashed in Baiyunlou's mind, but he didn't say much, and reached out to hold Junior Sister Ziyan's slender hand.

There is no other meaning to this move, it is just the Tianyantong sharing the Dzogchen Realm with Junior Sister Ziyan.


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