Carefully avoiding the broken rules of the immortal way all the way, it took a lot of work to put the last fragment of the fairy pool in place.

In the days that followed, there were few disturbances, and the two souls in the fairy world concentrated on refining and restoring Huafanxianchi.

Baiyun Tower is responsible for refining the fragments of the Immortal Pond with Samadhi True Fire, and while Ziyan deduces and comprehends the immortal way, she will sit cross-legged in the eyes of the Immortal Pond and circulate the tiny celestial energy to dredge the broken celestial lines.

These strands of immortal power are not refined by Zi Yan, but the residual energy in the inheritance of immortal seals, and it is also useful to dredge the immortal lines.

Refining the fragments of the Immortal Pond is not only labor-intensive and time-consuming, but also requires a lot of patience. It just so happens that these two people are not lacking. Slowly refining, there will be a day when they are refined.

More than a month has passed, and the two souls in the fairy world are still refining and repairing in an orderly manner, gradually approaching perfection.

Everything in the human world seems to be as usual, and it seems to be a little more colorful.

Baiyunlou returned from the south of the Yangtze River alone, standing on the top of Kunlun Peak, overlooking the wonderful scenery in the world, feeling a little warm in his heart.

In late spring and early summer, a hundred flowers are in full bloom and the vegetation is lush.

The world is not as hot as the Fiery Sunland, nor is it as extremely cold as West Kunlun. The warmth between the cold and the heat gradually makes Baiyun Tower quite nostalgic.

In the depths of Jingkong's mind, there was a little more warmth unknowingly.

People's hearts are warm, and wherever you look, there is always warmth rising.

Because of this warmth, Baiyun Tower occasionally does some interesting things other than Miaoshu.

After returning from the south of the Yangtze River, the Miaoshu has become complete, the divine seed has been bred again, the mind has returned to calm, and the spirit of immortality has come out through the body.

Originally planning to return to the Kunlun Immortal Realm to continue practicing, but saw a white shadow.

white wolf.

In the depths of the desert sea, on a tall sand dune, the white wolf was bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, feeling rather lonely.

After a slight pause, Baiyunlou took a step forward and appeared beside Bailang in an instant.

The lonely state of mind... seems quite interesting. Looking at the setting sun at the end of the desert sea, Baiyunlou curiously explored the white wolf in his mind.

Vast, gorgeous..., so beautiful, the sunset in the place where I grew up is the most beautiful...

It's really like the light of the fireworks of Senior Sister Ah Li...

It's time for dinner again, over there in Xihai City...

The white wolf was actually thinking about this, which was beyond Baiyunlou's expectations, and his mind fluctuated a bit after being surprised.

"Brother Sect Master!" Bai Lang sensed the familiar aura fluctuation, and when he turned his head to look, he immediately exclaimed.

"What happened to Xihai City?" Bai Yunlou asked curiously following Bai Lang's thoughts.

"Xihai City... Senior Brother Youlu." Bai Lang replied casually.

Brother Lu, an alcoholic but quite interesting person...

With a thought in Baiyunlou, Qi surged around his body, wrapped up the white wolf, and led it to the west to turn into a rainbow.

According to the white wolf's idea, one person and one wolf settled down outside the east gate city, Baiyun Tower followed the white wolf, and entered the West Sea City without rushing.

The white wolf seemed to like the warm greetings from the gatekeepers. Along the way, many townspeople came forward to salute, and even a few children came forward to play with the white wolf.

With Xu Shi's senior brother at his side, the white wolf was not in the mood to play around, so he said that he had something to do today.

However, when walking forward, the wolf's tail swayed slightly, and gusts of breeze blew out, leading a few babies to circle for a long time, attracting laughter.

All the way to Baiyunlou, the warmth in my heart and mind increased, and I forgot about enlightenment and cultivation for a moment.

Seeing Senior Brother Lu again, and hearing that familiar voice, I suddenly wanted to drink and talk freely.

"Brother, looking at you this time is much more pleasing to the eye, haha, drink, drink..."

"Brother Yunlou, you just happened to be lucky today. After tomorrow, brother, I won't be in Xihai City."

Between the words, Lu Changfa, who was a little bit drunk, showed a little bit of complacency.

"Where are you going?" Hearing these words, Baiyunlou couldn't help asking curiously.



Brother Lu actually still had the interest to go to that land of punishment from heaven. Between emotions, the scene of the eruption of the Holy Snow Mountain flashed across Baiyunlou's mind.

Seeing that Junior Brother Bai was a little dazed and didn't continue to answer, Lu Changfa couldn't help but continued:

"I went to Donglai some time ago and did a task for the chamber of commerce, but I was pestered by a woman who insisted on being my mother-in-law. This is really..., hehe..."

"Mother-in-law? Is it a Taoist couple?" Baiyunlou asked casually after drinking a glass.

"It's okay, but it's the kind that gives birth to a baby. How can she, a woman from Donglai, know how to cultivate..."

While Lu Changfa was replying, he reached out his hand to skillfully poured a bowl of wine from the sapphire gourd hanging around the white wolf's neck, and drank happily.

"A mortal woman?" Baiyunlou asked curiously.

"Exactly, but besides not being able to cultivate, he is quite in line with my temper, haha..."

"The Xizhou area is considered stable. There is nothing wrong with Xihai City, and the commander-in-chief has already agreed, saying that he still has a vacant position. If there is anything to do in Xihai City in the future, he can come back to help at any time. There is such a thing as Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce. Shuo, back and forth is very fast..."

"Brother and I will get married in three days. If brother is free, don't forget to come over and have a wedding wine."

After a short pause, Baiyunlou responded casually.

Hearing Junior Brother Bai's response, Lu Changfa burst into laughter: "Haha, it seems that Brother Bai has finally regained some of his former demeanor. I think back then, when I first met my brother, he was full of vigor, and he carried an air of pride wherever he went. Very red bird…”

"A Li..." Hearing Senior Brother Lu mentioning the little red bird, Baiyunlou thought of A Li whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and his heart felt warmer.

"Woooo..." The white wolf also whispered softly beside him.

While thinking about it, Baiyunlou got up to say goodbye, and while talking, the clouds and smoke rose from his Seeing this, the white wolf hurriedly jumped onto the cloud head, one by one, one by one, the wolf left behind, leaving Lu Changfa who was deeply moved.

"Brother Bai is still so free and easy..."

Just as he was sighing, Lu Changfa had a feeling in his heart, and when he turned his head to look at it, he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear: "It's still so grand, hahaha..."

In one corner of the wall, there were dozens of large wine jars overflowing with aura, and on the red paper pasted outside the wine jars, there were two large characters - Burning Soul.

Among the vast clouds, the silver moonlight shines, a cloud of mist drifts away, and Baiyun Tower is heading for Nanzhou with the white wolf.

Halfway through the journey, the cloud suddenly paused and stopped over a small island in the South China Sea.

On the small island stands a tall lighthouse, which is exactly the Tower of Heroes that Junior Sister Xiaojing built under the supervision of Junior Sister Chaoyang and whose name was justified by Junior Sister Chaoyang.

After the Demon Slaying Battle, many memories in Baiyunlou's mind faded and forgotten, but the construction of the Heroic Spirit Tower still has some impressions.

At that time, in order to exterminate the heavenly demons, more than a dozen monks fell, and one of them, a junior sister, took the initiative to sacrifice his dharma body and soul...

Looking along the divine light projected by the magic circle on the top of the Pagoda of Heroes, a few miles away, an ice-clear glass statue is suspended in mid-air.


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