The glass statue is several feet in size, it is a human woman with two pairs of butterfly wings on her back, she is exactly the Xuecan Junior Sister in her vague memory.

The dazzling light of the lighthouse falls, and the other side of the statue reveals colorful rays of light, reflecting the night sky like a dream.

This place is not far from Nanzhou, and the northern coast of Nanzhou can be seen such a wonderful scene.

Both Nanzhou Moxiu and Momin still vaguely remembered the scene in the dream, and they all knew that it was a female fairy with butterfly wings who rescued them from the clutches of the demon.

Then came the name of Die Xian, and the glazed statue floating in the South China Sea was also conferred the title of Die Xian by the people of Nanzhou.

After watching the glazed statue for a while, Baiyunlou's mind fluctuated slightly, and then gradually returned to calm.

What made Baiyunlou's mind fluctuate was not because of recalling the past, but because the statue contained extremely pure... wish power.

It seems reasonable to gather the power of wish. After all, the dream made a deep impression on the demon people in Nanzhou, and even imprinted it deep in their minds.

The place where the power of the wish gathers is somewhat miraculous, and at a certain moment, Baiyunlou has a feeling in his mind that this statue seems to have a little bit of spirituality.

After careful inspection, he didn't notice any abnormality, Baiyun Tower immediately let go of this thought, and led the white wolf to flee to a sealed place in Nanzhou in an instant.

In the clear enchantment with a radius of more than a hundred feet, there is a fiery red sycamore tree, and the soul of the little red bird A Li is living in it.

The original demons suddenly lost their faith. Apart from enshrining the snow silkworm in the dream as Die Xian, they also regarded this place as a holy place.

The hemispherical void barrier was created by the disciples of the Qingyun Sect, just to give Ah Li a place to meditate and cultivate.

The figures of one man and one wolf flickered, and they had already appeared under the fiery red sycamore tree.

Among the layers of branches, a small group of fireworks is wrapped among the red sycamore leaves, which is the soul of the little red bird.

A Li's soul regenerated from the extinction and is slowly recovering.

During the Great Extermination War, A Lishe removed his dharma body and activated the Nanzhou Dazhengyan.

Then he obtained the true meaning of Lihuo contained in the fiery red sycamore tree, and also got a trace of the true meaning of Nirvana from Huo Ling'er, and finally transformed into the ninth tail, and thus transformed into a complete Suzaku aura.

After exterminating the Heavenly Demon, A Li rejected Senior Sister Chaoyang's true blood supernatural power, saying that he wanted to re-condense the Dharma Body.

As a result, the dharmakaya didn't make a fuss, and almost disappeared in the human world. In the end, it benefited from that ray of true meaning of Nirvana.

After exhausting the true meaning of Nirvana, A Li finally recovered slowly from the extinction. Although the reborn A Li was weak, he completely inherited the energy of Suzaku and re-condensed the dharma body.

Now Ah Li is in deep sleep, and it is estimated that it will take at least several years to use the fiery red sycamore tree to cultivate the young soul and dharma body.

Hearing Senior Brother Lu mention Ah Li today, Baiyunlou decided to come over and take a look.

Now that he saw the deity, the thoughts in his mind and mind were instantly fulfilled, and he regained the state of no thought and no thought.

At this time, a thought came from the bottom of his heart, Baiyunlou raised his hand and summoned the magic weapon of the sundial, opened a door of void, and walked in.

The white wolf looked at the fiery red sycamore tree, and suddenly hesitated.

just came here...

In just a short while, the void gate disappeared without a trace, and the white wolf stood there in a daze.

The senior brother who is in charge will leave as soon as he says, the land of Nanzhou is thousands of miles away from the desert sea...

He walked around a few steps, looked up at the red light shining from the branches of the sycamore tree, looked out of the barrier for a while, and then crouched down under the tree to rest.

It seems not bad to stay here for a while, the fiery red phoenix tree exudes warmth, which is suitable for deep sleep, and there are fresh melons and fruits outside the barrier that can be enjoyed at any time...

When the white wolf decided to linger in Nanzhou, Baiyunlou had already escaped back to the Kunlun fairyland.

A thought came from the split soul far away in the Broken Immortal Realm, and the restoration of Huafan Immortal Pond was complete.

Climbing up to the immortal platform, Zi Yan also flashed up, and the two of them separated their souls at the same time, and entered through the immortal gate.

The strength of the condensed souls this time was far higher than before, and the power of the two souls was greatly consumed, so after sending out the souls, the two went to Yaochi Wonderland together to nourish their souls with immortal energy.

Fenhun followed his thoughts and stepped into the fairy gate with ease, and he really saw the Huafan Immortal Pond that had been completely restored.

The Immortal Pond and Yinxian Terrace are connected together, and the bottom of the pool is shaped like a lotus flower. The entire Immortal Pond has a radius of tens of feet.

With Zi Yan's immortal formula running, the fairy pool seemed to come alive, and the mysterious energy swam and circled in the pool.

The surrounding fairy mist gradually gathered towards the fairy pond, and finally turned into a pool of radiant fairy springs.

Thousands of auspiciousness, ten thousand lights of immortality.

Reappearing in the world again, Huafan Immortal Pond showed an extraordinary appearance.

Such a spectacle made the two of them tremble.

Turning around and watching, all the surrounding fairy fog returned to the fairy pond, and the scene of the fairy world appeared in front of the two of them.

In the extreme distance, there are vaguely dilapidated ruins and the collapse of the void. There is no shining sun, but there is a glow of fairy light from the sky.

A round of crystal bright moon appeared in the corner of the fairy world, appearing outstanding and independent.

After watching for a while, Baiyunlou stepped up to the edge of Yinxiantai, exerted his Celestial Eye with all his strength, and bent down to watch the chaotic void below.

At the end of the vast void, a chaotic mask appeared.

Baiyunlou vaguely guessed that that place is the human world, but the current state of mind and soul cannot see the truth.

Where the divine mind moved, he turned his head to look at Huafan Immortal Pond again.

If the main body can also come here by escape, it seems that he can directly step into the immortal way, although he is only a little fairy with extremely low cultivation.

As soon as this thought came out, it was dispersed by Baiyun Tower.

Today's fairy world is full of dangers, easy to enter and difficult to exit, the body is not as safe as in the human world, and those ideas in the wonderful tree still need to be fulfilled in the human world.

The main body can't come here, but the soul can try to enter the fairy pond.

The two looked at each other, without any further hesitation, they jumped directly into the Immortal Transformation Once they entered the Immortal Pond, they disappeared.

The endless pain like smashing the body to pieces, washing the marrow and cutting the veins, kept washing the souls of the two of them.

Pain is nothing, I have already gotten used to it when I practiced the Suannian Divine Ability, what changes is the feeling of being reunited after the broken mind is broken.

With the passage of time, 90% of the soul body that had been condensed to the extreme through cultivation in the human world was finally wiped away by the power of the rules of the immortal way.

The mortal breath of the human world has been washed away.

Pure, clear, light and flawless.

The remaining 10% of the souls were completely transformed into the bodies of immortal souls, and their consciousness also transformed into immortal consciousness.

The thoughts are clear and free from distracting thoughts, and the laws of immortality are self-contained, which is miraculous and extraordinary.

After searching, the soul and the body are separated into two worlds, the realms cannot be merged, but they are still connected in the depths of the mind.

After finishing refining the soul, Baiyunlou felt something in his heart, and once again floated to the edge of Yinxiantai, leaning over to watch.

At the end of the void in the fairy world, the vain barrier was instantly seen through, revealing the true nature of the lower realm.

This human world... is actually like this in the eyes of the immortals in the upper realm!

The sky is round and the land of Kyushu and the world are all spread out in front of you.


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