The layers of arc-shaped domes between the clouds still exist, like an upside-down clear light shield protecting the human world.

But the round planet in the eyes of monks in the world, now standing in the real fairy world, sees the world like a square geological map.

The entire human world seems to be trapped in a fence, and the ordinary creatures on it are so busy that they cannot see the truth of their own world.

Some human races have achieved success in cultivation, went straight to the sky, traveled all over the world, and thought they had seen the truth.

But they don't know that in the eyes of the creatures of the high-level small world, the low-level small world looks like this.

I don't know if there is a higher-level world than the fairy world...

Spirit world? Or is it an unknown realm above the God Realm?

In the eyes of those unknown powers, what does the fairy world look like?

No wonder when I was in the human world before, even if I refined the space-breaking shuttle that could break through the void passage, I couldn't get close to the bright moon. Looking at the bright moon now, it should be just an immortal dojo in the fairy world.

If you are not in the same realm, the laws of time and space are different, so you can't escape directly.

The idea of ​​immortal consciousness is clear and agile, not as desireless, pure and inaction as Baiyun Tower thought before, it also has the idea of ​​exploring the unknown, but it is more biased towards the origin of the Dao.

"Brother, is the human world far away?" Ziyan's ethereal voice came from beside her.

"Exactly." Baiyunlou replied casually, habitually lightly grasping Junior Sister Ziyan's slender hand, sharing the vision of the human world in his vision from a distance.

The Celestial Eye of the Dzogchen Realm can probe to the end of the void with thoughts, and now the two of them have transformed their souls, and they can directly see through the enchantment of the fairyland.

"The world in the lower realm, so it's like this..." Zi Yan's eyes flickered, and she sighed softly.

After sighing for a while, the two looked away from the human world at the same time, and began to carefully observe the surroundings of Huafan Immortal Pond.

There is no teleportation array on Xianchi and Yinxiantai, if you want to leave, you can only find a direction to escape.

From the vague memory of the female fairy, the two of them knew that there was a fairy garden in the fairy world, there was a fairy peach garden, and there were many magical places, but it was a pity that there was no clear memory in the fairy consciousness remaining in the fairy.

When refining and repairing the Huafan Immortal Pond, the two discussed it carefully, and it was impossible to restore the entire fairyland with only the strength of the two of them.

It took more than a month for a small Huafan Immortal Pond, not to mention the vast expanse of Immortal World.

Zi Yan once summoned the little flower spirit to discuss together, but the gains were limited, after all, the little flower spirit never left that hall or the lotus pond in the fairy world.

However, Xiao Hualing also pointed out the direction to restore the fairy world, and speculated the reason why the fairy world finally collapsed.

Fairy Queen!

Through the fairy gate, the little flower spirit directly sensed the changes in the aura of the fairy queen.

According to Xiao Hualing, when the elder brother cut through the mortal thoughts and caused the fairy gate to open, it was the fairy queen who sent a large amount of immortal energy through the fairy gate.

At that time, the Fairy Empress still had a clear consciousness, at least she recognized Xia Zhaoyang's aura, and Xiao Hualing's immortal consciousness could even trigger fluctuations at the other end of the fairy gate.

But under the induction at this time, although Xiao Hualing could still sense the breath of the old master, that feeling was already extremely weak.

As Zi Yan had guessed before, when the body of the Heavenly Demon was slayed, the sword that the Immortal Empress slashed across the boundary should have cut off the last trace of thoughts about the human world.

After slashing that sword, the Immortal Empress may have exhausted her cultivation and fell into a deep sleep, or it may be because she cut off the thoughts in her heart, she didn't care about the collapse of the fairy world at all.

In any case, it seems that the only hope of restoring the fairy world is to find the fairy queen.

After researching so far, Baiyunlou thought of the immortal fire that had been accumulating in the sea of ​​consciousness, and deliberately divided it into a true meaning, and sent it into the Broken Immortal Realm through the body of the divided soul.

That celestial fire is the Samadhi real fire condensed by the fairy queen, and there may be unknown aura hidden in it. If you meet the fairy queen, it will be a good meeting gift.

According to Xiao Hualing, there are also nine heavens in the fairy world, but they are much larger than the human world.

From the words of the immortals who visited the Fairy Queen's Palace, it is known that there should be a total of thirty-three days in the fairy world.

Except that Jiuchongtian is an entire fairyland, the other thirty-two heavens are actually thirty-two fairylands.

From the first heaven to the eighth heaven, there are four fairylands in each heaven, each occupying a direction of east, west, north, south, and north. Adding the fairyland of the ninth heaven, there are thirty-three days.

The Fairy Empress Palace and the Immortal Court are both in the Nine Heavens of the Immortal Realm, but how to escape directly from the Huafan Immortal Pond to the Nine Heavens, Little Flower Spirit does not know.

But what made them quite gratified was that the Fairy Peach Garden that the female fairy knew was in the West Pole of the Eighth Heaven.

The escape route is also very detailed, halfway there is a teleportation gate that can directly reach the West Pole.

If the teleportation gate didn't collapse, it shouldn't be a big problem to find Xiantaoyuan.

The two finally decided not to rush to explore the surrounding unknown places. If they could reach the Eighth Heaven, they would not be far from the Fairy Queen's Palace in the Ninth Heaven.

The deeds are set, and the rest is how to deal with various crises on the way to escape.

Now that their souls have been refined by Huafan Immortal Pond, they are no longer afraid of those wandering immortal laws. Even if they inadvertently touch the power of broken rules, at most they will only lose some power of their souls.

After the Huafan Immortal Pond was put into operation, the power of broken rules within a radius of several miles was also absorbed into the pool, turning all of them into pure immortal power.

There is an invisible enchantment in a radius of several miles around the fairy pond. This enchantment is not supported by an immortal array, and it should be some kind of unknown immortal rule.

The previous fairy mist was also blocked by this layer of enchantment, so it didn't overflow.

The void outside the barrier is shattered, and there are space cracks flashing from time to time. The idea of ​​the fairy mist protruding from the Baiyun Building before was probably swallowed by these space This barrier is only to protect the fairy pool, and will not stop Divine thoughts and divine souls escaped.

Originally, when the fairy fog was shrouded, Tianyan couldn't see through the fairy fog, and it would be extremely dangerous to escape from the soul at will.

Now that the fairy mist is restrained, it is clear to see these space cracks.

As long as the law derived from these space cracks is found, it is not impossible to escape in the fairy world.

Immediately, the two of them carefully observed and tested these space cracks that flashed from time to time through the invisible barrier.

These space cracks should be related to the ubiquitous fluctuations in the fairy world, and these fluctuations were caused by the collapse of the fairy world.

It was time-consuming and labor-intensive to explore its causes, and the two simply observed the law of its derivation and dissipation.

According to the current unified definition of time in the human world, there are one thousand two hundred breaths in one hour, one hundred moments in one breath, and six moments in one moment.

And these space cracks start to generate void fluctuations to actually derive, mostly within one to two moments.

Then maintain the scene for several breaths, and finally gradually weaken within half a breath until it disappears.

Regardless of the size of the crack, there is hardly much difference.


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