For a moment or two, if they dodge on the spot, with the strength of the two of them, they can easily deal with it.

But if you are fleeing in the virtual space for a long distance, you have to see the fluctuations in the void several miles or even tens of miles away in advance. In addition to the speed of fleeing, if you want to avoid the space crack that suddenly flashes, the difficulty will be multiplied.

Then the two began to use magical powers through the invisible barrier, trying to influence the derivation and stability of space cracks.

It didn't take much effort, and the two basically found the pattern.

The supernatural powers cast by relying on the power of the rules of the human world can hardly shake these space cracks.

After all, this is the upper realm, and even the Immortal Realm, which is about to collapse, cannot be controlled by the ordinary magical powers of the human realm.

Fortunately, the two of them went through the soul refining of Huafan Immortal Pond, and the soul body of Baiyunlou was recognized by the fairy world. The way of the Nine Heavens Gangfeng that they had comprehended before can be successfully displayed in the fairy world.

Although the Nine Heavens Stellar Wind is a fairly common rule of the Immortal Dao in the Immortal World, it can already obviously affect these void cracks.

Ziyan's soul-splitting body has been refined, and was previously incorporated into the immortal seal of the divine soul, and completely integrated into the immortal soul, which is considered to have mastered the first immortal supernatural power in the immortal world.

After some probing, the sword intent and strong wind derived from the condensing of Baiyun Tower can stir up the fluctuations of the air mechanism in the space.

As long as one can see the fluctuations coming from a certain place in the void, before the cracks in space are about to be derived, the sword intent and wind can penetrate through it, and the fluctuations can be instantly disturbed.

Lightly, it can delay the space crack by more than half a breath, or even directly annihilate the space crack in the bud.

If the cracks had already been formed, it would be impossible to suppress the shaking.

However, with the aid of the air machine of the wind, it is possible to avoid these space cracks that have already manifested in time.

Ziyan's water vortex fairy seal is even more extraordinary, not only can delay the space crack, but also directly annihilate the space crack within three feet in size.

After the test was over, the two of them did not rush to set off, but concentrated on practicing supernatural powers in the invisible barrier.

The timing of the spatial cracks spawning is only one or two seconds. If you want to accurately cast spells and supernatural powers while escaping at high speed, you need two people to strengthen their practice in a targeted manner.

While practicing the speed of casting spells hard, the two are also looking for the most suitable method to cast spells.

Baiyunlou integrated the sword intent into the Gangfeng, and the condensed Gangfeng sword intent has almost become an instinct after several adjustments and tempering.

Apart from being trained by Xianchi, the fact that he cultivated Gangfeng Sword Intent so quickly should have something to do with Baiyunlou's current state of mind.

With no distracting thoughts in mind, practicing supernatural powers will get twice the result with half the effort.

Coupled with the powerful sense of spirit, both the reaction speed and the speed of sword intent are extremely fast. After only practicing for a stick of incense, the breakthrough has already reached within three instants.

In addition to Gangfeng Sword Intent, Baiyun Tower's Wind Escape reaction is also very fast. Presumably, as long as you avoid the dense space cracks, it should not be a big problem to deal with this long-distance escape.

In comparison, Zi Yan's Immortal Seal is very powerful, but its casting speed is a bit slower, after all, the speed of water movement is not its strong point.

After a lot of painstaking practice, Zi Yan finally increased the speed of casting the Immortal Seal to within an instant, barely able to deal with some emergency scenarios.

However, Zi Yan was not satisfied with this, and after some deduction, she condensed the two spinning sword gangs into the Water Vortex Immortal Seal.

As a result, the speed of the water vortex fairy seal's printing light escape increased sharply, and finally the casting speed of the fairy seal was increased to four moments.

In comparison, Zi Yan's void escape method is much stronger.

Originally in the human world, Ziyan's water escape method had already broken into the realm of Dzogchen, but now that she has obtained the water vortex immortal seal, she has directly integrated the immortal seal into the escape technique.

When escaping, the water vortex several feet in size protects the body, even if it hits a space crack, it can be bypassed.

After each practiced their supernatural powers to the current limit, the two separated on both sides of the barrier, simulating fleeing in the void, and at the same time circled around the barrier.

The two are going to escape in the perilous fairy world, because their strength is weak, no amount of preparation can be overstated.

He circled around at extreme speed for a while, and stopped at the same time until he was proficient in casting spells while escaping.

In the end, the two deduced the method of taking turns to escape in the middle of the journey, so that they were ready for the trip.

According to the fairy memory of that female fairy, this place is not too far from the teleportation fairy gate of the first heaven, and it is only a few thousand miles according to the distance of the human world.

If it was in the human world, the two of them came in a flash.

But under the suppression of the rules of the fairy world, the two people's soul realm is not enough, and they are still far away from the real fairyland, so it is difficult to tear open the void of the fairyland and escape.

Besides, even if you can dodge, you can't use it at will. After all, the current fairyland is gradually collapsing, and there is no way to know the situation of the direction where you dodge in the next instant. If you just hit a crack in space, it will be troublesome.

When they were ready, the two left an imprint of immortal consciousness next to the fairy pond, and immediately found a direction to escape out of the invisible barrier, and fled to an unknown place far away.

At the beginning of the escape, the two of them focused on each other at the same time, they cooperated very tacitly, and they handled it fairly freely.

However, it was extremely exhausting to concentrate so hard. After escaping for a while, the two took turns to carry each other. Although the escaping speed was a bit slower, it was more stable and durable.

After this escape, the two of them had a more real feeling of the vastness of the fairy world.

The two went to the first heaven of the named Wusitian, which is the fourth day of the entire fairyland, but the destination of this trip is the 32nd day of the West Pole.

After traveling for thousands of miles, he only came to a teleportation fairy gate on the edge of the fairyland. It is really hard to imagine how big the whole fairyland is.

According to the vague spiritual memory of the female fairy who inherited the water vortex fairy seal, in the past, every time the fairy world was higher, the requirements for the fairy consciousness and soul were much higher.

If there is no special reason, the celestial beings of the low-level fairyland cannot go to the high-level fairyland, otherwise they will be suppressed by the high-level fairyland.

Of course, once you become a fairy, you will not be subject to this restriction, and you can go straight to the eighth heaven to practice.

And the reason why the female fairy can often go to the fairy peach garden in the West Pole Heaven is precisely because the water whirlpool fairy seal is quite soft, and she can bathe the fairy peaches at a given time, and can also water the fairy peach trees by the way.

In other words, in addition to guarding the Huafan Immortal Pond, this female fairy also works in the Immortal Peach Garden, which is quite similar to the gardener of Master Bai.

As for the suppression of high-level fairylands, it may not be a problem anymore. After all, now that the fairylands are about to collapse, most of the enchantments in the fairylands have collapsed, and they have already communicated with each other, so there is no suppression.

Zi Yan has the water vortex fairy seal in her hand, she can use it to activate the teleportation fairy gate to the eighth heaven, and maybe it can be used for other purposes when she arrives at the fairy peach garden.


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