The distance of thousands of miles, during which they experienced several dangers, were resolved by the joint efforts of the two.

One of them was the most dangerous, a spatial crack several feet wide and more than a hundred feet long flashed through the air, and Zi Yan's water vortex magical power was like a drop in the bucket, so she could only dodge sideways.

Unexpectedly, the huge space crack was like a huge mouth, and its internal suction soared, almost swallowing the two of them inside.

In a desperate situation, Ziyan used the supernatural power of bursting souls, and sent the elder brother and Sun Moon Jinlun out of danger.

Only a sliver of soul remained in Zi Yan's soul-splitting body, which remained in the Moon Golden Wheel. Baiyun Tower paused for a moment and decided to move on, planning to escape to the vicinity of the fairy gate before making plans.

At worst, the main body will be divided into souls, and we will start again with our junior sister.

In order to avoid the consumption of spirit and soul, Baiyun Tower used the wind escape supernatural power to the extreme, and did not get entangled with the space crack at all.

After all, carrying the remnant soul of the Sun Moon Golden Wheel and the junior sister, it cannot just fall into the crack of space.

However, the subsequent changes were somewhat beyond the expectations of the two.

At the same time, the bodies of the two separated out a separate soul in the Kunlun Immortal Realm, allowing them to escape from the fairy gate. After some training in the Huafan Immortal Pond, they actually had a connection with the soul that was fleeing in the fairyland.

This change made the souls in the escape slightly stagnant, and immediately connected with the souls beside the fairy pond.

With the resonance between the divine consciousness and the power of the rules of the immortal way, the souls beside the fairy pond dodged for more than a thousand miles, and directly merged into the bodies of the souls that were fleeing halfway.

The fusion of the two souls was very natural, and Zi Yan also noticed this change. The soul beside the fairy pond escaped into the moon golden wheel in an instant, and merged with the remnant soul.

Unexpectedly, the rules of the fairy world are so wonderful. With this wonderful method, the two of them can't help but have a little more confidence in exploring the unknown fairy world.

Afterwards, the two of them separated themselves into dozens of bodies, fled to the Lieyang and Yaochi fairylands respectively, and absorbed the immortal energy to refine their souls with all their strength.

Knowing this rule of the fairy world, one must make full use of it. Since the strength of the soul may not be comparable to those powerful senses, it can only be made up in quantity.

Of course, due to the state of the soul, the number of souls is still limited.

The more sub-souls, the weaker each sub-soul will be, and it is necessary to absorb the immortal energy in the fairyland, and then accumulate it for a while, otherwise it will not even be able to bear the suppression of the fairy gate.

If the split soul is consumed too quickly, it will even affect the cultivation of the original soul.

So it's not necessary, it's better to save some use of the soul-dividing body.

Moreover, two people who are fleeing at the same time must have at least one soul that remains intact, so that they can better deal with various dangers. useless.

After some twists and turns, the two still followed the previous escape method and spent a full five hours before reaching the ground.

Seeing the fairly complete fairy gate from a distance, both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

The teleportation fairy gate here is intact, at least there is half hope for going to the West Pole.

Slowly circled around the fairy gate for a while, but found nothing unusual.

There is also an invisible barrier outside the fairy gate, which keeps the fairy gate intact.

Different from Huafan Fairy Pond, the fairy formations and fairy gates in the enchantment here are all intact, and there is no trace of wandering spirits.

Not only is there no trace of wandering spirits within the invisible barrier around Li Xu, but even within ten miles, which seems a bit strange.

When fleeing just now, the dangers encountered were not only the ubiquitous space cracks, but also scattered wandering spirits.

These wandering spirits are extremely sensitive to the fluctuations of space cracks, most of them can avoid them in time, and at the same time, they are also very sensitive to the breath of the soul body.

Even though the two of Baiyunlou restrained their aura for the most part, they could still be sensed by the wandering spirit passing by.

For these wandering spirits, the two of them would mostly avoid them and kill them, which would only waste their time and pay attention to the flashes of cracks in the surrounding space.

It is said that this invisible barrier is the favorite place of You Ling, but for some reason there is not a trace left here.

Could it be that they all went to the West Pole along the fairy gate?

While thinking about it, a fragrant and pleasant aura suddenly came out from the fairy gate, and this aura slowly wafted out to the surroundings of the fairy gate.

Even if Baiyunlou and Ziyan are only separate souls, they can still feel that sweet and pleasant smell.


This fairy gate is indeed connected to Xiantao Garden, and the fairy gate over there should also be intact.

With this in mind, the two first jumped into the invisible barrier covering the fairy gate, at least in the barrier, they didn't need to bother paying attention to the space cracks that flashed out.

There are also a few wandering spirits following the two of them, and the wandering spirits who are more than ten miles away unexpectedly come here wandering.

Suddenly, Baiyunlou and Ziyan pulled out their swords at the same time, ready to strike, but they sensed that those wandering spirits didn't seem to be targeting them.

I saw those wandering spirits looking for the breath overflowing from the fairy gate, and went straight to the fairy gate.

It seems that the wandering spirits nearby were attracted by the breath of Xiantao, and really followed the fairy gate to the other side.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyun Building's sense of movement began to sense.

Blessings and misfortunes are impermanent, this feeling again...

The fairy gate seems to be extremely dangerous, but there are also hidden opportunities.

Now that they have reached the fairy gate, they can't retreat lightly, not to mention that both of them have prepared dozens of souls, and a dozen of them are already waiting at the fairy pond to deal with various dangers.

The two looked at each other, Ziyan rotated the water vortex fairy seal to protect the two of them, and with the blessing and misfortune in her mind, she jumped into the fairy gate.

Stepping in one step, the eyes are full of rays of light, as if you are in a fairyland.

The majestic Qiongge hall with fairy charm is hidden among the boundless fairy peach forest.

In the midst of the fairy mist, there is a wide place in the forest, as if it is entertaining the guests of the fairy family. tempting.

Seeing this scene suddenly, the two of Baiyunlou fled to one side at the same time.

Thousands of years have passed, and there is still such a lively scene. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

As soon as Fang moved away, there was a wave in the void where he was originally standing, and the colorful fairy energy fell straight down.

The eyes of the two people flickered, Tianyantong used all his strength, and the scene in front of him was instantly shattered, revealing his true colors.

The fairy gate is still where it was, but the rosy glow of the scene has completely changed its appearance.

Dark, gloomy, and full of demonic energy, this place has been forged into a demon cave.

A dark demon tree tens of feet high occupies nearly half of the barrier space. Looking at this posture, it not only uses the barrier around the fairy gate as a shelter, but also uses the fairy gate to prey on wandering spirits.

A few long tentacles broke through the ground where the two of them had just stepped out, but the shot missed.

In the blink of an eye, Baiyunlou could see clearly that there was an extremely powerful enchanted fairy consciousness hidden in the magic tree, which could control the dharma body of the fairy tree.

Relying on the induction between the mind and the mind, Baiyunlou sensed the power of rules hidden in the void here, and immediately put down the idea of ​​fighting the magic tree, and rushed towards the boundary wall of the magic cave.


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