There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 918: True intention of training

"This fairy world must be repaired, and it can definitely be repaired." Zi Yan replied firmly, without the slightest hesitation.

Hearing this, Huo Tong asked suspiciously: "This world is already so dilapidated and there are almost no living beings. Why do you two senior brothers and sisters bother so much? Why don't you let it fend for itself. It's also mysterious to watch its reincarnation."

"Reincarnation of birth and death... is really mysterious." Baiyun Tower, who had just finished refining and repairing the Floating Immortal Terrace, couldn't help nodding in praise upon hearing this.

While speaking, Baiyunlou raised his hand and flicked it, and a simple table with three ivy futons and tea making utensils was manifested on the table.

"Fellow Daoist Huotong, the Dao is mysterious, why don't you sit down and have a chat?"

It looked quite novel, but Huo Tong Shenzi didn't refuse, and imitated sitting up on the futon in front of the table.

With a few words, he asked the senior brother to let go of the idea of ​​restoring the fairy world, and Zi Yan frowned, and then sat down on the futon beside the senior brother.

For this change, Zi Yan has long been used to it. Since the senior brother cut off all thoughts, he has always been quite casual. Fortunately, there is a wonderful tree in the sea of ​​consciousness, which can restore his sense of immortality for a while.

After a while, the wonderful tree was bred again, and after hearing the theory of birth and death reincarnation, he immediately let go of ordinary thoughts, which is normal.

Usually at this time, Zi Yan would follow her senior brother's temperament, chat with him, and follow his whims to deduce the way.

Seemingly interested in the table and teapot that were casually evolved in front of him, Shenzi Huo Tong patted on them, and picked up the small stove with engraved patterns on it to watch.

"These are common things, but what's really interesting is this..." While speaking, Baiyunlou concentrated his attention and condensed in the void.

The immortal energy of the wood spirit continued to gather, and a bright green awn gradually bloomed. As several streams of fresh air poured in, a small seed manifested in the void.

"Supernatural powers of creation..." Even as a child of God, he couldn't help but be shocked by this change on the spot.

"It's just a small skill, it can't be regarded as a supernatural power of creation." While speaking, Bai Yunlou took the seed probe casually and threw it into a flower pot beside him.

Zi Yan took over the rest of the work, allowing her senior brother to discuss with peace of mind.

Pinch the celestial formula with slender fingers to attract water spirit and celestial energy, condense water vapor, and moisten the celestial species.

In a short while, buds emerged from the black mud, and gradually grew into a small fairy tea tree three feet high.

The gauze sleeves were caressed, the breeze floated, and the tender green shoots floated into the warm small pot aside.

Stir-frying with a wooden spoon, bursts of tea aroma came out, which attracted the eyes of Shenzi who was chatting freely.

The heat was just right, more than ten pieces of tea leaves floated up and fell into the teapot, the spiritual spring surged and the fragrance overflowed, and finally three cups of clear tea were melted.

Picking up the glass cup and looking at the amber-like tea liquid in it, Huo Tong said with some doubts: "This cup of spiritual liquid seems to be nothing special..."

He raised his head and poured the tea liquid into his mouth, then tasted it and said, "The taste is quite light and ordinary..."

Hearing this, Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Huo Tong is right, this tea is indeed a bit lighter, but... I'll see again, Junior Brother..."

"All the supernatural powers and spells just now are all illusory. This table, teapot, and teacups are nothing more than..."

Between the words, Baiyunlou caressed with his fingertips, and all the desks and other objects turned into fairy spirits and dissipated, leaving only a ball of clear tea hanging in front of the three of them.

"Only this tea leaves, this tea water is true, and when we practice as immortals, we seek the truth from the false and keep the true from the vast avenue..."

After saying that, a cup of tea was poured out of the ball of tea, and floated leisurely in front of God Zi Huotong.

Huo Tong squeezed the cup and drank the tea in one gulp. After a while, he couldn't help sighing: "That said, it's really extraordinary."

Before Huotong could sigh more, Baiyunlou answered immediately: "I heard senior sister talk about the God Realm before, the gods are powerful, supernatural powers, and they are born knowing it, which is indeed enviable..."

At this time, Ziyan sighed quite casually: "God is powerful if you are born knowing it, but you should also have troubles if you think about it. If you keep guarding the God Realm, even if you have endless nectar, you will not be able to enjoy yourself to your heart's content."

Hearing this, Shenzi Huotong nodded repeatedly and responded: "What the senior sister said is correct, so after the sons and goddesses of the gods merge with the rules of the gods, most of them will go to the small worlds of the heavens to experience..."

Halfway through the conversation, he seemed to feel that he had made a slip of the tongue, and continued a little embarrassingly: "I am really bored, junior brother. I have learned almost all the juniors taught by the seminary. Now I have traversed hundreds of small worlds. Isn't this also a smooth journey?" Are you here yet, hehe..."

"Reading ten thousand volumes of books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles. These words are applicable to my junior brother. I wonder if my junior brother can gain anything from this journey?" After saying that, Zi Yan casually picked up a teacup from the re-manifestation table and sipped it slowly stand up.

These words were heard by Huotong Shenzi like the voice of a great god, and he immediately let go of the reserve in his heart, and started talking freely.

"I've learned a lot from my junior brother along the way. It can be said that I have truly seen the small worlds of the heavens in different shapes, and what I have learned in the seminary has also been put to use."

"There are all kinds of rare treasures in the world of the heavens. It is really an eye-opener to travel along the way."

While speaking, he casually picked up all kinds of colorful treasures from the void, each one of which is like a treasure.

The two people in Baiyun Tower who listened to these words looked at each other speechlessly, feeling that the Son of God had already regarded all the rare treasures in the small worlds of the heavens as his own, and didn't care whether they could be used or not, just fetch them and talk about them later.

There are even a lot of strange things that were forcibly taken from the lairs of the monster races in foreign lands. What is the difference between this kind of behavior and As a result, this son of **** still spoke plausibly, saying that these strange things fell into those low Waiting for the hands of the monsters in the small world to be like a pearl covered in dust.

If the two of Baiyunlou were speechless after hearing these rare treasures, then the next words made the two of them feel sword-like in their hearts.

"The Lord God King of the God Academy said that our God Clan should take maintaining the stability of the small world of the heavens as our mission, and along the way, we have eliminated many disasters."

"There is a starry sky behemoth devouring fragments of broken stars. It is not weak. It even swallowed the **** into its belly, but it ended up in annihilation in the end."

"When passing by a small world of human race, I noticed that the human race in that low-level small world was in constant war, and one of the big countries used the power of the whole country to refine a powerful artifact, which is not weak."

"If you let it develop, it will definitely cause turmoil in the whole small world, and then the **** will destroy it conveniently, and all the people who refine the artifact will be punished as they should. Without the artifact, that big country will have no support. Think about it They will not conquer other countries easily."

"Some small worlds are really messy. The general high-level small worlds are still eye-catching, but most of the low-level small worlds are extremely barbaric. The creatures on them not only have extremely short life spans, but also don't know what to do..."


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