After Shenzi Huotong calmed down after talking happily, Baiyunlou and Ziyan also gradually calmed down.

After looking at each other, Ziyan finally took up the conversation: "Junior Brother Huotong's journey has been full of twists and turns, which is amazing."

"If it's Senior Sister, I'm guessing right. Junior Brother won't feel too much surprise after taking these rare treasures with his supernatural powers. Moreover, with Junior Brother's strength, many rare treasures are too difficult to use. At most, you have to take them out and look at them for two. Eye."

A gleam flashed in Huotong Shenzi's eyes, and he said repeatedly: "Yes, that's exactly what I feel. Most of these rare treasures were only interesting at the time, but they were useless."

Zi Yan nodded lightly, and then said: "And after helping those small worlds, what will the younger brother gain?"

"Harvest? It seems that there is nothing to gain, but the Lord God King also said that it is my duty to wait for the Son of God to maintain the stability of the small world of the heavens..."

Ziyan sighed lightly, and said leisurely: "I don't know if I have heard that you can see far from a high stand. Only when your strength keeps getting stronger, can you truly see the truth of the small world in the sky, and you can really help those chaotic little worlds." The world, and only by constantly becoming stronger and cultivating more powerful gods, can you experience the joyful feeling of being in harmony with the Dao."

"This... Junior Brother also thought about becoming stronger, but..." Huo Tong replied somewhat hesitantly.

In the middle of the conversation, Zi Yan nodded and said: "I have a general understanding of this matter, senior sister. The junior brother must have spent a lot of years and failed to fully integrate with the gods, so that it is difficult to improve his strength..."

"Hmm..." Huo Tong muffled a reply.

Zi Yan smiled lightly and said: "What's the matter, junior brother, have you ever thought about it, the **** has not been able to blend in for many years, there must be a reason, let's not talk about it for now, let's say that junior brother came here across hundreds of small worlds, Is it not a predestined method, all kinds of methods can be cultivated in this world at the same time, so you might as well try it.”

Seeing the curious expression of Huotong Shenzi, Zi Yan raised her hand to evolve.

Lifting her slender hand slightly, a red lotus transformed by a firework appeared in her palm.

"With the eyes of my junior brother, can I recognize this fire?"

"Red lotus karma, I have felt the breath in the temple before, and I heard that it has appeared in the world of ten thousand Buddhas. I don't want to see the real fire at Senior Sister Dongfang today." envy.

"You know, Junior Brother, Senior Sister didn't have the slightest talent in Huoxiu." Zi Yan replied calmly with her mouth curved.

Huo Tong was suddenly surprised: "How is this possible?"

Ziyan put away her karmic fire, flicked her gauze sleeves, and a quiet spring pool appeared in front of her, and a budding water lily flower bone appeared in the quiet pool.

"Senior Sister, my original cultivation talent is like this. Ninety-nine percent of the water veins, only one part of the wood veins."

"Afterwards, cultivate this sub-wood vein talent to 10%."

In the manifested quiet pool, the water lily turned into two, both of which were in full bloom, with delicate and beautiful petals.

"Under a chance, Senior Sister, I realized the way that the five elements grow together. Water produces wood, wood produces fire, and finally transformed into this appearance."

While speaking, the water lily manifested in the quiet pool was full of vitality, and its shape increased a bit. One of the lotus flowers derived the meaning of real fire, and finally transformed into a bright red lotus fire.

"This feeling of getting stronger little by little is really amazing, but our God Realm..." Watching Senior Sister Dongfang's Taoist performance, Huo Tong was filled with emotion, but stopped in the middle of the conversation.

"Could it be impossible for the God Realm to practice or...understand?" Zi Yan asked curiously casually.

After a short pause, Huo Tong still replied in a muffled voice: "These methods of changing the five elements, and even many magical methods, are taught by the temple, but..., only in the God Realm, these magical powers are called Small ways, some magical methods are even called sideways."

"The God Realm has gone through countless years, and all those who have achieved extraordinary things have refined and perfected the number of gods, and have traveled through the universe since then."

With a small smile, Zi Yan replied casually: "For countless years, the God Realm has not produced a genius of the leftist way, so does the junior think that he has no talent? Or is the junior worried that he will be ridiculed by other gods when he is studying?" Going out to practice, why don't you want to find another way out?"

These words were like a flash of lightning, piercing the darkness in Huo Tong's mind.

"Yeah, I haven't been out for countless years, how do you know that I am not the first one? Isn't it enough that I have been ridiculed over the years..."

Huo Tong shouted in his mind, his body vibrated, and he stood up directly.

"I, Huotong, did it for this leftist **** king..." Godzi Huotong sipped softly into the void, causing the unknown breath to fluctuate.

After a while, Huo Tong's aura suddenly withdrew, and he turned back to the table, with a strange look on his face, and when he raised his hand, the divine crystal hiding the spirit appeared in front of the three of them.

Huotong's fingertips moved slightly, and two rather mysterious runes appeared on the God Realm.

The two people in Baiyunlou probed into it, and immediately knew the meaning of these two runes, which was the word 'left way' of the human race.

Originally, what manifested on this crystal should be Huo Ling'er's former name "Zihuo".

This is a good time, Huotong Shenzi swore in his heart, and directly changed the names of Shen Ze.

It can be seen that Shenzi Huotong is also a little speechless at this moment, probably thinking about the reaction from the God Realm.

If there is no accident, once the name is changed here, the aura and name left in the God Realm should change at the same time.

Baiyunlou and Ziyan were quite happy to see this change. At least the **** even changed his name. The God Realm no longer has the name 'Purple Fire', and the last ties between Huo Linger and the God Realm will be completely gone. This **** crystal has become more mysterious, and half of the space has been vacated, which seems to be able to accommodate more gods. "Baiyun Tower watched the changes in the Shenjing, and was quite emotional.

"Senior brother can even see this subtle change..." Huotong, as the master of the gods, only saw such a change by concentrating and feeling it carefully. Unexpectedly, senior brother Bai at the side could see it directly with his eyes.

"A little tricky way, not worth mentioning." Bai Yunlou replied casually.

"Xiaodao..., it's a pity that when I was studying in the seminary, brother... I couldn't memorize a few interesting little ways." Huo Tong followed the words of senior brother Bai and sighed.

Hearing this, Zi Yan nodded in praise and said: "Junior Brother's state of mind is just right for this way. Practicing the Dao requires comprehension and opportunities, while practicing the Small Dao naturally requires interest."

"Just like senior brother, in order to drink a cup of real green tea, after half a month's deduction, he finally cultivated the supernatural power of condensing tea seeds in the void. Only with interest and thought will he gain something."

Dongfang Senior Sister's words made Huotong fall into deep thought, and muttered to herself beside her.

Taking advantage of Shenzi Huotong's thoughts, Baiyunlou sent a few thoughts to Junior Sister Ziyan in his mind, and there was a sense of admiration in the thoughts, praising her for being very alert in dealing with the Son of God.


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