"No etiquette, conceited and conceited, it's really the temperament of most gods... But the gods are quite interesting. This son of **** is not a stubborn person, but he can teach and teach well."

The fairy queen was not polite, and commented on the son of God bluntly.

However, the voice was only spread in Zhangxu, so there is no need to worry that God Son Huotong will be disillusioned after hearing it.

Sensing everyone's gaze, Huo Tong turned and walked back.

"Is the Immortal Pond interesting?" The Fairy Queen asked casually.

"Interesting, it seems that there is an extremely miraculous law of the great way." Huo Tong sighed in admiration.

The fairy queen walked slowly, walked to the side of the lotus pond in an instant, raised her hand and brushed it, and a small world appeared on the surface of the pond.

The hemispherical transparent mask protects a small square world under it.

"Low-level small world, this pool is actually connected to a low-level small world..." Shenzi Huotong suddenly realized something, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Baiyunlou and Ziyan looked at each other, a little bit of understanding arose in their minds, and then they stood quietly, watching the changes.

This small world is naturally the human world under the protection of the fairy world.

"The low-level small world also contains endless opportunities..." The fairy queen's ethereal words echoed in front of the hall.

Hearing this remark, Huo Tong didn't take it seriously, and muttered softly: "The law is so weak, what kind of opportunity can I get, is it possible that I can also integrate the gods..."


As soon as the fairy queen finished speaking, she flicked the sleeves of her fairy clothes, and a huge phantom image of a dragon's tail was photographed, directly photographing God Zi Huotong into the fairy pond.

This celestial pond is really miraculous, the Huotong Shenzi who fell into the celestial pond has a drastic change in aura, all the supernatural powers are bound by the powerful rules of the immortal way, and they are all sealed within the divine rules in an instant.

The gods were also sealed layer upon layer, hiding in Huotong's chaotic sea of ​​consciousness.

Without divine power and supernatural powers, and without the support of Shenru, Shenzi, who was still struggling in the void, suddenly stopped, and immediately fell to the small world.

The fairy queen seems to be quite concerned about this son of god, and the scene of his fall is clearly manifested in the fairy pond.

The futile struggle of Huotong Shenzi was of no avail at all, its falling speed became faster and faster, and finally pierced through layers of domes in the world, drawing a dazzling line of fire between the clouds.

Fortunately, there is still some strength left in his divine body, otherwise he would not be in human form if he fell like this.

God Zi Huotong was knocked down to the mortal world, and the female fairy Taoyao who was quietly standing beside her suddenly stepped forward, bowed deeply to the fairy queen, and said that she would go down with her.

The fairy queen responded with a smile, raised her finger and tapped lightly, a stream of pink light instantly entered Tao Yao's eyebrows.

Tao Yao saluted and thanked again, and then jumped into the Immortal Pond.

It should be the body-protecting fairy light that the fairy queen infiltrated. When Taoyao jumped in, there was no disturbance in the fairy pool, just like a fairy descending to the mortal world, with her skirt fluttering, she floated down from the nine heavens of the human world.

Now that the fairyland is collapsing, fragments of the fairyland often fall down. Therefore, high-ranking monks in the human world will take turns guarding a piece of airspace, always checking for the movement of meteorites above the sky, so as not to hurt innocent people.

As soon as the divine body of this Son of God fell, there was already a reaction from the human world, and before Baiyunlou's main body could make a move, several streamers of light greeted him.

One of the lines of fire was the fastest, and a huge firework blade was condensed from a distance, and it slashed accurately on the divine body of Huotong Shenzi.

Sure enough, it was worthy of being a divine body, and it resisted the knife, but it was still severely injured, and howled miserably, rolling at high speed in mid-air.

From the image of Xianchi, it can be clearly seen that this line of fire was transformed by Huo Ling'er.

Fate is really wonderful...

While Baiyunlou was feeling emotional, he saw that the other beams of light also cut out several sword lights one after another, and together they chopped at the Son of God who fell from the sky.

At this time, Huo Ling'er seemed to have sensed the abnormality, and the huge firework blade that he slashed out instantly turned into an extremely fast agile line of fire, instantly tied the divine body in the firework, and pulled it out from under several sword beams.

In the end, God Son Huo Tong was captured by Huo Ling'er, and the reflection in the Immortal Pond gradually dissipated.

Looking at it so far, the matter of the son of God has come to an end for the time being. Presumably, with the help of the fairy queen, this Huotong should not be able to cause any trouble.

"The monk Baiyunlou in the human world has seen the fairy queen."

"The monk Dongfang Ziyan in the human world has met the fairy queen."

Without outsiders, the two once again performed the human race gift to the fairy queen.

"Excuse me, I haven't seen the monks in the human world for thousands of years. You came in time. Before the true spirit of this palace is gone, I can just tell you some things." The fairy queen's fairy-like and ethereal words revealed Kind of pleased.

The true spirit is still alive..., upon hearing these words, Baiyunlou and Ziyan couldn't help but look at each other, feeling a little more heavy.

The fairy queen seemed to have long been indifferent to life and death, so she moved lightly with lotus steps and walked slowly towards the glazed hall.

"Follow me..."

The call of the fairy queen, the two of them set off together without any hesitation, and followed each other.

Looking up at the glazed hall, I still couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

Three years ago, when the two were weak in cultivation, they had a glimpse of a corner of the fairy world from the jade slips, and they didn't want to really walk into this glazed hall today.

The middle edge method is really mysterious.

The furnishings in the main hall are extremely simple and exquisite. Whether it is the jade steps and the jade platform or the cloud table on it, there are extremely exquisite textures and carvings, and there is a sense of immortality everywhere.

Stepping into the main hall with one step, the mind is clear and clear, and all kinds of Taoist aura around the body are self-expressed. The Baiyun Tower exudes chaotic energy, and Ziyan manifests Tai Chi Daoyun.

Entering the main hall, the scene in the eyes of the two people in Baiyun Tower changed again.

The top of the hall turned into a starry sky, and the four walls also hide in the void~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only the jade platform, the cloud case on it, and the glazed throne symbolizing the identity of the fairy queen remained.

The original floor of the main hall was replaced by a layer of clear water. When walking, the clear waves rippling, and it still feels down-to-earth.

After the fairy queen stepped onto the jade platform, she turned around and took a look at the Baiyun Tower's soul, body, and energy mechanism, then nodded slightly and said, "The aura of good fortune... is really extraordinary."

Before Baiyunlou could reply, the clear water under the jade platform rose into a light fairy mist, with extraordinary spirituality.

As the fairy mist curled up, Tao Tao's fairy consciousness merged into the spiritual consciousness of the two of Baiyunlou, many doubts in their minds were solved one after another, and even the restoration method of the fairy world became clearer and clearer.

This method of spiritual communication is simply extremely fast.

Taking this opportunity, the two of Baiyunlou passed on all the changes they knew about the human world and Xiao Chaoyang's falling asleep to the fairy queen.

In the blink of an eye, there was also feedback in the immortal consciousness, and the immortal world was about to stabilize quickly, and Chaoyang's spiritual consciousness would also improve accordingly.

With the effort of thinking, the doubts in the mind were all gone, but the amount of information they got was too much, Baiyunlou and Ziyan had to sit cross-legged on the quiet waves of the void, concentrating on sorting it out.

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