The vast amount of information contained in the powerful immortal consciousness of the fairy queen can be divided into three categories.

One is to dispel confusion.

Solve the doubts of the two people in Baiyunlou about the battle in the fairy court thousands of years ago, and solve the doubts that the entire fairy world is now collapsing and shattered.

More than 3,000 years ago in the human world, Baiyun Tower once used the magic power of soul searching to get a general idea of ​​the demonic true soul that appeared in Xuanyin Temple.

Now from the perspective of Empress Dowager Tianhou, the battle between immortals and demons can be seen more clearly, and the whole battle situation is even more turbulent and magnificent.

That day the demon came from outside the territory, broke through the boundary first and broke into the small world on earth.

Then sensed the mysterious aura of the Immortal Court, and immediately fled to the Immortal Court beyond the sky.

After a fierce battle, Xianting lost several immortals and dozens of celestial beings, and finally suppressed and sealed the demons.

However, Heavenly Demon hid a clone in a forbidden area in Xianting, waiting for the opportunity.

At that time, a phantom of a long river of time swept across the fairyland, revealing a very mysterious and mysterious avenue of time and space.

With such a chance, the Immortal Emperor and Immortal Empress could not help but probe into it and understand the law of the Great Dao.

Unexpectedly, the avenue is vast, and the immortal emperor and empress and several immortal monarchs with extraordinary cultivation were all pulled into the long river of time.

It happened to be the land of the lower realm, and the city **** went to the fairy court to report on his work. When he was ready to return to the lower realm after the report, the demon avatar waited for the opportunity to attack, devoured his own soul and immortal body one by one, and then transformed into his own form, without showing any flaws for a while.

These lands and city gods are all in the body of ghosts and immortals, so the cultivation base of the heavenly demons has skyrocketed.

Moreover, after devouring these meritorious ghosts and immortals, the transformed avatars were also contaminated with the breath of the fairy world, so the heavenly demon used the incarnation of ghosts and immortals to visit various fairy houses in the fairy world, secretly devouring the low-level immortals to their heart's content, and thus gained more Immortal incarnate.

The fairy court is cold, and people rarely move around in the fairy mansion. It is also a common thing to retreat to enlightenment, and it also gives the demon avatar an opportunity to take advantage of it.

In the end, the demon avatar took the opportunity to devour the two angels guarding the sealed barrier, and secretly opened the seal.

This sealing barrier was set up by the Immortal Emperor himself, and it is said that it is impossible to break through it by the Heavenly Demon's own means.

But the phantom of the long river of time not only pulled the immortal emperor into the void to realize Taoism, but when it swept through the sealing barrier, it also wiped away most of the barrier.

This was taken advantage of by the Heavenly Demon, and under the combination of inside and outside, the barrier seal was broken.

By the time the Immortal Emperor and Immortal Empress returned from their fugue in the long river of time, it was already too late, and the Heavenly Demon had grown to the point where it was invincible.

Moreover, the celestial demons have gradually eroded most of the true immortals in the fairy world. After the fusion of the demon soul and the celestial consciousness, it is extremely difficult to get rid of them.

Immediately after seeing the situation, the Immortal Emperor issued an edict to recall all the gods in the name of forming the Great Array of Ten Thousand Immortals, fearing that something might be missed.

All the true immortals gathered together, and the Immortal Emperor took advantage of the opportunity of arranging the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals to carefully investigate the true immortals who had been corrupted by the demons.

Sensing the return of the Immortal Emperor, the Heavenly Demon immediately planned to escape from the Immortal Realm to avoid the edge temporarily, not wanting to be locked by the Immortal Emperor with the magical power of the Immortal Dao, and to temporarily trap the Heavenly Demon's soul with the power of the entire Immortal Realm.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, the Heavenly Demon simply used the magical power of soul attraction, connecting his own aura with the real immortal aura corroded by the demon soul.

Under the laws of magic, if the Heavenly Demon suffers a serious injury, the consciousness of those true immortals will also be shattered.

The Heavenly Demon was already powerful, and with the help of demonized immortal consciousness, it became extremely arrogant for a while, and it was difficult for the Immortal Emperor's sealing power to suppress it.

Many true immortals are controlled by the heavenly demon, but the aura of these true immortals and the fairy world has not been cut off. If they are forcibly killed, karma will be added to them.

Because of this, the Heavenly Demon has a reliance to run wild and unscrupulous in the fairy court.

What the Heavenly Demon didn't expect was that after the Immortal Emperor confessed to the Fairy Queen, he immediately made a bold move, using the most powerful supernatural powers of the Immortal Dao to directly obliterate all the enchanted true immortals, and endured most of the karma alone.

Thousands of immortals fell, karma fell, and the immortal way almost collapsed, but the heavenly demon was also severely injured by the immortal emperor.

The surviving true immortals worked together to kill the Heavenly Demon. The sky and the earth were dark when the two sides fought, and the sun and the moon were dark.

There are countless avatars of the Heavenly Demon, and although most of the remaining true immortals are not weak, under the attack of karma, their cultivation bases are severely depleted, and in the end both sides suffer.

All the immortal gods in the fairy court were almost wiped out, and the immortal emperor's last fight was to shatter his spirit and soul, and only then did he severely injure the demon's body and soul, almost completely obliterating it.

In that long river of time, the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Empress saw the past and the future, knew that the collapse of the Immortal World was inevitable, and also understood the human world where the opportunity to kill demons was thousands of years later.

Once the fairy world collapses, it will be difficult for the human world to be alone.

Therefore, the Immortal Emperor resolutely took over half of the karma by himself, and thus temporarily kept the entire Immortal World.

The fairy queen was entrusted by the immortal emperor, since the demon used the soul-attracting supernatural power, she restrained her aura, kept her karma away, and waited for the right time.

It was also at this time that the fairy queen took the fairy furnace, stored it in the real fire, sealed a fairy lotus in front of the temple with fairy magic power, and sent it to the human world together, leaving a legacy for the world.

The little flower spirit also hid in the fairy lotus and slept for thousands of years.

After all the karma had come down, the demon was wrapped in the remnant demon body and was about to escape. The fairy queen waited for the opportunity to burst out the shocking sword light that had been brewing for a long time. She shattered the demon's body with one sword and wiped out most of the demon's true soul. Or let the demon escape from the fairy court and fall into the human world.

With that sword strike, the fairy queen almost exhausted the power of the fairy soul, and the fairy world was backlashed by karma, and it was about to collapse.

The fairy queen needs to spend her energy to protect the broken fairyland, and has no time to take care of the remnant body of the escaping demon, so there is a catastrophe in the cultivation world.

After descending from the realm, the Heavenly Demon, relying on its powerful strength and the rules of the Dao of Demons, ran rampant in the human world, crushing the rules of the Dao of Heaven in the human world to pieces.

Although the Immortal Emperor has endured most of the karma, UU Reading but the Immortal Realm and the remaining true immortals still cannot escape the backlash of karma.

The collapse of the fairyland has always existed, and according to the instructions of the immortal emperor, the fairy queen integrated her fairy soul fragments into the nine heavens of the fairyland, temporarily protecting the center of the fairyland.

In order not to be completely crushed by karma, the remaining ten or so true immortals and immortal monarchs, under the guidance of the fairy queen, took the initiative to shatter the true spirits of immortal consciousness in their respective fairy palaces, waiting for the wisp of misty chance.

Afterwards, under the full support of the fairy queen, the fairyland gradually stabilized. Although the broken fairyland could not be restored, it temporarily stopped its collapse.

Feeling the determination of the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Queen drew a trace of aura from the Immortal Emperor's remaining immortal soul fragments, combined with her own aura, and gave birth to a baby, which was regarded as a blood inheritance for the Immortal Emperor.

This baby was the first Great Xia King who fell into the mortal world along with the fairy decree.

In order to truly get rid of the heavenly demon thousands of years later, the fairy queen not only dropped the wishful sword along with the baby, but also sealed the remaining luck of the fairy world in the baby.

In order not to be noticed by the remnant soul of the demon, the fairy queen taught herself the Ruyi sword and turned it into the broken Lingbao Ruyi bead. She brought the baby and the fairy decree to the lower world, and fell into the hands of Qing Yunzi, the strongest monk in the human world at that time.

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