Senior Sister Qingchi's primordial energy was taken away, most of the small pagoda shattered, and Linglong's primordial spirit also disintegrated.

However, this basic knowledge is only temporarily disintegrated. As long as the small tower is slightly slowed down, the scattered basic knowledge should be re-condensed and transformed into a true spirit.

According to Xiaohualing's description, when she entered the pagoda, most of Linglong's disintegrated consciousness had gathered in this lake, and had already begun to merge on its own.

When the big lotus seed was thrown into the lake, the Qi mechanism on the entire lake immediately boiled.

One is the aura of Linglong's original knowledge, and the other has fused a lot of aura from the human world. Although the two have the same source, the aura is different, and it will take some time to merge again.

Fortunately, although the energy mechanism is different, the big lotus seed transformed by the divine consciousness still exerts its miraculous effect.

All the energy is absorbed by the big lotus seed, and as it sprouts and grows, it gradually evolves into the original shape of the lotus leaf and lotus.

From the gigantic lotus flower bone, an exquisite main body dharma body is derived.

With this change, Xiao Hualing was very excited.

However, when the evolution reached the last step, the entire transformation suddenly stopped.

The little flower spirit and the group of little elves had no choice but to continue to send spiritual energy into the big flower bud, hoping that Linglong would take shape as soon as possible.

Sensing that the energy inside the flower bud was not stable, Xiao Hualing was a little anxious, when suddenly seeing the elder brother transforming into a butterfly, she was overjoyed.

Xiaohualing's detailed description made Baiyunlou know the reason why Linglong's transformed aura was unstable, and she was quite moved by this method.

It is indeed a part of Senior Sister Qingchi's thought. Even with independent consciousness, she still has extraordinary courage.

While feeling emotional, Baiyunlou raised his hand and took out a qi machine from the void, which was transformed by that cross-boundary talisman.

Both the Linglong Pagoda and this talisman qi machine have been refined by the Baiyun Building.

And after Master Bai's soul merging, he has a new understanding of the way of qi and mechanism fusion, and the mere fusion of two qi and mechanisms...

It is not difficult to melt the true spirit, but what the Baiyun Tower is thinking about is the way to re-evolve this dilapidated small tower.

Most of the original shape of the small tower collapsed, and the balance was completely broken. It is better to break it and then stand up and re-evolve.

This time in the fairy world, I got the biography of the fairy queen empress, and gained insight into the plan of the fairy emperor, so Baiyunlou obtained a lot of inheritance about stabilizing the fairyland.

According to the original intention of the fairy queen, the responsibility for stabilizing the fairy world will fall on Baiyunlou sooner or later.

The fairyland is composed of thirty-three fairylands, and each of these fairylands has its own way of operation.

With Baiyunlou's current vision and strength, there is a huge difference in order to stabilize the operation of all domains in the fairy world.

Now this dilapidated small pagoda is just a chance to practice. The small pagoda was originally refined by the Baiyun Building, and the many small worlds in it are quite similar to the realms of the fairy world.

The power of rules in the small tower is much weaker than that in the human world, so it is very good to use it to practice.

Moreover, today's Linglong Tower is fixed in time and space by the magic weapon of the sundial, and the power of rules between the various domains in it runs extremely slowly, so there is no need to worry about the tower collapsing instantly if you toss it around at will.

With this in mind, Baiyun Tower didn't hesitate any longer, and sealed the way of evolution between all realms into a divine thought, and then directly integrated it into the talisman Qi machine in front of him.

After a short pause, and with a wave of his sleeve, the air mechanism instantly submerged into the big flower bud in the lake.

As the aura easily merged into Linglong's transformation body, the two conflicting auras in the dharma stagnated suddenly, as if sensing the influx of a different kind of aura, they joined forces to attack the newly infiltrated aura.

Under the guidance of Baiyunlou's spiritual thoughts, this talisman Qi machine circled and wandered, driving the two kinds of Qi machines to mix and intertwine with each other.

Taking this opportunity, the mysterious law of fusion worked, and unconsciously, all the chaotic breaths merged into one.

With the fusion of the breath, the fragments of consciousness in the big flower bud circled for a while, and suddenly converged towards the eyebrows of Linglong's transformed body.

Seeing that the time was right, Baiyunlou withdrew the idea of ​​complementing each other and let Linglong take her own form.

After a while, a divine light gradually emerged from the big flower bud, and the petals opened piece by piece.

After the divine light subsided, between the pink lotus petals and on the big lotus pod, a small figure sat cross-legged, it was the re-formed Linglong.

For a moment, the time and space of the small world in the pagoda seemed to be stagnant, but in the next moment, it resumed again, and Linglong, who was sitting cross-legged in the lotus flower, opened her eyes.

The true spirit has returned to its place!

"Brother Sect Leader!" An ethereal voice sounded, Linglong stood up gracefully from the lotus flower, and bowed slightly to Baiyun Tower.

"Welcome junior sister back." Bai Yunlou smiled and nodded in return.

After a short pause, Baiyunlou continued: "Then this matter of re-evolving the remaining small world..."

Hearing this, Linglong answered in a crisp voice: "Senior Brother has made it very clear in his mind, these small worlds can simply be arranged according to this way, but the dilapidated shape of the small tower has to be rebuilt by the senior brother himself. Refining will do."

While speaking, Linglong raised her hand to attract a pool of lake water, which turned into clouds and mist, and evolved in mid-air.

The surviving nineteen small worlds moved and changed positions, gradually manifesting a phantom of a lotus flower.

The wild small world that manifested first turned into a calyx, supporting a group of small worlds.

The other eight small worlds on the first floor turned into the eight outermost lotus petals.

The sun star of the small world in the second tower is still manifested in the middle palace, providing the light of life for all the small worlds.

Today's Sun Star is obviously seriously injured, and his Qi is very unstable.

Looking at the status, if the time laws of many small fantasy worlds are not greatly slowed down, it is estimated that the sun star will explode in a short time.

If the wild small world is the source of energy for all small worlds, then the sun star is the source of life.

It is precisely because of the sun star, which brings light and heat, that there is the foundation for the survival of all spirits.

Perhaps in some unknown small worlds, some powerful creatures do not need the existence of the sun Just like the mysterious place that Baiyun Tower once glimpsed in the small nine-story tower.

However, most of the small worlds still have to rely on the seemingly endless heat energy of the sun star to maintain the operation of the heavens.

This is not only the case in the human world, but also in the fairy world, but the fairy world is much stronger, almost using the energy of the sun star to the extreme.

In a moment of thought, Linglong has already completed the evolution of all the small worlds, completely turning them into a complete phantom of a lotus flower.

The other eight small worlds turned into eight star fields, which continued to revolve around the sun star, and also turned into the eight innermost lotus petals.

The biggest change is the third-level small world. The power of rules in the entire third-level small world is getting closer to the human world, directly turning into a floating lotus pod in the center of the lotus flower.

This small world of lotus pods seems to be vain, but in fact it is connected with many small worlds by energy.

After such evolution, all the small worlds gradually have a tendency to merge, and the original small world is a bit like Kyushu in the human world.

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