If it is evolved according to this, and the boundary wall is turned into a sea area, then these nine small worlds may really evolve into a land of nine states connected together.

The small towers on the second floor were originally connected, but after this arrangement, as long as the boundary wall is melted, the entire small world on the second floor will be transformed into a complete star field.

The most thought-provoking one was the original three-tiered small world, sensing the thoughts in Linglong's mind, she actually planned to make this small world into a very special existence.

Turn fiction into reality!

If the power of rules in this small world gradually merges into the human world, or if it is recognized by the heavens in the human world and becomes a cave, then Linglong can truly become one of the myriad spirits in the human world.

It is even possible to completely transform into a living being here through practice, and thus be recognized by the Dao of Heaven.

Knowing Linglong's plan, Baiyunlou appreciates it very much, and is happy to see it come to fruition.

Immediately, Baiyun Tower probed and activated the Qi machine, enlarged the phantom of the small world manifested by Linglong, and then adjusted it carefully.

After all, Baiyun Tower has seen the fairy world derived by this method, and the fairy queen has left the inheritance of the way of the fairy world in great detail.

It is just to take this opportunity of adjustment to realize the mysterious connection among them.

Linglong's phantom is only a very rough idea, and there are still many details and tricks that need to be perfected.

But in the eyes of Baiyun Tower today, these are not difficult.

With a clear mind and a complete state of mind, it's like making moves against the enemy. Wherever the mind moves, you can always find the best way to deal with it.

When Master Bai deduced the subtleties, Linglong would also participate in it and offer some ideas and suggestions.

Baiyun Tower welcomed Linglong's proposal very much.

This small world of derivation is like refining a weapon, and the idea of ​​a device spirit is sometimes extremely important. After all, after the evolution is completed, it is the device spirit itself that best fits these small worlds.

The reasoning between the two was in full swing, and Xiao Hualing and the group of elves couldn't understand, so they immediately flew to a field of flowers to rest.

The previous busy work was extremely exhausting, and now that I have free time, I can't hold on any longer.

After an unknown amount of time, Baiyunlou and Linglong finally deduced a brand new realm combination.

Seeing the clear and coherent image of the fairy lotus, Baiyunlou was extremely satisfied. After giving Linglong a few words of advice, she immediately turned into a blue butterfly image and spread her wings through the air to escape.

Both of them are very straightforward. Now that they have deduced the prototype of the lotus realm, they are ready to refine it immediately.

Because the re-evolution of these small worlds requires the cooperation of Baiyunlou's body in the human world to refine its original shape, so that it can fit in with the small worlds inside.

There is plenty of time in this small world, but the refinement of the original form in the human world only takes one day, and the progress of this refinement must correspond one-to-one with the small world within it.

During the refinement, the Qi mechanism in the realm must be extremely chaotic. Even with the supernatural power of turning into a blue butterfly, it is estimated that it will be difficult to break through. Therefore, Baiyun Tower plans to return to the wild small world before making plans.

Following the breath of scales and powder left behind when he came, Baiyunlou turned into a blue butterfly and passed through many realms, returning to the wild small world again.

He regained his original shape, and the colors in front of his eyes reappeared, but he didn't see Junior Sister Chaoyang.

When I turned my head to look, in the rainstorm outside the window, the bamboo forest expanded a lot, and a beautiful figure beside the bamboo forest was particularly moving.

"Chaoyang..." Baiyunlou couldn't help calling out.

"Brother, you're back, hehe..." Xia Zhaoyang turned around in surprise and waved from afar.

Seeing Junior Sister Chaoyang's appearance, Bai Yunlou's eyes fluctuated slightly, he stepped out of the small bamboo building, and walked to her side.

"Why don't you use the body protection technique?" While speaking, Zhou Jianyu around Baiyunlou firmly protected the junior sister, and raised his hand to help her take away the icy cold water vapor from her body.

"Ah? Isn't that how senior brother expanded the bamboo forest back then?" Xia Zhaoyang asked in a daze.

"At that time, it was to evolve the power of the rules in these spirit bamboos. I just wanted to truly feel the changes in the energy mechanism in the rainstorm, so that it can be easily deduced."


Seeing Junior Sister Chaoyang's well-behaved appearance, Bai Yunlou gently embraced Junior Sister by the waist, and brought her back to Xiaozhulou.

"Brother, I want to send some ideas to the main body, and I will return in a moment. Junior sister, you just stay in the small bamboo building. Even if you want to expand the bamboo forest, just send the wood spirit energy, and they will grow and spread on their own."

Bai Yunlou gently stroked his junior sister's hair, and said a few words in a soft voice.

Xia Zhaoyang nodded obediently, with a smile in his eyes.

After the confession, Baiyun Real Estate sat on the couch, meditated deep in his mind, and secretly searched for the energy of his body.

It is easy to find the Qi machine on the body, but it is extremely difficult to shake it.

Now the time laws of the two are a thousand times different, and it is really difficult for ordinary methods to penetrate the space-time enchantment to pass on the message.

After some thought, Baiyunlou used all the power of the soul to condense the phantom of the magic weapon of the sundial.

The magic weapon revealed a radiant light, and it fell on the body of the transformation.

While thinking about it, Baiyunlou turned his head to look at Junior Sister Chaoyang.

"Brother, there is a sister watching over here, don't worry..."

Hearing the tender voice of his junior sister, Baiyunlou nodded slightly, and then he urged the sundial magic weapon with all his strength to get up.

With the change of the law of time, the air mechanism connected between the mind and the mind gradually responded.

At a certain moment, the laws of time and space inside and outside the small pagoda were instantly connected, and the air mechanism was connected, and one after another thought was transmitted back to the body's consciousness along the air mechanism.

In the eyes of the cultivators in the human world, the derivation of the entire small world in the tower is nothing more than re-refinement of a rather peculiar magic weapon, but for the small worlds in the small tower, if one is not careful, it will be like a catastrophe.

Therefore, Baiyun Tower explained the matter of re-evolution in great detail, so as to avoid any omissions.

Fortunately, it was just a transmission of spiritual consciousness, and it took only half a cup of tea before and after, and the details were still clearly explained.

The main body that received the teleportation woke up from the samadhi, and recovered most of its original consciousness, and also had an insight into the various situations in the small pagoda.

After some careful consideration, Baiyun Tower took out all kinds of fairy materials and earth treasures from the sea of ​​consciousness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and operated the method of divine forging, slowly refining the small pagoda.

Across the time-space barrier of the magic weapon of the sundial, even if the main body has extraordinary strength, it cannot be refined at will.

Fortunately, Linglong and the transformation souls in the small tower have already deduced the details of refining clearly, as long as they follow the steps, there will be no problem.

Today's Wenxin Pavilion is protected by numerous magic circles, and the spiritual consciousness of everyone inside is drawn into the small world in the tower. Shen Xin's refining of the small tower has no worries.

When the main body began to refine the small tower, Baiyunlou's spiritual consciousness incarnate in the wild small world came back awake.

When he woke up suddenly, what caught his eyes was a rather anxious delicate face.

"Senior brother, you're finally awake... just wake up, hehe..." Xia Chaoyang was very pleased with the return of senior brother.

"It's only half a cup of tea before and after... Oh, it turns out that two days have passed here, so my junior sister is worried." Halfway through the conversation, Baiyunlou suddenly woke up, and immediately calculated the time difference between inside and outside the small tower.

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