There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 952: The beginning of the mutation

Hearing what the elder brother said, Xia Zhaoyang also came to his senses, and suddenly said: "So it is like this, the elder brother came back to his senses after a while, thinking he was stuck by the time-space barrier..."


Junior Sister Chaoyang's joking remarks suddenly made Bai Yunlou's heart tremble, and he couldn't help but replied casually: "Senior brother will definitely pay attention in the future, so as not to be really stuck..."

"Uh..., probably not." Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help being a little dazed when he didn't expect his senior to reply like this.

"Junior Sister reminded me in time, the law of time and space is extremely mysterious, and anything can happen, but don't worry too much in this small world in the tower, no matter how strong the law of time and space here is, it is just an illusion." Inducted Chaoyang Junior Sister Bai Yunlou patiently explained his worries.

After a short pause, Baiyun Tower continued to mutter: "The small world in the pagoda... Maybe it will be called the small world in the flowers in the future. It seems that Buddhists really say that there is a flower and a world, which is interesting..."

"Small world of flowers? What does it look like?" Xia Chaoyang asked curiously.

Afterwards, Baiyunlou told Junior Sister Xia about the trip to the small world of wood spirits, and even conveniently manifested the appearance of the various worlds that were deduced together with Linglong.

"So, Linglong is going to change from a pagoda spirit to a flower spirit. That's not the same name as Little Flower Spirit, but they have always been good sisters, haha..." Looking at the re-evolved lotus figure, Xia Zhaoyang thought But this.

Baiyunlou smiled indifferently, and replied casually: "This flower is not that flower. This time the remnant pagoda will be re-evolved, and it will condense into a real shape. It will be a very special magic weapon. If the final refinement is completed, you can wait for the inside of it." The small world is completely stable, but the power of this magic weapon is extraordinary."

Hearing this, Xia Zhaoyang was very curious, and sighed: "There can be such a change, is it like the kind that can be summoned to smash people in the big medicine garden of junior sister, but it's a pity that it was just once, and then the little flower spirit won't let it go!" It's..."

"Bang..." While the two were chatting, there was a loud sound of falling into the water.

"Are you going to do it so soon? It seems that Junior Sister Linglong is already impatient..." After sighing, the divine sense came out, and Baiyun Tower immediately sensed the subtle changes in the energy here, and also knew the reason for the loud noise. In the hand, the green light flashed away.

"What thing..." Attracted by the sound of falling into the water, Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help but feel his thoughts: "So it's a person..."

With a sound of "whoosh", a waterline broke through the distant lake, and a figure approached in an instant.

"It's so fast... Junior Brother Luo Yu..." Xia Chaoyang couldn't help but exclaimed. After seeing the situation clearly, he immediately knew the reason. It wasn't Junior Brother Luo who escaped so fast, but his brother tied him from the bottom of the lake.

After the green vines around her were put away, Luo Yu slowly woke up, she seemed to be a little confused, she shook her head, and there was a hint of horror on her face.

Looking around, Luo Yu asked in surprise, "Am I going back to Qingyunmen's small bamboo building?"

"It's true to go back to the small bamboo building, but it's not from the Qingyun sect. It's still in the wild small world. This small bamboo building was built with great effort by the senior brother and senior sister." Xia Zhaoyang replied quite complacently.

Luo Yu didn't care about this, and replied casually: "Senior brothers and sisters have advanced cultivation, building a small bamboo house is not just a matter of whim."

Having said that, he still looked carefully inside and outside the small bamboo building.

"Junior brother, what's going on with you, but did you encounter something interesting?" Xia Zhaoyang was also looking at Luo Yu, seeing his rather strange appearance, and asked curiously.

"Interesting thing..." Seeing his senior brothers and sisters staring at his forehead, Luo Yu had a bad premonition, and raised his hand to touch his forehead.

At this moment, a water mirror manifested, and Luo Yu immediately had a clear view of his own appearance.

A wide scar appeared on the forehead, almost running through the entire face, looking extremely miserable.

"The monster bird that should be killed, how can you see people like this..." Luo Yu howled miserably.

"Bang..." Another sound of falling into the water came into the small bamboo building.

The howling sound stopped, and Luo Yu looked curiously at the lake following the eyes of his senior brothers and sisters.

"Huotong..." The person who fell into the water was still in the air this time, Baiyun Tower sensed the identity of this person, but he didn't make another move and let him fall into the lake.

"It's this kid... I thought he was so powerful. Didn't he also come back after being abused? It turns out that after re-condensing and transforming, he will fall into this big lake..." Thinking back to the memories that remained just now, Luo Yu understood Enlightenment.

Afterwards, Luo Yu briefly described the changes in the Northern Territory.

As Baiyunlou guessed, many monster birds that were frozen in the northern region suddenly woke up, all of them broke free from the ice, attracted by the breath of several people, and attacked them without hesitation.

The huge demon bird that was freed is not weak, and it flies away extremely fast. The four of Bai Zhan immediately felt the pressure. They once asked Huo Tong to defend against the enemy together, but they bluntly refused.

As a result, Luo Yu didn't pay attention, and was scratched to pieces by another monster who suddenly broke free from the black ice.

It's just that the rules for reshaping have changed now. After the body of the transformation is severely damaged, it will appear directly above the basin.

The fluctuations emitted by the **** stone here will repair the remains of the injured monk, but there will be scars remaining in the injured position.

Fortunately, the torrential rain here has filled the basin into a large lake, and when it falls, it doesn't have to bear the pain of hitting the ground again.

According to Luo Yu, the feeling after being injured was extremely real, and when he was grabbed by the giant claws of a monster bird, he felt a sharp pain like being crushed to pieces.

It seems that Huotong Shenzi could not escape the claws of the demon in the end, and was also sent here.

While the three of them were talking, the severely wounded Huotong Shenzi had already floated out from the bottom of the lake, and seemed to be still in a coma.

"Would you like to help?" Xia Zhaoyang felt a little unbearable, and raised his hand to resist the ivy, ready to follow the example of his senior brother and fish out Junior Brother Huotong from the lake. UU reading

"No need, Junior Sister Taoyao is here..." Bai Yunlou shook his head lightly and replied.

As soon as the words fell, there was a wave of void on the lake surface, and a small figure stepped out, it was Taoyao Xiaoxian who was not restricted by the power of the rules here.

With a wave of his hand, pieces of peach blossoms flew out, and he gently lifted Young Master Huotong out of the lake.

"Sister Taoyao..." Xia Chaoyang greeted warmly.

Taoyao responded crisply, and then fled towards the small bamboo building with the young master Huotong who was gradually waking up.

When the two of them landed in the small bamboo building, seeing Junior Brother Huo Tong, Luo Yu immediately burst into laughter: "Hehe, Junior Brother Huo Tong, it seems that we two brothers are really destined..."

While talking, Luo Yu cheerfully stepped forward, and pulled Huotong, who was not yet fully awake, from the floating peach petals, and walked a few steps to the front of the water mirror technique manifested by the elder brother, looking at the foreheads of the two happily. There are almost identical scars on the body, and there is no sign of lamentation at all.

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