As most of the monks dispersed, the Goddess Shrine gradually became quiet.

Just now when he was in the Dashi tribe, taking advantage of the fact that his juniors and sisters who knew the inside story were all there, Baiyun Tower explained the matter of the four great beasts, and then he was relieved.

Zi Yan also asked A Li to tell him not to change his true form easily, and explained Huo Tong's true identity to A Li and Bai Lang.

A Li knew what was at stake, so he restrained himself a lot after responding. After arriving at the front mountain tribe, he took the white wolf directly to the back mountain tribe in order to avoid fire.

That's where A Li's family is. After being transformed into a golden bird, he has become a totem spirit bird, and his status is no worse than that of Lord Luo's servant.

In the end, there were seven people left in the Goddess Temple, except Chaoyang Ziyan's two junior sisters, Huo Linger, Xiaopangzi and Xiaojing. They were all kept by Chuan Nian, head of the Bai family.

Luo Li saw that the little fat man was not busy with the task on the big bluestone, so she temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​going out to explore, and stayed together in the Goddess Temple.

After a little thought, Baiyun Tower summoned Luo Li into the Temple of the Goddess together, opened the domain of heavy swords, and clouds and mists of illusion emerged, leading several people to talk in secret.

Talk about restoring the small world of fantasy, talk about restoring the fairyland.

Although Huo Tong might be able to help in the restoration of the fairy world in the future, he is a person from the **** world after all, and Baiyun Tower didn't think about letting him intervene.

To restore the fairy world, it is safe to have the joint efforts of the creatures in the world and the true spirits of the fairy world.

One of the reasons for responding to the matter of the dark night of the elves before was knowing the root of it. With the existence of the immortal emperor, Baiyunlou was at ease.

Another reason is that An Ye agreed to cultivate into the immortal way.

Recultivate the immortal way, and after being baptized in Huafan Immortal Pond, you will become the true spirit of the immortal world.

The deeper the understanding of the immortal way, the more Baiyunlou felt the power of the immortal way.

In ancient times, although the human race produced a large number of talents, because the path to immortality was extremely difficult, not many people could cultivate to the real fairyland.

At that time, the Immortal Court was employing people, and the human world could not meet the needs, so the Immortal Emperor derived the Huafan Immortal Pond and the Immortal Order of Reward and Punishment, and re-derived the Immortal Dao skills.

Among them, the fairy order of reward and punishment came into the hands of the fairy queen and turned into a fairy pond in front of the temple.

In this way, most of the alien creatures who come to disturb the fairy world and the human world, once caught by the fairy court, as long as they have not committed any heinous crimes, most of them will be thrown into the Huafan Immortal Pond or the Reward and Punishment Immortal Pond according to their cultivation level.

After being trained and trained, the spirit of the exotic creatures has been imprinted with the imprint of the fairy family, and has since become a member of the fairy world, as is the case with today's fairy dog ​​Xiaotian.

Since An Ye has the courage to rebuild the immortal way, Baiyun Tower will not hinder him. The current fairy world is not only short of talents, it is simply empty.

And the reason why Luo Li was left behind was also for this reason. With Luo Li's talent, coupled with the care of heaven, there should be no problem in cultivating into a demon fairy.

Although its ancestors came from outside the region, thousands of years later, the entire Qingqiu fox clan has completely integrated into the human world.

All kinds of thoughts flashed by, Baiyun Tower regained consciousness, and called everyone to start with the changes in this small fantasy world and brainstorm together.

After some exploration just now, everyone also roughly figured out the situation in this small world.

It can be seen that the God's Wish Platform of each tribe is actually a means of communication between Linglong and the monks.

As long as you complete the missions manifested on it one by one, you will surely be able to stabilize this small world in the end and open up the connection to the next small world.

The boundary-breaking mission reappeared.

Relatively speaking, the air mechanism here is much more stable, and the task of breaking the boundary should be to clear those hundreds of demon caves.

These ghost caves not only appear on the mainland, but there are also dozens of them in the sea area.

Due to the influence of some unknown rules, the task of clearing a certain monster's cave did not appear on the God's Wishing Stage for the time being. It seems that it is still going step by step, nibbling away these evil monsters little by little.

Perhaps this small world has undergone re-refining, and the power of rules is much tougher than before. After some trials in Baiyun Tower, it can actually carry the power of the magic circle in the human world.

The other magic circles were nothing. When Baiyunlou transformed the two teleportation magic circles in front of everyone, Nangong Xiaojing and Fatty's eyes lit up and their spirits were lifted.

Since the law of teleportation can be refined by seal carving, Xiao Jing plans to move out of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce's method, summarize these manifestation tasks, and then allocate them reasonably, so as to be more efficient.

Afterwards, the little fat man proposed to condense a flying shuttle to facilitate escape, but was later dispelled by the elder brother's attempt.

The teleportation array derived here can actually teleport the body directly, and the consumption is not too large.

After all, it is only the dharma body condensed with spiritual consciousness, which is different from the mortal body in the human world.

As far as the consumption of various magic circles is concerned, there are many sources, such as the spirit jade obtained from the Dashi tribe, or the demon pills left by killing evil monsters, or even monks pouring some spiritual thoughts into the magic circle, They can keep the magic circle running for a short time.

Since the teleportation circle has this function, there is no need to bother refining the flying shuttle for the time being, as long as the teleportation circle is deployed among dozens of large tribes, it will be much more convenient for sending messages or escaping.

The Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce is already familiar with this kind of array arrangement. Among the monks traveling together this time, there are a few big deacons of the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce, and Meteor is also among them, not to mention there is the big boss, the little fat man, so there is no need to worry .

In this way, as long as the transmission array is deployed once the message line is unobstructed, the task progress of the entire small world can be fully controlled.

Judging from the situation after the fusion of the two small fantasy worlds this time, the power of the rules after fusion will only become more and more stable. After such a deduction, the new small world of fantasy will be fused in the future, and this method can also be implemented in the same way.

At this point in the deduction, there are not too many obstacles in repairing the small world in the entire tower, and then everyone began to discuss the restoration method of the fairy world.

Regarding the restoration of the Immortal World, Baiyunlou directly stated the general idea, but the others didn't react too much, but the little fat man was a little dumbfounded.

According to the arrangement of Master Bai, due to the limitation of Xiaojing's cultivation, he can use the abilities of Qingyunmen and Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce in the human world to assist in this matter.

The human world is closely related to the fairy world. Restoring the fairy world will inevitably affect the human world. Xiaojing is the most suitable candidate to deal with various catastrophes and changes in a timely manner.

Luo Li's soul realm is not weak, but there is no corresponding cultivation method for the cultivation of demon souls, and it is almost impossible to reach the realm of soul harmony within three years only with the cultivation of immortal energy in Kunlun Immortal Realm.

Therefore, Baiyun Tower planned to hand over the Kunlun Cave to Luo Li to take care of it. With Luo Li's ability, the Kunlun Cave would definitely be a different scene.

According to Patriarch Bai's idea, Xiao Chaoyang, Huo Ling'er and Xiao Fatty must try their best to go to the fairyland as soon as possible to restore the fairyland together.


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