According to the inheritance left by the fairy queen, the fairyland is now seriously broken, and the core fairy formations of many fairylands have broken and collapsed.

Restoring these complicated fairy formations is extremely exhausting for each position. It is difficult to take care of it with only Baiyunlou and Ziyan. It is necessary to find a few more comrades to work together to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Chaoyang's body contains the immortal energy of Yimu, which is of great help to the restoration of the immortal way.

Fortunately, Xia Chaoyang is now in the soul-joining stage, as long as he has some insights in the small world of illusion, and then concentrates on hard work for a period of time, it will be a matter of course to break into the soul-joining state.

Huo Ling'er's current strength has entered the realm of burning heaven, and the strength of the soul alone has met the requirements of the realm of combined souls.

However, Baiyun Tower did not intend to let him escape into the fairy world directly, because Huo Ling'er is very powerful in both strength and supernatural power, but the only problem is that he has not yet cultivated a clone.

Since Huo Ling'er was reborn from Nirvana, she has realized the way of melting fire. This way of melting fire is very powerful and can fuse all kinds of different fires.

Therefore, if Huo Ling'er can directly escape into all kinds of powerful real fires to cultivate, her strength can improve by leaps and bounds.

It is also because the way of melting fire is too powerful, and the melting of Huo Ling'er's soul is too tenacious, so it has been unable to cultivate a clone.

After knowing the function of the Immortal Pond, how could Baiyun Building dare to let Huo Ling'er enter it directly? Although the Immortal World lacks talents, why not the Human World?

It can be said that the Dao of Fire can be truly powerful and complete because of the god-like existence of Huo Ling'er in the human world.

And the purpose of letting Huo Ling'er into the tower this time is not only to allow him to help restore the Huo Xing rules of the small world of the illusion, but also to let him understand the way of avatars.

Now the main body is helping to refine the remnant pagoda in the Wenxin Pavilion, and Baiyun Tower intends to wait until the refining is complete, and then find an opportunity to work with Huo Linger to develop the method of Shenhuo clone.

Some time ago at the shore of Shenshi Lake, Eldest Senior Brother Bai had already passed on the matter of refining the avatar. Today, Huo Ling'er was not surprised to hear the invitation for a trip to the fairy world. The method of derivation and transformation.

Huo Ling'er was not surprised by the invitation from Head Master Bai, but it was far beyond the little fat man's expectations.

Little Fatty is aware of the shattering of the fairy world, but he is not particularly clear about how to repair it.

Senior Brother and Senior Sister Ziyan were always busy before, and it is said that only the spirits of the Soul Convergence Realm can break into the fairy gate distractedly.

The combined soul realm seems very far away to the little fat man, after all, he has only entered the Yangshen realm not long ago.

After cultivating the Yang God, even with the Immortal Energy of the Fierce Sun Immortal Realm to refine the soul, the little fat man can feel that the improvement of the soul has slowed down significantly, not to mention that it is almost impossible to cross two realms in a row.

However, since the senior brother invited him, the little fat man didn't think too much, and directly accepted.

The big deal is to swallow more fairy materials, supplemented by soul refining, and the strong spiritual sense is also very helpful for soul refining. It seems that this trip to the small world of fantasy has to go all out...

The little fat man was secretly making plans, but he heard the senior brother say: "Feiyang, the matter of the soul realm, we can wait here, senior brother, let me figure out a solution, you don't have to worry too much."

Since the elder brother said so, the little fat man breathed a sigh of relief and thanked him repeatedly.

Afterwards, the Baiyun Building roughly evolved into situations that might be encountered when restoring the Immortal World, especially when repairing the Immortal World's first layer. Once it collapses again, it may greatly affect the Human World.

For the light ones, countless fragments fell from the dome, and with the support of a group of earth immortal monks in the human world, most of them should be able to be stopped.

If it triggers a void shock wave, it may endanger thousands of creatures in the human world.

But it was the third fairyland, Miao Chengtian, who caught Baiyunlou's attention.

According to the fairy thoughts of the fairy queen, there is a marriage palace in Miaochengtian, which is the dojo of Shangxian Yuelao. There is a fairy tree in front of the temple called the marriage tree, which is said to be able to determine thousands of marriages in the world.

In other words, this Yuelao controls the avenue of human relations in the human world.

According to what the fairy queen said, when the heavenly demon wreaked havoc on the heavenly court, she was worried that the heavenly demon would destroy the way of the world, so the fairy queen personally sealed the marriage tree.

Not only that, for the sake of long-term planning, the fairy queen also shattered her immortal consciousness and true spirit with Yuelao's consent.

Miao Chengtian is the foundation of the fairy world, and it is the key point connecting with the human world. To restore the fairy world, the Marriage Palace must completely restore the old view.

Not only to unseal the marriage tree, but also to reunite the true spirit of Yuelao.

Neither of these is an easy matter.

Fortunately, there are already some clues about this matter, and we can try them separately at that time.

One is the source of joy from heaven, whether it is Brother Luo or Brother Lu, the joy that falls at the wedding banquet all comes from the marriage tree.

It seems that the seal of the Marriage Tree has been loosened. If a group of destined people can be found to get married together, and then Princess Chaoyang will preside over it personally, and a group of Qingyunmen disciples will come to congratulate each other, it will definitely attract countless joys.

At that time, the soul will be in Miaochengtian to cooperate with the outside, and it shouldn't be a big problem to find out where the seal is flawed.

Another big clue is the holy tree in Qingqiu.

It turned out that when the Qingqiu Fox Clan settled in the human world, the fairy court bestowed a fairy branch.

The fairy branches fell, took root, and finally grew into the holy tree of Qingqiu, which is tens of feet high.

And that fairy branch came from the Marriage Tree in front of the Marriage Hall.

At that time, if he could bring a branch of the holy tree into the fairyland, it would be of some help.

Hearing his senior brother talk about the Marriage Tree, Xia Zhaoyang immediately became interested, and directly agreed to the matter of witnessing the marriage.

It was only then that Luo Li knew the true origin of the sacred tree, and couldn't help but sighed with emotion: "Brother, you can just use the branches of the sacred tree you need, but I didn't expect the sacred tree to be a branch of the marriage tree..."

The little fat man at the side suddenly answered curiously: "If this is the case, does the Qingqiu sacred tree have the function of a marriage tree?"

After pondering for a while, Luo Li replied: "Well, it seems... there really In Qingqiu, for thousands of years, the transformation monster race has been in love with each other, and they will stand together under the holy tree. The oath, and the Yaozu who made the oath will stay together until the end, I always thought that the Yaozu was loyal and trustworthy, it seems that this holy tree also played a big role."

"Oh..." The little fat man responded excitedly, his eyes flickering.

The little fat man's reaction was immediately noticed by several people, and they couldn't help but smile at the same time.

Xia Zhaoyang's small mouth moved, he wanted to make a joke, but worried about hurting Luo Li's face, so he endured it.

After discussing the matter of the fairy world, everyone went about their business.

Nangong Xiaojing immediately started planning with the help of the geological map of the distribution of the tribes that the elder brother had manifested.

The Fatty and Luo Li's transformation bodies are not weak, and they separately started to investigate the location of the demon caves near each tribe and the strength of various evil monsters, so as to coordinate and arrange tasks according to the cultivation base of the monks.

Huo Ling'er and Senior Sister Ziyan went together, exploring the secrets of this small world while discussing the method of derivation.

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