But Baiyunlou didn't leave in a hurry, and simply refined the teleportation circle with Junior Sister Chaoyang.

The jade needed for the magic circle does not need to be bothered to evolve, and usable things can be found in the nearby mountains.

Several sword lights came out, and a lot of white jade stones were fetched in a short while.

Thanks to Master Bai, he is now considered a creature here, and the jade stones he brought are full of aura, even if they are used for cultivation, they can enhance the spiritual consciousness of ordinary monks.

However, if this jade is refined into a teleportation circle, it will greatly reduce the time consumption of escaping from place to place, and the income will be much greater than the pile of jade itself.

It didn't take much effort, and monks have returned to the Goddess Temple one after another. After completing the task, they provided a lot of information by the way.

Several fellow Taoists from the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce were retained by Xiao Jing to participate in the arrangement of the teleportation array among the various tribes.

In order to benefit the fellow daoists who participated in the arrangement of the teleportation array, Xia Zhaoyang simply performed the duties of a goddess and released the mission of the teleportation array.

Arrange the teleportation array and send Lingyu.

Find out where the demon cave is and send Lingyu.

Explore the strength of the evil monster and the demon king in the demon cave, and send Lingyu.

After some arrangements, Xiao Jing's planning needs were all transformed into tasks on the big bluestone by Chaoyang Goddess.

And there is no shortage of spiritual jade needed, and the leftovers left over from the refining circle can be cut and polished at will, and they become high-quality spiritual jade.

Refining the teleportation circle was familiar to the two of them, and the group refining method that Baiyun Tower hadn't used for a long time came in handy again, and even Xia Chaoyang also displayed this unique skill.

Originally, Xia Chaoyang was unable to perform the compilation and engraving of the rune patterns. It was not until the soul of the soul cultivated to the state of soul separation that he realized the true meaning of the method of group refining.

Although due to the limited comprehension ability, in the end, only three thoughts can be separated and carved at the same time, but it is not a small breakthrough.

Two people carved and refined seals at the same time, and many teleportation arrays were quickly piled up in the courtyard of the Goddess Temple.

Seeing that it was enough for the time being, Xia Chaoyang stopped the big brother, saying that she would help refine the subsequent teleportation circle, and was too lazy to complete the so-called God's wish task here...

At this point, Baiyun Tower already knew what Junior Sister Chaoyang was thinking.

This time I entered the illusion, and I can only stay for a short time, which has been delayed for half a day. For the rest of the time..., the junior sister probably wants to be alone with me... to deduce the way.

Deduce the way of soul fusion.

That's certainly the case. Last time, Junior Sister Chaoyang said with high spirits that she should concentrate on comprehending the way of soul melting, and strive to unite her soul as soon as possible, and then go to the fairyland together.

Just thinking about this, I heard Junior Sister Chaoyang confess to Xiaojing: "Sister Xiaojing, that..., brother and I are going back to Xiaozhulou, and I will leave this to you."

"Go back to Xiaozhulou? Did Second Sister leave anything behind?" Xiao Jing asked suspiciously.

After a slight pause, Xia Chaoyang turned his head and glanced at his senior brother, and then replied: "There is nothing left..., the small bamboo building by the lake is more suitable for my second sister to practice, and I just happened to ask my senior brother about the way of melting souls. Tomorrow afternoon at the latest, Second sister, I will come back soon..."

"Oh, sister Chaoyang, just go, I'm watching over here, so I won't miss the schedule..."

After saying that, Xiao Jing turned and went to the side, brought a three-foot teleportation circle, and handed it to Xia Chaoyang.

"Second Sister, help take this teleportation circle to Xiaozhulou, activate it at that time, and it will be convenient to go back and forth."

After receiving the teleportation circle from Xiao Jing, Xia Chaoyang sighed, "Xiao Jing, you are too thoughtful. If these juniors and sisters are not used to living in this clan, they can consider building a small bamboo house by the lake. The scenery is also good, sleep more peacefully."

"Second Sister, that's a good suggestion. I'll ask about it then..." Xiao Jingyan said hello to the two senior brothers and sisters, then turned around and continued to work.

There is nothing wrong here, Baiyun Tower rises with the rising sun and the clouds, but instead of fleeing directly to the Shenshi Lake in the wilderness, it goes back to the Houshan tribe first.

After all, my second uncle, who has lived in the upper realm for a long time, has to show his face occasionally.

This time, Baiyun Tower did not go into the countryside to change its shape, and still looked like a fairy clothes. I think the old patriarch of the Dashi tribe could recognize it at a glance, and his own people should not turn a blind eye.

The two of them lowered their heads outside the village, and it can be seen that the tribal village has expanded a lot, and just now they saw the figures of A Li and White Wolf.

When Ah Li left from the former mountain tribe, he turned into a golden bird, and now he has returned to his original form as a child. He is busy working on the big altar in the village.

The two walked in from the outside of the village, and there was a burst of greetings from the passing people, and Baiyunlou also heard a whisper behind them.

"Second uncle looks like a person from the upper realm now..."

"That's right, that Ah Li is not bad either. I went to the upper realm with my second uncle, and I can transform into a little doll when I come back."

"I heard that Xiao Jiu also went to the upper realm, I don't know how it will be messed up..."

Before co-authoring, it was superfluous to take the effort to transform into a form, Baiyunlou sighed secretly, and arrived in front of the big altar in the village in a short while.

However, what puzzled Baiyunlou was that there was no sign of the old patriarch in the village. He tried to search for more than a hundred miles, but he couldn't find it.

The old patriarch of the Houshan tribe disappeared...

"Eldest brother, senior sister Chaoyang..." Seeing the two senior brothers coming hand in hand, A Li and Bai Lang hurriedly put down what they were doing and stepped forward to salute.

"What are you guys busy with?" Baiyunlou looked at the big bluestone on the altar, and asked very curiously ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The task manifested on it, the previous ones are all A Li's, so strange What..." Following the eyes of his senior brother, Xia Chaoyang was also very puzzled.

A Li replied quite proudly after hearing the words: "Sister Chaoyang, those ethnic groups call me a divine bird, and this big bluestone is also very interesting. I can actually issue tasks in it. It doesn't take much effort. I have completed more than a dozen tasks, and I have obtained more than ten demon pills for nothing, hehe..."

Hearing this, Xia Chaoyang and Baiyunlou looked at each other, and couldn't help being a little speechless. It seems that A Lihua's childish body has a somewhat childish temper, and he should be taught a lesson sometimes.

Immediately, Xia Zhaoyang pulled Ah Li to guide him in a soft voice, saying that only by clearing those demon caves can the cracks in this small world be repaired faster.

Ah Li nodded repeatedly, but he also put forward his own ideas, and replied that he could not assign those tasks to clear the demon cave...

At this moment, the great elder of the clan brought several clansmen to the altar.

"Xiao Jiu and his second uncle, some time ago, evil demons attacked the village, and one of them was a powerful demon king who attacked the old patriarch. The old patriarch was seriously injured and died. We shot with all our strength but left only one sharp claw of the demon king. In the end, it escaped..."

After the Great Elder finished speaking, he took out a monster claw from his animal skin bag.


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