"Senior Sister, I just want to see my instinctive reaction when I encounter an evil monster. I searched for nearly ten thousand miles to find such a monster cave, but the effect is not bad." The space channel closed, and Zi Yan's pure yang soul flashed down to Xia Xia. Chaoyang's side.

Looking at the demon cave that was burnt to black ashes several miles away, Xia Chaoyang sighed, "It's not just good, Senior Sister is so amazing..."

"Little Chaoyang, you'd better watch the abyss canyon carefully, so I won't disturb you, and Senior Sister will chat with you alone..." While speaking, Zi Yan's pure Yang soul merged into the body of the transformation.

"Oh... look at the canyon..." Xia Chaoyang woke up with Ziyan's distracting joke, and immediately turned his attention to the abyss and canyon where the smoke and dust billowed.

Originally, this canyon was very similar to the endless abyss of the West Sea in the Wilderness Territory, with no bottom to be seen below. After the last demon cave was burned by Ziyan's soul, the abyss canyon began to close.

"Chaoyang, come here..." Bai Yunlou said casually.

"Oh, then I'll try..." Hearing what the senior brother said, Xia Chaoyang dodged to the other side, and raised his hand to disperse a thin mist, which evolved in a very unfamiliar way.

In fact, with Dacheng's celestial vision and the power of the soul in the soul-dividing state, it is not difficult to evolve the observed aura through the mist.

It's just that Xia Zhaoyang didn't even think about making a move when his senior brother was by his side.

Although the cultivation bases of the people who came here were not weak, but not many of them could clearly see such complicated changes in Qi.

Hearing that the Eldest Princess Chaoyang was going to take action to transform Qi mechanism, most of the monks immediately jumped to watch, including little fat Luo Yu and the others.

"I don't practice my clairvoyant eyes well on weekdays..." Nangong Xiaojing muttered softly to his second brother's back, raised his hand to wipe between his eyes, mist flashed, and he turned his head to look intently.

Xiao Jing is not the only one who can observe or sense the changes of these qi mechanisms by himself.

Needless to say, Zi Yan and Huo Ling'er, Huo Tong and Tao Yao are also masters in this way.

Although Bai Zhan only has 10% wood vein talent, after several years of tempering, this wood vein is already very pure, and the Celestial Eye that he cultivated through this has finally broken through to the realm of small success.

Although Xiaocheng's Tianyan could not understand all the changes in Qi mechanism, but it is enough to cooperate with Dzogchen's Jinxing Sword Intent to concentrating on the Jinxingyi's Qi mechanism.

The green ant has now cultivated a unique sensory method, and after combining with the little ant demon's aura, two tentacles that sway gently in the wind manifest on the top of its head.

This tentacles are similar to the Butterfly Tentacles of Master Bai, and we can use this to gain insight into the changes of the most familiar auras.

After all, Luo Li is a great monster with extraordinary skills.

The relics cultivated by Tianyin have many functions, and the golden light emitted by them seems to be able to penetrate all kinds of changes in the void.

The rest of the people who watch by themselves, such as Chen Qingshuang from the Haoran Sect, Tian Yi from the Zixiao School, and even the elf Anye, all have their own supernatural powers of watching.

The fusion of the two realms, the complex changes in the abyss and canyons, ordinary monks can't comprehend all of them, most of them are looking for the aura that best suits their own cultivation, and comprehend the way of change.

Watching here is quite smooth, but there seems to be something wrong with the princess over there.

Perhaps it is because they want to evolve all the Qi mechanisms, so that the colorful light manifested in the mist is too complicated. Although the evolution is troublesome, the onlookers are even more dazzled.

"Chaoyang, you can try to evolve only the five-element qi mechanism, and start from the subtleties..." Baiyunlou Chuannian pointed out.

Xia Chaoyang, who was struggling to evolve, was a little speechless for such a complicated qi mechanism. Suddenly, he heard the advice from his senior brother, and suddenly became energetic and had a direction.

Immediately, it began to re-evolve like a cocoon, starting from the most familiar wood-moving qi machine, and expanding outward little by little.

Such an evolution, from the shallow to the deep, suddenly became much clearer. Not only were the people behind watching secretly relieved, but even Xia Zhaoyang himself had a new understanding, the more he evolved, the more confident he became.

Before he knew it, a golden light appeared between his brows, and it began to grow like breathing.

It is really an unexpected harvest to watch and evolve these ways of blending qi and machine, which actually arouses the meaning of perfection.

While everyone was watching the changes in Qi mechanism, what Baiyun Tower saw was a different scene.

Dzogchen's celestial eye, perfect state of mind, qi machine and dream small world blend together, what you see is different.

Standing on the cliff, Baiyun Tower seems to be a giant hundreds of feet tall, looking at this small world from another unknown perspective.

The fusion of the two small worlds made Baiyunlou see the truth.

The changes in the shape of the dream magic weapon in the human world can shatter the small dream worlds in it, and the fusion of these small worlds will also affect the appearance of the Liuli Xianlian.

Being here, Baiyunlou could clearly sense the subtle changes of the magic weapon from the outside world.

Between fiction and reality, there are thousands of changes.

The supernatural powers that follow the heavens and the earth are unknowingly manifested in the divine mind.

At this time, Baiyunlou's vision and state of mind inexplicably matched the supernatural power of transforming form. He had been trying to cultivate the supernatural power without any progress, so he found the way.

Although it was a great opportunity~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Baiyun Tower did not feel impatient at all, and still focused on watching the changing way of this vast world.

Take a broad view of the world and relax your heart!

Do nothing and do nothing.

The divine mind accepts all things, and the body transforms into heaven and earth.

Between the heaven and the earth, it seems that a kind of momentum has risen to prop up this small world.

Fa Tian Xiang Di is not only a supernatural power, but also a state of mind, and it is also a method of supporting the sky.

"Congratulations to my younger brother for gaining enlightenment. Senior sister, I am relieved. This supernatural power was accidentally obtained from the fairy world. It was actually created by the immortal emperor. Unfortunately, due to the rules of the immortal way, I only comprehend one or two of it..."

Senior Sister Qingchi's lazy voice sounded in Baiyunlou's mind.

In the depths of this magical energy machine, there is actually a tiny thought hidden, and before it has time to sense it carefully, that thought has dissipated without a trace.

Hearing these words, Baiyunlou's heart was calm, and when he just realized the supernatural power, he had already realized something.

The aura of this supernatural power is actually somewhat similar to that of the Immortal Court of Nine Heavens.

Maybe the Immortal Emperor relied on this supernatural power to refine the Immortal Realm and establish an Immortal Court...

Feeling emotionally, the abyss and canyon at the bottom of the cliff gradually closed, the boundary wall melted, and the two worlds merged into one.

The fusion of the two realms of Qi caused layers of clouds and mist to come towards us with a rotten smell. The once small world of Chumo, and today's Chumoyu, were displayed in front of everyone through churning clouds and mist.

As the sun set in the west, the clouds and the rolling mountains on the opposite side were all dyed blood red.

The twilight was not over, but everyone seemed to see the night in their eyes.

Among the mountains in the distance, black clouds rolled in.


The two worlds have just merged, and they encountered such a meeting ceremony.

A figure galloped ahead like a leaf floating on the waves, as if it would be completely swallowed by the black clouds behind it in the next moment.

Hua Xiaojiu!

Haven't seen each other for many days, but goodbye is such a scene.

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