Hua Xiaojiu, who was rushing forward, climbed to the top of a tall peak, as if shocked by the sight in front of her, she couldn't help but pause slightly.

Hua Xiaojiu stopped her figure, but the magic cloud behind her didn't stop at all. She was about to rush towards her, but she was cut off by several sword lights, killing more than ten breaths, and even the magic cloud was missing a corner.

"Brother Xiaojiu..." Luo Yu also recognized the figure, and without any hesitation, he jumped off the top of the cliff and fled towards the mountain where Hua Xiaojiu stood.

Everyone also stood up, broke out of the cloud, and greeted the rolling demon cloud.

A piece of ice crystal sword light and a piece of thunder light came out extremely quickly, and landed in the magic cloud first, and each killed a piece of magic cultivator hiding in the magic cloud.

At this moment, the figures in front of everyone suddenly froze, and they all looked over their heads.

There was an extremely powerful momentum pressing down on the top of the head, and among the tumbling clouds, a giant supporting the sky appeared faintly, and a palm image was taken from the clouds.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the billowing magic cloud and a piece of undulating mountains were directly scattered by the huge palm shadow.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the air mechanism that had just stabilized in this small world shook violently again.

This move not only shocked Hua Xiaojiu who turned around to watch, but also the monks who escaped out of their bodies and were about to fight the magic cultivator in the magic cloud, they were also extremely shocked, and they all turned around to look.

On the top of the cliff, the head of the Bai family stands tall and basking in the afterglow of the setting sun. The aura looming above his head manifests a sky-reaching phantom in the clouds.

While everyone was feeling emotional, a crack in the void suddenly appeared where the shadow of the palm fell, and then the crack began to spread around like a spider web.

Not only that, the entire void began to tremble, as if it was about to shatter.

At this moment, beside the crack in the void, a figure suddenly flashed, Linglong finally arrived, pinched the magic formula in her hand, and finally controlled the spreading momentum of the crack.

Linglong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to use her supernatural powers again to heal the cracks, when suddenly a huge figure jumped in, and those cracks disappeared without a trace like melting snow and ice.

Without the slightest hesitation, Baiyun Tower directly abandoned the phantom of the sky that was derived after almost exhausting the power of the soul, and integrated into this small world through these void cracks.

In the blink of an eye, the small world that was about to shatter was completely stabilized, and the power of the rules was nearly doubled.

Linglong didn't seem to have expected such a change, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and turned her head to look at the cliff top behind her.

The elder brother on the top of the cliff's body exploded with aura, but in Linglong's eyes, he was still so casual.

After a little thought, Linglong didn't say much, and after saluting the senior brother and the two senior sisters, she left in a flash.

"It's a matter here, let's go to our respective jobs." Sensing the problem of his senior brother's aura, Xia Zhaoyang ordered crisply, and immediately fled back to the top of the cliff.

Zi Yan also fled back to the top of the cliff, with curiosity in her cold eyes.

Everyone at the bottom of the cliff stood beside the big pit of palm prints, and gathered together to make up their minds.

This Beginning Demon Realm is not too unfamiliar to some Qingyunmen disciples, such as Luo Yu, Bai Zhan and others, have all wandered here, not to mention Hua Xiaojiu who has been exploring for two years.

After some calculations, everyone planned to divide into four teams and head to the four nearest human villages.

Before leaving, Hua Xiaojiu hesitated and turned to look at the top of the cliff.

Luo Yu, who was on the side, patted Hua Xiaojiu's shoulder and sighed: "Hey, senior brother, oh, that is, your second uncle, it is really getting better and better, and we can only watch."

After sighing for a while, Luo Yu continued: "Brother Xiaojiu, Senior Sister Chaoyang has spoken, let's get down to business first. Anyway, this time we will practice here for more than two years, and there will be more opportunities to meet in the future."

"Since that's the case, let's get down to business first, brother Luo, this time I will bring you to meet some friends who share the same temperament..." Hua Xiaojiu nodded and replied.

"That's a good relationship, and I can drink to my heart's content again..." After coming here, Luo Yu's drinking capacity increased greatly, and his pride couldn't help but increase a bit.

Hua Xiaojiu smiled happily, bowed far away to the figure on the top of the cliff, then turned and left with her.

On the top of the cliff among the clouds, Xia Chaoyang quietly stood aside, waiting for his brother's body to stabilize.

After a while, Baiyunlou regained consciousness and pulled out several magical swords.

It's just that the sword shadow came out, but most of it collapsed in an instant, and finally only a dragon scale sword was left hanging in front of him.

"Fortunately, the remaining power of the soul can still control a dharma sword." Bai Yunlou raised his hand to hold the hilt of the Dragon Scale Sword, and said calmly.

"Senior brother, you lost your sense of proportion this time. With one palm, it wasted your basic knowledge. This strength has plummeted to the late stage of foundation establishment, and the strength of your soul has not reached the spirit realm." Zi Yan couldn't help sighing at the huge and wide palm print.

Raising the sword and condensing a flash of sword light, Baiyunlou replied casually: "On a whim, he displayed supernatural powers that only comprehend the superficiality. It's really easy to let go but hard to take back."

"Ah, senior brother, you should be able to recover soon..." Xia Zhaoyang asked worriedly, although he sensed the sudden drop in senior brother's aura, but did not expect his strength to be so low.

"Recovery..., this time is a bit troublesome." Bai Yunlou sighed, and then continued: "However, the power of the soul is not wasted. After all, it is my own magic weapon that benefits."

After pondering for a while, Xia Chaoyang still asked a little worriedly: "Senior Brother, will the consumption of basic knowledge affect the main body and the souls of the outside world?"

"That won't affect it, but now that the knowledge is weak, the void channel connecting with the world cannot be opened for the time being."

After a short Yunlou borrowed and said: "But don't worry, the realm of basic knowledge is still there, it's just too much consumption, experience in this small world for a period of time, kill more demons, and you'll be fine." can recover."

"Besides, due to the chance, the spiritual realm was promoted too fast, and the cultivation level has been far behind. Now, fortunately, the cultivation base and the spiritual realm are almost the same level. Senior brother, I feel an unprecedented sense of joy. I just took this opportunity to A real practice."

Hearing what the senior brother said, Xia Chaoyang was completely relieved, thought for a while, and then said in a vibrating voice: "In this case, senior brother should practice hard, and I won't follow my junior sister when I go out. I just want to learn how to draw talismans here. .”

"Alright, it seems that in the future, Senior Brother, I will have a Dao Talisman or a Spirit Talisman by my side."

Hearing that his senior brother agreed with this matter, Xia Zhaoyang immediately smiled, raised his cloud head with his thoughts, and wrapped Xiao Xun and Linghe Xiaobai who were in a daze beside him to his side.

Baiyunlou was not polite, and stepped forward, and now his cultivation base is weak, and he can't even use Yujian's flying supernatural power, so he can only rub his junior sister's cloud head.

There was a bit of a smile in Zi Yan's eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly curved, and then she stepped up to the head of the cloud, but her figure flashed, and a soul split out of form.

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