This time, the split soul of the metamorphosis was extremely deserted, and it was the Xuan Bing split soul.

After the energy was stabilized, Zi Yan's sub-soul directly said goodbye and left, and the direction of escape was the Chu Demon Realm.

The soul that escaped halfway suddenly disappeared, and was already several miles away when it appeared.

Needless to say, this time, Junior Sister Ziyan was worried that the Chunyang split soul would cause another big mess, so she changed to a calmer soul split to practice instinctively.

Something happened here, Xia Chaoyang lifted the cloud head directly and left the cliff top, but the direction of escape was towards the holy lake area.

"Brother, let's go pick up Seventh Sister and Little Eleven first, we promised them earlier." Xia Zhaoyang explained while concentrating on sensing the aura of the two friends.

"Well, they were out of luck, just in time for the small tower to collapse..." Baiyunlou nodded in response and sighed casually.

"That's right, the two of them have already perfected the Concentration Art..., this Hua Xiaojiu is really, I haven't seen Feng Qimei for a year or two, and I didn't mention a word when we met just now, it's really strange..."

When it came to Hua Xiaojiu, Xia Chaoyang, who had always been a little confused, seemed to wake up suddenly, and explained Hua Xiaojiu's problem in one word.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou helped Xiao Jiu explain: "Maybe my senior brother's palm was too shocking, Xiao Jiu forgot?"

"It's for sure that I forgot, but whether it's because of the senior brother's slap or not, I can't say for sure." Discussing such things as children's affection, Xia Chaoyang's thoughts were very clear.


As soon as Xia Chaoyang started talking, he couldn't stop talking, from Hua Xiaojiu talking about Luo Yu, then to Xiao Jing, Bai Zhan and others, and even talked about the interesting stories of Huo Tong and Taoyao.

It seems that during this period of time, the elder brother was not by his side, and the eldest princess Chaoyang was not idle, and she even secretly learned a lot of secrets.

These mundane events were told by Xia Chaoyang brilliantly, even with a bit of thrilling feeling, Baiyun Tower couldn't help but find it very interesting.

When the two were chatting, Ziyan's aura was ups and downs, but with a certain rhythm. Obviously, the cultivation of Xuanbing Soul Separation was very smooth, and there were not many accidents.

While practicing, Zi Yan was also attracted by Xiao Chaoyang's words, and the light of dancing fireworks appeared in her eyes from time to time.

While talking, the three of them landed on the bank of the holy lake. The two riding on the back of Linglu were Feng Qimei and Hua Shishi, and a leopard was behind them.


"Second Uncle..."

The two women exclaimed at the same time, and immediately turned over and jumped off the deer's back.

Looking at the appearance of the two, Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help asking in surprise: "Did you two go into the lake to catch fish just now? Why are you all wet?"

Feng Qimei and the two looked at each other, and said helplessly: "When we passed the holy lake just now, the void was turbulent. We thought that the sacred stone had moved before, so we went to look for it on the lake, but just halfway through the longitudinal movement, suddenly The sky spun, and it fell directly into the lake."

Hua Shishi on the side answered, "It wasn't until I woke up to the shore that I realized that the problem was serious. It seemed that we had weakened a lot. Whether it was the longitudinal speed or the strength of the feather arrows, it seemed that they were only 30% of the original speed. .”

While speaking, he shot an arrow smoothly.

The feather arrow shot out quickly, and at the same time, a sword light also flashed out.

Li Xu away, the feather arrow was caught by Jian Guang when it was about to hit the ground, and turned back in front of several people in a moment.

"Actually, it's not that you have become weaker, but that this world has become stronger... The reason for the turmoil in the void just now is that this place has merged with the upper realm in your eyes, which is the upper realm that Xiao Jiu went to." Baiyunlou He took the feather arrow from the dragon scale sword and handed it to Hua Shishi.

"The two worlds really merged... So, can we go directly to the upper world to look for brother Jiu?" Feng Qimei asked in surprise, Hua Shiyi took the feather arrow and looked at it with expectation Second uncle.

Although they had heard about it from the goddess before, the two still couldn't believe it once their thoughts came true.

"Of course, we have just returned from the place where the two worlds merge, and we have actually met your little brother Jiu, come up, sister will take you there..." Xia Zhaoyang greeted the two of them.

Zi Yan raised her hand and sent out a wave of heat, blowing away all the water stains around the two of them.

"Sister Chaoyang, sister Ziyan, your magical skills are really getting more and more amazing..." Feng Qimei's words revealed envy, and she pulled Hua Shiyi to jump onto the cloud head.

"Yes, Second Uncle, when will we be able to learn the art of Yu Kong?" Hua Shiyi has always been obsessed with Yu Kong Xingxing.

"After the fusion of the two worlds, there are no too many restrictions on the practice of supernatural powers..." Bai Yunlou replied casually.

"Seventh Sister, Little Eleven, when we get to the ground, my sister will take the time to teach you some exercises and spells." The enthusiastic Chaoyang Goddess took the initiative to take over the teaching position.

While speaking, Xia Zhaoyang lifted his cloud head and wrapped the two spirit deer and a leopard accompanying him, and fled towards the western sky.

Everyone walked against the clouds, climbed over the high mountains, paused for a moment above the huge palm print, and then fled to the northwest.

Talking freely along the way, Feng Qimei and the two completely understood the changes after the fusion of the two worlds, and Hua Shishi even used the evergreen technique.

A long time ago, Hua Shiyi had inherited the Evergreen Technique from Goddess Chaoyang, but because of the restrictions imposed by the rules, it was impossible to perform it successfully.

After trying again today, he was able to use his true energy, and Xiao Shixi jumped up on the cloud head excitedly.

Under the guidance of Goddess Ziyan, Feng Qimei learned the art of imperial archery.

It's just that because he has just started, this archery control can only slightly control the trajectory of the feather arrow in the air, but it also surprises Feng Qimei.

In order to thank Goddess Ziyan, Feng Qimei revealed a lot of interesting things between her and Hua Xiaojiu in quite detail.

Although I don't know why this goddess became interested in common things in the lower world, but in order to learn the supernatural powers of the upper Feng Qimei even whispered the private vows with Hua Xiaojiujian.

The three people on the head of the cloud are all people with sharp eyes and ears, even though their voices were low, they still heard them clearly.

"Hua Xiaojiu also said this?" Xia Zhaoyang immediately became interested when he heard the words, and immediately stepped forward to ask Feng Qimei carefully.

Sect Master Bai sighed softly, stood up on the cloud head, calmly concentrated, and practiced swordsmanship simply.

It took only half a stick of incense to escape before and after, and the few people landed in front of the gate of a cottage.

This cottage was built along the cliffs, and there was only one path leading to the gate of the village, so it was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Hua Xiaojiu, Luo Yu and others received the message from Senior Sister Chaoyang in advance, and they were already waiting outside the gate of the village.

A warm greeting is indispensable when the two parties meet, but the woman who follows Hua Xiaojiu is quite eye-catching.

This girl has delicate features and delicate features, looking at her eyes, it seems that she is very attached to Hua Xiaojiu.

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