Latest website: Joining hands with the sect master to slay demons, although Bai Zhan and the others could not comprehend the true meaning of the Chunyu swordsmanship, they each gained something.

Bai Zhan has a new understanding of the way of switching from attacking to defending swordsmanship. Only with ideas and interests can one have direction and gain in practice.

Luo Yu sensed the traces of the Dao of Wind from the rain all over the sky, and had a great understanding of the Dao of Wind.

Not only that, but Master Bai's control of the timing and exploration of the flaws of the magic cultivator were so ingenious that everyone saw his potential.

The move and entry of the senior brother in charge boosted the momentum of Bai Zhan and the others, and their momentum surpassed that of Fatty's Demon Slayer team for a while.

Even though the little fat man's team includes Luo Li, a master of the Great Demon Realm, and Xiao Jing's illusion, the little fat man is still envious of Bai Zhan and others.

Being able to fight side by side with the senior brother in charge, the harvest is naturally extraordinary.

Of course, this has something to do with the members of Fatty's team. In addition to the two main attackers and one person's illusion support, there are only a group of weak little fox demons left in the team.

The white fox elders who accompanied him were too old to help him at all. At most, he took advantage of his free time to give advice to a group of little fox demons behind him on their cultivation and the way to display their supernatural powers.

Relying on the soul of the Yang God Realm, the little fat man ran amok in the holy lake area, and he and Luo Li worked together to clear up many evil monster caves, so his strength increased extremely quickly.

After arriving in the Beginning Demon Realm, after more than a month of wandering, slaying demons and demons, he piled up his cultivation to the Nascent Soul Realm.

After his cultivation level skyrocketed again, the little fat man became more energetic, and joined hands with Luo Li to penetrate through several big devil's caves one after another, winning the limelight for a while.

Because of this, Xiao Jing occasionally accompanied him, picking up some aura that dissipated when the big devil fell.

During this period of time, being praised by a group of little fox demons all day long, the little fat man was a little bit smug, until he met Bai Zhan's demon-killing team.

Knowing that the elder brother joined Bai Zhan's demon-slaying team, the little fat man made a special trip to watch the fun with all the fox demons, and he was ashamed immediately after seeing it.

In the hearty fighting, everyone in the team showed their full strength. Although no one in the team had broken through the fairyland cultivation base, and the senior brother hadn't even condensed the golden core, but with the extremely tacit cooperation, the The speed of the big demon is not slow at all.

Under heavy pressure, the improved resilience is real.

Blindly pursuing improvement of cultivation base here, even if the cultivation base breaks through one after another and leaves the illusion, it will not restore the original shape in an instant.

After watching this, not only the little fat man came to his senses, even Xiao Jing was greatly inspired.

Since taking over the task coordination in the holy lake area, Xiao Jing has been handling it with great care, and has managed the complicated tasks in various places in an orderly manner.

The hundreds of demon caves in the entire holy lake area were able to be wiped out within one and a half months, and Xiaojing can be said to have contributed a lot.

After arriving in the First Demon Realm, the tasks are even more complicated. It takes a lot of effort to deal with these tasks, but it also allows Xiaojing to see the difference between the two realms.

Compared with the holy lake region, the monsters in the Chu Demon Realm have a higher level of overall strength.

After realizing this, Xiao Jing decided to take the time to improve her cultivation, so as not to get the next few small worlds and be crushed by a few little monsters casually.

So Xiaojing found her second brother, and together with a group of little fox monsters, they gathered their spirit energy. After going back and forth, the results were not bad, and they easily broke through to the Golden Core realm.

Originally, from Xiao Jing's point of view, there was a second brother in the fight, and Luo Li's powerful illusion was supplemented, and he was only at the Golden Core level, so he didn't seem to be able to help.

After seeing the methods of the senior brother in charge, Xiaojing suddenly thought of the euphemistic reminder from sister Chaoyang.

Coming here to practice is not only to help the senior brother complete the task of breaking the boundary, but also to let the young disciples sharpen their minds and practice supernatural powers.

Xiaojing recalled the words at that time again, and then realized that the little disciple in sister Chaoyang's words naturally included herself, and she has been enthusiastic about task coordination these days, and has completely forgotten the original intention of coming here.

The overall arrangement of the missions was really good. In less than five months, the barriers of the two major realms had been broken, and even the mission of breaking the realms of the Chu Demon Realm was almost completed.

In less than half a year, more than 30% of the progress of breaking the boundary has been completed. It is time to adjust the state, and the practice experience of myself and the group of monks from the chamber of commerce cannot be left behind.

After some thinking, Xiaojing has a new plan and decides to change from herself.

Just kill the big monster...

Taking out the collected information, Xiao Jing carefully checked the progress of the boundary-breaking task, only to find that there are not many big monsters left in the Chu Demon Realm.

He picked one at random, called his second brother, and hurriedly headed towards Yuyun, the magic cave.

Elder Xiaojing told her that Luo Li didn't need to take action this time, and just concentrate on protecting a group of little fox demons.

On the way, just to be cautious, Xiao Jing carefully checked the information of this big monster.

Timid and photophobic, he is obsessed with rat demons. Although he has the strength of a great demon, he does not have powerful witchcraft. He stays day and night, causing disasters everywhere.

Most of these messages are obtained from the mission itself, and generally there is nothing wrong with it.

When they got to the ground, the little fat man and Xiao Jing made a plan, and without much hesitation, they rushed directly into the magic cave.

In the dark depths of the devil's cave, the two successfully found the sleeping rat demon, not counting the long tail, the body was nearly ten feet long, and the demonic energy was everywhere around him.

The mouse demon's consciousness is not weak, and he sensed the breath of a human monk in his deep sleep, and without a moment's hesitation, he turned his head and burrowed into the big hole on his side.

It's a pity that when I met the little fat man, the earth-moving magical powers were used, and most of the criss-crossed caves under the magic cave collapsed in an instant.

Not only that, under the guidance of supernatural powers, the rat demon who had escaped into the earth and rocks unknowingly went back into the magic cave.

A great battle broke out in the devil's lair, and the little fat man, relying on his superb earth-moving supernatural powers and strong wind sword intent, cut the rat demon to the point where there was little room for retaliation.

Seeing this opportunity, Xiao Jing took advantage of the situation and pulled the mouse monster's magic consciousness into the The magic consciousness entered the illusion, and the mouse monster subconsciously curled up into a ball, using all its protective powers .

In order to obliterate her demonic consciousness, Xiao Jing resorted to all means.

Knowing that the rat demon is timid and afraid of light, he directly evolved a giant dragon in the illusion to devour it, and at the same time evolved a sky full of thunder that struck down in unison.

Under these methods, the mouse demon's demon consciousness was indeed depleted extremely quickly, and the demon consciousness was trapped, and its body's magical powers of protection were quickly cut by the little fat man.

At a certain moment, the rat demon's magic consciousness suddenly condensed, and he woke up from the Dongzang XZ, forcibly broke free from the shackles of the illusion, and returned to his body.

The return of the magic consciousness seemed to activate the nature of the rat demon, and it began to go berserk.

The strength of the berserk rat demon has soared several times, and even the little fat man's earth-moving magical powers can't suppress it.

Under the turbulent energy, the mouse demon had the idea of ​​revenge, and instantly crushed Xiaojing's incarnation.

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