The latest website: Although the strength of the rat demon has skyrocketed several times, the little fat man did not back down in the slightest. On the contrary, he became more and more courageous as he fought.

In the end, one man and one mouse broke through the ground and fought in groups among the mountains.

Powerful spells and magical powers criss-crossed, and the impacting rocks collapsed and flew around.

After the berserk, the Rat Demon seemed to have only the instinct of fighting, but no pain or fear. Even if the demon body was broken, it did not stop thinking about desperately.

With Luo Li protecting them, this fight was a joy for a group of little fox demons to watch.

The re-formed Xiao Jing flew towards him, and as soon as he escaped from the misty illusion, he was once again targeted by the rat demon, and there was no suitable opportunity to display his magical powers.

Unable to pull the mouse demon into the illusion, Xiaojing simply casts his adept rainbow light and thunder shadow, trying to influence the mouse demon's judgment.

Fortunately, the Rat Demon was stimulated again, but became a little more awake, and immediately turned and fled. The escaping speed under the berserk was extremely fast, and the two little fat guys were thrown away quite a bit in an instant.

Fortunately, the rat monster ran amok while fleeing, and the traces along the way were extremely obvious.

After the two of them caught up with the rat monster, the other big monster had already been swallowed by it.

This time, the two little fat guys felt troublesome, and the strength of the rat demon skyrocketed again, and the scene was a little out of control.

And after the rat demon tasted the sweetness, he didn't get entangled with the two of them at all, and rushed down to a devil's lair following his aura.

Seeing that the rat demon could not be suppressed, the two of them sent messages to their senior brothers and sisters while chasing after them.

After all, the mutation of the rat demon may affect the stability of this small world, and even bring incalculable damage to the native creatures here.

When the two chased to the last magic cave, they saw an extremely shocking scene.

A gigantic python several feet long was devoured by the mouse demon, which was full of devilish energy.

The rat demon that swallowed five demonized big demons in a row not only increased its momentum, but also expanded its demon body several times.

Forcibly devouring the demonized monster like this, the shape of the monster's body has also changed a lot, and the sharp breath of the mouse teeth revealed, as if it could bite into pieces of spiritual weapons and magic weapons.

The scales growing all over the body look extremely tough, and the sharp claws seem to be even tougher, and it is extremely easy to cut through solid stones.

Not only that, but the slender rat tail was also replaced by a more imposing python tail.

Before the transformation was completed, the little fat man rushed forward, swung his big sword and violently slashed at the rat demon who had almost lost its true form.

There was a crisp sound of "Dang", like the clanging of metal and iron, and the sound shook the whole field.

This sword failed to injure the rat monster's body, but the little fat man's transformed dharma body was slapped away by one of its claws.

Fortunately, the little fat man was also rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and the sharpness of his sharp claws did not hurt his muscles and bones.

The soaring strength of the demonized rat demon devoured the remaining big monster, and immediately lost the thought of running away, and began to turn around and pounce on the two of them.

Relying on his physical strength and strong sword intent, the little fat man can last a while longer.

The mouse demon came in dodge, and Xiao Jing cast the body of cloud and mist into void in desperation, and escaped temporarily.

Seeing that the little mirror that had turned into a cloud was about to be devoured by the rat demon, a slash of wind and sword intent struck, enveloping the cloud in an instant.

This kind of movement finally attracted Bai Zhan and others from Baiyun Tower, and it was just in time, the head master Bai rescued Xiao Jing from the monster's mouth.

With the eyes of the sky, Baiyun Tower can see clearly that if it is really swallowed by this rat demon, it may not be as simple as reshaping, and it should be the original consciousness that is lost.

If the mind is exhausted, it will recover after a sleep, and if the original consciousness is exhausted, it can only recover a little bit.

At that time, Baiyun Tower was short-handed, and he used the supernatural powers of the law, heaven and earth, which he had just started, and almost exhausted his original knowledge.

Basic knowledge is the foundation of a monk, so Baiyun Tower pays special attention to the devouring magical power of the rat demon.

"Xiao Jing, this demon has become a climate, don't be tough with it, and use the transformation technique well..." Facing a powerful enemy, Master Bai taught by example, and when he slashed the spring rain sword intent at the demonized rat demon, The air around the body seemed to have turned into a bamboo leaf.

But this time there seemed to be an accident. As soon as the Spring Rain Sword Yi Fang fell, the rat demon overreacted and went berserk again. His sharp claws and rat tail stirred up countless stones, and carrying the sky machine, he rushed to the place where the Baiyun Tower and the others were hiding. pounced on.

"Is this rat demon crazy..." Facing such an accident, the head master Bai was also speechless, and immediately put away the transformation air machine, preparing to flee with Xiaojing and others.

But it seemed a bit late, the mouse monster was extremely fierce and fierce.

At this moment, Baiyunlou felt something in his mind, suddenly paused, and turned to look at the extremely distorted and weird rat demon.

Seeing this, Xiao Jing couldn't help being startled, thinking that the elder brother's cultivation base had recovered, and planned to kill the monster with his own hands, but when Tan Nian sensed it, he couldn't help panicking.

The strength of the senior brother in charge has not changed...

Just as she was panicking, Xiao Jing suddenly heard a "bang" sound, and a phantom of a white dragon's tail flashed in the clouds in front of her, instantly knocking the rat monster off the spot.

The mouse demon was completely awakened by the phantom of the dragon's tail, and his violent demonic energy immediately calmed down. Although he still had more than half of his strength left, his cowardly temperament was exposed again. His two mouse eyes turned around, obviously looking for escape opportunity.

It's just that as soon as Qi Fang moved, he was locked on by a Xeon Qi machine, and immediately froze on the spot.

Before everyone could react, a crescent moon of light blue ice crystals pierced through the sky from a very far distance, directly cutting into the body of the rat demon, and the extreme coldness instantly sealed it up.

With a bang, the rat demon's body split into large and small crystals and gradually dissipated into the void.

A large amount of spiritual energy was dispersed, and all the monks within a few miles got something, and the nearest Baiyun Tower gained a lot.

"After all, absolute strength is so refreshing..." Bai Yunlou sighed with emotion, let go of the suppression of the mind a little, and incorporated a large amount of spiritual energy into the transformed body.

There was a burst of illusory fluctuations in the transformed body, and when it stabilized, it already had a golden core cultivation base, and the realm of the soul broke through to the realm of the spirit and god.

Gathering his thoughts back to his senses, Baiyunlou opened his eyes, and the two junior sisters, Chaoyang and Ziyan, were already standing in front of him.

Only then did he feel that the senior brother was in danger of falling into the The two shot at the same time, one shot the rat demon in the air, and the other killed it directly, really decisive and swift.

Looking at the pretty faces of the two junior sisters, Baiyun Tower was about to say something when the entire void suddenly became turbulent again.

With the dissipation of the rat demon body, the small world began to merge again...

This fusion, Baiyunlou lost interest in watching it, and immediately said to Junior Sister Chaoyang: "Chaoyang, you should go to the fusion place to see, after all, you can earn some consummation, brother, I will go back to the inn to rest... "

While speaking, the Dragon Scale Sword came out from the sky, and the Baiyun Tower stepped up to get the magic sword.

"Chaoyang, I've been busy practicing. I haven't got together for a while. You can arrange it at the inn. Don't forget to invite the shopkeepers over..."

After the junior sister responded with a firm voice, Baiyunlou took up the sword light and fled away in the air.

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