There is Room For a Beautiful Daughter-in-law In the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1284: You are the only one who is wrong

Mr. Ye waved his hand and said, "You don't have to worry about me. I'll just have clear soup or let them prepare other food."

Ye Liyan thought this was okay, so he went to the door to say a few words to the people accompanying Mr. Ye.

 After he came back and sat down, he looked at He Jinxuan and said, "Has the matter with the transportation company been done?"

He Jinxuan put down the cup in his hand: "Not yet, but just give the favor to the leader directly, and he will naturally take care of it. I don't know how many people in his hometown want him to help arrange work."

Ye Liyan said: "Then why does he advise you to find someone to replace you first instead of buying the job directly?"

He Jinxuan laughed: "He also joined the army and changed his career, and he still has some friendship with me. Besides, buying a job requires money. Who will pay for it? It's different for substitutes. You can learn skills and get a salary." "

 Xinyan had never thought about it this way before: "Although she may not be well-educated, her emotional intelligence is not low."

He Jinxuan didn’t understand: “What do you mean?”

Xinyan then remembered that the word ‘emotional intelligence’ was not familiar to everyone now, so she explained it briefly.

Not to mention He Jinxuan, even Ye Liyan, who is engaged in scientific research, said that he was taught.

 After that, the few of them talked about business.

Mr. Ye interjected at this time: "My industry will start to move back to China little by little from the end of the year. The initial business can be handed over to your transportation company."

He Jinxuan naturally would not refuse: "Then thank you for your support."

He understood that Mr. Ye would definitely have his own transport fleet in the future, so being able to receive the initial business would be a big deal for them.

Now his small transportation company does not lack business, but has too much business and is overwhelmed. After the Chinese New Year, he is thinking about picking up new cars.

The construction team and decoration team he will recruit next will also start action in full swing after the year. There are already some things to look forward to in the past few months, and by the end of the year, the procedures should be almost complete.

 He contacted many retired comrades years ago, and with their joining after the year, he believes everything will be easy.

Ye Liyan gave a thumbs up: "You couple are so capable. You are all so capable."

Xinyan saw that the time was up and stood up to remove the needle.

I heard He Jinxuan joke: "We can't do it if we don't work hard, but we don't have a rich dad like Mr. Ye."

Ye Liyan raised his hand to stop him: "Okay, stop it, you don't have it, but Xinyan does, and the Gu family's property abroad is no less than that of my old man."

He Jinxuan looked at Xinyan with gentle eyes: "That's why I have to work harder, I can't just settle for nothing."

When several people heard what he said, they all laughed.

After pulling out all the needles, Ye Liyan stepped forward and helped the old man up: "I don't have the brains for business, so I'd better just do my scientific research honestly.

My old man told me before that he doesn’t expect me, and he will take good care of the two younger ones in the future. I am prepared to take care of the old ones now and the young ones later. "

As soon as he said this, the whole room couldn't stop laughing. Mr. Ye, who was drinking water, burst out laughing: "Are you really so embarrassed?"

Ye Liyan waved his hands and said, "What am I sorry for? My father has never taken care of me in these years. I think you have no problem with me, right?"

On one side is my son. I worked hard to raise them when they were young. It is only natural that I bite them in the future. Even if they are unwilling, they have to endure it. "

Mr. Ye laughed and scolded: "You are the only one with the most lies." (End of Chapter)

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