With Mr. Ye's arrangement, she naturally had the hot pot she wanted to eat in the evening.

  As for Mr. Ye, naturally he was given nutritious meals.

 Speaking of tomorrow's arrangements, Xinyan looked at the two little guys: "We are going back to the machinery factory tomorrow. Do you want to come with us?"

The two little guys were extremely excited after hearing this. Ye Siyan ran to Xinyan: "Auntie, we are willing."

 Ever since they knew they were going back to Sanyuan, they had been looking forward to returning to the machinery factory. They missed their friends.

Looking at the looks of the two of them, Xinyan laughed: "Then you guys go to bed early at night, and we'll set off early tomorrow morning."

Ye Sili said at this time: "Auntie, it's snowing and the ground is all white now. Will it affect our schedule tomorrow?"

 He was really afraid that the snow would be too heavy and would affect his travels.

Xinyan stood up and looked out the window: "It should be fine. It's not too far away anyway. In the worst case, we can take the Liberation back home."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ye Sili and Ye Syan shuddered at the same time.

It's not that they dislike the Great Liberation for not being grand enough, and they don't know if their aunt is serious about coming, considering how cold it is sitting in the back of the car?

When Xinyan saw their appearance, she laughed and said, "Look, I scared you."

Ye Siyan is young after all: "Auntie, we really have to take the liberation to go back. How cold will it be, and we won't be frozen into ice cubes?"

As soon as he said this, everyone in the room laughed.

Ye Liyan still couldn't see his son being teased: "Silly son, even if you really want to sit down, I won't freeze you, don't worry.

 I’ll prepare all the gifts you want to take home. We’ll go back to the machine factory after breakfast tomorrow. Dad will definitely do what he promised you. "

The two young Jiaqiu were now satisfied and said in unison: "Thank you, Dad."

Originally, Mr. Ye wanted Xinyan and He Jinxuan to live in the hotel, but they did not agree. He Jinxuan said: "My sister-in-law has spent a lot of effort to clean up the house. It is not good for us to live outside. If it snows too much, we won’t be able to come and have breakfast with you tomorrow morning. By then, we’ll just wait for you at home to pick you up. Anyway, it’s a ride.”

Ye Liyan nodded: "Okay, you can drive back. Is it still snowing outside?"

Xinyan waved her hands and said, "No, we're not far away. Let's just take a walk in the snow."

Ye Sili brought two umbrellas over and said, "Uncle, aunt, take the umbrellas with you, because then you won't be able to take off your clothes."

Xinyan hugged Ye Sili and said, "Our Sili is so smart."

Her actions made Ye Sili blush: "Auntie, I am already a grown-up child."

This cute appearance made Xinyan amused: "No matter how old you are, you are still my aunt's baby. Why, you can't hold her anymore."

 Ye Sili blushed and waved his hands hurriedly: "No."

 As a result, Ye Siyan squeezed in and said, "Auntie, I'm still young, please hold me."

Ye Sili elbowed his brother and said, "You have your business everywhere."

Ye Siyan stuck out his tongue at his brother: "You said you were old, so I came here. Why are you so fickle?"

 Listen, when did this little guy learn the word?

Xinyan laughed: "Si Yan, where did you learn this term?"

Ye Siyan asked in confusion: "Which word?"

Ye Sili reminded: "Fickle? Where did you hear that?"

Ye Siyan scratched his head: "Teacher Zhang from Yuhong Class said that men are fickle. What's wrong? Am I wrong?" (End of Chapter)

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