When Li Fengjie saw Gu Changfeng and Zheng Xinyue, she immediately wanted to avoid them. She was embarrassed by the imposter. Her aunt refused to take her in despite her words, so she knelt on the ground and suffered. It was only through pleading that she was allowed to stay in the city for another month.

This month was her last chance, so she couldn't wait to find a city man to marry so that she wouldn't have to go back to the countryside.

Just after the blind date, I didn't expect to meet Zheng Xinyue and Gu Changfeng on a narrow road! He glanced at Zheng Xinyue secretly, with resentment in his eyes, even if he waited another three to five days for her to show up!

She obviously already had a job and a registered permanent residence in the city, just because she flew away.

It hurts her to be blindly dated by those who are disabled or widowers whose wives have died. People like this still don't like her!

"What are you doing standing here?"

A middle-aged man and woman came up behind Li Fengjie. The woman had a mean face. Seeing Li Fengjie standing there timidly and not moving, he pushed her hard.

"If you don't agree with this today, go back to the countryside tomorrow and don't care about your identity? How dare you pick on someone else if you have a broken rural household registration and your family can't stir up trouble?"

The woman cursed incessantly, and her eyes were full of disgust and disgust. She looked at Li Fengjie as if she were looking at a burden and garbage.

Li Fengjie quickly lowered her head, holding back the tears in her eyes and hurried forward. When she passed by Zheng Xinyue, she saw the bright red scarf around Zheng Xinyue's neck. Envy and jealousy flashed in her eyes, but after meeting Zheng Xinyue's gaze, she hurriedly lowered her head. The head left quickly.

"Daughter-in-law, don't force Fengjie. This is really not good today. He is a fool. If Fengjie marries him, won't it be ruined for the rest of his life?"

The man begged softly to the mean-looking woman. The way he looked at the woman was cautious and flattering, as if he was particularly afraid of her.

"What's wrong with you, idiot? My parents are both working. In the past, it was the young lady who enjoyed the blessings. I am now suffering from poverty and starvation because of marrying a loser like you. I got married a few years ago, and it was not easy to help her find a good family. She can't Okay, isn’t it just for me to give her a hug? Then slap her! What should I tell the introducer? Her son is a precious egg!”

The woman was immediately annoyed and glared at the man fiercely, regardless of whether there was anyone in front of her? He opened his mouth to curse, and his words were extremely harsh.

The man was so obedient that he didn't dare to say anything more, but there was still some distress in his eyes. The woman exploded when she saw this, pointing at him and yelling at him!

"Are you distressed? I feel sorry for you to send her back to the countryside! Don't come back with me either. How much food does such a big girl have to eat in a day? I owe you Lao Li's family? You brought her here without discussing it with me. You said She only stayed for one day, and now it's been a month and she still doesn't leave. She pretends to be pitiful and honest day by day. Let me tell you, she has a dark heart! Even her damn mother is about to die and she won't go back. Isn't she reluctant to live a good life in the city? "

The woman's scolding was getting farther and farther away, but Zheng Xinyue didn't think there was anything wrong with this woman being mean and shrewd. She even admired her for her sharp eyesight. Like her mother, she could see through the essence of people at a glance.

Li Fengjie is just like what this woman said, with a dark heart underneath his honest appearance.

"Let's go!"

Gu Changfeng calmly withdrew his gaze and said to Zheng Xinyue that he didn't care about other people's affairs.


Zheng Xinyue nodded in agreement, got on the back of the car and hugged Gu Changfeng's strong waist generously. A smile flashed in Gu Changfeng's eyes, and he quickly pedaled his bicycle towards the direction of leaving the city.

"Her family is in the Fifth Red Flag Corps. There is a long mountain road from the city to the countryside."

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